itemid = $item_id; } /** * Returns one item with the specific itemid * * @param int $item_id * @param bool $allow_draft * @param bool $allow_future * @return mixed */ public function getitem($item_id, $allow_draft, $allow_future) { global $manager; $item_id = intval($item_id); $query = 'SELECT ' . '`i`.`idraft` AS `draft`, ' . '`i`.`inumber` AS `itemid`, ' . '`i`.`iclosed` AS `closed`, ' . '`i`.`ititle` AS `title`, ' . '`i`.`ibody` AS `body`, ' . '`m`.`mname` AS `author`, ' . '`i`.`iauthor` AS `authorid`, ' . '`i`.`itime`, ' . '`i`.`imore` AS `more`, ' . '`i`.`ikarmapos` AS `karmapos`, ' . '`i`.`ikarmaneg` AS `karmaneg`, ' . '`i`.`icat` AS `catid`, ' . '`i`.`iblog` AS `blogid` ' . 'FROM `%s` AS `i`, `%s` AS `m`, `%s` AS `b` ' . 'WHERE `i`.`inumber` = %d ' . 'AND `i`.`iauthor` = `m`.`mnumber` ' . 'AND `i`.`iblog` = `b`.`bnumber` '; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), sql_table('member'), sql_table('blog'), $item_id); if ( !$allow_draft ) { $query .= 'AND `i`.`idraft` = 0 '; } if ( !$allow_future ) { $blog =& $manager->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($item_id)); $query .= 'AND `i`.`itime` <= ' . mysqldate($blog->getCorrectTime()); } $query .= ' LIMIT 1'; $result = sql_query($query); if ( sql_num_rows($result) == 1 ) { $aItemInfo = sql_fetch_assoc($result); $aItemInfo['timestamp'] = strtotime($aItemInfo['itime']); return $aItemInfo; } else { return 0; } } /** * Tries to create an item from the data in the current request (comes from * bookmarklet or admin area * * Returns an array with status info: * status = 'added', 'error', 'newcategory' * * @static */ function createFromRequest() { global $member, $manager; $i_author = $member->getID(); $i_body = postVar('body'); $i_title = postVar('title'); $i_more = postVar('more'); $i_actiontype = postVar('actiontype'); $i_closed = intPostVar('closed'); $i_hour = intPostVar('hour'); $i_minutes = intPostVar('minutes'); $i_month = intPostVar('month'); $i_day = intPostVar('day'); $i_year = intPostVar('year'); $i_catid = postVar('catid'); $i_draftid = intPostVar('draftid'); if ( !$member->canAddItem($i_catid) ) { return array('status' => 'error', 'message' => _ERROR_DISALLOWED); } if (!$i_actiontype) $i_actiontype = 'addnow'; switch ( $i_actiontype ) { case 'adddraft': $i_draft = 1; break; case 'addfuture': case 'addnow': default: $i_draft = 0; break; } if ( !trim($i_body) ) { return array('status' => 'error', 'message' => _ERROR_NOEMPTYITEMS); } // create new category if needed if ( strstr($i_catid,'newcat') ) { // get blogid list($i_blogid) = sscanf($i_catid, "newcat-%d"); // create $blog =& $manager->getBlog($i_blogid); $i_catid = $blog->createNewCategory(); // show error when sth goes wrong if ( !$i_catid ) { return array('status' => 'error','message' => 'Could not create new category'); } } else { // force blogid (must be same as category id) $i_blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($i_catid); $blog =& $manager->getBlog($i_blogid); } if ( $i_actiontype == 'addfuture' ) { $posttime = mktime($i_hour, $i_minutes, 0, $i_month, $i_day, $i_year); // make sure the date is in the future, unless we allow past dates if ( (!$blog->allowPastPosting()) && ($posttime < $blog->getCorrectTime()) ) { $posttime = $blog->getCorrectTime(); } } else { // time with offset, or 0 for drafts $posttime = $i_draft ? 