setCommentsObj($comments); return; } /** * CommentActions::getDefinedActions() * * @static * @param void * @return array actions array */ static public function getDefinedActions() { return array_merge(self::$defined_actions, parent::getDefinedActions()); } /** * CommentActions::setParser() * * @param object $parser instance of Parser class * @return void */ public function setParser(&$parser) { $this->parser =& $parser; return; } /** * * CommentActions::setCommentsObj() * * @param object $commentsObj instance of Comments class * @return void */ public function setCommentsObj(&$commentsObj) { $this->commentsObj =& $commentsObj; return; } /** * CommentActions::setTemplate() * * @param array $template array includes templates * @return void */ public function setTemplate($template) { $this->template =& $template; return; } /** * CommentActions::setCurrentComment() * Set $currentcommentid and $currentcommentarray * * @param array $comment associated array includes comment information * @return void */ public function setCurrentComment(&$comment) { global $currentcommentid, $currentcommentarray, $manager; if ( $comment['memberid'] != 0 ) { if ( !array_key_exists('COMMENTS_AUTH', $this->template) ) { $comment['authtext'] = ''; } else { $comment['authtext'] = $this->template['COMMENTS_AUTH']; } $mem =& $manager->getMember($comment['memberid']); $comment['user'] = $mem->getDisplayName(); if ( $mem->getURL() ) { $comment['userid'] = $mem->getURL(); } else { $comment['userid'] = $mem->getEmail(); } $data = array( 'memberid' => $comment['memberid'], 'name' => $mem->getDisplayName(), 'extra' => $this->commentsObj->itemActions->linkparams ); $comment['userlinkraw'] = Link::create_link('member', $data); } else { // create smart links if ( !array_key_exists('userid', $comment) || !empty($comment['userid']) ) { if ( (i18n::strpos($comment['userid'], 'http://') === 0) || (i18n::strpos($comment['userid'], 'https://') === 0) ) { $comment['userlinkraw'] = $comment['userid']; } else { $comment['userlinkraw'] = 'http://' . $comment['userid']; } } else if ( NOTIFICATION::address_validation($comment['email']) ) { $comment['userlinkraw'] = 'mailto:' . $comment['email']; } else if ( NOTIFICATION::address_validation($comment['userid']) ) { $comment['userlinkraw'] = 'mailto:' . $comment['userid']; } } $this->currentComment =& $comment; $currentcommentid = $comment['commentid']; $currentcommentarray = $comment; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_authtext() * Parse templatevar authtext * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_authtext() { if ( $this->currentComment['memberid'] != 0 ) { $this->parser->parse($this->template['COMMENTS_AUTH']); } return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_blogid() * Parse templatevar blogid * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_blogid() { echo $this->currentComment['blogid']; } /** * CommentActions::parse_blogurl() * Parse templatevar blogurl * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_blogurl() { global $manager; $blogid = getBlogIDFromItemID($this->commentsObj->itemid); $blog =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); echo $blog->getURL(); return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_body() * Parse templatevar body * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_body() { echo $this->highlight($this->currentComment['body']); return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_commentcount() * Parse templatevar commentcount * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_commentcount() { echo $this->commentsObj->commentcount; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_commentid() * Parse templatevar commentid * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_commentid() { echo $this->currentComment['commentid']; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_commentword() * Parse templatevar commentword * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_commentword() { if ( $this->commentsObj->commentcount == 1 ) { echo $this->template['COMMENTS_ONE']; } else { echo $this->template['COMMENTS_MANY']; } return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_date() * Parse templatevar date * * @format String $format Date format according to PHP * @return void */ public function parse_date($format = '') { if ( $format !