blogid = (integer) $id; $this->readSettings(); $this->setSelectedCategory($catid); return; } /** * Blog::readLog() * Shows the given amount of items for this blog * * @param string $template String representing the template _NAME_ (!) * @param integer $amountEntries amount of entries to show * @param integer $startpos offset from where items should be shown (e.g. 5 = start at fifth item) * @return integer amount of items shown */ public function readLog($template, $amountEntries, $offset = 0, $startpos = 0) { return $this->readLogAmount($template,$amountEntries,'','',1,1,$offset, $startpos); } /** * Blog::showArchive() * Shows an archive for a given month * * @param integer $year year * @param integer $month month * @param string $template String representing the template name to be used * @return void */ public function showArchive($templatename, $year, $month=0, $day=0) { // create extra where clause for select query if ( $day == 0 && $month != 0 ) { $timestamp_start = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year); // also works when $month==12 $timestamp_end = mktime(0,0,0,$month+1,1,$year); } elseif ( $month == 0 ) { $timestamp_start = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,$year); // also works when $month==12 $timestamp_end = mktime(0,0,0,12,31,$year); } else { $timestamp_start = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); $timestamp_end = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+1,$year); } $extra_query = " and i.itime>=%s and i.itime<%s"; $extra_query = sprintf($extra_query, DB::formatDateTime($timestamp_start), DB::formatDateTime($timestamp_end)); $this->readLogAmount($templatename,0,$extra_query,'',1,1); return; } /** * Blog::setSelectedCategory() * Sets the selected category by id (only when category exists) * * @param integer $catid ID for category * @return void */ public function setSelectedCategory($catid) { if ( $this->isValidCategory($catid) || (intval($catid) == 0) ) { $this->selectedcatid = intval($catid); } return; } /** * Blog::setSelectedCategoryByName() * Sets the selected category by name * * @param string $catname name of category * @return void */ public function setSelectedCategoryByName($catname) { $this->setSelectedCategory($this->getCategoryIdFromName($catname)); return; } /** * Blog::getSelectedCategory() * Returns the selected category * * @param void * @return integer */ public function getSelectedCategory() { return $this->selectedcatid; } /** * Shows the given amount of items for this blog * * @param string $template string representing the template _NAME_ (!) * @param integer $amountEntries amount of entries to show (0 = no limit) * @param string $extraQuery extra conditions to be added to the query * @param string $highlight contains a query that should be highlighted * @param integer $comments 1=show comments 0=don't show comments * @param integer $dateheads 1=show dateheads 0=don't show dateheads * @param integer $offset offset * @return integer amount of items shown */ private function readLogAmount($template, $amountEntries, $extraQuery, $highlight, $comments, $dateheads, $offset = 0, $startpos = 0) { $query = $this->getSqlBlog($extraQuery); if ( $amountEntries > 0 ) { // $offset zou moeten worden: // (($startpos / $amountentries) + 1) * $offset ... later testen ... $query .= ' LIMIT ' . intval($startpos + $offset).',' . intval($amountEntries); } return $this->showUsingQuery($template, $query, $highlight, $comments, $dateheads); } /** * Blog::showUsingQuery() * Do the job for readLogAmmount * * @param string $templateName template name * @param string $query string for query * @param string $highlight string to be highlighted * @param integer $comments the number of comments * @param boolean $dateheads date header is needed or not * @return integer the number of rows as a result of mysql query */ private function showUsingQuery($templateName, $query, $highlight = '', $comments = 0, $dateheads = 1) { global $CONF, $manager, $currentTemplateName; $lastVisit = cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] .'lastVisit'); if ( $lastVisit != 0 ) { $lastVisit = $this->getCorrectTime($lastVisit); } // set templatename as global variable (so plugins can access it) $currentTemplateName = $templateName; $template =& $manager->getTemplate($templateName); // create parser object & action handler $handler = new ItemActions($this); $handler->setTemplate($template); $handler->setHighlight($highlight); $handler->setLastVisit($lastVisit); $handler->setShowComments($comments); $parser = new Parser($handler); // execute query $items = DB::getResult($query); // loop over all items $old_date = 0; foreach ( $items as $item ) { // string timestamp -> unix timestamp $item['timestamp'] = strtotime($item['itime']); // action handler needs to know the item we're handling $handler->setCurrentItem($item); // add date header if needed if ( $dateheads ) { $new_date = date('dFY', $item['timestamp']); if ( $new_date != $old_date ) { // unless this is the first time, write date footer $timestamp = $item['timestamp']; if ( $old_date != 0 ) { $oldTS = strtotime($old_date); $manager->notify('PreDateFoot',array('blog' => &$this, 'timestamp' => $oldTS)); if ( !in_array('DATE_FOOTER', $template) || empty($template['DATE_FOOTER']) ) { $tmp_footer = ''; } else { $tmp_footer = i18n::formatted_datetime($template['DATE_FOOTER'], $oldTS); } $parser->parse($tmp_footer); $manager->notify('PostDateFoot',array('blog' => &$this, 'timestamp' => $oldTS)); } $manager->notify('PreDateHead',array('blog' => &$this, 'timestamp' => $timestamp)); // note, to use templatvars in the dateheader, the %-characters need to be doubled in // order to be preserved by strftime if ( !in_array('DATE_HEADER', $template) || empty($template['DATE_HEADER']) ) { $tmp_header = ''; } else { $tmp_header = i18n::formatted_datetime($template['DATE_HEADER'], $timestamp); } $parser->parse($tmp_header); $manager->notify('PostDateHead',array('blog' => &$this, 'timestamp' => $timestamp)); } $old_date = $new_date; } // parse item $parser->parse($template['ITEM_HEADER']); $manager->notify('PreItem', array('blog' => &$this, 'item' => &$item)); $parser->parse($template['ITEM']); $manager->notify('PostItem', array('blog' => &$this, 'item' => &$item)); $parser->parse($template['ITEM_FOOTER']); } $numrows = $items->rowCount(); // add another date footer if there was at least one item if ( ($numrows > 0) && $dateheads ) { $manager->notify('PreDateFoot',array('blog' => &$this, 'timestamp' => strtotime($old_date))); $parser->parse($template['DATE_FOOTER']); $manager->notify('PostDateFoot',array('blog' => &$this, 'timestamp' => strtotime($old_date))); } $items->closeCursor(); return $numrows; } /** * Blog::showOneitem() * Simplified function for showing only one item * * @param integer $itemid ID for item * @param array $template template for item * @param string $highlight string for highlight * @return integer 1 */ public function showOneitem($itemid, $template, $highlight) { $extraQuery = ' and inumber=' . intval($itemid); return $this->readLogAmount($template, 1, $extraQuery, $highlight, 0, 0); } /** * Blog::addItem() * Adds an item to this blog * * @param integer $catid ID for category * @param string $title ID for * @param string $body text for body * @param string $more text for more * @param integer $blogid ID for blog * @param integer $authorid ID for author * @param timestamp $timestamp UNIX timestamp for post * @param boolean $closed opened or closed * @param boolean $draft draft or not * @param boolean $posted posted or not * @return integer ID for added item */ function additem($catid, $title, $body, $more, $blogid, $authorid, $timestamp, $closed, $draft, $posted='1') { global $manager; $blogid = (integer) $blogid; $authorid = (integer) $authorid; $title = $title; $body = $body; $more = $more; $catid = intval($catid); // convert newlines to
if ( $this->convertBreaks() ) { $body = addBreaks($body); $more = addBreaks($more); } if ( $closed != '1' ) { $closed = '0'; } if ( $draft != '0' ) { $draft = '1'; } if ( !$this->isValidCategory($catid) ) { $catid = $this->getDefaultCategory(); } $isFuture = 0; if ( $timestamp > $this->getCorrectTime() ) { $isFuture = 1; } $timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$timestamp); $manager->notify('PreAddItem',array('title' => &$title, 'body' => &$body, 'more' => &$more, 'blog' => &$this, 'authorid' => &$authorid, 'timestamp' => &$timestamp, 'closed' => &$closed, 'draft' => &$draft, 'catid' => &$catid)); $ititle = DB::quoteValue($title); $ibody = DB::quoteValue($body); $imore = DB::quoteValue($more); $timestamp = DB::formatDateTime(strtotime($timestamp)); $query = "INSERT INTO %s (ITITLE, IBODY, IMORE, IBLOG, IAUTHOR, ITIME, ICLOSED, IDRAFT, ICAT, IPOSTED) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), $ititle, $ibody, $imore, $blogid, $authorid, $timestamp, $closed, $draft, $catid, $posted); DB::execute($query); $itemid = DB::getInsertId(); $manager->notify('PostAddItem',array('itemid' => $itemid)); if ( !$draft ) { $this->updateUpdateFile(); } // send notification mail if ( !$draft && !$isFuture && $this->getNotifyAddress() && $this->notifyOnNewItem() ) { $this->sendNewItemNotification($itemid, $title, $body); } return $itemid; } /** * Blog::sendNewItemNotification() * Send a new item notification to the notification list * * @param string $itemid ID of the item * @param string $title title of the item * @param string $body body of the item * @return void */ public function sendNewItemNotification($itemid, $title, $body) { global $CONF, $member; $ascii = Entity::anchor_footnoting($body); $message = _NOTIFY_NI_MSG . " \n"; $temp = parse_url($CONF['Self']); if ( $temp['scheme'] ) { $message .= Link::create_item_link($itemid) . "\n\n"; } else { $tempurl = $this->getURL(); if ( i18n::substr($tempurl, -1) == '/' || i18n::substr($tempurl, -4) == '.php' ) { $message .= $tempurl . '?itemid=' . $itemid . "\n\n"; } else { $message .= $tempurl . '/?itemid=' . $itemid . "\n\n"; } } $message .= _NOTIFY_TITLE . ' ' . strip_tags($title) . "\n"; $message .= _NOTIFY_CONTENTS . "\n " . $ascii . "\n"; $message .= NOTIFICATION::get_mail_footer(); $subject = $this->getName() . ': ' . _NOTIFY_NI_TITLE; $from = $member->getNotifyFromMailAddress(); NOTIFICATION::mail($this->getNotifyAddress(), $subject, $message, $from, i18n::get_current_charset()); return; } /** * Blog::createNewCategory() * Creates a new category for this blog * * @param string $catName name of the new category. When empty, a name is generated automatically (starting with newcat) * @param string $catDescription description of the new category. Defaults to 'New Category' * @return integer ID for new category on success. 