_ADM_SKPRT_ACTIONLOG, 'activate' => _ADM_SKPRT_ACTIVATE, 'activatesetpwd' => _ADM_SKPRT_ACTIVATESETPWD, 'addnewlog' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADDNEWLOG, 'adminerrorpage' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINERRORPAGE, 'adminskindelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINSKINDELETE, 'adminskinedit' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINSKINEDIT, 'adminskinedittype' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINSKINEDITTYPE, 'adminskiniedoimport' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINSKINIEDOIMPORT, 'adminskinieimport' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINSKINIEIMPORT, 'adminskinieoverview' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINSKINIEOVERVIEW, 'adminskinoverview' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINSKINOVERVIEW, 'adminskinremovetype' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINSKINREMOVETYPE, 'admintemplatedelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINTEMPLATEDELETE, 'admintemplateedit' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINTEMPLATEEDIT, 'admntemplateoverview' => _ADM_SKPRT_ADMINTEMPLATEOVERVIEW, 'backupoverview' => _ADM_SKPRT_BACKUPOVERVIEW, 'backuprestore' => _ADM_SKPRT_BACKUPRESTORE, 'banlist' => _ADM_SKPRT_BANLIST, 'banlistdelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_BANLISTDELETE, 'banlistdeleteconfirm' => _ADM_SKPRT_BANLISTDELETECONFIRM, 'banlistnew' => _ADM_SKPRT_BANLISTNEW, 'batchcategory' => _ADM_SKPRT_BATCHCATEGORY, 'batchcomment' => _ADM_SKPRT_BATCHCOMMENT, 'batchdelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_BATCHDELETE, 'batchitem' => _ADM_SKPRT_BATCHITEM, 'batchmember' => _ADM_SKPRT_BATCHMEMBER, 'batchmove' => _ADM_SKPRT_BATCHMOVE, 'batchmovecat' => _ADM_SKPRT_BATCHMOVECAT, 'batchteam' => _ADM_SKPRT_BATCHTEAM, 'blogcommentlist' => _ADM_SKPRT_BLOGCOMMENTLIST, 'blogsettings' => _ADM_SKPRT_BLOGSETTINGS, 'bookmarklet' => _ADM_SKPRT_BOOKMARKLET, 'browseowncomments' => _ADM_SKPRT_BROWSEOWNCOMMENTS, 'browseownitems' => _ADM_SKPRT_BROWSEOWNITEMS, 'categorydelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_CATEGORYDELETE, 'categoryedit' => _ADM_SKPRT_CATEGORYEDIT, 'commentdelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_COMMENTDELETE, 'commentedit' => _ADM_SKPRT_COMMENTEDIT, 'createitem' => _ADM_SKPRT_CREATEITEM, 'createnewlog' => _ADM_SKPRT_CREATENEWLOG, 'createaccountinput' => _ADM_SKPRT_CREATEACCOUNTINPUT, /* not yet */ 'createaccountsuccess' => _ADM_SKPRT_CREATEACCOUNTSUCCESS, /* not yet */ 'createaccountdisable' => _ADM_SKPRT_CREATEACCOUNTDISALLOWED, /* not yet */ 'deleteblog' => _ADM_SKPRT_DELETEBLOG, 'editmembersettings' => _ADM_SKPRT_EDITMEMBERSETTINGS, 'forgotpassword' => _ADM_SKPRT_FORGOTPASSWORD, /* not yet */ 'itemcommentlist' => _ADM_SKPRT_ITEMCOMMENTLIST, 'itemdelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_ITEMDELETE, 'itemedit' => _ADM_SKPRT_ITEMEDIT, 'itemlist' => _ADM_SKPRT_ITEMLIST, 'itemmove' => _ADM_SKPRT_ITEMMOVE, 'login' => FALSE, //missing 'manage' => _ADM_SKPRT_MANAGE, 'manageteam' => _ADM_SKPRT_MANAGETEAM, 'memberdelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_MEMBERDELETE, 'memberedit' => FALSE, //missing 'overview' => _ADM_SKPRT_OVERVIEW, 'pagefoot' => _ADM_SKPRT_PAGEFOOT, 'pagehead' => _ADM_SKPRT_PAGEHEAD, 'plugindelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_PLUGINDELETE, 'pluginhelp' => _ADM_SKPRT_PLUGINHELP, 'pluginlist' => _ADM_SKPRT_PLUGINLIST, 'pluginoptions' => _ADM_SKPRT_PLUGINOPTIONS, 'settingsedit' => _ADM_SKPRT_SETTINGSEDIT, 'showlogin' => _ADM_SKPRT_SHOWLOGIN, 'skindelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_SKINDELETE, 'skinedit' => _ADM_SKPRT_SKINEDIT, 'skinedittype' => _ADM_SKPRT_SKINEDITTYPE, 'skiniedoimport' => _ADM_SKPRT_SKINIEDOIMPORT, 'skinieimport' => _ADM_SKPRT_SKINIEIMPORT, 'skinieoverview' => _ADM_SKPRT_SKINIEOVERVIEW, 'skinoverview' => _ADM_SKPRT_SKINOVERVIEW, 'skinremovetype' => _ADM_SKPRT_SKINREMOVETYPE, 'systemoverview' => _ADM_SKPRT_SYSTEMOVERVIEW, 'teamdelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_TEAMDELETE, 'templatedelete' => _ADM_SKPRT_TEMPLATEDELETE, 'templateedit' => _ADM_SKPRT_TEMPLATEEDIT, 'templateoverview' => _ADM_SKPRT_TEMPLATEOVERVIEW, 'usermanagement' => _ADM_SKPRT_USERMANAGEMENT, ); /** * AdminActions::getAvailableSkinTypes() * * @static * @param void * @return array list of friendly names for page actions */ static public function getAvailableSkinTypes() { return self::$default_skin_types; } /** * AdminActions::getDefaultTypes() * * @static * @param void * @return array list of friendly names for page actions */ static public function getDefaultTypes() { return self::$default_skin_types; } /** * AdminActions::__construct() * Constructor for a new Actions object * * @param string $type * @return void */ public function __construct($type) { // call constructor of superclass first parent::__construct(); $this->skintype = $type; if ( !class_exists('Navlist') || !class_exists('Batch') ) { global $DIR_LIBS; include $DIR_LIBS . 'ENCAPSULATE.php'; } return; } /** * AdminActions::getAvailableActions() * * @param void * @return array allowed actions for the page type */ public function getAvailableActions() { $extra_actions = array(); switch ( $this->skintype ) { case 'actionlog': $extra_actions = array( 'actionloglist', ); break; case 'activate': $extra_actions = array( 'activationmessage', 'eventformextra', ); break; case 'activatesetpwd': $extra_actions = array( ); break; case 'addnewlog': $extra_actions = array( 'getblogsetting', 'blogsetting', 'requestblogid', ); break; case 'adminerrorpage': $extra_actions = array( ); break; case 'adminskindelete': $extra_actions = array( 'editadminskintype', ); break; case 'adminskinedit': $extra_actions = array( 'editadminskin', 'defaultadminskintypes', 'adminspecialskinlist', ); break; case 'adminskinedittype': $extra_actions = array( 'editadminskintype', 'skintypehelp', 'allowedadminskinactions', 'adminskineditallowedlist', ); break; case 'adminskiniedoimport': $extra_actions = array( 'importskininfo', ); break; case 'adminskinieimport': $extra_actions = array( 'importskininfo', ); break; case 'adminskinieoverview': $extra_actions = array( 'selectlocaladminskinfiles', 'adminskinielist', ); break; case 'adminskinoverview': $extra_actions = array( 'adminskinoverview', ); break; case 'adminskinremovetype': $extra_actions = array( 'editadminskintype', ); break; case 'admintemplatedelete': $extra_actions = array( 'editadmintemplateinfo', ); case 'admintemplateedit': $extra_actions = array( 'editadmintemplateinfo', ); break; case 'admntemplateoverview': $extra_actions = array( 'admintemplateoverview', ); break; case 'backupoverview': $extra_actions = array( ); break; case 'backuprestore': $extra_actions = array( ); break; case 'banlist': $extra_actions = array( 'adminbloglink', 'adminbanlist', 'requestblogid', ); break; case 'banlistdelete': $extra_actions = array( 'requestiprange', 'requestblogid', ); break; case 'banlistdeleteconfirm': $extra_actions = array( 'banlistdeletedlist', 'requestblogid', ); break; case 'banlistnew': $extra_actions = array( 'iprangeinput', 'requestblogid', 'blogsetting', ); break; case 'batchcategory': $extra_actions = array( 'adminbatchaction', 'adminbatchlist', ); break; case 'batchcomment': $extra_actions = array( 'adminbatchaction', 'adminbatchlist', ); break; case 'batchdelete': $extra_actions = array( 'batchdeletetype', 'batchdeletelist', ); break; case 'batchitem': $extra_actions = array( 'adminbatchaction', 'adminbatchlist', ); break; case 'batchmember': $extra_actions = array( 'adminbatchaction', 'adminbatchlist', ); break; case 'batchmove': $extra_actions = array( 'batchmovetitle', 'batchmovetype', 'batchmovelist', 'movedistselect', 'batchmovebtn', ); break; case 'batchmovecat': $extra_actions = array( 'batchmovetitle', 'batchmovetype', 'batchmovelist', 'movedistselect', 'batchmovebtn', ); break; case 'batchteam': $extra_actions = array( 'requestblogid', 'adminbatchaction', 'adminbatchlist', ); break; case 'blogcommentlist': $extra_actions = array( 'adminbloglink', 'commentnavlist', 'adminbatchlist', ); break; case 'blogsettings': $extra_actions = array( 'adminbloglink', 'blogcatlist', 'blognotifysetting', 'blogsetting', 'blogsettingyesno', 'blogteammembers', 'blogtime', 'defcatselect', 'defskinselect', 'pluginextras', 'pluginoptions', 'requestblogid', ); break; case 'bookmarklet': $extra_actions = array( 'bookmarkletadmin', ); break; case 'browseowncomments': $extra_actions = array( 'commentnavlist', ); break; case 'browseownitems': $extra_actions = array( 'itemnavlist', ); break; case 'categorydelete': $extra_actions = array( 'categorysetting', 'requestblogid', ); break; case 'categoryedit': $extra_actions = array( 'requestblogid', 'categorysetting', 'editdesturl', 'pluginoptions' ); break; case 'commentdelete': $extra_actions = array( 'deletecomment', ); break; case 'commentedit': $extra_actions = array( 'editcomment', ); break; case 'createaccountinput': $extra_actions = array( 'pluginextras', 'eventformextra', ); break; case 'createaccountsuccess': $extra_actions = array( /* nothing special */ ); break; case 'createaccountdisable': $extra_actions = array( /* nothins */ ); break; case 'createitem': $extra_actions = array( 'adminbloglink', 'blogid', 'categories', 'currenttime', 'init', 'pluginoptions', 'pluginextras' ); break; case 'createnewlog': $extra_actions = array( 'defskinselect', 'blogtime', ); break; case 'deleteblog': $extra_actions = array( 'blogsetting', 'requestblogid', ); break; case 'editmembersettings': $extra_actions = array( 'adminskinselectoptions', 'editmember', 'localeselectoptions', 'pluginoptions', ); break; case 'forgotpassword': $extra_actions = array( /* nothing */ ); break; case 'itemcommentlist': $extra_actions = array( 'requestblogid', 'commentnavlist', ); break; case 'itemdelete': $extra_actions = array( 'deleteitemtitle', 'deleteitembody', 'deleteitemid', ); break; case 'itemedit': $extra_actions = array( 'init', 'checkedonval', 'categories', 'currenttime', 'itemtime', 'pluginoptions', 'pluginextras' ); break; case 'itemlist': $extra_actions = array( 'adminbloglink', 'ilistaddnew', 'itemnavlist', ); break; case 'itemmove': $extra_actions = array( 'moveitemid', 'movedistselect', ); break; case 'manage': $extra_actions = array( ); break; case 'manageteam': $extra_actions = array( 'requestblogid', 'blogsetting', 'blogteamlist', 'newmemberselect', 'inputyesno', ); break; case 'memberdelete': $extra_actions = array( 'editmember', ); break; case 'overview': $extra_actions = array( 'yrbloglist', ); break; case 'plugindelete': $extra_actions = array( 'editpluginfo', ); break; case 'pluginhelp': $extra_actions = array( 'helpplugname', 'pluginhelp', ); break; case 'pluginlist': $extra_actions = array( 'pluginlistlist', 'newpluginlist', ); break; case 'pluginoptions': $extra_actions = array( 'editpluginfo', 'editplugoptionslist', ); break; case 'settingsedit': $extra_actions = array( 'defblogselect', 'defskinselect', 'configsettingsedit', 'configsettingsyesno', 'outputspecialdirs', 'jstoolbaroptions', 'localeselectoptions', 'mediadirwarning', 'pluginextras', ); break; case 'showlogin': $extra_actions = array( 'passrequestvars', ); break; case 'skindelete': $extra_actions = array( 'editskintype', ); break; case 'skinedit': $extra_actions = array( 'editskin', 'specialskinlist', ); break; case 'skinedittype': $extra_actions = array( 'editskintype', 'skintypehelp', 'allowedskinactions', 'skineditallowedlist', 'skineditallowedlist', ); break; case 'skiniedoimport': $extra_actions = array( 'importskininfo', ); break; case 'skinieimport': $extra_actions = array( 'importskininfo', ); break; case 'skinieoverview': $extra_actions = array( 'selectlocalskinfiles', 'skinielist', ); break; case 'skinoverview': $extra_actions = array( 'skinoverview', ); break; case 'skinremovetype': $extra_actions = array( 'editskintype', ); break; case 'systemoverview': $extra_actions = array( 'systemsettings', ); break; case 'teamdelete': $extra_actions = array( 'editmember', 'blogsetting', 'requestblogid', ); break; case 'templatedelete': $extra_actions = array( 'edittemplateinfo', ); break; case 'templateedit': $extra_actions = array( 'edittemplateinfo', ); break; case 'templateoverview': $extra_actions = array( 'templateoverview', ); break; case 'usermanagement': $extra_actions = array( 'editmemberlist', 'inputyesno', ); break; case 'importAdmin': $extra_actions = array( 'charset', 'adminurl', 'extrahead', 'member', 'versioncheckurl', 'version', 'codename', 'newestcompare', 'selectlocaladminskinfiles', 'adminskinielist', ); break; default: break; } $defined_actions = array_merge(self::$default_actions, $extra_actions); return array_merge($defined_actions, parent::getAvailableActions()); } /** * AdminActions::parse_actionloglist() * Parse skinvar actionloglist * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_actionloglist($templateName = '') { $query = "SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY timestamp DESC"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('actionlog')); $template['content'] = 'actionlist'; $amount = showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_activationmessage() * Parse skinvar activationmessage * * @param string $type type of message * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_activationmessage($type, $templateName = '') { global $CONF, $manager; $template = array(); if ( !empty($templateName)) { $template = Template::read($templateName); } $key = postVar('ackey'); if ( !$key ) { Admin::error(_ERROR_ACTIVATE); } $info = MEMBER::getActivationInfo($key); if ( !$info ) { Admin::error(_ERROR_ACTIVATE); } $mem = MEMBER::createFromId($info->vmember); if ( !$mem ) { Admin::error(_ERROR_ACTIVATE); } switch ( $info->vtype ) { case 'forgot': if ( array_key_exists('ACTIVATE_FORGOT_TITLE', $template) && !empty($template['ACTIVATE_FORGOT_TITLE']) ) { $title = $template['ACTIVATE_FORGOT_TITLE']; } else { $title = _ACTIVATE_FORGOT_TITLE; } if ( array_key_exists('ACTIVATE_FORGOT_TEXT', $template) && !empty($template['ACTIVATE_FORGOT_TEXT']) ) { $text = $template['ACTIVATE_FORGOT_TEXT']; } else { $text = _ACTIVATE_FORGOT_TEXT; } break; case 'register': if ( array_key_exists('ACTIVATE_REGISTER_TITLE', $template) && !empty($template['ACTIVATE_REGISTER_TITLE']) ) { $title = $template['ACTIVATE_REGISTER_TITLE']; } else { $title = _ACTIVATE_REGISTER_TITLE; } if ( array_key_exists('ACTIVATE_REGISTER_TEXT', $template) && !empty($template['ACTIVATE_REGISTER_TEXT']) ) { $text = $template['ACTIVATE_REGISTER_TEXT']; } else { $text = _ACTIVATE_REGISTER_TEXT; } break; case 'addresschange': if ( array_key_exists('ACTIVATE_CHANGE_TITLE', $template) && !empty($template['ACTIVATE_CHANGE_TITLE']) ) { $title = $template['ACTIVATE_CHANGE_TITLE']; } else { $title = _ACTIVATE_CHANGE_TITLE; } if (array_key_exists('ACTIVATE_CHANGE_TEXT', $template) && !empty($template['ACTIVATE_CHANGE_TEXT'])) { $text = $template['ACTIVATE_CHANGE_TEXT']; } else { $text = _ACTIVATE_CHANGE_TEXT; } break; } $aVars = array( 'memberName' => Entity::hsc($mem->getDisplayName()), 'realName' => Entity::hsc($mem->getRealName()), ); switch ( $type ) { case 'title': echo Template::fill($title, $aVars); break; case 'text': echo Template::fill($text, $aVars); break; case 'ackey': echo Entity::hsc($key); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_addtickettourl() * Parse skinvar addtickettourl * * @param string $url URI for ticket * @return void */ public function parse_addtickettourl($url) { global $manager; $url = $manager->addTicketToUrl($url); echo Entity::hsc($url); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminbanlist() * Parse skinvar adminbanlist * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_adminbanlist($templateName = '') { $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE blogid=%d ORDER BY iprange;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('ban'), (integer) $blogid); $template['content'] = 'banlist'; $amount = Showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); if ( $amount == 0 ) { echo _BAN_NONE; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminbatchaction() * Parse skinvar adminbatchaction * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_adminbatchaction() { echo Entity::hsc(requestVar('batchaction')); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminbatchlist() * Parse skinvar adminbatchlist * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_adminbatchlist($templateName = '') { global $manager; $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } if ( !array_key_exists('ADMIN_BATCHLIST', $templates) || empty($templates['ADMIN_BATCHLIST']) ) { $template = '
  • <%text(_BATCH_EXECUTING)%> ' . '<%adminbatchaction%> ' . '<%batchlisttype%> ' . '<%batchid%>... ' . '<%batchlistmsg%>' . '
