_ERRORS_INSTALLDIR, 'upgrades' => _ERRORS_UPGRADESDIR, 'convert' => _ERRORS_CONVERTDIR ); $aFound = array(); foreach ( $aFiles as $fileName => $fileDesc ) { if ( @file_exists($fileName) ) { array_push($aFound, $fileDesc); } } if ( @is_writable('../config.php') ) { array_push($aFound, _ERRORS_CONFIGPHP); } if ( sizeof($aFound) > 0 ) { startUpError( _ERRORS_STARTUPERROR1. implode($aFound, '
  • ')._ERRORS_STARTUPERROR2, _ERRORS_STARTUPERROR3 ); } } $bNeedsLogin = FALSE; $bIsActivation = in_array($action, array('activate', 'activatesetpwd')); if ( $action == 'logout' ) { $bNeedsLogin = TRUE; } if ( !$member->isLoggedIn() && !$bIsActivation ) { $bNeedsLogin = TRUE; } // show error if member cannot login to admin if ( $member->isLoggedIn() && !$member->canLogin() && !$bIsActivation ) { $error = _ERROR_LOGINDISALLOWED; $bNeedsLogin = TRUE; } if ( $bNeedsLogin ) { // see Admin::login() (sets old action in POST vars) setOldAction($action); $action = 'showlogin'; } /* FIXME: Skin class also output this HTTP1.1 headers sendContentType('text/html', 'admin-' . $action); */ if ( !Admin::initialize() ) { /* TODO: something to handling errors */ exit; } Admin::action($action); exit;