generic XML * - pMachineToXml.php pMachine -> generic XML * - MovableTypeToXml.php MT -> generic XML * Step 1: * - genericImport.php generic XML -> Nucleus * * @license GNU General Public License * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002-2006 The Nucleus Group * @version $Id: genericImport.php 846 2005-12-30 10:38:32Z dekarma $ */ include("../../config.php"); include(""); include($DIR_LIBS . "ADMIN.php"); include($DIR_LIBS . "MEDIA.php"); if (!$member->isLoggedIn()) { convert_showLogin('genericImport.php'); } if (!$member->isAdmin()) { convert_doError('Only Super-Admins are allowed to perform blog conversions'); } $ver = convert_getNucleusVersion(); if ($ver > 250) convert_doError("You should check the Nucleus website for updates to this convert tool. This one might not work with your current Nucleus installation."); // include PRAX lib (to read XML files easily) include ('PRAX.php'); switch($action) { case "assignMembers": gi_assignMembers(); break; case "doConversion": gi_doConversion(); break; case "login": // drop through default: gi_chooseXmlFile(); } // step 1: Let the user choose which XML file she wants to import function gi_chooseXmlFile() { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $PHP_SELF; convert_head(); ?>

Step 1: Choose File To Import

You're about to import the contents of a weblog that was created with another blogging tool than Nucleus.

Export to generic XML

Before you can start the actual import process, you'll need to export the contents from your (non-Nucleus) weblog into a generic XML file using one of the conversion scripts listed below. Such scripts are available for a variety of blog scripts:

Import from generic XML

You'll end up with an XML file (e.g. export.xml). Upload this file to the same directory as the convert files (/nucleus/convert/) and reload this page. Your file should appear in the selection box below.

(to be worked out)

Step 2: Assign Members to Authors

Below is a list of all the authors that Nucleus could discover (only authors that have posted at least one entry are listed). Please assign a Nucleus Member to all of these authors.

Tool Author Nucleus Member Blog Admin?

Choose Destination Weblog

There are two options: you can either choose an existing blog to add the imported entries into, or you can choose to create a new weblog.

Do the conversion!

Note: Clicking the button once is enough, even if it takes a while to complete.