  • ' . "\n"; } else { $template = $templates['ADMIN_BATCHLIST']; } $selected = requestIntArray('batch'); $action = requestVar('batchaction'); switch ( $this->skintype ) { case 'batchitem': $batchlisttype = _BATCH_ONITEM; $deleteaction = 'deleteOneItem'; $moveaction = 'moveOneItem'; $destid = intRequestVar('destcatid'); break; case 'batchcomment': $batchlisttype = _BATCH_ONCOMMENT; $deleteaction = 'deleteOneComment'; break; case 'batchmember': $batchlisttype = _BATCH_ONMEMBER; $deleteaction = 'deleteOneMember'; $setadminsql = sql_table('member') . ' SET madmin = 1 WHERE mnumber = '; $unsetchksql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . sql_table('member') . ' WHERE madmin = 1 AND mcanlogin = 1'; $unsetupsql = sql_table('member') . ' SET madmin = 0 WHERE mnumber = '; $unseterrmsg = _ERROR_ATLEASTONEADMIN; break; case 'batchteam': $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $batchlisttype = _BATCH_ONTEAM; $deleteaction = 'deleteOneTeamMember'; $setadminsql = sql_table('team') . ' SET tadmin = 1 WHERE tblog = ' . $blogid . ' AND tmember = '; $unsetchksql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . sql_table('team') . ' WHERE tadmin = 1 AND tblog = ' . $blogid; $unseterrmsg = _ERROR_ATLEASTONEBLOGADMIN; $unsetupsql = sql_table('team') . ' SET tadmin = 0 WHERE tblog = ' . $blogid . ' AND tmember = '; break; case 'batchcategory': $batchlisttype = _BATCH_ONCATEGORY; $deleteaction = 'deleteOneCategory'; $moveaction = 'moveOneCategory'; $destid = intRequestVar('destblogid'); break; } // walk over all selectedids and perform action foreach ( $selected as $selectedid ) { $error = ''; $selectedid = intval($selectedid); switch ( $action ) { case 'delete': if ( $this->skintype != 'batchteam' ) { $error = call_user_func_array(array('Admin', $deleteaction), array($selectedid)); } else { $error = Admin::deleteOneTeamMember($blogid, $selectedid); } break; case 'move': $error = call_user_func_array(array('Admin', $moveaction), array($selectedid, $destid)); break; case 'setadmin': // always succeeds DB::execute("UPDATE {$setadminsql} {$selectedid};"); $error = ''; break; case 'unsetadmin': // there should always remain at least one super-admin $r = DB::getResult($unsetchksql); if ( $r->rowCount() < 2 ) { $error = $unseterrmsg; } else { DB::execute("UPDATE {$unsetupsql} {$selectedid};"); } break; default: $error = _BATCH_UNKNOWN . Entity::hsc($action); } $data = array( 'batchid' => $selectedid, 'batchlisttype' => Entity::hsc($batchlisttype), 'adminbatchaction' => Entity::hsc($action), 'batchlistmsg' => $error ? $error : _BATCH_SUCCESS, ); $handler = new AdminActions('template'); $parser = new Parser($handler); $output = Template::fill($template, $data); ob_start(); $parser->parse($output); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo "{$output}
    "; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminbloglink() * Parse skinvar adminbloglink * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_adminbloglink($templateName = '') { global $manager; $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $blog =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } if ( !array_key_exists('ADMIN_BLOGLINK', $templates) || empty($templates['ADMIN_BLOGLINK']) ) { $template = '<%blogname%>'; } else { $template = $templates['ADMIN_BLOGLINK']; } $data = array( 'url' => Entity::hsc($blog->getURL()), 'adminbloglinktitle' => _BLOGLIST_TT_VISIT, 'blogname' => Entity::hsc($blog->getName()) ); echo Template::fill($template, $data); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminerrormesg() * Parse skinvar adminerrormesg * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_adminerrormesg() { global $CONF; $message = ''; if ( requestVar('errormessage') ) { $message = requestVar('errormessage'); } elseif ( cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'errormessage') ) { $message = cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'errormessage'); } elseif ( Admin::sessionVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'errormessage') ) { $message = Admin::sessionVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'errormessage'); } echo Entity::hsc($message); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminskineditallowedlist() * Parse skinvar adminskineditallowedlist * * @param string $type template/blog * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_adminskineditallowedlist($type = 'template', $templateName = '') { switch ( $type ) { /* TODO: blog seems not to be used */ case 'blog': $query = "SELECT bshortname, bname FROM %s"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog')); $show = array( 'content' => 'shortblognames' ); Showlist($query, 'table', $show, $templateName); break; case 'template': $query = "SELECT tdname as name, tddesc as description FROM %s WHERE tdname LIKE 'admin/%%'"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('template_desc')); $show = array( 'content' => 'shortnames' ); Showlist($query, 'table', $show, $templateName); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminskinielist() * Parse skinvar adminskinielist * * @param string $type skin/template * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_adminskinielist($type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( $templateName ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } if ( !array_key_exists('SKINIE_EXPORT_LIST', $templates) || empty($templates['SKINIE_EXPORT_LIST']) ) { $template = "" . "\" id=\"<%expid%>\" />\n" . "" . "\n" . "<%expdesc%>\n" . "\n" . "\n"; } else { $template = $templates['SKINIE_EXPORT_LIST']; } switch ( $type ) { case 'skin': $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE sdname LIKE 'admin/%%';"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc')); $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $data = array( 'typeid' => 'skin[' . $row['sdnumber'] . ']', 'expid' => 'skinexp' . $row['sdnumber'], 'expname' => Entity::hsc($row['sdname']), 'expdesc' => Entity::hsc($row['sddesc']), ); echo Template::fill($template, $data); } break; case 'template': $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE tdname LIKE 'admin/%%';"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('template_desc')); $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $data = array( 'typeid' => 'template[' . $row['tdnumber'] . ']', 'expid' => 'templateexp' . $row['tdnumber'], 'expname' => Entity::hsc($row['tdname']), 'expdesc' => Entity::hsc($row['tddesc']), ); echo Template::fill($template, $data); } break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminskinoverview() * Parse skinvar adminskinoverview * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_adminskinoverview($templateName = '') { $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE sdname LIKE 'admin/%%' ORDER BY sdname;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc')); $template['content'] = 'adminskinlist'; $template['tabindex'] = 10; $template['friendly_names'] = $this->parser->skin->getAvailableTypes(); Showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminskinselectoptions() * Parse skinvar adminskinselectoptions * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_adminskinselectoptions($templateName = '') { global $CONF; $query = "SELECT sdname as text, sdnumber as value FROM %s WHERE sdname LIKE 'admin/%%';"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc')); $template['name'] = 'adminskin'; $template['selected'] = $CONF['AdminSkin']; $template['tabindex'] = 110; Showlist($query, 'select', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminspecialskinlist() * Parse skinvar adminspecialskinlist * * @param string $templateName name of template to use */ public function parse_adminspecialskinlist($templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( $templateName ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } $nType = $this->parser->skin->getAvailableTypes(); $skinid = intRequestVar('skinid'); $query = "SELECT stype FROM %s WHERE stype NOT IN (%s) AND sdesc=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), "'" . implode("', '", $nType) . "'", (integer) $skinid); $res = DB::getResult($query); if ( $res && $res->rowCount() > 0 ) { /* NOTE: set templates for HEAD/BODY/FOOT */ if ( !array_key_exists('ADMIN_SPECIALSKINLIST_HEAD', $templates) || empty($templates['ADMIN_SPECIALSKINLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template['head'] = "\n"; } else { $template['foot'] = $templates['ADMIN_SPECIALSKINLIST_FOOT']; } $tabstart = 120; /* NOTE: do echo */ $data = array(); echo $template['head']; foreach ( $res as $row ) { $data = array( 'tabindex' => $tabstart++, 'skinid' => $skinid, 'skintype' => Entity::hsc(strtolower($row['stype'])) ); echo Template::fill($template['body'], $data); } $data = array(); echo $template['foot']; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_admintemplateoverview() * Parse skinvar admintemplateoverview * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_admintemplateoverview($templateName = '') { $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE tdname LIKE 'admin/%%' ORDER BY tdname;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('template_desc')); $template['content'] = 'admintemplatelist'; $template['tabindex'] = 10; Showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_allowedadminskinactions() * Parse skinvar allowedadminskinactions * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_allowedadminskinactions() { global $DIR_ADMINSKINS; $skinType = strtolower(trim(requestVar('type'))); $actions = $this->parser->skin->getAllowedActionsForType($skinType); sort($actions); while ( $current = array_shift($actions) ) { // TODO: remove this // skip deprecated vars if ($current == 'ifcat' || $current == 'imagetext' || $current == 'vars') { continue; } echo helplink("adminskinvar-{$current}") . "$current\n"; if ( count($actions) != 0 ) { echo ", "; } } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_allowedskinactions() * Parse skinvar allowedskinactions * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_allowedskinactions() { $skinType = strtolower(trim(requestVar('type'))); $skinid = intRequestVar('skinid'); $skin = new Skin($skinid); $actions = $skin->getAllowedActionsForType($skinType); sort($actions); while ( $current = array_shift($actions) ) { // TODO: remove this // skip deprecated vars if ( $current == 'ifcat' || $current == 'imagetext' || $current == 'vars' ) { continue; } /* TODO: alternative function should be used or not? */ echo helplink("skinvar-{$current}") . "$current\n"; if ( count($actions) != 0 ) { echo ", "; } } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_banlistdeletedlist() * Parse skinvar banlistdeletedlist * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_banlistdeletedlist($templateName = '') { global $manager; $templates = array(); if ( $templateName ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } if ( !array_key_exists('BANLIST_DELETED_LIST', $templates) || empty($templates['BANLIST_DELETED_LIST']) ) { $template = "
  • <%blogname%>
  • \n"; } else { $template = $templates['BANLIST_DELETED_LIST']; } $deleted = requestArray('delblogs'); foreach ( $deleted as $delblog ) { $blog =& $manager->getBlog($delblog); $data = array( 'blogname' => Entity::hsc($blog->getName()) ); echo Template::fill($template, $data); } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_batchdeletelist() * Parse skinvar batchdeletelist * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_batchdeletelist() { $selected = requestIntArray('batch'); $index = 0; foreach ( $selected as $select ) { echo '\n"; } // add hidden vars for team & comment if ( requestVar('action') == 'batchteam' ) { echo '\n"; } if ( requestVar('action') == 'batchcomment' ) { echo '\n"; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_batchdeletetype() * Parse skinvar batchdeletetype * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_batchdeletetype() { echo Entity::hsc(requestVar('action')); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_batchmovebtn() * Parse skinvar batchmovebtn * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_batchmovebtn() { $actionType = requestVar('action'); switch ( $actionType ) { case 'batchitem': echo _MOVE_BTN; break; case 'batchcategory': echo _MOVECAT_BTN; break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_batchmovelist() * Parse skinvar batchmovelist * * @param void * @param void */ public function parse_batchmovelist() { $selected = requestIntArray('batch'); $count = 0; foreach ( $selected as $select ) { echo '\n"; $count++; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_batchmovetitle() * Parse skinvar batchmovetitle * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_batchmovetitle() { $actionType = requestVar('action'); switch ( $actionType ) { case 'batchitem': echo _MOVE_TITLE; break; case 'batchcategory': echo _MOVECAT_TITLE; break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_batchmovetype() * Parse skinvar batchmovetype * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_batchmovetype() { echo Entity::hsc(requestVar('action')); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_blogcatlist() * Parse skinvar blogcatlist * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_blogcatlist($templateName = '') { global $manager; $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE cblog = %d ORDER BY cname;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('category'), (integer) $blogid); $template['content'] = 'categorylist'; $template['tabindex'] = 200; $batch = new Batch('category'); $batch->showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_blogid() * Parse skinvar blogid * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_blogid() { echo intRequestVar('blogid'); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_blognotifysetting() * Parse skinvar blognotifysetting * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_blognotifysetting($type) { global $manager; $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $blog = $manager->getBlog($blogid); switch ( $type ) { case 'comment': if ( !$blog->notifyOnComment() ) { return; } break; case 'vote': if ( !$blog->notifyOnVote() ) { return; } break; case 'newitem': if ( !$blog->notifyOnNewItem() ) { return; } break; } echo ' checked="checked"'; return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_blogsetting() * Parse skinvar blogsetting * * @param string $which name of weblog setting * @return void */ public function parse_blogsetting($which) { echo $this->parse_getblogsetting($which); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_blogsettingyesno() * Parse skinvar blogsettingyesno * * @param string $type type of weblog setting * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_blogsettingyesno($type, $templateName = '') { global $manager; $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $blog = $manager->getBlog($blogid); switch ( $type ) { case 'convertbreaks': $checkedval = $blog->convertBreaks(); $tabindex = 55; break; case 'allowpastposting': $checkedval = $blog->allowPastPosting(); $tabindex = 57; break; case 'comments': $checkedval = $blog->commentsEnabled(); $tabindex = 60; break; case 'public': $checkedval = $blog->isPublic(); $tabindex = 70; break; case 'reqemail': $checkedval = $blog->emailRequired(); $tabindex = 72; break; case 'searchable': $checkedval = $blog->getSearchable(); $tabindex = 122; break; } $this->parse_inputyesno($type, $checkedval, $tabindex, 1, 0, _YES, _NO, 0, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_blogteamlist() * Parse skinvar blogteamlist * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_blogteamlist($templateName = '') { global $manager; $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $query = "SELECT tblog, tmember, mname, mrealname, memail, tadmin " . "FROM %s, %s " . "WHERE tmember=mnumber AND tblog= %d"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('member'), sql_table('team'), (integer) $blogid); $template['content'] = 'teamlist'; $template['tabindex'] = 10; $batch = new Batch('team'); $batch->showList($query, 'table', $template, $templateName, _LISTS_NOMORE); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_blogteammembers() * Parse skinvar blogteammembers * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_blogteammembers() { $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $query = "SELECT mname, mrealname " . "FROM %s, %s " . "WHERE mnumber=tmember AND tblog=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('member'), sql_table('team'), (integer) $blogid); $res = DB::getResult($query); $memberNames = array(); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $memberNames[] = Entity::hsc($row['mname']) . ' (' . Entity::hsc($row['mrealname']). ')'; } echo implode(',', $memberNames); } /** * AdminActions::parse_blogtime() * Parse skinvar blogtime * * @param string $type type of time * @param string $format format for time expression * @param integer $offset offset of time * @return void */ public function parse_blogtime($type, $format = '%H:%M', $offset = 0) { global $manager; if ( $type != 'blogtime' ) { /* return server time */ $timestamp = time() + $offset; } else { $bid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $b = $manager->getBlog($bid); $timestamp = $b->getCorrectTime() + $offset; } echo i18n::formatted_datetime($format, $timestamp); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_bookmarkletadmin() * Parse skinvar bookmarkletadmin * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_bookmarkletadmin() { global $manager; $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); echo Entity::hsc('javascript:' . getBookmarklet($blogid)); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_categories() * Parse skinvar categories * * create category dropdown box * * @param string $type name of setting for category * @return void */ public function parse_categories($startidx = 0) { global $manager; $item = FALSE; $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid'); $item = &$manager->getItem($itemid, 1, 1); $blog = FALSE; if ( !