0 on failure */ public function createNewCategory($catName = '', $catDescription = _CREATED_NEW_CATEGORY_DESC) { global $member, $manager; if ( !$member->blogAdminRights($this->blogid) ) { return 0; } // generate if ( $catName == '' ) { $catName = _CREATED_NEW_CATEGORY_NAME; $i = 1; $res = DB::getResult('SELECT * FROM '.sql_table('category')." WHERE cname='".$catName.$i."' and cblog=".$this->blogid); while ( $res->rowCount() > 0 ) { $i++; $res = DB::getResult('SELECT * FROM '.sql_table('category')." WHERE cname='".$catName.$i."' and cblog=".$this->blogid); } $catName = $catName . $i; } $data = array( 'blog' => &$this, 'name' => &$catName, 'description' => $catDescription ); $manager->notify('PreAddCategory', $data); $query = "INSERT INTO %s (cblog, cname, cdesc) VALUES (%d, %s, %s)"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('category'), (integer) $this->blogid, DB::quoteValue($catName), DB::quoteValue($catDescription)); DB::execute($query); $catid = DB::getInsertId(); $data = array( 'blog' => &$this, 'name' => $catName, 'description' => $catDescription, 'catid' => $catid ); $manager->notify('PostAddCategory', $data); return $catid; } /** * Blog::search() * Searches all months of this blog for the given query * * @param string $query search query * @param array $template template to be used (__NAME__ of the template) * @param integer $amountMonths max amount of months to be search (0 = all) * @param integer $maxresults max number of results to show * @param integer $startpos offset * @return amount of hits found */ public function search($query, $template, $amountMonths, $maxresults, $startpos) { global $CONF, $manager; $highlight = ''; $sqlquery = $this->getSqlSearch($query, $amountMonths, $highlight); if ( $sqlquery == '' ) { // no query -> show everything $extraquery = ''; $amountfound = $this->readLogAmount($template, $maxresults, $extraQuery, $query, 1, 1); } else { // add LIMIT to query (to split search results into pages) if ( intval($maxresults > 0) ) { $sqlquery .= ' LIMIT ' . intval($startpos) . ',' . intval($maxresults); } // show results $amountfound = $this->showUsingQuery($template, $sqlquery, $highlight, 1, 1); // when no results were found, show a message if ( $amountfound == 0 ) { $template =& $manager->getTemplate($template); $vars = array( 'query' => Entity::hsc($query), 'blogid' => $this->blogid ); echo Template::fill($template['SEARCH_NOTHINGFOUND'], $vars); } } return $amountfound; } /** * Blog::getSqlSearch() * Returns an SQL query to use for a search query * No LIMIT clause is added. (caller should add this if multiple pages are requested) * * @param string $query search query * @param integer $amountMonths amount of months to search back. Default = 0 = unlimited * @param string $mode either empty, or 'count'. In this case, the query will be a SELECT COUNT(*) query * @return string $highlight words to highlight (out parameter) * @return string either a full SQL query, or an empty string (if querystring empty) */ public function getSqlSearch($query, $amountMonths = 0, &$highlight, $mode = '') { $searchclass = new Search($query); $highlight = $searchclass->inclusive; // if querystring is empty, return empty string if ( $searchclass->inclusive == '' ) { return ''; } $where = $searchclass->boolean_sql_where('ititle,ibody,imore'); $select = $searchclass->boolean_sql_select('ititle,ibody,imore'); // get list of blogs to search $blogs = $searchclass->blogs; // array containing blogs that always need to be included $blogs[] = $this->blogid; // also search current blog (duh) $blogs = array_unique($blogs); // remove duplicates $selectblogs = ''; if ( count($blogs) > 0 ) { $selectblogs = ' and i.iblog in (' . implode(',', $blogs) . ')'; } if ( $mode == '' ) { $query = 'SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, i.itime, i.imore as more, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, m.mnumber as authorid, m.memail as authormail, m.murl as authorurl, c.cname as category'; if ( $select ) { $query .= ', '.$select. ' as score '; } } else { $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as result '; } $query .= ' FROM '.sql_table('item').' as i, '.sql_table('member').' as m, '.sql_table('category').' as c' . ' WHERE i.iauthor=m.mnumber' . ' and i.icat=c.catid' // exclude drafts . ' and i.idraft=0' . $selectblogs // don't show future items . ' and i.itime<=' . DB::formatDateTime($this->getCorrectTime()) . ' and '.$where; // take into account amount of months to search if ( $amountMonths > 0 ) { $localtime = getdate($this->getCorrectTime()); $timestamp_start = mktime(0,0,0,$localtime['mon'] - $amountMonths,1,$localtime['year']); $query .= ' and i.itime>' . DB::formatDateTime($timestamp_start); } if ( $mode == '' ) { if ( $select ) { $query .= ' ORDER BY score DESC'; } else { $query .= ' ORDER BY i.itime DESC '; } } return $query; } /** * Blog::getSqlBlog() * Returns the SQL query that's normally used to display the blog items on the index type skins * No LIMIT clause is added. (caller should add this if multiple pages are requested) * * @param string $extraQuery extra query string * @param string $mode either empty, or 'count'. In this case, the query will be a SELECT COUNT(*) query * @return string either a full SQL query, or an empty string */ public function getSqlBlog($extraQuery, $mode = '') { if ( $mode == '' ) { $query = 'SELECT i.inumber as itemid, i.ititle as title, i.ibody as body, m.mname as author, m.mrealname as authorname, i.itime, i.imore as more, m.mnumber as authorid, m.memail as authormail, m.murl as authorurl, c.cname as category, i.icat as catid, i.iclosed as closed'; } else { $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as result '; } $query .