== '' ) { /* do nothing */ ; } else if ( !array_key_exists('FORMAT_DATE', $this->template) || $this->template['FORMAT_DATE'] === '' ) { $format = '%X'; } else { $format = $this->template['FORMAT_DATE']; } $offset = $this->commentsObj->itemActions->blog->getTimeOffset() * 3600; echo i18n::formatted_datetime($format, $this->currentComment['timestamp'], $offset); return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_excerpt() * Parse templatevar email * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_email() { $email = $this->currentComment['email']; $email = str_replace('@', ' (at) ', $email); $email = str_replace('.', ' (dot) ', $email); echo $email; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_excerpt() * Parse templatevar excerpt * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_excerpt() { echo Entity::hen(Entity::shorten($this->currentComment['body'], 60, '...')); return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_host() * Parse templatevar host * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_host() { echo $this->currentComment['host']; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_ip() * Parse templatevar ip * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_ip() { echo $this->currentComment['ip']; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_itemid() * Parse templatevar itemid * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_itemid() { echo $this->commentsObj->itemid; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_itemlink() * Parse templatevar itemlink * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_itemlink() { $data = array( 'itemid' => $this->commentsObj->itemid, 'timestamp' => $this->commentsObj->itemActions->currentItem->timestamp, 'title' => $this->commentsObj->itemActions->currentItem->title, 'extra' => $this->commentsObj->itemActions->linkparams ); echo Link::create_link('item', $data); return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_itemtitle() * Parse templatevar itemtitle * * @param integer $maxLength maximum length for item title * @return void */ public function parse_itemtitle($maxLength = 0) { if ( $maxLength == 0 ) { $this->commentsObj->itemActions->parse_title(); } else { $this->commentsObj->itemActions->parse_syndicate_title($maxLength); } return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_memberid() * Parse templatevar memberid * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_memberid() { echo $this->currentComment['memberid']; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_short() * Parse templatevar short * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_short() { $tmp = strtok($this->currentComment['body'], "\n"); $tmp = str_replace('
', '', $tmp); echo $tmp; if ( $tmp != $this->currentComment['body'] ) { $this->parser->parse($this->template['COMMENTS_CONTINUED']); } return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_time() * Parse templatevar time * * @param string $format datetime format referring to strftime() in PHP's built-in function * @return void */ public function parse_time($format = '') { if ( $format === '' ) { /* do nothing */ ; } else if ( !array_key_exists('FORMAT_TIME', $this->template) || $this->template['FORMAT_TIME'] === '' ) { $format = '%x'; } else { $format = $this->template['FORMAT_TIME']; } echo i18n::formatted_datetime($format, $this->currentComment['timestamp']); return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_timestamp() * Parse templatevar timestamp * * @param void * @return void * */ public function parse_timestamp() { echo $this->currentComment['timestamp']; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_plugin() * Executes a plugin templatevar * * @param string $pluginName name of plugin (without the NP_) * @param extra parameters can be added * @return void */ public function parse_plugin($pluginName) { global $manager; // only continue when the plugin is really installed if ( !$manager->pluginInstalled("NP_{$pluginName}") ) { return; } $plugin =& $manager->getPlugin("NP_{$pluginName}"); if ( !$plugin ) { return; } // get arguments $params = func_get_args(); // remove plugin name array_shift($params); // pass info on current item and current comment as well $params = array_merge(array(&$this->currentComment), $params); $params = array_merge(array(&$this->commentsObj->itemActions->currentItem), $params); call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin,'doTemplateCommentsVar'), $params); return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_user() * Parse templatevar user * * @param string $mode realname or else * @return void */ public function parse_user($mode = '') { global $manager; if ( $mode == 'realname' && $this->currentComment['memberid'] > 0 ) { $member =& $manager->getMember($this->currentComment['memberid']); echo $member->getRealName(); } else { echo Entity::hsc($this->currentComment['user']); } return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_useremail() * Output