$item ) { $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); } else { $blogid = $item['blogid']; } $blog = &$manager->getBlog($blogid); if ( $item && $blog->convertBreaks() && requestVar('action') == 'itemedit' ) { $item['body'] = removeBreaks($item['body']); $item['more'] = removeBreaks($item['more']); } $contents = array(); if ( requestVar('action') == 'itemedit' ) { $contents = $item; } if ( !array_key_exists('catid', $contents) || empty($contents['catid']) ) { // on add item $catid = $blog->getDefaultCategory(); } else { // on edit item $catid = $contents['catid']; } $this->selectBlog('catid', 'category', $catid, $startidx, 1, $blog->getID()); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_category() * Parse skinvar category * * @param string $type name of setting for category * @return void */ public function parse_category($type = 'name') { echo $this->parse_getcategory($type); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_categorysetting() * Parse skinvar categorysetting * * @param string $type type in category setting * @return void */ public function parse_categorysetting($type) { $catid = intRequestVar('catid'); if ( $type == 'id' ) { echo $catid; return; } $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE cblog = %d AND catid = %d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('category'), (integer) $blogid, (integer) $catid); $row = DB::getRow($query); if ( $type != 'name' ) { echo Entity::hsc($row['cdesc']); } else { echo Entity::hsc($row['cname']); } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_codename() * Parse templatevar codename * * @param $value * @param $name * */ public function parse_checkedonval($value, $name) { global $manager; $item = false; $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid'); $item =& $manager->getItem($itemid, 1, 1); $blog =& $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($itemid)); if ( $item && $blog->convertBreaks() && requestVar('action') == 'itemedit' ) { $item['body'] = removeBreaks($item['body']); $item['more'] = removeBreaks($item['more']); } $contents = array(); if ( requestVar('action') == 'itemedit' ) { $contents = $item; } if ( !isset($contents[$name]) ) { $contents[$name] = ''; } if ($contents[$name] == $value) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_codename() * Parse templatevar codename * * @param void * @return void * * TODO: is this need??? */ public function parse_codename() { global $nucleus; echo $nucleus['codename']; return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_commentnavlist() * Parse skinvar commentnavlist * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_commentnavlist() { global $CONF, $manager, $member; // start index if ( postVar('start') ) { $start = intPostVar('start'); } else { $start = 0; } // amount of items to show if ( postVar('amount') ) { $amount = intPostVar('amount'); } else { $amount = (integer) $CONF['DefaultListSize']; if ( $amount < 1 ) { $amount = 10; } } $query = 'SELECT cbody, cuser, cmail, cemail, mname, ctime, chost, cnumber, cip, citem ' . 'FROM %s ' . 'LEFT OUTER JOIN %s ON mnumber=cmember ' . 'WHERE '; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('comment'), sql_table('member')); if ( $this->skintype == 'itemcommentlist' ) { $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid'); $query .= " citem={$itemid}"; $template['canAddBan'] = $member->blogAdminRights(intRequestVar('blogid')); $bid = 0; $nonComments = _NOCOMMENTS; } elseif ( $this->skintype == 'browseowncomments' ) { $itemid = 0; $query .= ' cmember=' . $member->getID(); $template['canAddBan'] = 0; $bid = 0; $nonComments = _NOCOMMENTS_YOUR; } elseif ( $this->skintype == 'blogcommentlist' ) { $itemid = 0; $query .= ' cblog=' . intRequestVar('blogid'); $template['canAddBan'] = $member->blogAdminRights(intRequestVar('blogid')); $bid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $nonComments = _NOCOMMENTS_BLOG; } $search = postVar('search'); if ( !empty($search) ) { $query .= ' and cbody LIKE ' . DB::quoteValue('%'.$search.'%'); } $query .= " ORDER BY ctime ASC LIMIT {$start},{$amount}"; $template['content'] = 'commentlist'; $navList = new Navlist($this->skintype, $start, $amount, 0, 1000, $bid, $search, $itemid); $navList->showBatchList('comment', $query, 'table', $template, $nonComments); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_configsettingsedit() * Parse skinvar configsettingsedit * * @param string $type type of global configuration * @return void */ public function parse_configsettingsedit($type) { global $CONF; switch ( $type ) { case 'DefaultListSize': if ( !array_key_exists('DefaultListSize', $CONF) ) { $query = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (DefaultListSize, 10);"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('config')); DB::execute($query); $CONF['DefaultListSize'] = 10; } elseif ( intval($CONF['DefaultListSize']) < 1 ) { $CONF['DefaultListSize'] = 10; } echo intval($CONF['DefaultListSize']); break; case 'SessionCookie': $value = $CONF['SessionCookie']; $txt1 = _SETTINGS_COOKIESESSION; $txt2 = _SETTINGS_COOKIEMONTH; $this->parse_inputyesno('SessionCookie', $value, 10190, 1, 0, $txt1, $txt2); break; case 'URLMode': $value = $CONF['URLMode']; $txt1 = _SETTINGS_URLMODE_NORMAL; $txt2 = _SETTINGS_URLMODE_PATHINFO; $this->parse_inputyesno('URLMode', $value, 10077, 'normal', 'pathinfo', $txt1, $txt2); break; default: if ( array_key_exists($type, $CONF) && is_string($CONF[$type]) ) { echo Entity::hsc($CONF[$type]); } break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_configsettingsyesno() * Parse skinvar configsettingsyesno * * @param string $type type of global setting * @param integer $tabindex tabindex attribute of input element * @return void */ public function parse_configsettingsyesno($type, $tabindex) { global $CONF; if ( array_key_exists($type, $CONF) ) { $this->parse_inputyesno($type, $CONF[$type], $tabindex); } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_contents() * Parse skinvar contents * * @param string $which part for item * @return void */ public function parse_contents($which) { if ( !array_key_exists($which, Admin::$contents) ) { Admin::$contents[$which] = ''; } echo Entity::hsc(Admin::$contents[$which]); } /** * AdminActions::parse_currenttime() * Parse skinvar currenttime * * @param string $what */ // for future items public function parse_currenttime($what) { $nu = getdate(Admin::$blog->getCorrectTime()); echo $nu[$what]; } /** * AdminActions::parse_customhelplink() * Parse skinvar customhelplink * * @param string $topic name of topic * @param string $tplName name of template * @param string $url string as URI * @param string $iconURL string as URI for icon * @param string $alt alternative text for image element * @param string $title title for anchor element * @return void */ public function parse_customhelplink($topic, $tplName = '', $url = '', $iconURL = '', $alt = '', $title = '', $onclick = '') { $this->customHelp($topic, $url, $iconURL); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_date() * Parse skinvar date */ public function parse_date($format = 'c') { global $CONF, $manager; echo i18n::formatted_datetime($format, time(), 'iso8601', $manager->getBlog((integer) $CONF['DefaultBlog'])); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_defaultadminskintypes() * Parse skinvar defaultadminskintypes * * @param string $tabindex index number for tabindex attribute of input element * @param string $templateName name of template * @return void */ public function parse_defaultadminskintypes($tabindex, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( $templateName ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } $types = $this->parser->skin->getAvailableTypes(); ksort($types); /* NOTE: set templates for HEAD/BODY/FOOT */ if ( !array_key_exists('ADMINSKINTYPELIST_HEAD', $templates) || empty($templates['ADMINSKINTYPELIST_HEAD']) ) { $template['head'] = "\n"; } else { $template['foot'] = $templates['ADMINSKINTYPELIST_FOOT']; } $handler = new AdminActions('template'); $parser = new PARSER($handler); /* NOTE: do output */ echo $template['head']; foreach ( $types as $type => $fName ) { $helplink = $this->customHelpHtml("skinpart{$type}{$templateName}"); $data = array( 'tabindex' => $tabindex, 'skintype' => $type, 'name' => $fName, 'help' => $helplink, 'skinid' => intrequestVar('skinid'), ); $parser->parse(Template::fill($template['body'], $data)); $tabindex++; } echo $template['foot']; return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_defblogselect() * Parse skinvar defblogselect * * @param string $templateName name of template * @return void */ public function parse_defblogselect($templateName = '') { global $CONF; $query = "SELECT bname as text, bnumber as value FROM %s;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog')); $template['name'] = 'DefaultBlog'; $template['selected'] = $CONF['DefaultBlog']; $template['tabindex'] = 10; Showlist($query, 'select', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_defcatselect() * Parse skinvar defcatselect * * @param string $templateName name of template * @return void */ public function parse_defcatselect($templateName = '') { global $manager; $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $blog = $manager->getBlog($blogid); $query = "SELECT cname as text, catid as value FROM %s WHERE cblog=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('category'), (integer) $blog->getID()); $template['name'] = 'defcat'; $template['selected'] = $blog->getDefaultCategory(); $template['tabindex'] = 110; Showlist($query, 'select', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_defskinselect() * Parse skinvar defskinselect * * @param string $type type of skin * @param string $templateName name of template * @return void */ public function parse_defskinselect($type = 'blog', $templateName = '') { global $CONF, $manager; $query = "SELECT sdname as text, sdnumber as value FROM %s WHERE sdname NOT LIKE 'admin/%%';"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc')); $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); if ( !$blogid ) { $template['selected'] = $CONF['BaseSkin']; } else { $blog = $manager->getBlog($blogid); $template['selected'] = $blog->getDefaultSkin(); } if ( $type != 'blog' ) { $nname = 'BaseSkin'; } else { $nname = 'defskin'; } $template['name'] = $nname; $template['tabindex'] = 50; Showlist($query, 'select', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_deletecomment() * Parse skinvar deletecomment * * @param string $type type of infomation for comment * @return void */ public function parse_deletecomment($type = 'id') { $commentid = intRequestVar('commentid'); $comment = COMMENT::getComment($commentid); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo intRequestVar('commentid'); break; case 'author': if ( array_key_exists('member', $comment) && !empty($comment['member']) ) { echo $comment['member']; } else { echo $comment['user']; } break; case 'body': $body = strip_tags($comment['body']); echo Entity::hsc(shorten($body, 300, '...')); } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_deleteitembody() * Parse skinvar deleteitembody * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_deleteitembody() { global $manager; $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid'); $item =& $manager->getItem($itemid, 1, 1); $body = strip_tags($item['body']); echo Entity::hsc(shorten($body, 300, '...')); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_deleteitemid() * Parse skinvar deleteitemid * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_deleteitemid() { echo (integer) intRequestVar('itemid'); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_deleteitemtitle() * Parse skinvar deleteitemtitle * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_deleteitemtitle() { global $manager; $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid'); $item =& $manager->getItem($itemid, 1, 1); echo Entity::hsc(strip_tags($item['title'])); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editadminskin() * Parse skinvar editadminskin * * @param string $type type of skin setting * @return void */ public function parse_editadminskin($type = 'id') { $skinid = intRequestVar('skinid'); $skin = new Skin($skinid); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo intRequestVar('skinid'); break; case 'name': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getName()); break; case 'desc': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getDescription()); break; case 'type': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getContentType()); break; case 'prefix': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getIncludePrefix()); break; case 'mode': $this->parse_inputyesno('inc_mode', $skin->getIncludeMode(), 120, 'skindir', 'normal', _PARSER_INCMODE_SKINDIR, _PARSER_INCMODE_NORMAL); default: break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editadminskintype() * Parse skinvar editadminskintype * * @param string $type name of skin type * @return void */ public function parse_editadminskintype($type = 'id') { global $CONF, $manager, $member; $fNames = $this->parser->skin->getAvailableTypes(); $sType = strtolower(trim(requestVar('type'))); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo intRequestVar('skinid'); break; case 'name': echo Entity::hsc($this->parser->skin->getName()); break; case 'desc': echo Entity::hsc($this->parser->skin->getDescription()); break; case 'type': echo Entity::hsc($this->parser->skin->getContentType()); break; case 'content': echo Entity::hsc($this->parser->skin->getContentFromDB($sType)); break; case 'skintype': $skinType = !array_key_exists($sType, $fNames) ? ucfirst($sType) : $fNames[$sType]; echo Entity::hsc($skinType); break; case 'skintyperaw': echo Entity::hsc($sType); break; case 'prefix': echo Entity::hsc($this->parser->skin->getIncludePrefix()); break; case 'mode': $incMode = $skin->getIncludeMode() ? _PARSER_INCMODE_SKINDIR : _PARSER_INCMODE_NORMAL; echo Entity::hsc($incMode); break; default: break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editcomment() * Parse skinvar editcomment * * @param string $type type of comment setting * @return void */ public function parse_editcomment($type = 'id') { global $manager; $commentid = intRequestVar('commentid'); $comment = COMMENT::getComment($commentid); $manager->notify('PrepareCommentForEdit', array('comment' => &$comment)); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo intRequestVar('commentid'); break; case 'user': if ( !array_key_exists('member', $comment) || empty($comment['member']) ) { echo $comment['user'] . " (" . _EDITC_NONMEMBER . ")"; } else { echo $comment['member'] . " (" . _EDITC_MEMBER . ")"; } break; case 'date': echo date("Y-m-d @ H:i", $comment['timestamp']); break; case 'body': $comment['body'] = str_replace('
    ', '', $comment['body']); $comment['body'] = preg_replace("#[^<]*#", "\\1", $comment['body']); echo $comment['body']; break; case 'cmail': echo $comment['userid']; break; case 'url': echo $comment['userid']; break; default: echo $comment[$type]; break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editdesturl() * Parse skinvar editdesturl */ public function parse_editdesturl() { if ( requestVar('desturl') ) { echo Entity::hsc(requestVar('desturl')); } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editmemberlist() * Parse skinvar editmemberlist * * @param string $templateName name of template * @return void */ public function parse_editmemberlist($templateName = '') { global $manager; // show list of members with actions $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.sql_table('member'); $template['content'] = 'memberlist'; $template['tabindex'] = 10; $batch = new Batch('member'); $batch->showList($query, 'table', $template, $templateName, _LISTS_NOMORE); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editmember() * Parse skinvar editmember * * @param string $type type of information for member * @return string $tempateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_editmember($type = 'id', $templateName = '') { global $CONF, $manager, $member; $memberid = intRequestVar('memberid'); $mem = MEMBER::createFromID($memberid); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo intRequestVar('memberid'); break; case 'displayname': if ( $this->skintype == 'teamdelete' || $this->skintype == 'memberdelete' ) { echo Entity::hsc($mem->getDisplayName()); } else { $dispName = Entity::hsc($mem->getDisplayName()); if ( $CONF['AllowLoginEdit'] || $member->isAdmin() ) { echo '\n"; } else { echo $dispName; } } break; case 'realname': echo Entity::hsc($mem->getRealName()); break; case 'email': echo Entity::hsc($mem->getEmail()); break; case 'url': echo Entity::hsc($mem->getURL()); break; case 'admin': $this->parse_inputyesno('admin', $mem->isAdmin(), 60, 1, 0, _YES, _NO, 0, $templateName); break; case 'canlogin': $this->parse_inputyesno('canlogin', $mem->canLogin(), 70, 1, 0, _YES, _NO, $mem->isAdmin(), $templateName); break; case 'notes': echo Entity::hsc($mem->getNotes()); break; case 'autosave': $this->parse_inputyesno('autosave', $mem->getAutosave(), 87, 1, 0, _YES, _NO, 0, $templateName); break; default: break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editpluginfo() * Parse skinvar editpluginfo * * @param string $type type of plugin info * @return void */ public function parse_editpluginfo($type) { global $manager; $pid = intRequestVar('plugid'); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo $pid; break; case 'name': echo Entity::hsc($manager->getPluginNameFromPid($pid)); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editplugoptionslist() * Parse skinvar editplugoptionslist * * @param string $templateName name of template * @return void */ public function parse_editplugoptionslist($templateName = '') { global $manager; $pid = intRequestVar('plugid'); $aOptions = array(); $aOIDs = array(); $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ocontext='global' AND opid=%d ORDER BY oid ASC;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('plugin_option_desc'), (integer) $pid); $resource = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $resource as $row ) { array_push($aOIDs, $row['oid']); $aOptions[$row['oid']] = array( 'oid' => $row['oid'], 'value' => $row['odef'], 'name' => $row['oname'], 'description' => $row['odesc'], 'type' => $row['otype'], 'typeinfo' => $row['oextra'], 'contextid' => 0 ); } // fill out actual values if ( count($aOIDs) > 0 ) { $query = 'SELECT oid, ovalue FROM %s WHERE oid in (%s)'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('plugin_option'), implode(',', $aOIDs)); $result = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $result as $row ) { $aOptions[$row['oid']]['value'] = $row['ovalue']; } } // call plugins $data = array( 'context' => 'global', 'plugid' => $pid, 'options' => &$aOptions ); $manager->notify('PrePluginOptionsEdit', $data); $template['content'] = 'plugoptionlist'; $amount = Showlist($aOptions, 'table', $template, $templateName); if ( $amount == 0 ) { echo '


