#!/usr/bin/ruby ## $Id$ ## Copyright (C) 2006 Daigo Moriwaki ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # This calculates rating scores of every players from CSA files, and outputs a # yaml file (players.yaml) that Shogi Server can read. # # Sample: # $ ./mk_rate . > players.yaml # # The conditions that games and players are rated as following: # * Rated games, which were played by both rated players. # * Rated players, who logged in the server with a name followed by a trip: # "name,trip". # * (Rated) players, who played more than $GAMES_LIMIT [ten] (rated) games. # # # PREREQUIRE # ========== # # Sample Commands to isntall prerequires will work for Debian. # # * Rubygems # $ sudo aptitude install rubygems # # * Ruby bindings for the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) # $ sudo aptitude install libgsl-ruby1.8 # Or, download it from http://rb-gsl.rubyforge.org/ . # # * RGL: Ruby Graph Library # $ sudo gem install rgl # Or, download it from http://rubyforge.org/projects/rgl/ . # require 'yaml' require 'time' require 'gsl' require 'rubygems' require 'rgl/adjacency' require 'rgl/connected_components' ################################################# # Constants # # Count out players who play less games than $GAMES_LIMIT $GAMES_LIMIT = $DEBUG ? 0 : 10 WIN_MARK = "win" LOSS_MARK = "lose" DRAW_MARK = "draw" # Holds players $players = Hash.new # Holds the last time when a player gamed $players_time = Hash.new { Time.at(0) } ################################################# # Keeps the value of the lowest key # class Record def initialize @lowest = [] end def set(key, value) if @lowest.empty? || key < @lowest[0] @lowest = [key, value] end end def get if @lowest.empty? nil else @lowest[1] end end end ################################################# # Calculates rates of every player from a Win Loss GSL::Matrix # class Rating include Math # The model of the win possibility is 1/(1 + 10^(-d/400)). # The equation in this class is 1/(1 + e^(-Kd)). # So, K should be calculated like this. K = Math.log(10.0) / 400.0 # Convergence limit to stop Newton method. ERROR_LIMIT = 1.0e-3 # Stop Newton method after this iterations. COUNT_MAX = 500 # Average rate among the players AVERAGE_RATE = 1000 ############### # Class methods # ## # Calcurates the average of the vector. # def Rating.average(vector, mean=0.0) sum = Array(vector).inject(0.0) {|sum, n| sum + n} vector -= GSL::Vector[*Array.new(vector.size, sum/vector.size - mean)] vector end ################## # Instance methods # def initialize(win_loss_matrix) @record = Record.new @n = win_loss_matrix case @n when GSL::Matrix, GSL::Matrix::Int @size = @n.size1 when ::Matrix @size = @n.row_size else raise ArgumentError end initial_rate end attr_reader :rate, :n def player_vector GSL::Vector[* (0...@size).collect {|k| yield k} ] end def each_player (0...@size).each {|k| yield k} end ## # The possibility that the player k will beet the player i. # def win_rate(k,i) 1.0/(1.0 + exp(@rate[i]-@rate[k])) end ## # Most possible equation # def func_vector player_vector do|k| sum = 0.0 each_player do |i| next if i == k sum += @n[k,i] * win_rate(i,k) - @n[i,k] * win_rate(k,i) end sum * 2.0 end end ## # / f0/R0 f0/R1 f0/R2 ... \ # dfk/dRj = | f1/R0 f1/R1 f1/R2 ... | # \ f2/R0 f2/R1 f2/R2 ... / def d_func(k,j) sum = 0.0 if k == j each_player do |i| next if i == k sum += win_rate(i,k) * win_rate(k,i) * (@n[k,i] + @n[i,k]) end sum *= -2.0 else # k != j sum = 2.0 * win_rate(j,k) * win_rate(k,j) * (@n[k,j] + @n[j,k]) end sum end ## # Jacobi matrix of the func(). # m00 m01 # m10 m11 # def j_matrix GSL::Matrix[* (0...@size).collect do |k| (0...@size).collect do |j| d_func(k,j) end end ] end ## # The initial value of the rate, which is of very importance for Newton method. # This is based on my huristics; the higher the win probablity of a player is, # the greater points he takes. # def initial_rate possibility = player_vector do |k| v = GSL::Vector[0, 0] each_player do |i| next if k == i v += GSL::Vector[@n[k,i], @n[i,k]] end v.nrm2 < 1 ? 