= ' FROM '.sql_table('item').' as i, '.sql_table('member').' as m, '.sql_table('category').' as c' . ' WHERE i.iblog='.$this->blogid . ' and i.iauthor=m.mnumber' . ' and i.icat=c.catid' . ' and i.idraft=0' // exclude drafts . ' and i.itime<=' . DB::formatDateTime($this->getCorrectTime()); // don't show future items if ( $this->selectedcatid ) { $query .= ' and i.icat=' . $this->selectedcatid . ' '; } $query .= $extraQuery; if ( $mode == '' ) { $query .= ' ORDER BY i.itime DESC'; } return $query; } /** * Blog::showArchiveList() * Shows the archivelist using the given template * * @param string $template template name * @param string $mode year/month/day * @param integer $limit limit of record count * @return void */ public function showArchiveList($template, $mode = 'month', $limit = 0) { global $CONF, $catid, $manager; if ( !isset ($linkparams) ) { $linkparams = array(); } if ( $catid ) { $linkparams = array('catid' => $catid); } $template =& $manager->getTemplate($template); $data['blogid'] = $this->blogid; if ( !array_key_exists('ARCHIVELIST_HEADER', $template) || !$template['ARCHIVELIST_HEADER'] ) { $tplt = ''; } else { $tplt = $template['ARCHIVELIST_HEADER']; } echo Template::fill($tplt, $data); $query = 'SELECT itime, SUBSTRING(itime,1,4) AS Year, SUBSTRING(itime,6,2) AS Month, SUBSTRING(itime,9,2) AS Day' . ' FROM '.sql_table('item') . ' WHERE iblog=' . $this->blogid . ' AND itime <=' . DB::formatDateTime($this->getCorrectTime()) // don't show future items! . ' AND idraft=0'; // don't show draft items if ( $catid ) { $query .= ' and icat=' . intval($catid); } $query .= ' GROUP BY Year'; if ( $mode == 'month' || $mode == 'day' ) { $query .= ', Month'; } if ( $mode == 'day' ) { $query .= ', Day'; } $query .= ' ORDER BY itime DESC'; if ( $limit > 0 ) { $query .= ' LIMIT ' . intval($limit); } $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $current ) { /* string time -> unix timestamp */ $current['itime'] = strtotime($current['itime']); if ( $mode == 'day' ) { $archivedate = date('Y-m-d',$current['itime']); $archive['day'] = date('d',$current['itime']); $data['day'] = date('d',$current['itime']); $data['month'] = date('m',$current['itime']); $archive['month'] = $data['month']; } elseif ( $mode == 'year' ) { $archivedate = date('Y',$current['itime']); $data['day'] = ''; $data['month'] = ''; $archive['day'] = ''; $archive['month'] = ''; } else { $archivedate = date('Y-m',$current['itime']); $data['month'] = date('m',$current['itime']); $archive['month'] = $data['month']; $data['day'] = ''; $archive['day'] = ''; } $data['year'] = date('Y',$current['itime']); $archive['year'] = $data['year']; $data['archivelink'] = Link::create_archive_link($this->blogid,$archivedate,$linkparams); $manager->notify('PreArchiveListItem', array('listitem' => &$data)); $temp = Template::fill($template['ARCHIVELIST_LISTITEM'],$data); echo i18n::formatted_datetime($temp, $current['itime']); return; } $res->closeCursor(); if ( !array_key_exists('ARCHIVELIST_FOOTER', $template) || !$template['ARCHIVELIST_FOOTER'] ) { $tplt = ''; } else { $tplt = $template['ARCHIVELIST_FOOTER']; } echo Template::fill($tplt, $data); return; } /** * Blog::showCategoryList() * Shows the list of categories using a given template * * @param string $template Template Name * @return void */ public function showCategoryList($template) { global $CONF, $archive, $archivelist, $manager; /* * determine arguments next to catids * I guess this can be done in a better way, but it works */ $linkparams = array(); if ( $archive ) { $blogurl = Link::create_archive_link($this->blogid, $archive, ''); $linkparams['blogid'] = $this->blogid; $linkparams['archive'] = $archive; } else if ( $archivelist ) { $blogurl = Link::create_archivelist_link($this->blogid, ''); $linkparams['archivelist'] = $archivelist; } else { $blogurl = Link::create_blogid_link($this->blogid, ''); $linkparams['blogid'] = $this->blogid; } $template =& $manager->getTemplate($template); //: Change: Set nocatselected variable if ( $this->selectedcatid ) { $nocatselected = 'no'; } else { $nocatselected = 'yes'; } $args = array( 'blogid' => $this->blogid, 'blogurl' => $blogurl, 'self' => $CONF['Self'], 'catiscurrent' => $nocatselected, // Change: Set catiscurrent template variable for header 'currentcat' => $nocatselected ); /* output header of category list item */ if ( !array_key_exists('CATLIST_HEADER', $template) || empty($template['CATLIST_HEADER']) ) { echo Template::fill(NULL, $args); } else { echo Template::fill($template['CATLIST_HEADER'], $args); } $query = "SELECT catid, cdesc as catdesc, cname as catname FROM %s WHERE cblog=%d ORDER BY cname ASC;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('category'), (integer) $this->blogid); $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $data ) { $args = array( 'catid' => $data['catid'], 'name' => $data['catname'], 'extra' => $linkparams ); $data['blogid'] = $this->blogid; $data['blogurl'] = $blogurl; $data['catlink'] = Link::create_link('category', $args); $data['self'] = $CONF['Self']; // this