    \n"; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editskin() * Parse skinvar editskin * * @param string $type type of skin * @return void */ public function parse_editskin($type = 'id') { $skinid = intRequestVar('skinid'); $skin = new SKIN($skinid); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo intRequestVar('skinid'); break; case 'name': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getName()); break; case 'desc': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getDescription()); break; case 'type': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getContentType()); break; case 'prefix': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getIncludePrefix()); break; case 'mode': $this->parse_inputyesno('inc_mode', $skin->getIncludeMode(), 120, 'skindir', 'normal', _PARSER_INCMODE_SKINDIR, _PARSER_INCMODE_NORMAL); default: break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editskintype() * Parse skinvar editskintype * * @param string $type name of type for skin type * @return void */ public function parse_editskintype($type = 'id') { global $CONF, $manager, $member; $skinid = intRequestVar('skinid'); $skin = new SKIN($skinid); $fNames = $skin->getAvailableTypes(); $sType = strtolower(trim(requestVar('type'))); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo intRequestVar('skinid'); break; case 'name': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getName()); break; case 'desc': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getDescription()); break; case 'type': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getContentType()); break; case 'content': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getContentFromDB($sType)); break; case 'skintype': $skinType = !array_key_exists($sType, $fNames) ? ucfirst($sType) : $fNames[$sType]; echo Entity::hsc($skinType); break; case 'skintyperaw': echo Entity::hsc($sType); break; case 'prefix': echo Entity::hsc($skin->getIncludePrefix()); break; case 'mode': $incMode = $skin->getIncludeMode() ? _PARSER_INCMODE_SKINDIR : _PARSER_INCMODE_NORMAL; echo Entity::hsc($incMode); break; default: break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_adminurl() * Parse skinvar adminurl * (shortcut for admin url) * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_adminurl() { $this->parse_sitevar('adminurl'); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_edittemplateinfo() * Parse skinvar edittemplateinfo * * @param string $type name of type for skin * @param string $description description for skin * @param string $name name of skin * @param string $help * @param string $tabindex index value for tabindex attribute of input element * @param string $big * @param string $tplt name of template * @return boolean */ public function parse_edittemplateinfo($type, $desc = '', $name = '', $help = '', $tabindex = 0, $big = 0, $tplt = '') { global $manager; $t_id = intRequestVar('templateid'); $t_name = Template::getNameFromId($t_id); $t_desc = Template::getDesc($t_id); $template = &Template::read($t_name); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo intval($t_id); break; case 'name': echo Entity::hsc($t_name); break; case 'desc': echo Entity::hsc($t_desc); break; case 'extratemplate': $tabidx = 600; $pluginfields = array(); $manager->notify('TemplateExtraFields', array('fields' => &$pluginfields)); $tmplt = array(); if ( $desc ) { $tmplt = Template::read($desc); } if ( !array_key_exists('TEMPLATE_EDIT_EXPLUGNAME', $tmplt) || empty($tmplt['TEMPLATE_EDIT_EXPLUGNAME']) ) { $base = "\n" . "\n" . '<%explugtplname%>' . "\n"; } else { $base = $tmplt['TEMPLATE_EDIT_EXPLUGNAME']; } foreach ( $pluginfields as $pfkey => $pfvalue ) { $data = array('explugtplname' => Entity::hsc($pfkey)); echo Template::fill($base, $data); foreach ( $pfvalue as $pffield => $pfdesc ) { $this->templateEditRow($template, $pfdesc, $pffield, '', ++$tabidx, 0, $name); } } break; default: $desc = defined($desc) ? constant($desc) : $desc; $name = defined($name) ? constant($name) : $name; $this->templateEditRow($template, $desc, $name, $help, $tabindex, $big, $tplt); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_editadmintemplateinfo() * Parse skinvar editadmintemplateinfo * * @param string $type type of skin template * @param string $description description of template * @param string $name name of stemplate * @param string $tabindex index number for tabindex attribute of input element * @param string $big * @param string $tplt */ public function parse_editadmintemplateinfo($type, $desc = '', $name = '', $help = '', $tabindex = 0, $big = 0, $tplt = '') { global $manager; $t_id = intRequestVar('templateid'); $t_name = Template::getNameFromId($t_id); $t_desc = Template::getDesc($t_id); $template = &Template::read($t_name); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': echo intval($t_id); break; case 'name': echo Entity::hsc($t_name); break; case 'desc': echo Entity::hsc($t_desc); break; case 'extratemplate': $tabidx = 600; $pluginfields = array(); $manager->notify('AdminTemplateExtraFields', array('fields' => &$pluginfields)); $tmplt = array(); if ( $desc ) { $tmplt = Template::read($desc); } if ( !array_key_exists('TEMPLATE_EDIT_EXPLUGNAME', $tmplt) || empty($tmplt['TEMPLATE_EDIT_EXPLUGNAME']) ) { $base = "\n" . "\n" . '<%explugtplname%>' . "\n"; } else { $base = $tmplt['TEMPLATE_EDIT_EXPLUGNAME']; } foreach ( $pluginfields as $pfkey => $pfvalue ) { $data = array('explugtplname' => Entity::hsc($pfkey)); echo Template::fill($base, $data); foreach ( $pfvalue as $pffield => $pfdesc ) { $this->templateEditRow($template, $pfdesc, $pffield, '', ++$tabidx, 0, $name); } } break; default: $desc = defined($desc) ? constant($desc) : $desc; $name = defined($name) ? constant($name) : $name; $this->templateEditRow($template, $desc, $name, $help, $tabindex, $big, $tplt); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_eventformextra() * Parse skinvar eventformextra * * @param string $type name of type for event form extra * @return void */ public function parse_eventformextra($type = 'activation') { global $manager; $data = array(); switch ( $type ) { case 'activation': $key = requestVar('ackey'); if ( !$key ) { Admin::error(_ERROR_ACTIVATE); } $info = MEMBER::getActivationInfo($key); if ( !$info ) { Admin::error(_ERROR_ACTIVATE); } $mem = MEMBER::createFromId($info->vmember); if ( !$mem ) { Admin::error(_ERROR_ACTIVATE); } $data = array( 'type' => 'activation', 'member' => $mem ); break; case 'membermailform-notloggedin': $data = array('type' => 'membermailform-notloggedin',); break; } $manager->notify('FormExtra', $data); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_extrahead() * Parse skinvar extrahead */ public function parse_extrahead() { global $manager; $extrahead = Admin::getAdminextrahead(); $data = array( 'extrahead' => &$extrahead, 'action' => Admin::getAdminAction() ); $manager->notify('AdminPrePageHead', $data); echo $extrahead; return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_member() * Parse skinvar member * (includes a member info thingie) * * @param string $what which memberdata is needed * @return void */ public function parse_member($what) { global $memberinfo, $member, $CONF; // 1. only allow the member-details-page specific variables on member pages if ( $this->skintype == 'member' ) { switch( $what ) { case 'name': echo Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getDisplayName()); break; case 'realname': echo Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getRealName()); break; case 'notes': echo Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getNotes()); break; case 'url': echo Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getURL()); break; case 'email': echo Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getEmail()); break; case 'id': echo Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getID()); break; } } // 2. the next bunch of options is available everywhere, as long as the user is logged in if ( $member->isLoggedIn() ) { switch( $what ) { case 'yourname': echo $member->getDisplayName(); break; case 'yourrealname': echo $member->getRealName(); break; case 'yournotes': echo $member->getNotes(); break; case 'yoururl': echo $member->getURL(); break; case 'youremail': echo $member->getEmail(); break; case 'yourid': echo $member->getID(); break; case 'yourprofileurl': if ( $CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo' ) { echo Link::create_member_link($member->getID()); } else { echo $CONF['IndexURL'] . Link::create_member_link($member->getID()); } break; } } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_version() * Parse skinvar version * (include nucleus versionnumber) * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_version() { global $nucleus; echo 'Nucleus CMS ' . $nucleus['version']; return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_sitevar() * Parse skinvar sitevar * (include a sitevar) * * @param string $which * @return void */ public function parse_sitevar($which) { global $CONF; switch ( $which ) { case 'url': echo $CONF['IndexURL']; break; case 'name': echo $CONF['SiteName']; break; case 'admin': echo $CONF['AdminEmail']; break; case 'adminurl': echo $CONF['AdminURL']; break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_actionurl() * Parse $CONF; * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_actionurl() { global $CONF; echo Entity::hsc($CONF['ActionURL']); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_charset() * Parse skinvar charset * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_charset() { echo i18n::get_current_charset(); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_getblogsetting() * Parse skinvar getblogsetting */ public function parse_getblogsetting($which) { global $blog, $manager; if ( $blog ) { $b =& $blog; } elseif ( $bid = intRequestVar('blogid') ) { $b = $manager->getBlog($bid); } else { return; } switch ( $which ) { case 'id': return Entity::hsc($b->getID()); break; case 'url': return Entity::hsc($b->getURL()); break; case 'name': return Entity::hsc($b->getName()); break; case 'desc': return Entity::hsc($b->getDescription()); break; case 'short': return Entity::hsc($b->getShortName()); break; case 'notifyaddress': return Entity::hsc($b->getNotifyAddress()); break; case 'maxcomments': return Entity::hsc($b->getMaxComments()); break; case 'updatefile': return Entity::hsc($b->getUpdateFile()); break; case 'timeoffset': return Entity::hsc($b->getTimeOffset()); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_geteditpluginfo() * Parse skinvar geteditpluginfo * * @param string $type name of setting for edit plugin info * @return void */ public function parse_geteditpluginfo($type) { global $manager; $pid = intRequestVar('plugid'); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': return $pid; break; case 'name': return Entity::hsc($manager->getPluginNameFromPid($pid)); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_getmember() * Parse skinvar getmember * (includes a member info thingie) * * @param string $what name of setting for member * @return void */ public function parse_getmember($what) { global $memberinfo, $member; // 1. only allow the member-details-page specific variables on member pages if ( $this->skintype == 'member' ) { switch ( $what ) { case 'name': return Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getDisplayName()); break; case 'realname': return Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getRealName()); break; case 'notes': return Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getNotes()); break; case 'url': return Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getURL()); break; case 'email': return Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getEmail()); break; case 'id': return Entity::hsc($memberinfo->getID()); break; } } // 2. the next bunch of options is available everywhere, as long as the user is logged in if ( $member->isLoggedIn() ) { switch ( $what ) { case 'yourname': return $member->getDisplayName(); break; case 'yourrealname': return $member->getRealName(); break; case 'yournotes': return $member->getNotes(); break; case 'yoururl': return $member->getURL(); break; case 'youremail': return $member->getEmail(); break; case 'yourid': return $member->getID(); break; } } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_headmessage() * Parse skinvar headmessage * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_headmessage() { if ( !empty(Admin::$headMess) ) { echo '