mail address * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_useremail() { global $manager; if ( $this->currentComment['memberid'] > 0 ) { $member =& $manager->getMember($this->currentComment['memberid']); if ( $member->email != '' ) { echo $member->email; } } else { if ( NOTIFICATION::address_validation($this->currentComment['email']) ) { echo $this->currentComment['email']; } elseif ( NOTIFICATION::address_validation($this->currentComment['userid']) ) { echo $this->currentComment['userid']; } } return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_userid() * Parse templatevar userid * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_userid() { echo $this->currentComment['userid']; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_userlink() * Parse templatevar userlink * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_userlink() { if ( $this->currentComment['userlinkraw'] ) { echo ''.$this->currentComment['user'].''; } else { echo $this->currentComment['user']; } return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_userlinkraw() * Parse templatevar userlinkraw * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_userlinkraw() { echo $this->currentComment['userlinkraw']; return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_userwebsite() * Parse templatevar userwebsite * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_userwebsite() { if ( !(i18n::strpos($this->currentComment['userlinkraw'], 'http://') === false) ) { echo $this->currentComment['userlinkraw']; } return; } /** * CommentActions::parse_userwebsitelink() * Parse templatevar userwebsitelink * * @param void * @return void */ public function parse_userwebsitelink() { if ( !(i18n::strpos($this->currentComment['userlinkraw'], 'http://') === false) ) { echo ''.$this->currentComment['user'].''; } else { echo $this->currentComment['user']; } return; } /** * ItemActions::checkCondition() * Checks conditions for if statements * * @param string $field type of <%if%> * @param string $name property of field * @param string $value value of property * @return boolean */ private function checkCondition($field, $name='', $value = '') { global $catid, $blog, $member, $itemidnext, $itemidprev, $manager, $archiveprevexists, $archivenextexists; $condition = 0; switch ( $field ) { case 'category': $condition = ($blog && $this->ifCategory($name,$value)); break; case 'itemcategory': $condition = ($this->ifItemCategory($name,$value)); break; case 'blogsetting': $condition = ($blog && ($blog->getSetting($name) == $value)); break; case 'itemblogsetting': $b =& $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($this->currentComment['itemid'])); $condition = ($b && ($b->getSetting($name) == $value)); break; case 'loggedin': $condition = $member->isLoggedIn(); break; case 'onteam': $condition = $member->isLoggedIn() && $this->ifOnTeam($name); break; case 'admin': $condition = $member->isLoggedIn() && $this->ifAdmin($name); break; case 'author': $condition = ($this->ifAuthor($name,$value)); break; case 'hasplugin': $condition = $this->ifHasPlugin($name, $value); break; default: $condition = $manager->pluginInstalled('NP_' . $field) && $this->ifPlugin($field, $name, $value); break; } return $condition; } /** * CommentActions::ifCategory() * Different checks for a category * * @param string $key key of category * @param string $value value for key of category * @return boolean */ private function ifCategory($key = '', $value = '') { global $blog, $catid; // when no parameter is defined, just check if a category is selected if ( ($key != 'catname' && $key != 'catid') || ($value == '') ) { return $blog->isValidCategory($catid); } // check category name if ( $key == 'catname' ) { $value = $blog->getCategoryIdFromName($value); if ($value == $catid) return $blog->isValidCategory($catid); } // check category id if ( ($key == 'catid') && ($value == $catid) ) { return $blog->isValidCategory($catid); } return FALSE; } /** * CommentActions::ifAuthor() * Different checks for an author * * @param string $key key of data for author * @param string $value value of data for author * @return boolean correct or not */ private function ifAuthor($key = '', $value = '') { global $member, $manager; if ( $this->currentComment['memberid'] == 0 ) { return FALSE; } $mem =& $manager->getMember($this->currentComment['memberid']); $b =& $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($this->currentComment['itemid'])); $citem =& $manager->getItem($this->currentComment['itemid'], 1, 1); // when no parameter is defined, just check if item author is current visitor if (($key != 'isadmin' && $key != 'name' && $key != 'isauthor' && $key != 'isonteam')) { return (intval($member->getID()) > 0 && intval($member->getID()) == intval($citem['authorid'])); } // check comment author name if ( $key == 'name' ) { $value = trim(strtolower($value)); if ( $value == '' ) { return FALSE; } if ( $value == strtolower($mem->getDisplayName()) ) { return TRUE; } } // check if comment author is admin if ( $key == 'isadmin' ) { $blogid = intval($b->getID()); if ( $mem->isAdmin() ) { return TRUE; } return $mem->isBlogAdmin($blogid); } // check if comment author is item author if ( $key == 'isauthor' ) { return (intval($citem['authorid']) == intval($this->currentComment['memberid'])); } // check if comment author is on team if ( $key == 'isonteam' ) { return $mem->teamRights(intval($b->getID())); } return FALSE; } /** * CommentActions::ifItemCategory() * Different checks for a category * * @param string $key key of data for category to which item belongs * @param string $value value of data for category to which item belongs * @return boolean correct or not */ private function ifItemCategory($key = '', $value = '') { global $catid, $manager; $b =& $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($this->currentComment['itemid'])); $citem =& $manager->getItem($this->currentComment['itemid'],1,1); $icatid = $citem['catid']; // when no parameter is defined, just check if a category is selected if ( ($key != 'catname' && $key != 'catid') || ($value == '') ) { return $b->isValidCategory($icatid); } // check category name if ( $key == 'catname' ) { $value = $b->getCategoryIdFromName($value); if ( $value == $icatid ) { return $b->isValidCategory($icatid); } } // check category id if ( ($key == 'catid') && ($value == $icatid) ) { return $b->isValidCategory($icatid); } return FALSE; } /** * CommentActions::ifOnTeam() * Checks if a member is on the team of a blog and return his rights * * @param string $blogName name of weblog * @return boolean correct or not */ private function ifOnTeam($blogName = '') { global $blog, $member, $manager; $b =& $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($this->currentComment['itemid'])); // when no blog found if ( ($blogName == '') && (!is_object($b)) ) { return 0; } // explicit blog selection if ( $blogName != '' ) { $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($blogName); } // use current blog if ( ($blogName == '') || !$manager->existsBlogID($blogid) ) { $blogid = $b->getID(); } return $member->teamRights($blogid); } /** * CommentActions::ifAdmin() * Checks if a member is admin of a blog * * @param string $blogName name of weblog * @return boolean correct or not */ private function ifAdmin($blogName = '') { global $blog, $member, $manager; $b =& $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($this->currentComment['itemid'])); // when no blog found if ( ($blogName == '') && (!is_object($b)) ) { return 0; } // explicit blog selection if ( $blogName != '' ) { $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($blogName); } // use current blog if ( ($blogName == '') || !$manager->existsBlogID($blogid) ) { $blogid = $b->getID(); } return $member->isBlogAdmin($blogid); } /** * CommentActions::ifHasPlugin() * hasplugin,PlugName * -> checks if plugin exists * hasplugin,PlugName,OptionName * -> checks if the option OptionName from plugin PlugName is not set to 'no' * hasplugin,PlugName,OptionName=value * -> checks if the option OptionName from plugin PlugName is set to value * * @param string $name name of plugin * @param string $value key (and value) of plugin option * @return boolean correct or not */ private function ifHasPlugin($name, $value) { global $manager; $condition = FALSE; // (pluginInstalled method won't write a message in the actionlog on failure) if ( $manager->pluginInstalled('NP_'.$name) ) { $plugin =& $manager->getPlugin("NP_{$name}"); if ( $plugin != NULL ) { if ( $value == "" ) { $condition = true; } else { list($name2, $value2) = preg_split('#=#', $value, 2); if ( $value2 == "" && $plugin->getOption($name2) != 'no' ) { $condition = true; } else if ( $plugin->getOption($name2) == $value2 ) { $condition = true; } } } } return $condition; } /** * CommentActions::ifPlugin() * Checks if a plugin exists and call its doIf function * * @param string $name name of plugin * @param string $key key of plugin option * @param string $value value of plugin option * @return boolean callback output from plugin */ private function ifPlugin($name, $key = '', $value = '') { global $manager; $plugin =& $manager->getPlugin("NP_{$name}"); if ( !$plugin ) { return; } $params = func_get_args(); array_shift($params); return call_user_func_array(array(&$plugin, 'doIf'), $params); } }