0 : $blog->getCorrectTime(); } if ( $posttime > $blog->getCorrectTime() ) { $posted = 0; $blog->setFuturePost(); } else { $posted = 1; } $itemid = $blog->additem($i_catid, $i_title, $i_body, $i_more, $i_blogid, $i_author, $posttime, $i_closed, $i_draft, $posted); //Setting the itemOptions $aOptions = requestArray('plugoption'); NucleusPlugin::apply_plugin_options($aOptions, $itemid); $manager->notify('PostPluginOptionsUpdate', array( 'context' => 'item', 'itemid' => $itemid, 'item' => array( 'title' => $i_title, 'body' => $i_body, 'more' => $i_more, 'closed' => $i_closed, 'catid' => $i_catid ) ) ); if ( $i_draftid > 0 ) { // delete permission is checked inside ITEM::delete() ITEM::delete($i_draftid); } // success if ( $i_catid != intRequestVar('catid') ) { return array('status' => 'newcategory', 'itemid' => $itemid, 'catid' => $i_catid); } else { return array('status' => 'added', 'itemid' => $itemid); } } /** * Updates an item * * @static */ function update($itemid, $catid, $title, $body, $more, $closed, $wasdraft, $publish, $timestamp = 0) { global $manager; $itemid = intval($itemid); // make sure value is 1 or 0 if ( $closed != 1 ) { $closed = 0; } // get destination blogid $new_blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($catid); $old_blogid = getBlogIDFromItemID($itemid); // move will be done on end of method if ( $new_blogid != $old_blogid ) { $moveNeeded = 1; } $blog =& $manager->getBlog($new_blogid); // begin if: convert line breaks to
if ( $blog->convertBreaks() ) { $body = addBreaks($body); $more = addBreaks($more); } // end if // call plugins $manager->notify('PreUpdateItem', array( 'itemid' => $itemid, 'title' => &$title, 'body' => &$body, 'more' => &$more, 'blog' => &$blog, 'closed' => &$closed, 'catid' => &$catid ) ); // update item itself $query = 'UPDATE ' . sql_table('item') . ' SET' . " ibody = '" . sql_real_escape_string($body) . "'," . " ititle = '" . sql_real_escape_string($title) . "'," . " imore = '" . sql_real_escape_string($more) . "'," . " iclosed = " . intval($closed) . "," . " icat = " . intval($catid); // if we received an updated timestamp that is in the past, but past posting is not allowed, reject that date change (timestamp = 0 will make sure the current date is kept) if ( (!$blog->allowPastPosting()) && ($timestamp < $blog->getCorrectTime()) ) { $timestamp = 0; } // end if // begin if: post is in the future if ( $timestamp > $blog->getCorrectTime(time()) ) { $isFuture = 1; $query .= ', iposted = 0'; } else { $isFuture = 0; $query .= ', iposted = 1'; } // end if if ( $wasdraft && $publish ) { // set timestamp to current date only if it's not a future item // draft items have timestamp == 0 // don't allow timestamps in the past (unless otherwise defined in blogsettings) $query .= ', idraft = 0'; if ( $timestamp == 0 ) { $timestamp = $blog->getCorrectTime(); } // send new item notification if ( !$isFuture && $blog->getNotifyAddress() && $blog->notifyOnNewItem() ) { $blog->sendNewItemNotification($itemid, $title, $body); } } // end if // save back to drafts if ( !$wasdraft && !$publish ) { $query .= ', idraft = 1'; // set timestamp back to zero for a draft $query .= ', itime = ' . mysqldate($timestamp); } // update timestamp when needed if ( $timestamp != 0 ) { $query .= ', itime = ' . mysqldate($timestamp); } // make sure the correct item is updated $query .= ' WHERE inumber = ' . $itemid; // off we go! sql_query($query); $manager->notify('PostUpdateItem', array('itemid' => $itemid)); // when needed, move item and comments to new blog if ( $moveNeeded ) { ITEM::move($itemid, $catid); } //update the itemOptions $aOptions = requestArray('plugoption'); NucleusPlugin::apply_plugin_options($aOptions); $manager->notify('PostPluginOptionsUpdate', array( 'context' => 'item', 'itemid' => $itemid, 'item' => array( 'title' => $title, 'body' => $body, 'more' => $more, 'closed' => $closed, 'catid' => $catid ) ) ); } /** * Move an item to another blog (no checks) * * @static */ function move($itemid, $new_catid) { global $manager; $itemid = intval($itemid); $new_catid = intval($new_catid); $new_blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($new_catid); $manager->notify( 'PreMoveItem', array( 'itemid' => $itemid, 