    ' . _MESSAGE . ': ' . Entity::hsc(Admin::$headMess) . "

    \n"; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_helplink() * Parse skinvar helplink * * @param string $topic name of topic for help * @return void */ public function parse_helplink($topic = '') { if ( !empty($topic) ) { help($topic); } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_helpplugname() * Parse skinvar helpplugname * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_helpplugname() { $plugid = intGetVar('plugid'); Entity::hsc($manager->getPluginNameFromPid($plugid)); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_ilistaddnew() * Parse skinvar ilistaddnew * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_ilistaddnew() { $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); if ( intPostVar('start') == 0 ) { echo '

    ' . _ITEMLIST_ADDNEW . "

    \n"; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_importskininfo() * Parse skinvar importskininfo * * @param string $type name of information for imported skin * @return void */ public function parse_importskininfo($type) { switch ( $type ) { case 'info': echo Entity::hsc(requestVar('skininfo')); break; case 'snames': $dataArr = requestArray('skinnames'); echo implode(' ' . _AND . ' ', $dataArr); break; case 'tnames': $dataArr = requestArray('tpltnames'); echo implode(' ' . _AND . ' ', $dataArr); break; case 'sclashes': $dataArr = requestArray('skinclashes'); echo implode(' ' . _AND . ' ', $dataArr); break; case 'tclashes': $dataArr = requestArray('tpltclashes'); echo implode(' ' . _AND . ' ', $dataArr); break; case 'skinfile': echo Entity::hsc(requestVar('skinfile')); break; case 'mode': echo Entity::hsc(requestVar('mode')); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_inputyesno() * Parse skinvar inputyesno * * some init stuff for all forms * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_init() { global $manager; $authorid = ''; if ( requestVar('action') == 'itemedit' ) { $authorid = Admin::$item['authorid']; } Admin::$blog->insertJavaScriptInfo($authorid); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_inputyesno() * Parse skinvar inputyesno * * @param string $name * @param string $checkedval * @param string $tabindex * @param string $value1 * @param string $value2 * @param string $yesval * @param string $noval * @param string $isAdmin * @param string $templateName * @return void */ public function parse_inputyesno($name, $checkedval, $tabindex = 0, $value1 = 1, $value2 = 0, $yesval = _YES, $noval = _NO, $isAdmin = 0, $templateName = '') { self::input_yesno($name, $checkedval, $tabindex, $value1, $value2, $yesval, $noval, $isAdmin, $templateName ); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_insertpluginfo() * Parse templatevar insertpluginfo */ public function parse_insertpluginfo($type) { $option = Admin::getAdminaOption(); switch ( $type ) { case 'id': return $option['pid']; break; case 'name': return Entity::hsc($option['pfile']); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_insplugoptcontent() * Parse skinvar insplugoptcontent * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_insplugoptcontent() { $option = Admin::getAdminaOption(); $meta = NucleusPlugin::getOptionMeta($option['typeinfo']); if ( array_key_exists('access', $meta) && $meta['access'] != 'hidden' ) { echo ''; listplug_plugOptionRow($option); echo ''; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_iprangeinput() * Parse skinvar iprangeinput * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_iprangeinput() { if ( requestVar('ip') ) { $iprangeVal = Entity::hsc(requestVar('ip')); echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; echo "\n"; } else { echo '' . "\n"; echo '' . "\n"; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_itemnavlist() * Parse skinvar itemnavlist * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_itemnavlist($templateName) { global $CONF, $manager, $member; $query = "SELECT bshortname, cname, mname, ititle, ibody, inumber, idraft, itime" . " FROM %s, %s, %s, %s" . " WHERE iblog=bnumber AND iauthor=mnumber AND icat=catid"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), sql_table('blog'), sql_table('member'), sql_table('category')); if ( $this->skintype == 'itemlist' ) { $blog = FALSE; if ( array_key_exists('blogid', $_REQUEST) ) { $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); } else if ( array_key_exists('itemid', $_REQUEST) ) { $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid'); $item = &$manager->getItem($itemid, 1, 1); $blogid = (integer) $item['blogid']; } $blog =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); $query .= " AND iblog={$blogid}"; $template['now'] = $blog->getCorrectTime(time()); // non-blog-admins can only edit/delete their own items if ( !$member->blogAdminRights($blogid) ) { $query .= ' AND iauthor = ' . $member->getID(); } } elseif ( $this->skintype == 'browseownitems' ) { $query .= ' AND iauthor = ' . $member->getID(); $blogid = 0; $template['now'] = time(); } // search through items $search = postVar('search'); if ( !empty($search) ) { $query .= ' AND ((ititle LIKE ' . DB::quoteValue('%'.$search.'%') . ') ' . ' OR (ibody LIKE ' . DB::quoteValue('%'.$search.'%') . ') ' . ' OR (imore LIKE ' . DB::quoteValue('%'.$search.'%') . '))'; } if ( postVar('start') ) { $start = intPostVar('start'); } else { $start = 0; } // amount of items to show if ( postVar('amount') ) { $amount = intPostVar('amount'); } else { $amount = (integer) $CONF['DefaultListSize']; if ( $amount < 1 ) { $amount = 10; } } $query .= ' ORDER BY itime DESC' . " LIMIT {$start},{$amount}"; $template['content'] = 'itemlist'; $navList = new Navlist($this->skintype, $start, $amount, 0, 1000, $blogid, $search, 0); $navList->showBatchList('item', $query, 'table', $template, '', $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_itemtime() * date change on edit item * * @param string $key key of PHP's getDate() * @return void */ public function parse_itemtime($key) { global $manager; $item = false; $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid'); $item =& $manager->getItem($itemid, 1, 1); $blog =& $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($itemid)); if ( $item && $blog->convertBreaks() && requestVar('action') == 'itemedit' ) { $item['body'] = removeBreaks($item['body']); $item['more'] = removeBreaks($item['more']); } $contents = array(); if ( requestVar('action') == 'itemedit' ) { $contents = $item; } elseif ( requestVar('action') == 'createitem' ) { $data = array( 'contents' => &$contents, 'blog' => &$this->blog ); $manager->notify('PreAddItemForm', $data); } $itemtime = getdate($contents['timestamp']); echo $itemtime[$key]; return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_jstoolbaroptions() * Parse skinvar jstoolbaroptions * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_jstoolbaroptions() { global $CONF; $options = array( _SETTINGS_JSTOOLBAR_NONE, _SETTINGS_JSTOOLBAR_SIMPLE, _SETTINGS_JSTOOLBAR_FULL ); $i = 1; foreach ( $options as $option ) { $text = "\n"; $extra = ($CONF['DisableJsTools'] == $i) ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; echo sprintf($text, $i, $extra, $option); $i++; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_localeselectoptions() * Parse skinvar localeselectoptions * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_localeselectoptions() { $locales = i18n::get_available_locale_list(); $memid = intRequestVar('memberid'); if ( $memid ) { $mem = MEMBER::createFromID($memid); if ( !$mem->getLocale() || !in_array($mem->getLocale(), $locales) ) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } else { if ( !i18n::get_current_locale() || !in_array(i18n::get_current_locale(), $locales) ) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } foreach ( $locales as $locale ) { if ( $locale == 'en_Latn_US' ) { continue; } else if ($memid) { if ( $locale == $mem->getLocale() ) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } else { if ( $locale == i18n::get_current_locale() ) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } } } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_listplugplugoptionrow() * Parse templatevar listplugplugoptionrow * * @param string $templateName name of template * @return void */ public function parse_listplugplugoptionrow($templateName = '') { echo listplug_plugOptionRow(Admin::getAdminaOption(), $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_mediadirwarning() * Parse skinvar mediadirwarning * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_mediadirwarning() { global $DIR_MEDIA; if ( !is_dir($DIR_MEDIA) ) { echo "
    " . _WARNING_NOTADIR . "\n"; } if ( !is_readable($DIR_MEDIA) ) { echo "
    " . _WARNING_NOTREADABLE . "\n"; } if ( !is_writeable($DIR_MEDIA) ) { echo "
    " . _WARNING_NOTWRITABLE . "\n"; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_movedistselect() * Parse skinvar movedistselect */ public function parse_movedistselect() { $actionType = requestVar('action'); switch ( $actionType ) { case 'batchitem': $this->selectBlog('destcatid', 'category'); break; case 'batchcategory': $this->selectBlog('destblogid'); break; default: if ( $this->skintype == 'itemmove' ) { $query = "SELECT icat as result FROM %s WHERE inumber=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), intRequestVar('itemid')); $catid = DB::getValue(sprintf($query, intRequestVar('itemid'))); $this->selectBlog('catid', 'category', $catid, 10, 1); } break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_moveitemid() * Parse skinvar moveitemid * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_moveitemid() { echo intRequestVar('itemid'); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_newestcompare() * Parse skinvar newestcompare * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_newestcompare() { global $nucleus; $newestVersion = getLatestVersion(); $newestCompare = str_replace('/', '.', $newestVersion); $currentVersion = str_replace(array('/', 'v'), array('.', ''), $nucleus['version']); if ( $newestVersion && version_compare($newestCompare, $currentVersion, '>') ) { echo '
    '; echo _ADMIN_SYSTEMOVERVIEW_LATESTVERSION_TEXT . $newestVersion . ''; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_newmemberselect() * Parse skinvar newmemberselect * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_newmemberselect($templateName = '') { $blogid = intRequestVar('blogid'); $query = "SELECT tmember FROM %s WHERE tblog=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('team'), (integer) $blogid); $res = DB::getResult($query); $tmem = array(); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $tmem[] = intval($row['tmember']); } $query = "SELECT mname as text, mnumber as value FROM %s WHERE mnumber NOT IN (%s);"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('member'), implode(', ', $tmem)); $template = array( 'name' => 'memberid', 'tabindex' => 10000, 'selected' => 0 ); Showlist($query, 'select', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_newpluginlist() * Parse skinvar newpluginlist * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_newpluginlist() { $candidates = $this->newPlugCandidates; foreach ( $candidates as $name ) { echo '\n"; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_outputspecialdirs() * Parse skinvar outputspecialdirs * * @param string $type type of setting for directory * @return void */ public function parse_outputspecialdirs($type) { global $DIR_MEDIA, $DIR_NUCLEUS; switch ( $type ) { case 'nucleusdir': echo Entity::hsc($DIR_NUCLEUS); break; case 'mediadir': echo Entity::hsc($DIR_MEDIA); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_passrequestvars() * Parse skinvar passrequestvars * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_passrequestvars() { $passvar = Admin::getAdminpassvar(); $oldaction = postVar('oldaction'); if ( ($oldaction != 'logout') && ($oldaction != 'login') && $passvar && !postVar('customaction') ) { passRequestVars(); } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_pluginextras() * Parse skinvar pluginextras * * @param string $type type of plugin context * @return void */ public function parse_pluginextras($type = 'global') { global $manager; switch ( $type ) { case 'member': $id = intRequestVar('memberid'); $mem = MEMBER::createFromID($id); $manager->notify('MemberSettingsFormExtras', array('member' => &$mem)); break; case 'blog': $id = intRequestVar('blogid'); $blg = $manager->getBlog($id); $manager->notify('BlogSettingsFormExtras', array('member' => &$blg)); break; case 'createaccount': $data = array( 'type' => 'createaccount.php', 'prelabel' => '', 'postlabel' => '
    ', 'prefield' => '', 'postfield' => '

