$name) */ private $cachedInfo; /** * The plugin subscriptionlist * * The subcription array has the following structure * $subscriptions[$EventName] = array containing names of plugin classes to be * notified when that event happens * * NOTE: this is referred by Comments::addComment() for spamcheck API * TODO: we should add new methods to get this */ public $subscriptions; /** * Ticket functions. These are uses by the admin area to make it impossible to simulate certain GET/POST * requests. tickets are user specific */ private $currentRequestTicket = ''; /** * Returns the only instance of this class. Creates the instance if it * does not yet exists. Users should use this function as * $manager =& Manager::instance(); to get a reference to the object * instead of a copy */ public function &instance() { static $instance = array(); if ( empty($instance) ) { $instance[0] = new Manager(); } return $instance[0]; } /** * The constructor of this class initializes the object caches */ public function __construct() { $this->items = array(); $this->blogs = array(); $this->plugins = array(); $this->karma = array(); $this->parserPrefs = array(); $this->cachedInfo = array(); return; } /** * Returns the requested item object. If it is not in the cache, it will * first be loaded and then placed in the cache. * Intended use: $item =& $manager->getItem(1234) */ public function &getItem($itemid, $allowdraft, $allowfuture) { $item =& $this->items[$itemid]; // check the draft and future rules if the item was already cached if ( $item ) { if ( (!$allowdraft) && ($item['draft']) ) { return 0; } $blog =& $this->getBlog(getBlogIDFromItemID($itemid)); if ( (!$allowfuture) && ($item['timestamp'] > $blog->getCorrectTime()) ) { return 0; } } if ( !$item ) { // load class if needed $this->loadClass('ITEM'); // load item object $item = Item::getitem($itemid, $allowdraft, $allowfuture); $this->items[$itemid] = $item; } return $item; } /** * Loads a class if it has not yet been loaded */ public function loadClass($name) { $this->_loadClass($name, $name . '.php'); return; } /** * Checks if an item exists */ public function existsItem($id,$future,$draft) { $this->_loadClass('ITEM','ITEM.php'); return Item::exists($id,$future,$draft); } /** * Checks if a category exists */ public function existsCategory($id) { return (DB::getValue('SELECT COUNT(*) as result FROM '.sql_table('category').' WHERE catid='.intval($id)) > 0); } /** * Returns the blog object for a given blogid */ public function &getBlog($blogid) { $blog =& $this->blogs[$blogid]; if ( !$blog ) { // load class if needed $this->_loadClass('BLOG','BLOG.php'); // load blog object $blog = new Blog($blogid); $this->blogs[$blogid] =& $blog; } return $blog; } /** * Checks if a blog exists */ public function existsBlog($name) { $this->_loadClass('BLOG','BLOG.php'); return Blog::exists($name); } /** * Checks if a blog id exists */ public function existsBlogID($id) { $this->_loadClass('BLOG','BLOG.php'); return Blog::existsID($id); } /** * Returns a previously read template */ public function &getTemplate($templateName) { $template =& $this->templates[$templateName]; if ( !$template ) { $template = Template::read($templateName); $this->templates[$templateName] =& $template; } return $template; } /** * Returns a KARMA object (karma votes) */ public function &getKarma($itemid) { $karma =& $this->karma[$itemid]; if ( !$karma ) { // load class if needed $this->_loadClass('KARMA','KARMA.php'); // create KARMA object $karma = new Karma($itemid); $this->karma[$itemid] =& $karma; } return $karma; } /** * Returns a MEMBER object */ public function &getMember($memberid) { $mem =& $this->members[$memberid]; if ( !$mem ) { // load class if needed $this->_loadClass('MEMBER','MEMBER.php'); // create MEMBER object $mem =& Member::createFromID($memberid); $this->members[$memberid] =& $mem; } return $mem; } /** * Set the global parser preferences */ public function setParserProperty($name, $value) { $this->parserPrefs[$name] = $value; return; } /** * Get the global parser preferences */ public function getParserProperty($name) { return $this->parserPrefs[$name]; } /** * A helper function to load a class * * private */ private function _loadClass($name, $filename) { if ( !class_exists($name) ) { global $DIR_LIBS; include($DIR_LIBS . $filename); } return; } /** * Manager::_loadPlugin() * loading a certain plugin * * @param string $name plugin name * @return void */ private function _loadPlugin($name) { global $DIR_PLUGINS, $MYSQL_HANDLER, $MYSQL_PREFIX; if ( class_exists($name) ) { return; } $fileName = "{$DIR_PLUGINS}{$name}.php"; if ( !file_exists($fileName) ) { if ( !defined('_MANAGER_PLUGINFILE_NOTFOUND') ) { define('_MANAGER_PLUGINFILE_NOTFOUND', 'Plugin %s was not loaded (File not found)'); } ActionLog::add(WARNING, sprintf(_MANAGER_PLUGINFILE_NOTFOUND, $name)); return 0; } // load plugin include($fileName); // check if class exists (avoid errors in eval'd code) if ( !class_exists($name) ) { ActionLog::add(WARNING, sprintf(_MANAGER_PLUGINFILE_NOCLASS, $name)); return 0; } // add to plugin array $this->plugins[$name] = new $name(); // get plugid $this->plugins[$name]->setID($this->getPidFromName($name)); // unload plugin if a prefix is used and the plugin cannot handle this if ( ($MYSQL_PREFIX != '') && !