0 : v[0] / (v[0] + v[1]) end rank = possibility.sort_index @rate = player_vector do |k| K*500 * (rank[k]+1) / @size end average! end ## # Resets @rate as the higher the current win probablity of a player is, # the greater points he takes. # def initial_rate2 @rate = @record.get || @rate rank = @rate.sort_index @rate = player_vector do |k| K*@count*1.5 * (rank[k]+1) / @size end average! end # mu is the deaccelrating parameter in Deaccelerated Newton method def deaccelrate(mu, old_rate, a, old_f_nrm2) @rate = old_rate - a * mu if func_vector.nrm2 < (1 - mu / 4.0 ) * old_f_nrm2 then return end if mu < 1e-4 @record.set(func_vector.nrm2, @rate) initial_rate2 return end $stderr.puts "mu: %f " % [mu] if $DEBUG deaccelrate(mu*0.5, old_rate, a, old_f_nrm2) end ## # Main process to calculate ratings. # def rating # Counter to stop the process. # Calulation in Newton method may fall in an infinite loop @count = 0 # Main loop begin # Solve the equation: # J*a=f # @rate_(n+1) = @rate_(n) - a # # f.nrm2 should approach to zero. f = func_vector j = j_matrix # $stderr.puts "j: %s" % [j.inspect] if $DEBUG $stderr.puts "f: %s -> %f" % [f.to_a.inspect, f.nrm2] if $DEBUG # GSL::Linalg::LU.solve or GSL::Linalg::HH.solve would be available instead. a = GSL::Linalg::SV.solve(j, f) a = self.class.average(a) # $stderr.puts "a: %s -> %f" % [a.to_a.inspect, a.nrm2] if $DEBUG # Deaccelerated Newton method # GSL::Vector object should be immutable. old_rate = @rate old_f = f old_f_nrm2 = old_f.nrm2 deaccelrate(1.0, old_rate, a, old_f_nrm2) @record.set(func_vector.nrm2, @rate) $stderr.printf "|error| : %5.2e\n", a.nrm2 if $DEBUG @count += 1 if @count > COUNT_MAX $stderr.puts "Values seem to oscillate. Stopped the process." $stderr.puts "f: %s -> %f" % [func_vector.to_a.inspect, func_vector.nrm2] break end end while (a.nrm2 > ERROR_LIMIT * @rate.nrm2) @rate = @record.get $stderr.puts "resolved f: %s -> %f" % [func_vector.to_a.inspect, func_vector.nrm2] if $DEBUG @rate *= 1.0/K finite! self end ## # Make the values of @rate finite. # def finite! @rate = @rate.collect do |a| if a.infinite? a.infinite? * AVERAGE_RATE * 100 else a end end end ## # Flatten the values of @rate. # def average!(mean=0.0) @rate = self.class.average(@rate, mean) end ## # Make the values of @rate integer. # def integer! @rate = @rate.collect do |a| if a.finite? a.to_i elsif a.nan? 0 elsif a.infinite? a.infinite? * AVERAGE_RATE * 100 end end end end ################################################# # Encapsulate a pair of keys and win loss matrix. # - keys is an array of player IDs; [gps+123, foo+234, ...] # - matrix holds games # where player i (row index) beats player j (column index). # The row and column indexes match with the keys. # # This object should be immutable. If an internal state is being modified, a # new object is always returned. # class WinLossMatrix ############### # Class methods # def self.mk_matrix(players) keys = players.keys.sort size = keys.size matrix = Matrix[* ((0...size).collect do |k| p1 = keys[k] p1_hash = players[p1] ((0...size).collect do |j| if k == j 0 else p2 = keys[j] v = p1_hash[p2] || Vector[0,0] v[0] end end) end)] return WinLossMatrix.new(keys, matrix) end def self.mk_win_loss_matrix(players) obj = mk_matrix(players) return obj.filter end ################## # Instance methods # # an array of player IDs; [gps+123, foo+234, ...] attr_reader :keys # matrix holds games # where player i (row index) beats player j (column index). # The row and column indexes match with the keys. attr_reader :matrix def initialize(keys, matrix) @keys = keys @matrix = matrix end ## # Returns the size of the keys/matrix # def size if @keys @keys.size else nil end end ## # Removes a delete_index'th player and returns a new object. # def delete_row(delete_index) copied_cols = [] (0...size).each do |i| next if i == delete_index row = @matrix.get_row(i) # get_row returns a copy of the row row.delete_at(delete_index) copied_cols << row end new_matrix = Matrix[*copied_cols] new_keys = @keys.clone new_keys.delete_at(delete_index) return WinLossMatrix.new(new_keys, new_matrix) end ## # Removes players in a rows; [1,3,5] # def delete_rows(rows) obj = self rows.sort.reverse.each do |index| obj = obj.delete_row(index) end obj end ## # Removes players who do not pass a criteria to be rated, and returns a new object. # def filter $stderr.puts @keys.inspect if $DEBUG $stderr.puts @matrix.inspect if $DEBUG delete = [] (0...size).each do |i| row = @matrix.row(i) col = @matrix.col(i) win = row.sum loss = col.sum if win < 1 || loss < 1 || win + loss < $GAMES_LIMIT delete << i end end # The recursion ends if there is nothing to delete return self if delete.empty? new_obj = delete_rows(delete) new_obj.filter end ## # Cuts self into connecting groups such as each player in a group has at least # one game with other players in the group. Returns them as an array. # def connected_subsets g = RGL::AdjacencyGraph.new (0...size).each do |k| (0...size).each do |i| next if k == i if @matrix[k,i] > 0 g.add_edge(k,i) end end end subsets = [] g.each_connected_component do |c| new_keys = [] c.each do |v| new_keys << keys[v.to_s.to_i] end subsets << new_keys end subsets = subsets.sort {|a,b| b.size <=> a.size} result = subsets.collect do |keys| matrix = Matrix[* ((0...keys.size).collect do |k| p1 = @keys.index(keys[k]) ((0...keys.size).collect do |j| if k == j 0 else p2 = @keys.index(keys[j]) @matrix[p1][p2] end end) end)] WinLossMatrix.new(keys, matrix) end return result end def to_s "size : #{@keys.size}" + "\n" + @keys.inspect + "\n" + @matrix.inspect end end ################################################# # Main methods # # Half-life effect # After NHAFE_LIFE days value will get half. # 0.693 is constant, where exp(0.693) ~ 0.5 NHALF_LIFE=60 def half_life(days) if days < 7 return 1.0 else Math::exp(-0.693/NHALF_LIFE*(days-7)) end end def _add_win_loss(winner, loser, time) how_long_days = (Time.now - time)/(3600*24) $players[winner] ||= Hash.new { GSL::Vector[0,0] } $players[loser] ||= Hash.new { GSL::Vector[0,0] } $players[winner][loser] += GSL::Vector[1.0*half_life(how_long_days),0] $players[loser][winner] += GSL::Vector[0,1.0*half_life(how_long_days)] end def _add_time(player, time) $players_time[player] = time if $players_time[player] < time end def add(black_mark, black_name, white_name, white_mark, time) if black_mark == WIN_MARK && white_mark == LOSS_MARK _add_win_loss(black_name, white_name, time) elsif black_mark == LOSS_MARK && white_mark == WIN_MARK _add_win_loss(white_name, black_name, time) elsif black_mark == DRAW_MARK && white_mark == DRAW_MARK return else raise "Never reached!" end _add_time(black_name, time) _add_time(white_name, time) end def identify_id(id) if /@NORATE\+/ =~ id # the player having @NORATE in the name should not be rated return nil end id.gsub(/@.*?\+/,"+") end def grep(file) str = File.open(file).read if /^N\+(.*)$/ =~ str then black_name = $1.strip end if /^N\-(.*)$/ =~ str then white_name = $1.strip end if /^'summary:(.*)$/ =~ str state, p1, p2 = $1.split(":").map {|a| a.strip} return if state == "abnormal" p1_name, p1_mark = p1.split(" ") p2_name, p2_mark = p2.split(" ") if p1_name == black_name black_name, black_mark = p1_name, p1_mark white_name, white_mark = p2_name, p2_mark elsif p2_name == black_name black_name, black_mark = p2_name, p2_mark white_name, white_mark = p1_name, p1_mark else raise "Never reach!: #{black} #{white} #{p3} #{p2}" end end if /^'\$END_TIME:(.*)$/ =~ str time = Time.parse($1.strip) end if /^'rating:(.*)$/ =~ str black_id, white_id = $1.split(":").map {|a| a.strip} black_id = identify_id(black_id) white_id = identify_id(white_id) if black_id && white_id && (black_id != white_id) add(black_mark, black_id, white_id, white_mark, time) end end end def usage $stderr.puts <<-EOF USAGE: #{$0} dir [...] EOF exit 1 end def main usage if ARGV.empty? while dir = ARGV.shift do Dir.glob( File.join(dir, "**", "*.csa") ) {|f| grep(f)} end yaml = {} yaml["players"] = {} if $players.size > 0 obj = WinLossMatrix::mk_win_loss_matrix($players) rating_group = 0 obj.connected_subsets.each do |win_loss_matrix| yaml["players"][rating_group] = {} rating = Rating.new(win_loss_matrix.matrix) rating.rating rating.average!(Rating::AVERAGE_RATE) rating.integer! win_loss_matrix.keys.each_with_index do |p, i| # player_id, index# win = win_loss_matrix.matrix.row(i).sum loss = win_loss_matrix.matrix.col(i).sum yaml["players"][rating_group][p] = { 'name' => p.split("+")[0], 'rating_group' => rating_group, 'rate' => rating.rate[i], 'last_modified' => $players_time[p].dup, 'win' => win, 'loss' => loss} end rating_group += 1 end end puts yaml.to_yaml end if __FILE__ == $0 main end # vim: ts=2 sw=2 sts=0