    ' ); $manager->notify('RegistrationFormExtraFields', $data); break; default: $manager->notify('GeneralSettingsFormExtras', array()); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_pluginhelp() * Parse skinvar pluginhelp * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_pluginhelp() { global $manager, $DIR_PLUGINS; $plugid = intGetVar('plugid'); $plugName = $manager->getPluginNameFromPid($plugid); $plug =& $manager->getPlugin($plugName); if ( $plug->supportsFeature('HelpPage') > 0 ) { $helpfile = $DIR_PLUGINS . $plug->getShortName() . '/help.'; if ( @file_exists($helpfile . 'php') ) { @include($helpfile . 'php'); return; } elseif ( @file_exists($helpfile . 'html') ) { @include($helpfile . 'html'); return; } } echo '

    ' . _ERROR . ': ' . _ERROR_PLUGNOHELPFILE . "

    \n"; echo '

    (' . _BACK . ")

    \n"; return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_pluginlistlist() * Parse skinvar pluginlistlist * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_pluginlistlist($templateName = '') { $query = "SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY porder ASC;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('plugin')); $template['content'] = 'pluginlist'; $template['tabindex'] = 10; Showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_pluginoptions() * Parse skinvar pluginoptions * * @param string $type type of plugin option * @return void */ public function parse_pluginoptions($context='global', $templateName='') { global $itemid, $manager; switch ( $context ) { case 'member': $contextid = intRequestVar('memberid'); break; case 'blog': $contextid = intRequestVar('blogid'); break; case 'category': $contextid = intRequestVar('catid'); break; case 'item': $contextid = $itemid; break; } /* Actually registererd plugin options */ $aIdToValue = array(); $query = "SELECT oid, ovalue FROM %s WHERE ocontextid=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('plugin_option'), (integer) $contextid); $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $aIdToValue[$row['oid']] = $row['ovalue']; } /* Currently available plugin options */ $query = "SELECT * FROM %s, %s WHERE opid=pid and ocontext= %s ORDER BY porder, oid ASC;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('plugin_option_desc'), sql_table('plugin'), DB::quoteValue($context)); $res = DB::getResult($query); $options = array(); foreach ($res as $row ) { if ( !array_key_exists($row['oid'], $aIdToValue) ) { $value = $row['odef']; } else { $value = $aIdToValue[$row['oid']]; } $options[] = array( 'pid' => $row['pid'], 'pfile' => $row['pfile'], 'oid' => $row['oid'], 'value' => $value, 'name' => $row['oname'], 'description' => $row['odesc'], 'type' => $row['otype'], 'typeinfo' => $row['oextra'], 'contextid' => $contextid, 'extra' => '' ); } $data = array( 'context' => $context, 'contextid' => $contextid, 'options' => &$options ); $manager->notify('PrePluginOptionsEdit', $data); $template = array(); if ( $templateName ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); if ( !array_key_exists('INSERT_PLUGOPTION_TITLE', $templates) || empty($templates['INSERT_PLUGOPTION_TITLE']) ) { $template['title'] = "" . "<%sprinttext(_PLUGIN_OPTIONS_TITLE, <|%insertpluginfo(name)%|>)%>" . "\n"; } else { $template['title'] = $templates['INSERT_PLUGOPTION_TITLE']; } if ( !array_key_exists('INSERT_PLUGOPTION_BODY', $templates) || empty($templates['INSERT_PLUGOPTION_BODY']) ) { $template['body'] = "" . "<%listplugplugoptionrow%>" . "\n"; } else { $template['body'] = $templates['INSERT_PLUGOPTION_BODY']; } } $prevPid = -1; include_libs('ACTIONS.php'); $handler = new Actions($this->skintype); $parser = new PARSER($handler); foreach ( $options as $option ) { // new plugin? if ( $prevPid != $option['pid'] ) { $prevPid = $option['pid']; $parser->parse($template['title']); } $meta = NucleusPlugin::getOptionMeta($option['typeinfo']); if ( @$meta['access'] != 'hidden' ) { $parsed = $parser->parse($template['body']); } } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_qmenuaddselect() * Parse skinvar qmanuaddselect * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_qmenuaddselect($templateName = '') { global $member; $showAll = requestVar('showall'); if ( $member->isAdmin() && ($showAll == 'yes') ) { // Super-Admins have access to all blogs! (no add item support though) $query = 'SELECT bnumber as value, bname as text' . ' FROM ' . sql_table('blog') . ' ORDER BY bname'; } else { $query = 'SELECT bnumber as value, bname as text' . ' FROM ' . sql_table('blog') . ', ' . sql_table('team') . ' WHERE tblog=bnumber and tmember=' . $member->getID() . ' ORDER BY bname'; } $template['name'] = 'blogid'; $template['tabindex'] = 15000; $template['extra'] = _QMENU_ADD_SELECT; $template['selected'] = -1; $template['shorten'] = 10; $template['shortenel'] = ''; $template['javascript'] = 'onchange="return form.submit()"'; Showlist($query, 'select', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_quickmenu() * Parse skinvar quickmenu * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_quickmenu($templateName = '') { global $manager; $templates = array(); $template = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } $pluginExtras = array(); $manager->notify( 'QuickMenu', array( 'options' => &$pluginExtras ) ); if ( count($pluginExtras) > 0 ) { if ( !array_key_exists('PLUGIN_QUICKMENU_TITLE', $templates) || empty($templates['PLUGIN_QUICKMENU_TITLE']) ) { $template['title'] = "