$this->plugins[$name]->supportsFeature('SqlTablePrefix') ) { unset($this->plugins[$name]); ActionLog::add(WARNING, sprintf(_MANAGER_PLUGINTABLEPREFIX_NOTSUPPORT, $name)); return 0; } // unload plugin if using non-mysql handler and plugin does not support it if ( (!in_array('mysql',$MYSQL_HANDLER)) && !$this->plugins[$name]->supportsFeature('SqlApi') ) { unset($this->plugins[$name]); ActionLog::add(WARNING, sprintf(_MANAGER_PLUGINSQLAPI_NOTSUPPORT, $name)); return 0; } // call init method $this->plugins[$name]->init(); return; } /** * Manager:getPlugin() * Returns a PLUGIN object * * @param string $name name of plugin * @return object plugin object */ public function &getPlugin($name) { // retrieve the name of the plugin in the right capitalisation $name = $this->getUpperCaseName ($name); // get the plugin $plugin =& $this->plugins[$name]; if ( !$plugin ) { // load class if needed $this->_loadPlugin($name); $plugin =& $this->plugins[$name]; } return $plugin; } /** * Manager::pluginLoaded() * Checks if the given plugin IS loaded or not * * @param string $name name of plugin * @return object plugin object */ public function &pluginLoaded($name) { $plugin =& $this->plugins[$name]; return $plugin; } /** * Manager::pidLoaded() * * @param integer $pid id for plugin * @return object plugin object */ public function &pidLoaded($pid) { $plugin=false; reset($this->plugins); while ( list($name) = each($this->plugins) ) { if ( $pid!=$this->plugins[$name]->getId() ) { continue; } $plugin= & $this->plugins[$name]; break; } return $plugin; } /** * Manager::pluginInstalled() * checks if the given plugin IS installed or not * * @param string $name name of plugin * @return boolean exists or not */ public function pluginInstalled($name) { $this->_initCacheInfo('installedPlugins'); return ($this->getPidFromName($name) != -1); } /** * Manager::pidInstalled() * checks if the given plugin IS installed or not * * @param integer $pid id of plugin * @return boolean exists or not */ public function pidInstalled($pid) { $this->_initCacheInfo('installedPlugins'); return ($this->cachedInfo['installedPlugins'][$pid] != ''); } /** * Manager::getPidFromName() * * @param string $name name of plugin * @return mixed id for plugin or -1 if not exists */ public function getPidFromName($name) { $this->_initCacheInfo('installedPlugins'); foreach ( $this->cachedInfo['installedPlugins'] as $pid => $pfile ) { if (strtolower($pfile) == strtolower($name)) { return $pid; } } return -1; } /** * Manager::getPluginNameFromPid() * * @param string $pid ID for plugin * @return string name of plugin */ public function getPluginNameFromPid($pid) { if ( !array_key_exists($pid, $this->cachedInfo['installedPlugins']) ) { $query = 'SELECT pfile FROM %s WHERE pid=%d;'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('plugin'), (integer) $pid); return DB::getValue($query); } return $this->cachedInfo['installedPlugins'][$pid]; } /** * Manager::getUpperCaseName() * Retrieve the name of a plugin in the right capitalisation * * @param string $name name of plugin * @return string name according to UpperCamelCase */ public function getUpperCaseName ($name) { $this->_initCacheInfo('installedPlugins'); foreach ( $this->cachedInfo['installedPlugins'] as $pid => $pfile ) { if ( strtolower($pfile) == strtolower($name) ) { return $pfile; } } return -1; } /** * Manager::clearCachedInfo() * * @param string $what * @return void */ public function clearCachedInfo($what) { unset($this->cachedInfo[$what]); return; } /** * Manager::_initCacheInfo() * Loads some info on the first call only * * @param string $what 'installedPlugins' * @return void */ private function _initCacheInfo($what) { if ( array_key_exists($what, $this->cachedInfo) && is_array($this->cachedInfo[$what]) ) { return; } switch ($what) { // 'installedPlugins' = array ($pid => $name) case 'installedPlugins': $this->cachedInfo['installedPlugins'] = array(); $res = DB::getResult('SELECT pid, pfile FROM ' . sql_table('plugin')); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $this->cachedInfo['installedPlugins'][$row['pid']] = $row['pfile']; } break; } return; } /** * Manager::notify() * A function to notify plugins that something has happened. Only the plugins * that are subscribed to the event will get notified. * Upon the first call, the list of subscriptions will be fetched from the * database. The plugins itsself will only get loaded when they are first needed * * @param string $eventName Name of the event (method to be called on plugins) * @param string $data Can contain any type of data, * depending on the event type. Usually this is an itemid, blogid, ... * but it can also be an array containing multiple values * @return void */ public function notify($eventName, $data) { // load