gives catiscurrent = no when no category is selected. $data['catiscurrent'] = 'no'; $data['currentcat'] = 'no'; if ( $this->selectedcatid ) { if ( $this->selectedcatid == $data['catid'] ) { $data['catiscurrent'] = 'yes'; $data['currentcat'] = 'yes'; } } else { global $itemid; if ( intval($itemid) && $manager->existsItem(intval($itemid), 0, 0) ) { $iobj =& $manager->getItem(intval($itemid), 0, 0); $cid = $iobj['catid']; if ( $cid == $data['catid'] ) { $data['catiscurrent'] = 'yes'; $data['currentcat'] = 'yes'; } } } $manager->notify('PreCategoryListItem', array('listitem' => &$data)); if ( !array_key_exists('CATLIST_LISTITEM', $template) || empty($template['CATLIST_LISTITEM'])) { echo Template::fill(NULL, $data); } else { echo Template::fill($template['CATLIST_LISTITEM'], $data); } } $res->closeCursor(); $args = array( 'blogid' => $this->blogid, 'blogurl' => $blogurl, 'self' => $CONF['Self'], 'catiscurrent' => $nocatselected, //: Change: Set catiscurrent template variable for footer 'currentcat' => $nocatselected ); if ( !array_key_exists('CATLIST_FOOTER', $template) || empty($template['CATLIST_FOOTER'])) { echo Template::fill(NULL, $args); } else { echo Template::fill($template['CATLIST_FOOTER'], $args); } return; } /** * Blog::showBlogList() * Shows a list of all blogs in the system using a given template * ordered by number, name, shortname or description * in ascending or descending order * * @param string $template tempalte name * @param string $bnametype bname/bshortname * @param string $orderby string for 'ORDER BY' SQL * @param string $direction ASC/DESC * @return void */ public function showBlogList($template, $bnametype, $orderby, $direction) { global $CONF, $manager; switch ( $orderby ) { case 'number': $orderby='bnumber'; break; case 'name': $orderby='bname'; break; case 'shortname': $orderby='bshortname'; break; case 'description': $orderby='bdesc'; break; default: $orderby='bnumber'; break; } $direction=strtolower($direction); switch ( $direction ) { case 'asc': $direction='ASC'; break; case 'desc': $direction='DESC'; break; default: $direction='ASC'; break; } $template =& $manager->getTemplate($template); if ( array_key_exists('BLOGLIST_HEADER', $template) && !empty($template['BLOGLIST_HEADER']) ) { $vars = array( 'sitename' => $CONF['SiteName'], 'siteurl' => $CONF['IndexURL'] ); echo Template::fill($template['BLOGLIST_HEADER'], $vars); } if ( array_key_exists('BLOGLIST_LISTITEM', $template) && !empty($template['BLOGLIST_LISTITEM']) ) { $query = 'SELECT bnumber, bname, bshortname, bdesc, burl FROM '.sql_table('blog').' ORDER BY '.$orderby.' '.$direction; $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $data ) { $list = array(); $list['bloglink'] = Link::create_blogid_link($data['bnumber']); $list['blogdesc'] = $data['bdesc']; $list['blogurl'] = $data['burl']; if ( $bnametype == 'shortname' ) { $list['blogname'] = $data['bshortname']; } else { /* all other cases */ $list['blogname'] = $data['bname']; } $manager->notify('PreBlogListItem',array('listitem' => &$list)); echo Template::fill($template['BLOGLIST_LISTITEM'], $list); } $res->closeCursor(); } if ( array_key_exists('BLOGLIST_FOOTER', $template) && !empty($template['BLOGLIST_FOOTER']) ) { $vars = array( 'sitename' => $CONF['SiteName'], 'siteurl' => $CONF['IndexURL'] ); echo Template::fill($template['BLOGLIST_FOOTER']); } return; } /** * Blog::readSettings() * Read the blog settings * * @param void * @return void */ public function readSettings() { $query = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE bnumber=%d;'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog'), (integer) $this->blogid); $res = DB::getResult($query); $this->isValid = ($res->rowCount() > 0); if ( $this->isValid ) { $this->settings = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } return; } /** * Blog::writeSettings() * Write the blog settings */ public function writeSettings() { // (can't use floatval since not available prior to PHP 4.2) $offset = $this->getTimeOffset(); if ( !is_float($offset) ) { $offset = (integer) $offset; } $query = 'UPDATE '.sql_table('blog') . ' SET bname=' . DB::quoteValue($this->getName()) . ',' . ' bshortname='. DB::quoteValue($this->getShortName()) . ',' . ' bcomments='. intval($this->commentsEnabled()) . ',' . ' bmaxcomments=' . intval($this->getMaxComments()) . ',' . ' btimeoffset=' . $offset . ',' . ' bpublic=' . intval($this->isPublic()) . ',' . ' breqemail=' . intval($this->emailRequired()) . ',' . ' bconvertbreaks=' . intval($this->convertBreaks()) . ',' . ' ballowpast=' . intval($this->allowPastPosting()) . ',' . ' bnotify=' . DB::quoteValue($this->getNotifyAddress()) . ',' . ' bnotifytype=' . intval($this->getNotifyType()) . ',' . ' burl=' . DB::quoteValue($this->getURL()) . ',' . ' bupdate=' . DB::quoteValue($this->getUpdateFile()) . ',' . ' bdesc=' . DB::quoteValue($this->getDescription()) . ',' . ' bdefcat=' . intval($this->getDefaultCategory()) . ',' . ' bdefskin=' . intval($this->getDefaultSkin()) . ',' . ' bincludesearch=' . intval($this->getSearchable()) . ' WHERE bnumber=' . intval($this->blogid); DB::execute($query); return; } /** * Blog::updateUpdatefile() * Update the update file if requested * * @param void * @return void */ public function updateUpdatefile() { if ( $this->getUpdateFile() ) { $f_update = fopen($this->getUpdateFile(), 