    \n"; } else { $template['title'] = $templates['PLUGIN_QUICKMENU_TITLE']; } if ( !array_key_exists('PLUGIN_QUICKMENU_HEAD', $templates) || empty($templates['PLUGIN_QUICKMENU_HEAD']) ) { $template['head'] = "\n"; } else { $template['foot'] = $templates['PLUGIN_QUICKMENU_FOOT']; } $handler = new Actions($this->skintype); $parser = new PARSER($handler); $parser->parse($template['title']); echo $template['head']; foreach ( $pluginExtras as $aInfo ) { $data = array( 'plugadminurl' => Entity::hsc($aInfo['url']), 'plugadmintooltip' => Entity::hsc($aInfo['tooltip']), 'plugadmintitle' => Entity::hsc($aInfo['title']), ); echo Template::fill($template['body'], $data); } echo $template['foot']; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_requestblogid() * Parse skinvar requestblogid * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_requestblogid() { echo intRequestVar('blogid'); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_requestiprange() * Parse skinvar requestiprange * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_requestiprange() { if ( requestVar('iprange') ) { echo Entity::hsc(requestVar('iprange')); } elseif ( requestVar('ip') ) { echo Entity::hsc(requestVar('ip')); } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_selectlocaladminskinfiles() * Parse skinvar selectlocaladminskinfiles * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_selectlocaladminskinfiles() { global $DIR_SKINS, $manager; $adminskindir = $DIR_SKINS . 'admin/'; $candidates = SkinImport::searchForCandidates($adminskindir); foreach ( $candidates as $skinname => $skinfile ) { $html = Entity::hsc($skinfile); echo '\n"; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_selectlocalskinfiles() * Parse skinvar selectlocalskinfiles * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_selectlocalskinfiles() { global $DIR_SKINS; $candidates = SkinImport::searchForCandidates($DIR_SKINS); foreach ( $candidates as $skinname => $skinfile ) { $html = Entity::hsc($skinfile); echo '\n"; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_skineditallowedlist() * Parse skinvar skineditallowedlist * * @param string $type type of skin * @param string $templateName name of template * @return void */ public function parse_skineditallowedlist($type, $templateName = '') { switch ( $type ) { case 'blog': $query = "SELECT bshortname, bname FROM %s;"; $show = array( 'content' => 'shortblognames' ); $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog')); Showlist($query, 'table', $show, $templateName); break; case 'template': $query = "SELECT tdname as name, tddesc as description FROM %s WHERE tdname NOT LIKE 'admin/%%';"; $show = array( 'content' => 'shortnames' ); $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('template_desc')); Showlist($query, 'table', $show, $templateName); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_skinielist() * Parse skinvar skinielist * * @param string $type type of skin * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_skinielist($type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( $templateName ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } if ( array_key_exists('SKINIE_EXPORT_LIST', $templates) && !empty($templates['SKINIE_EXPORT_LIST']) ) { $template = $templates['SKINIE_EXPORT_LIST']; } else { $template = "" . "\" id=\"<%expid%>\" />\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "<%expdesc%>\n" . "\n" . "\n"; } switch ( $type ) { case 'skin': $res = DB::getResult('SELECT * FROM ' . sql_table('skin_desc'). " WHERE sdname NOT LIKE 'admin/%%';"); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $data = array( 'typeid' => 'skin[' . $row['sdnumber'] . ']', 'expid' => 'skinexp' . $row['sdnumber'], 'expname' => Entity::hsc($row['sdname']), 'expdesc' => Entity::hsc($row['sddesc']) ); echo Template::fill($template, $data); } break; case 'template': $res = DB::getResult('SELECT * FROM '.sql_table('template_desc'). " WHERE tdname NOT LIKE 'admin/%%';"); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $data = array( 'typeid' => 'template[' . $row['tdnumber'] . ']', 'expid' => 'templateexp' . $row['tdnumber'], 'expname' => Entity::hsc($row['tdname']), 'expdesc' => Entity::hsc($row['tddesc']) ); echo Template::fill($template, $data); } break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_skinoverview() * Parse skinvar skinoverview * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_skinoverview($templateName = '') { global $CONF; $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE sdname NOT LIKE 'admin/%%';"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc')); $template['content'] = 'skinlist'; $template['tabindex'] = 10; Showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_skintypehelp() * Check editing skintypehelp * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_skintypehelp() { $nowSkinType = strtolower(trim(requestVar('type'))); /* TODO: use Skin class */ $regularType = array( 'index', 'item', 'archivelist', 'archive', 'search', 'error', 'member', 'imagepopup' ); if ( in_array($nowSkinType, $regularType) ) { help('skinpart' . $nowSkinType); } else { help('skinpartspecial'); } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_specialskinlist() * Parse skinvar specialskinlist * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_specialskinlist($templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( $templateName ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } /* TODO: use Skin class */ $nType = array( 'index', 'item', 'error', 'search', 'archive', 'archivelist', 'imagepopup', 'member' ); $skinid = intRequestVar('skinid'); $query = "SELECT stype FROM %s WHERE stype NOT IN ('%s') AND sdesc = %d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), implode("', '", $nType), $skinid); $res = DB::getResult($query); if ( $res && $res->rowCount() > 0 ) { $data = array(); if ( array_key_exists('SPECIALSKINLIST_HEAD', $templates) && !empty($templates['SPECIALSKINLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template['head'] = $templates['SPECIALSKINLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template['head'] = "\n"; } echo Template::fill($template['foot'], $data); return; } } /** * AdminActions::parse_sprinttext() * Parse sprinttext * * @param string $which * @param string $val * @return void */ public function parse_sprinttext($which, $val) { if ( !defined($which) ) { $base = $which; } else { $base = constant($which); } if ( preg_match('#[^<|%].*[^%|>]#', $val, $matchies) ) { if ( !preg_match('#[(].*[^)]#', $matchies[0], $args) ) { $met = 'parse_' . $matchies[0]; } else { $arg = trim($args[0], '()'); $met = 'parse_' . substr($matchies[0], 0, strpos($matchies[0], '(')); } if ( method_exists($this, $met) ) { $value = call_user_func(array(&$this, $met), $arg); } } if ( !isset($value) || empty($value) ) { $value = $val; } echo sprintf($base, $value); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_systemsettings() * Parse skinvar systemsettings * * @param string $type type of settings for system * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_systemsettings($type = 'phpinfo', $templateName = '') { global $member, $CONF, $nucleus; $member->isAdmin() or Admin::disallow(); $enable = _ADMIN_SYSTEMOVERVIEW_ENABLE; $disable = _ADMIN_SYSTEMOVERVIEW_DISABLE; switch ( $type ) { case 'phpversion': echo phpversion(); break; case 'sqlserverinfo': echo DB::getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION); break; case 'sqlclientinfo': echo DB::getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION); break; case 'magicquotesgpc': echo ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') ? 'On' : 'Off'; break; case 'magicquotesruntime': echo ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime') ? 'On' : 'Off'; break; case 'registerglobals': echo ini_get('register_globals') ? 'On' : 'Off'; break; case 'gdinfo': $templates = array(); if ( $templateName ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } if ( !array_key_exists('SYSTEMINFO_GDSETTINGS', $templates) || empty($templates['SYSTEMINFO_GDSETTINGS']) ) { $template = "\n" . "<%key%>\n" . "<%value%>\n" . "\n"; } else { $template = $templates['SYSTEMINFO_GDSETTINGS']; } $gdinfo = gd_info(); foreach ( $gdinfo as $key => $value ) { if ( is_bool($value) ) { $value = $value ? $enable : $disable; } else { $value = Entity::hsc($value); } $data = array( 'key' => $key, 'value' => $value, ); echo Template::fill($template, $data); } break; case 'modrewrite': ob_start(); phpinfo(INFO_MODULES); $im = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo ( i18n::strpos($im, 'mod_rewrite') !== FALSE ) ? $enable : $disable; break; case 'nucleusversion': echo getNucleusVersion() / 100 . '(' . $nucleus['version'] . ')'; break; case 'nucleuspatchlevel': echo getNucleusPatchLevel(); break; case 'confself': echo $CONF['Self']; break; case 'confitemurl': echo $CONF['ItemURL']; break; case 'alertonheaderssent': echo $CONF['alertOnHeadersSent'] ? $enable : $disable; break; case 'nucleuscodename': if ( $nucleus['codename'] != '' ) { echo ' "' . $nucleus['codename'] . '"'; } break; case 'versioncheckurl': echo sprintf(_ADMIN_SYSTEMOVERVIEW_VERSIONCHECK_URL, getNucleusVersion(), getNucleusPatchLevel()); break; } return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_templateoverview() * Parse skinvar templateoverview * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_templateoverview($templateName = '') { $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE tdname NOT LIKE 'admin/%%' ORDER BY tdname"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('template_desc')); $template['content'] = 'templatelist'; $template['tabindex'] = 10; Showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_ticket() * Parse ticket * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_ticket() { global $manager; $manager->addTicketHidden(); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_versioncheckurl() * Parse skinvar versioncheckurl * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_versioncheckurl() { echo sprintf(_ADMIN_SYSTEMOVERVIEW_VERSIONCHECK_URL, getNucleusVersion(), getNucleusPatchLevel()); return; } /** * AdminActions::parse_yrbloglist() * Parse skinvar yrbloglist * * @param string $templateName name of template to use * @return void */ public function parse_yrbloglist($templateName = '') { global $member; $showAll = requestVar('showall'); if ( $member->isAdmin() && ($showAll == 'yes') ) { // Super-Admins have access to all blogs! (no add item support though) $query = "SELECT bnumber, bname, 1 as tadmin, burl, bshortname" . " FROM %s" . " ORDER BY bnumber;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog')); } else { $query = "SELECT bnumber, bname, tadmin, burl, bshortname" . " FROM %s,%s" . " WHERE tblog=bnumber and tmember=%d" . " ORDER BY bnumber;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog'), sql_table('team'), (integer) $member->getID()); } $template['content'] = 'bloglist'; $template['superadmin'] = $member->isAdmin(); $amount = Showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); if ( ($showAll != 'yes') && ($member->isAdmin()) ) { $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as result FROM ' . sql_table('blog'); $total = DB::getValue($query); if ( $total > $amount ) { echo '


    '; } } if ( $amount == 0 ) { echo _OVERVIEW_NOBLOGS; } elseif( $amount != 0 ) { echo '