subscription list if needed if ( !is_array($this->subscriptions) ) { $this->_loadSubscriptions(); } // get listening objects $listeners = false; if ( array_key_exists($eventName, $this->subscriptions) && !empty($this->subscriptions[$eventName]) ) { $listeners = $this->subscriptions[$eventName]; } // notify all of them if ( is_array($listeners) ) { foreach( $listeners as $listener ) { // load class if needed $this->_loadPlugin($listener); // do notify (if method exists) if ( array_key_exists($listener, $this->plugins) && !empty($this->plugins[$listener]) && method_exists($this->plugins[$listener], 'event_' . $eventName) ) { call_user_func(array(&$this->plugins[$listener],'event_' . $eventName), $data); } } } return; } /** * Manager::_loadSubscriptions() * Loads plugin subscriptions * * @param void * @return void */ private function _loadSubscriptions() { // initialize as array $this->subscriptions = array(); $query = "SELECT p.pfile as pfile, e.event as event" . " FROM %s as e, %s as p" . " WHERE e.pid=p.pid ORDER BY p.porder ASC"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('plugin_event'), sql_table('plugin')); $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $pluginName = $row['pfile']; $eventName = $row['event']; $this->subscriptions[$eventName][] = $pluginName; } return; } /** * Manager::getNumberOfSubscribers() * * @param string $event name of events * @return integer number of event subscriber */ public function getNumberOfSubscribers($event) { $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM %s WHERE event=%s;'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('plugin_event'), DB::quoteValue($event)); return (integer) DB::getValue($query); } /** * Manager::addTicketToUrl() * GET requests: Adds ticket to URL (URL should NOT be html-encoded!, ticket is added at the end) * * @param string url string for URI * @return void */ public function addTicketToUrl($url) { $ticketCode = 'ticket=' . $this->_generateTicket(); if ( i18n::strpos($url, '?') === FALSE ) { $ticketCode = "{$url}?{$ticketCode}"; } else { $ticketCode = "{$url}&{$ticketCode}"; } return $ticketCode; } /** * Manager::addTicketHidden() * POST requests: Adds ticket as hidden formvar * * @param void * @return void */ public function addTicketHidden() { $ticket = $this->_generateTicket(); echo ''; return; } /** * Manager::getNewTicket() * Get a new ticket * (xmlHTTPRequest AutoSaveDraft uses this to refresh the ticket) * * @param void * @return string string of ticket */ public function getNewTicket() { $this->currentRequestTicket = ''; return $this->_generateTicket(); } /** * Manager::checkTicket() * Checks the ticket that was passed along with the current request * * @param void * @return boolean correct or not */ public function checkTicket() { global $member; // get ticket from request $ticket = requestVar('ticket'); // no ticket -> don't allow if ( $ticket == '' ) { return FALSE; } // remove expired tickets first $this->_cleanUpExpiredTickets(); // get member id if (!$member->isLoggedIn()) { $memberId = -1; } else { $memberId = $member->getID(); } // check if ticket is a valid one $query = sprintf('SELECT COUNT(*) as result FROM %s WHERE member=%d and ticket=%s', sql_table('tickets'), intval($memberId), DB::quoteValue($ticket) ); /* * NOTE: * [in the original implementation, the checked ticket was deleted. This would lead to invalid * tickets when using the browsers back button and clicking another link/form * leaving the keys in the database is not a real problem, since they're member-specific and * only valid for a period of one hour] */ if ( DB::getValue($query) != 1 ) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Manager::_cleanUpExpiredTickets() * Removes the expired tickets * * @param void * @return void */ private function _cleanUpExpiredTickets() { // remove tickets older than 1 hour $oldTime = time() - 60 * 60; $query = 'DELETE FROM %s WHERE ctime < %s'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('tickets'), DB::formatDateTime($oldTime)); DB::execute($query); return; } /** * Manager::_generateTicket() * Generates/returns a ticket (one ticket per page request) * * @param void * @return void */ private function _generateTicket() { if ( $this->currentRequestTicket == '' ) { // generate new ticket (only one ticket will be generated per page request) // and store in database global $member; // get member id if ( !$member->isLoggedIn() ) { $memberId = -1; } else { $memberId = $member->getID(); } $ok = false; while ( !$ok ) { // generate a random token srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $ticket = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); // add in database as non-active $query = 'INSERT INTO %s (ticket, member, ctime) VALUES (%s, %d, %s)'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('tickets'), DB::quoteValue($ticket), (integer) $memberId, DB::formatDateTime()); if ( DB::execute($query) !== FALSE ) { $ok = true; } } $this->currentRequestTicket = $ticket; } return $this->currentRequestTicket; } }