'destblogid' => $new_blogid, 'destcatid' => $new_catid ) ); // update item table $query = 'UPDATE '.sql_table('item')." SET iblog=$new_blogid, icat=$new_catid WHERE inumber=$itemid"; sql_query($query); // update comments $query = 'UPDATE '.sql_table('comment')." SET cblog=" . $new_blogid." WHERE citem=" . $itemid; sql_query($query); $manager->notify( 'PostMoveItem', array( 'itemid' => $itemid, 'destblogid' => $new_blogid, 'destcatid' => $new_catid ) ); } /** * Deletes an item */ function delete($itemid) { global $manager, $member; $itemid = intval($itemid); // check to ensure only those allow to alter the item can // proceed if (!$member->canAlterItem($itemid)) { return 1; } $manager->notify('PreDeleteItem', array('itemid' => $itemid)); // delete item $query = 'DELETE FROM '.sql_table('item').' WHERE inumber=' . $itemid; sql_query($query); // delete the comments associated with the item $query = 'DELETE FROM '.sql_table('comment').' WHERE citem=' . $itemid; sql_query($query); // delete all associated plugin options NucleusPlugin::_deleteOptionValues('item', $itemid); $manager->notify('PostDeleteItem', array('itemid' => $itemid)); return 0; } /** * Returns true if there is an item with the given ID * * @static */ function exists($id,$future,$draft) { global $manager; $id = intval($id); $r = 'select * FROM '.sql_table('item').' WHERE inumber='.$id; if (!$future) { $bid = getBlogIDFromItemID($id); if (!$bid) return 0; $b =& $manager->getBlog($bid); $r .= ' and itime<='.mysqldate($b->getCorrectTime()); } if (!$draft) { $r .= ' and idraft=0'; } $r = sql_query($r); return (sql_num_rows($r) != 0); } /** * Tries to create an draft from the data in the current request (comes from * bookmarklet or admin area * * Returns an array with status info: * status = 'added', 'error', 'newcategory' * * @static * * Used by xmlHTTPRequest AutoDraft */ function createDraftFromRequest() { global $member, $manager; $i_author = $member->getID(); $i_body = postVar('body'); $i_title = postVar('title'); $i_more = postVar('more'); //$i_actiontype = postVar('actiontype'); $i_closed = intPostVar('closed'); //$i_hour = intPostVar('hour'); //$i_minutes = intPostVar('minutes'); //$i_month = intPostVar('month'); //$i_day = intPostVar('day'); //$i_year = intPostVar('year'); $i_catid = postVar('catid'); $i_draft = 1; $type = postVar('type'); if ($type == 'edit') { $i_blogid = getBlogIDFromItemID(intPostVar('itemid')); } else { $i_blogid = intPostVar('blogid'); } $i_draftid = intPostVar('draftid'); if (!$member->canAddItem($i_catid)) { return array('status' => 'error', 'message' => _ERROR_DISALLOWED); } if (!trim($i_body)) { return array('status' => 'error', 'message' => _ERROR_NOEMPTYITEMS); } // create new category if needed if (strstr($i_catid, 'newcat')) { // Set in default category $blog =& $manager->getBlog($i_blogid); $i_catid = $blog->getDefaultCategory(); } else { // force blogid (must be same as category id) $i_blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($i_catid); $blog =& $manager->getBlog($i_blogid); } $posttime = 0; if ($i_draftid > 0) { ITEM::update($i_draftid, $i_catid, $i_title, $i_body, $i_more, $i_closed, 1, 0, 0); $itemid = $i_draftid; } else { $itemid = $blog->additem($i_catid, $i_title, $i_body, $i_more, $i_blogid, $i_author, $posttime, $i_closed, $i_draft); } // No plugin support in AutoSaveDraft yet //Setting the itemOptions //$aOptions = requestArray('plugoption'); //NucleusPlugin::apply_plugin_options($aOptions, $itemid); //$manager->notify('PostPluginOptionsUpdate',array('context' => 'item', 'itemid' => $itemid, 'item' => array('title' => $i_title, 'body' => $i_body, 'more' => $i_more, 'closed' => $i_closed, 'catid' => $i_catid))); // success return array('status' => 'added', 'draftid' => $itemid); } } ?>