    '; $query = "SELECT ititle, inumber, bshortname" . " FROM %s,%s" . ' WHERE iauthor=%d AND iblog=bnumber AND idraft=1;'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), sql_table('blog'), (integer) $member->getID()); $template['content'] = 'draftlist'; $amountdrafts = Showlist($query, 'table', $template, $templateName); if ( $amountdrafts == 0 ) { echo _OVERVIEW_NODRAFTS; } } return; } /** * AdminActions::checkCondition() * Checks conditions for if statements * * @param string $field type of <%if%> * @param string $name property of field * @param string $value value of property * @return boolean condition */ protected function checkCondition($field, $name='', $value = '') { global $CONF, $archiveprevexists, $archivenextexists, $blog, $catid, $itemidnext, $itemidprev, $manager, $member; $condition = 0; switch ( $field ) { case 'category': if ( !$blog ) { if ( $blogid ) { $blog =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); } elseif ( $catid ) { $blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($catid); $blog =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); } elseif ( intRequestVar('catid') ) { $catid = intRequestVar('catid'); $blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($catid); $blog =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); } else { return; } } $condition = ($blog && $this->ifCategory($name, $value)); break; case 'loggedin': $condition = $member->isLoggedIn(); break; case 'onteam': $condition = $member->isLoggedIn() && $this->ifOnTeam($name); break; case 'admin': $condition = $member->isLoggedIn() && $this->ifAdmin($name); break; case 'superadmin': $condition = $member->isLoggedIn() && $member->isAdmin(); break; case 'allowloginedit': $condition = $member->isLoggedIn() && ($CONF['AllowLoginEdit'] || $member->isAdmin()); break; case 'nextitem': $condition = ($itemidnext != ''); break; case 'previtem': $condition = ($itemidprev != ''); break; case 'archiveprevexists': $condition = ($archiveprevexists == true); break; case 'archivenextexists': $condition = ($archivenextexists == true); break; case 'skintype': $condition = (($name == $this->skintype) || ($name == requestVar('action'))); break; case 'hasplugin': $condition = $this->ifHasPlugin($name, $value); break; case 'adminaction': $condition = (Admin::getAdminAction() == $name); break; case 'adminoldaction': $condition = (Admin::getAdminAction() == $name); break; case 'addresschange': $condition = ($this->ifAddresscange()); break; case 'bechangepass': $condition = ($this->beChangePassword()); break; case 'skincandidates': $condition = ($this->ifSkincandidates()); break; case 'nameclashes': $condition = requestVar('nameclashes'); break; case 'existsnewplugin': $condition = ($this->existsNewPlugin()); break; case 'autosave': if ( $value == '' ) { $value = 1; } $condition = (boolean) ($member->getAutosave() == $value); break; case 'blogsetting': if ( $value == '' ) { $value = 1; } $condition = (Admin::$blog->getSetting($name) == $value); break; case 'itemproperty': if ( $value == '' ) { $value = 1; } if ( array_key_exists($name, Admin::$item) ) { $condition = (boolean) (Admin::$item[$name] == $value); } break; default: $condition = $manager->pluginInstalled("NP_{$field}") && $this->ifPlugin($field, $name, $value); break; } return $condition; } /** * AdminActions::_ifHasPlugin() * hasplugin,PlugName * -> checks if plugin exists * hasplugin,PlugName,OptionName * -> checks if the option OptionName from plugin PlugName is not set to 'no' * hasplugin,PlugName,OptionName=value * -> checks if the option OptionName from plugin PlugName is set to value * * @param string $name name of plugin * @param string $value * @return */ private function ifHasPlugin($name, $value) { global $manager; $condition = false; // (pluginInstalled method won't write a message in the actionlog on failure) if ( $manager->pluginInstalled("NP_{$name}") ) { $plugin =& $manager->getPlugin("NP_{$name}"); if ( $plugin != NULL ) { if ( $value == "" ) { $condition = true; } else { list($name2, $value2) = preg_split('#=#', $value, 2); if ( $value2 == "" && $plugin->getOption($name2) != 'no' ) { $condition = true; } else if ( $plugin->getOption($name2) == $value2 ) { $condition = true; } } } } return $condition; } /** * AdminActions::beChangePassword() * * @param void * @return void */ private function beChangePassword() { return intRequestVar('bNeedsPasswordChange'); } /** * AdminActions::ifSkincandidates() * Checks if a plugin exists and call its doIf function * * @param void * @return void * @return boolean */ private function ifSkincandidates() { global $DIR_SKINS; $candidates = SKINIMPORT::searchForCandidates($DIR_SKINS); return (count($candidates) > 0); } /** * AdminActions::ifPlugin() * Checks if a plugin exists and call its doIf function * * @param string $name name of plugin * @param string $key * @param string $value * @return callback */ private function ifPlugin($name, $key = '', $value = '') { global $manager; $plugin =& $manager->getPlugin("NP_{$name}"); if ( !$plugin ) { return; } $params = func_get_args(); array_shift($params); return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin, 'doIf'), $params); } /** * AdminActions::ifCategory() * Different checks for a category * * @param string $key key for information of category * @param string $value value for information of category * @return boolean */ private function ifCategory($key = '', $value='') { global $blog, $catid; // when no parameter is defined, just check if a category is selected if (($key != 'catname' && $key != 'catid') || ($value == '')) { return $blog->isValidCategory($catid); } // check category name if ( $key == 'catname' ) { $value = $blog->getCategoryIdFromName($value); if ($value == $catid) { return $blog->isValidCategory($catid); } } // check category id if (($key == 'catid') && ($value == $catid)) { return $blog->isValidCategory($catid); } return FALSE; } /** * AdminActions::ifOnTeam() * Checks if a member is on the team of a blog and return his rights * * @param string $blogName name of weblog * @return boolean */ private function ifOnTeam($blogName = '') { global $blog, $member, $manager; // when no blog found if ( ($blogName == '') && !is_object($blog) ) { return 0; } // explicit blog selection if ($blogName != '') { $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($blogName); } if (($blogName == '') || !$manager->existsBlogID($blogid)) { // use current blog $blogid = $blog->getID(); } return $member->teamRights($blogid); } /** * AdminActions::ifAdmin() * Checks if a member is admin of a blog * * @param string $blogName name of weblog * @return boolean */ private function ifAdmin($blogName = '') { global $blog, $member, $manager; // when no blog found if (($blogName == '') && (!is_object($blog))) { return 0; } // explicit blog selection if ($blogName != '') { $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($blogName); } if (($blogName == '') || !$manager->existsBlogID($blogid)) { // use current blog $blogid = $blog->getID(); } return $member->isBlogAdmin($blogid); } /** * AdminActions::ifAddresscange() * Check e-Mail address is changed * * @param void * @return boolean */ private function ifAddresscange() { $key = $this->objAdmin->sessionVar("{$CONF['CookiePrefix']}ackey"); if ( !$key ) { return FALSE; } $info = MEMBER::getActivationInfo($key); if ( !$info ) { return FALSE; } $mem = MEMBER::createFromId($info->vmember); if ( !$mem ) { return FALSE; } if ( $info->vtype == 'addresschange' ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * AdminActions::templateEditRow() * Template edit box * * @param array $template * @param string $desc * @param string $name * @param string $help * @param integer $tabindex * @param boolean $big * @param array $tmplt * @return void */ private function templateEditRow(&$template, $desc, $name, $help = '', $tabindex = 0, $big = 0, $tplt = '') { static $count = 1; if ( !array_key_exists($name, $template) ) { $template[$name] = ''; } $tmplt = array(); $base = array(); if ( $tplt ) { $tmplt = skinableTEMPLATE::read($tplt); } $data = array( 'description' => $desc, 'help' => empty($help) ? '' : helpHtml('template' . $help), 'count' => $count, 'name' => $name, 'tabindex' => $tabindex, 'rows' => $big ? 10 : 5, ); if ( !array_key_exists('TEMPLATE_EDIT_ROW_HEAD', $tmplt) || empty($tmplt['TEMPLATE_EDIT_ROW_HEAD']) ) { $base['head'] = "" . "\n" . "<%description%><%help%>\n" . "\">\n" . "\n" . "\n"; } else { $base['tail'] = $tmplt['TEMPLATE_EDIT_ROW_TAIL']; } echo TEMPLATE::fill($base['head'], $data); echo ENTITY::hsc($template[$name]); echo TEMPLATE::fill($base['tail'], $data); $count++; return; } /** * AdminActions::customHelp() * shows a link to custom help file * * @param string $id * @param string $tplName * @param string $url * @param string $iconURL * @param string $alt * @param string $title * @param $onclick * */ private function customHelp($id, $tplName = '', $url = '', $iconURL = '', $alt = '', $title = '', $onclick = '') { echo self::customHelpHtml($id, $tplName, $url, $iconURL, $alt, $title, $onclick); } /** * AdminActions::customHelp() * shows a link to custom help file * * @param string $id * @param string $tplName * @param string $url * @param string $iconURL * @param string $alt * @param string $title * @param $onclick * */ static function customHelplink($id, $tplName = '', $url = '', $title = '', $onclick = '') { global $CONF; $templates = array(); if ( $tplName ) { $templates = Template::read($tplName); } if ( !array_key_exists('ADMIN_CUSTOMHELPLINK_ANCHOR', $templates) || empty($templates['ADMIN_CUSTOMHELPLINK_ANCHOR']) ) { $template = "#<%helptarget%>\" title=\"<%title%>\" <%onclick%>>\n"; } else { $template = $templates['ADMIN_CUSTOMHELPLINK_ANCHOR']; } if ( empty($url) ) { $url = $CONF['AdminURL'] . 'documentation/customHelp.html'; } if ( empty($onclick) ) { $onclick = 'onclick="if (event && event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); return help(this.href);"'; } elseif ( preg_match('#^onclick#', $onclick) ) { $onclick = $onclick; } else { $onclick = 'onclick="' . $onclick . '"'; } $data = array( 'helpurl' => $url, 'helptarget' => $id, 'onclick' => $onclick, 'title' => (isset($title) && !empty($title)) ? $title : _HELP_TT, ); return Template::fill($template, $data); } /** * AdminActions::customHelpHtml() * * @param string $id * @param string $tplName * @param string $url * @param string $iconURL * @param string $alt * @param string $title * @param string $onclick * @return string anchor element with help uri */ private function customHelpHtml($id, $tplName = '', $url = '', $iconURL = '', $alt = '', $title = '', $onclick = '') { global $CONF; $templates = array(); if ( $tplName ) { $templates = Template::read($tplName); } if ( !array_key_exists('ADMIN_CUSTOMHELPLINK_ICON', $templates) || !empty($templates['ADMIN_CUSTOMHELPLINK_ICON']) ) { $template = "\" <%width%><%height%>alt=\"<%alt%>\" title=\"<%title%>\" />\n"; } else { $template = $templates['ADMIN_CUSTOMHELPLINK_ICON']; } if ( empty($iconURL) ) { $iconURL = $CONF['AdminURL'] . 'documentation/icon-help.gif'; } if ( function_exists('getimagesize') ) { $size = getimagesize($iconURL); $width = 'width="' . $size[0] . '" '; $height = 'height="' . $size[1] . '" '; } $data = array( 'iconurl' => $iconURL, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'alt' => (isset($alt) && !empty($alt)) ? $alt : _HELP_TT, 'title' => (isset($title) && !empty($title)) ? $title : _HELP_TT, ); $icon = Template::fill($template, $data); $help = self::customHelplink($id, $tplName, $url, $title, $onclick); return $help . $icon; } /** * AdminActions::input_yesno * * @param $name * @param $checkedval * @param $tabindex * @param $value1 * @param $value2 * @param $yesval * @param $noval * @param $isAdmin * @param $templateName * @param $showlist */ public function input_yesno($name, $checkedval, $tabindex = 0, $value1 = 1, $value2 = 0, $yesval = _YES, $noval = _NO, $isAdmin = 0, $templateName = '', $showlist = false) { $templates = array(); if ( $templateName ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } if ( $name == 'admin' ) { if ( !array_key_exists('INPUTYESNO_TEMPLATE_ADMIN', $templates) || empty($templates['INPUTYESNO_TEMPLATE_ADMIN']) ) { $template = ' id="<%yesid%>" />' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . ' id="<%noid%>"<%disabled%> />' . "\n" . '' . "\n"; } else { $template = $templates['INPUTYESNO_TEMPLATE_ADMIN']; } } else { if ( array_key_exists('INPUTYESNO_TEMPLATE_NORMAL', $templates) && !empty($templates['INPUTYESNO_TEMPLATE_NORMAL']) ) { $template = $templates['INPUTYESNO_TEMPLATE_NORMAL']; } if ( $showlist ) { if ( array_key_exists('SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OYESNO', $templates) && !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OYESNO']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OYESNO']; } } if ( !isset($template) ) { $template = ' id="<%yesid%>" />' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . ' id="<%noid%>"<%disabled%> />' . "\n" . '' . "\n"; } } //echo $template; $id = Entity::hsc($name); $id = str_replace('[', '-', $id); $id = str_replace(']', '-', $id); $id1 = $id . Entity::hsc($value1); $id2 = $id . Entity::hsc($value2); $dat = array( 'name' => Entity::hsc($name), 'yesval' => Entity::hsc($value1), 'noval' => Entity::hsc($value2), 'yesid' => $id1, 'noid' => $id2, 'yesvaltext' => $yesval, 'novaltext' => $noval, 'yescheckedval' => ($checkedval == $value1) ? ' checked="checked" tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"': '', 'nocheckedval' => ($checkedval != $value1) ? ' checked="checked" tabindex="' . $tabindex . '"': '', 'disabled' => ($isAdmin && $name == 'canlogin') ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '', ); if ( $showlist ) { return Template::fill($template, $dat); } else { echo Template::fill($template, $dat); } return; } /** * AdminActions::existsNewPlugin() * Check exists new plugin * * @param void * @return boolean exists or not */ private function existsNewPlugin() { global $DIR_PLUGINS; $query = "SELECT * FROM %s;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('plugin')); $res = DB::getResult($query); $installed = array(); foreach( $res as $row ) { $installed[] = $row['pfile']; } $files = scandir($DIR_PLUGINS); $candidates = array(); foreach ( $files as $file ) { if ( preg_match("#^(NP_.*)\.php$#", $file, $matches) ) { if ( !in_array($matches[1], $installed) ) { $candidates[] = preg_replace("#^NP_#", "", $matches[1]); } } } $this->newPlugCandidates = $candidates; return (count($candidates) > 0); } /** * AdminActions::pagehead() * Output admin page head * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_pagehead() { global $member, $nucleus, $CONF, $manager; $extrahead = Admin::getAdminextrahead(); $data = array( 'extrahead' => &$extrahead, 'action' => Admin::getAdminAction() ); $manager->notify('AdminPrePageHead', $data); $content = $this->parser->skin->getContentFromDB('pagehead'); if ( !$content ) { $baseUrl = Entity::hsc($CONF['SkinsURL']); /* * TODO: obsoleted if ( !array_key_exists('AdminCSS', $CONF) ) { DB::execute("INSERT INTO " . sql_table('config') . " VALUES ('AdminCSS', 'original')"); $CONF['AdminCSS'] = 'original'; } */ /* HTTP 1.1 application for no caching */ header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); $root_element = 'html'; $charset = i18n::get_current_charset(); $locale = preg_replace('#_#', '-', i18n::get_current_locale()); $xml_version_info = self::$xml_version_info; $formal_public_identifier = self::$formal_public_identifier; $system_identifier = self::$system_identifier; $xhtml_namespace = self::$xhtml_namespace; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "<{$root_element} xmlns=\"{$xhtml_namespace}\" xml:lang=\"{$locale}\" lang=\"{$locale}\">\n"; echo "\n"; echo '' . Entity::hsc($CONF['SiteName']) . " - Admin\n"; /* * TODO: obsoleted echo "\n"; */ echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "{$extrahead}\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo '

    ' . Entity::hsc($CONF['SiteName']) . "

    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; if ( !$member->isLoggedIn() ) { echo '' . _NOTLOGGEDIN . "
    \n"; } else { echo _LOGGEDINAS . ' ' . $member->getDisplayName() ." - " . _LOGOUT. "
    \n"; echo "" . _ADMINHOME . " - "; } echo ""._YOURSITE."
    \n"; echo '('; if ( !array_key_exists('codename', $nucleus) || empty($nucleus['codename']) ) { $codenamestring = ''; } else { $codenamestring = ' "' . $nucleus['codename'].'"'; } if ( $member->isLoggedIn() && $member->isAdmin() ) { $checkURL = sprintf(_ADMIN_SYSTEMOVERVIEW_VERSIONCHECK_URL, getNucleusVersion(), getNucleusPatchLevel()); echo 'Nucleus CMS ' . $nucleus['version'] . $codenamestring . ''; $newestVersion = getLatestVersion(); $newestCompare = str_replace('/', '.', $newestVersion); $currentVersion = str_replace(array('/','v'), array('.',''), $nucleus['version']); if ( $newestVersion && version_compare($newestCompare, $currentVersion) > 0 ) { echo "
    \n"; echo ''; echo _ADMIN_SYSTEMOVERVIEW_LATESTVERSION_TEXT . $newestVersion; echo ""; } } else { echo "Nucleus CMS {$nucleus['version']}{$codenamestring}"; } echo ')'; echo '
    '; } else { $this->parser->parse($content); } return; } /** * AdminActionss::pagefoot() * Output admin page foot include quickmenu * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_pagefoot() { global $action, $member, $manager; $data = array( 'action' => Admin::getAdminAction() ); $manager->notify('AdminPrePageFoot', $data); $content = $this->parser->skin->getContentFromDB('pagefoot'); if ( !$content ) { if ( $member->isLoggedIn() && ($action != 'showlogin') ) { echo '

    ' . _LOGOUT . "

    \n"; echo "\n"; } echo "
    \n"; echo 'Nucleus CMS © 2002-' . date('Y') . ' ' . _ADMINPAGEFOOT_COPYRIGHT; echo '-'; echo '' . _ADMINPAGEFOOT_DONATE . "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "
    \n"; if ( ($action != 'showlogin') && ($member->isLoggedIn()) ) { echo "\n"; echo '

    ' . _QMENU_ADD . "

    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "

    \n"; echo "\n"; $showAll = requestVar('showall'); if ( ($member->isAdmin()) && ($showAll == 'yes') ) { // Super-Admins have access to all blogs! (no add item support though) $query = "SELECT bnumber as value, bname as text FROM %s ORDER BY bname;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog')); } else { $query = "SELECT bnumber as value, bname as text FROM %s, %s WHERE tblog=bnumber and tmember=%d ORDER BY bname;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog'), sql_table('team'), (integer) $member->getID()); } $template['name'] = 'blogid'; $template['tabindex'] = 15000; $template['extra'] = _QMENU_ADD_SELECT; $template['selected'] = -1; $template['shorten'] = 10; $template['shortenel'] = ''; $template['javascript'] = 'onchange="return form.submit()"'; showlist($query, 'select', $template); echo "

    \n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "


    \n"; echo "\n"; if ( $member->isAdmin() ) { echo '

    ' . _QMENU_MANAGE . "

    \n"; echo "\n"; echo "

    " . _QMENU_LAYOUT . "

    \n"; echo "\n"; } $data = array('options' => array()); $manager->notify('QuickMenu', $data); if ( count($data['options']) > 0 ) { echo "

    " . _QMENU_PLUGINS . "

    \n"; echo "\n"; } } else if ( ($action == 'activate') || ($action == 'activatesetpwd') ) { echo '

    ' . _QMENU_ACTIVATE . '

    ' . _QMENU_ACTIVATE_TEXT; } else { echo '

    ' . _QMENU_INTRO . '

    ' . _QMENU_INTRO_TEXT; } echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } else { $this->parser->skin->parse('pagefoot'); exit; } return; } /** * AdminActions::selectBlog() * Inserts a HTML select element with choices for all blogs to which the user has access * mode = 'blog' => shows blognames and values are blogids * mode = 'category' => show category names and values are catids * * @param string $name * @param string $mode * @param integer $selected * @param integer $tabindex * @param integer $showNewCat * @param integer $iForcedBlogInclude ID for weblog always included * @param $iForcedBlogInclude * ID of a blog that always needs to be included, without checking if the * member is on the blog team (-1 = none) * @return void */ private function selectBlog($name, $mode='blog', $selected = 0, $tabindex = 0, $showNewCat = 0, $iForcedBlogInclude = -1) { global $member, $CONF; // 0. get IDs of blogs to which member can post items (+ forced blog) $aBlogIds = array(); if ( $iForcedBlogInclude != -1 ) { $aBlogIds[] = intval($iForcedBlogInclude); } if ( $member->isAdmin() && array_key_exists('ShowAllBlogs', $CONF) && $CONF['ShowAllBlogs'] ) { $query = "SELECT bnumber FROM %s ORDER BY bname;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog')); } else { $query = "SELECT bnumber FROM %s, %s WHERE tblog=bnumber AND tmember=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog'), sql_table('team'), (integer) $member->getID()); } $rblogids = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $rblogids as $row ) { if ( $row['bnumber'] != $iForcedBlogInclude ) { $aBlogIds[] = intval($row['bnumber']); } } if ( count($aBlogIds) == 0 ) { return; } echo "\n"; return; } }