'w'); fputs($f_update,$this->getCorrectTime()); fclose($f_update); } return; } /** * Blog::isValidCategory() * Check if a category with a given catid is valid * * @param integer $catid ID for category * @return boolean exists or not */ public function isValidCategory($catid) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM %s WHERE cblog=%d and catid=%d;'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('category'), (integer) $this->blogid, (integer) $catid); $res = DB::getResult($query); return ($res->rowCount() != 0); } /** * Blog::getCategoryName() * Get the category name for a given catid * * @param integer $catid ID for category * @return string name of category */ public function getCategoryName($catid) { $query = 'SELECT cname FROM %s WHERE cblog=%d and catid=%d;'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('category'), (integer) $this->blogid, (integer) $catid); $res = DB::getValue($query); return $res; } /** * Blog::getCategoryDesc() * Get the category description for a given catid * * @param $catid * category id */ public function getCategoryDesc($catid) { $query = 'SELECT cdesc FROM %s WHERE cblog=%d and catid=%d;'; $query = sprintf($querym, sql_table('category'), (integer) $this->blogid, (integer) $catid); $res = DB::getValue(); return $res; } /** * Blog::getCategoryIdFromName * Get the category id for a given category name * * @param string $name category name * @return ID for category */ public function getCategoryIdFromName($name) { $query = 'SELECT catid FROM %s WHERE cblog=%d and cname=%s;'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('category'), (integer) $this->blogid, DB::quoteValue($name)); $res = DB::getValue(); if ( !$res ) { return $this->getDefaultCategory(); } return $res; } /** * Blog::insertJavaScriptInfo() * Insert a javascript that includes information about the settings * of an author: ConvertBreaks, MediaUrl and AuthorId * * @param $authorid id of the author */ public function insertJavaScriptInfo($authorid = '') { global $member, $CONF; if ( $authorid == '' ) { $authorid = $member->getID(); } echo "\n"; return; } /** * Blog::setAllowPastPosting() * Set the the setting for allowing to publish postings in the past * * @param boolean $val new value for ballowpast * @return void */ public function setAllowPastPosting($val) { $this->setSetting('ballowpast', $val); return; } /** * Blog::allowPastPosting() * Get the the setting if it is allowed to publish postings in the past * [should be named as getAllowPastPosting()] * * @param void * @return boolean */ public function allowPastPosting() { return $this->getSetting('ballowpast'); } /** * Blog::getCorrectTime() * * @param integer $t * @return integer */ public function getCorrectTime($t=0) { if ( $t == 0 ) { $t = time(); } return ($t + 3600 * $this->getTimeOffset()); } /** * Blog::getName() * * @param void * @return string name of this weblog */ public function getName() { return $this->getSetting('bname'); } /** * Blog::getShortName() * * @param void * @return string short name of this weblog */ public function getShortName() { return $this->getSetting('bshortname'); } /** * Blog::getMaxComments() * * @param void * @return integer maximum number of comments */ public function getMaxComments() { return $this->getSetting('bmaxcomments'); } /** * Blog::getNotifyAddress() * * @param void * @return string mail address for notifying */ public function getNotifyAddress() { return $this->getSetting('bnotify'); } /** * Blog::getNotifyType() * * @param void * @return integer notifycation type */ public function getNotifyType() { return $this->getSetting('bnotifytype'); } /** * Blog::notifyOnComment() * * @param void * @return boolean */ public function notifyOnComment() { $n = $this->getNotifyType(); return (($n != 0) && (($n % 3) == 0)); } /** * Blog::notifyOnVote() * * @param void * @return boolean */ public function notifyOnVote() { $n = $this->getNotifyType(); return (($n != 0) && (($n % 5) == 0)); } /** * Blog::notifyOnNewItem() * * @param void * @return boolean */ public function notifyOnNewItem() { $n = $this->getNotifyType(); return (($n != 0) && (($n % 7) == 0)); } /** * Blog::setNotifyType() * * @param integer $val * @return void */ public function setNotifyType($val) { $this->setSetting('bnotifytype',$val); return; } /** * Blog::getTimeOffset() * @param void * @return */ public function getTimeOffset() { return $this->getSetting('btimeoffset'); } /** * Blog::commentsEnabled() * @param void * @return integer enabled or not */ public function commentsEnabled() { return $this->getSetting('bcomments'); } /** * Blog::getURL() * @param void * @return string URI for this weblog */ public function getURL() { return $this->getSetting('burl'); } /** * Blog::getDefaultSkin() * @param void * @return name of skin as default for this weblog */ public function getDefaultSkin() { return $this->getSetting('bdefskin'); } /** * Blog::getUpdateFile() * @param void * @return string name of file to be updated when weblog is updated */ public function getUpdateFile() { return $this->getSetting('bupdate'); } /** * Blog::getDescription() * @param void * @return string description for this weblog */ public function getDescription() { return $this->getSetting('bdesc'); } /** * Blog::isPublic() * @param void * @return integer publlic or not */ public function isPublic() { return $this->getSetting('bpublic'); } /** * Blog::emailRequired() * @param void * @return integer email is required when posting comment or not */ public function emailRequired() { return $this->getSetting('breqemail'); } /** * Blog::getSearchable() * @param void * @return integer searchable or not */ public function getSearchable() { return $this->getSetting('bincludesearch'); } /** * Blog::getDefaultCategory() * @param void * @return ID for category as a default */ public function getDefaultCategory() { return $this->getSetting('bdefcat'); } /** * Blog::setPublic() * @param integer $val allow comments by non-registered members or not * @return void */ public function setPublic($val) { $this->setSetting('bpublic', $val); return; } /** * Blog::setSearchable() * @param integer $val searchable from the other blogs or not * @return void */ public function setSearchable($val) { $this->setSetting('bincludesearch', $val); return; } /** * Blog::setDescription * @param string $val description for this weblog * @return void */ public function setDescription($val) { $this->setSetting('bdesc',$val); return; } /** * Blog::setUpdateFile() * @param string $val name of file to beupdated when weblog is updated * @return */ public function setUpdateFile($val) { $this->setSetting('bupdate',$val); return; } /** * Blog::setDefaultSkin() * @param integer $val ID for default skin to use when displaying this weblog * @return void */ public function setDefaultSkin($val) { $this->setSetting('bdefskin', $val); return; } /** * Blog::setURL() * @param string $val URI for this weblog * @return */ public function setURL($val) { $this->setSetting('burl', $val); return; } /** * Blog::setName() * @param string $val name of this weblog * @return void */ public function setName($val) { $this->setSetting('bname', $val); return; } /** * Blog::setShortName() * @param string $val short name for this weblog * @return void */ public function setShortName($val) { $this->setSetting('bshortname', $val); return; } /** * Blog::setCommentsEnabled() * @param integer $val enabling posting comment or not * @return void */ public function setCommentsEnabled($val) { $this->setSetting('bcomments',$val); return; } /** * Blog::setMaxComments() * @param integer $val maximum number of comments for this weblog * @return void */ public function setMaxComments($val) { $this->setSetting('bmaxcomments', $val); return; } /** * Blog::setNotifyAddress() * @param string $val email to be notified if weblog updated * @return void */ public function setNotifyAddress($val) { $this->setSetting('bnotify', $val); return; } /** * Blog::setEmailRequired() * @param string requiring comments with email or not from non member * @return void */ public function setEmailRequired($val) { $this->setSetting('breqemail', $val); return; } /** * Blog::setTimeOffset() * @param integer $val time offset * @return void */ public function setTimeOffset($val) { // check validity of value // 1. replace , by . (common mistake) $val = str_replace(',','.',$val); // 2. cast to float or int if ( is_numeric($val) && (i18n::strpos($val, '.5') === (i18n::strlen($val) - 2)) ) { $val = (float) $val; } else { $val = (integer) $val; } $this->setSetting('btimeoffset',$val); return; } /** * Blog::setDefaultCategory() * @param integer $val ID for default category for this weblog * @return */ public function setDefaultCategory($val) { $this->setSetting('bdefcat',$val); return; } /** * Blog::getSetting() * @param string $key key for setting of this weblog * @return mixed value for the setting */ public function getSetting($key) { return $this->settings[$key]; } /** * Blog::setSetting() * @param string $key key for setting of this weblog * @param mixed $value value for the key * @return */ public function setSetting($key, $value) { $this->settings[$key] = $value; return; } /** * Blog::addTeamMember() * Tries to add a member to the team. * Returns false if the member was already on the team * * @param integer $memberid id for member * @param boolean $admin super-admin or not * @return boolean Success/Fail */ public function addTeamMember($memberid, $admin) { global $manager; $memberid = intval($memberid); $admin = intval($admin); // check if member is already a member $tmem =& $manager->getMember($memberid); if ( $tmem->isTeamMember($this->blogid) ) { return 0; } $data = array( 'blog' => &$this, 'member' => &$tmem, 'admin' => &$admin ); $manager->notify('PreAddTeamMember', $data); // add to team $query = "INSERT INTO %s (TMEMBER, TBLOG, TADMIN) VALUES (%d, %d, %d);"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('team'), (integer) $memberid, (integer) $this->blogid, (integer) $admin); DB::execute($query); $data = array( 'blog' => &$this, 'member' => &$tmem, 'admin' => $admin ); $manager->notify('PostAddTeamMember', $data); $logMsg = sprintf(_TEAM_ADD_NEWTEAMMEMBER, $tmem->getDisplayName(), $memberid, $this->getName()); ActionLog::add(INFO, $logMsg); return 1; } /** * Blog::getID() * @param void * @return integer ID for this weblog */ public function getID() { return (integer) $this->blogid; } /** * Checks if a blog with a given shortname exists * Returns true if there is a blog with the given shortname (static) * * @param string $name blog shortname * @return boolean exists or not */ public function exists($name) { $r = DB::getResult('SELECT * FROM '.sql_table('blog').' WHERE bshortname='. DB::quoteValue($name)); return ($r->rowCount() != 0); } /** * Checks if a blog with a given id exists * Returns true if there is a blog with the given ID (static) * * @param integer $id ID for searched weblog * @return boolean exists or not */ public function existsID($id) { $r = DB::getResult('SELECT * FROM '.sql_table('blog').' WHERE bnumber='.intval($id)); return ($r->rowCount() != 0); } /** * Blog::setFuturePost() * flag there is a future post pending * * @param void * @return void */ public function setFuturePost() { $query = "UPDATE %s SET bfuturepost='1' WHERE bnumber=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog'), (integer) $this->blogid); DB::execute($query); return; } /** * Blog::clearFuturePost() * clear there is a future post pending * * @param void * @return void */ public function clearFuturePost() { $query = "UPDATE %s SET bfuturepost='0' WHERE bnumber=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('blog'), (integer) $this->blogid); DB::execute($query); return; } /** * Blog::checkJustPosted() * check if we should throw justPosted event * * @param void * @return void */ public function checkJustPosted() { global $manager; if ( $this->settings['bfuturepost'] == 1 ) { $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE iposted=0 AND iblog=%d AND itime < NOW();"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), (integer) $this->blogid); $result = DB::getResult($query); if ( $result->rowCount() > 0 ) { // This $pinged is allow a plugin to tell other hook to the event that a ping is sent already // Note that the plugins's calling order is subject to thri order in the plugin list $pinged = FALSE; $manager->notify('JustPosted', array('blogid' => $this->blogid, 'pinged' => &$pinged)); // clear all expired future posts $query = "UPDATE %s SET iposted='1' WHERE iblog=%d AND itime < NOW();"; $query = spriintf($query, sql_table('item'), (integer) $this->blogid); DB::execute($query); // check to see any pending future post, clear the flag is none $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE iposted=0 AND iblog=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), (integer) $this->blogid); $result = DB::getResult($query); if ( $result->rowCount() == 0 ) { $this->clearFuturePost(); } } } return; } /** * Blog::readLogFromList() * Shows the given list of items for this blog * * @param array $itemarray array of item numbers to be displayed * @param string $template string representing the template _NAME_ (!) * @param string $highlight contains a query that should be highlighted * @param boolean $comments 1=show comments 0=don't show comments * @param boolean $dateheads 1=show dateheads 0=don't show dateheads * @param boolean $showDrafts 0=do not show drafts 1=show drafts * @param boolean $showFuture 0=do not show future posts 1=show future posts * @return integer amount of items shown */ public function readLogFromList($itemarray, $template, $highlight = '', $comments = 1, $dateheads = 1,$showDrafts = 0, $showFuture = 0) { $query = $this->getSqlItemList($itemarray,$showDrafts,$showFuture); return $this->showUsingQuery($template, $query, $highlight, $comments, $dateheads); } /** * Blog::getSqlItemList() * Returns the SQL query used to fill out templates for a list of items * No LIMIT clause is added. (caller should add this if multiple pages are requested) * * @param array $itemarray an array holding the item numbers of the items to be displayed * @param integer $showDrafts 0=do not show drafts 1=show drafts * @param integer $showFuture 0=do not show future posts 1=show future posts * @return string either a full SQL query, or an empty string */ public function getSqlItemList($itemarray,$showDrafts = 0,$showFuture = 0) { if ( !is_array($itemarray) ) { return ''; } $showDrafts = intval($showDrafts); $showFuture = intval($showFuture); $items = array(); foreach ( $itemarray as $value ) { if ( intval($value) ) { $items[] = intval($value); } } if ( !count($items) ) { return ''; } $i = count($items); $query = ''; foreach ( $items as $value ) { $query .= '(' . 'SELECT' . ' i.inumber as itemid,' . ' i.ititle as title,' . ' i.ibody as body,' . ' m.mname as author,' . ' m.mrealname as authorname,' . ' i.itime,' . ' i.imore as more,' . ' m.mnumber as authorid,' . ' m.memail as authormail,' . ' m.murl as authorurl,' . ' c.cname as category,' . ' i.icat as catid,' . ' i.iclosed as closed'; $query .= ' FROM ' . sql_table('item') . ' as i, ' . sql_table('member') . ' as m, ' . sql_table('category') . ' as c' . ' WHERE' . ' i.iblog='.$this->blogid . ' and i.iauthor=m.mnumber' . ' and i.icat=c.catid'; // exclude drafts if ( !$showDrafts ) { $query .= ' and i.idraft=0'; } if ( !$showFuture ) { // don't show future items $query .= ' and i.itime<=' . DB::formatDateTime($this->getCorrectTime()); } $query .= ' and i.inumber='.intval($value); $query .= ')'; $i--; if ($i) $query .= ' UNION '; } return $query; } /** * Blog::convertBreaks() * Get the the setting for the line break handling * [should be named as getConvertBreaks()] * * @deprecated * @param void * @return */ public function convertBreaks() { return $this->getSetting('bconvertbreaks'); } /** * Set the the setting for the line break handling * * @deprecated * @param boolean $val new value for bconvertbreaks * @return void */ public function setConvertBreaks($val) { $this->setSetting('bconvertbreaks', $val); return; } }