id = (integer) $id; /* * NOTE: include needed action class */ if ( $action_class != 'Actions' ) { if ( !class_exists($action_class, FALSE) && (!file_exists("{$DIR_LIBS}{$action_class}.php") || !include("{$DIR_LIBS}{$action_class}.php")) ) { return; } } else { if ( !class_exists('Actions', FALSE) && (!file_exists("{$DIR_LIBS}ACTIONS.php") || !include("{$DIR_LIBS}ACTIONS.php")) ) { return; } } $this->action_class = $action_class; $this->event_identifier = $event_identifier; // read skin name/description/content type $query = "SELECT * FROM %s WHERE sdnumber=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc'), $this->id); $res = DB::getRow($query); $this->valid = !empty($res); if ( $this->valid ) { $this->name = $res['sdname']; $this->description = $res['sddesc']; $this->contentType = $res['sdtype']; $this->includeMode = $res['sdincmode']; $this->includePrefix = $res['sdincpref']; } return; } /** * Skin::getID() * Get SKIN id * * @param void * @return integer id for this skin instance */ public function getID() { return (integer) $this->id; } /** * Skin::isValid() * * @param void * @return boolean */ public function isValid() { return (boolean) $this->valid; } /** * Skin::getName() * Get SKIN name * * @param void * @return string name of this skin instance */ public function getName() { return (string) $this->name; } /** * Skin::getDescription() * Get SKIN description * * @param void * @return string description of this skin instance */ public function getDescription() { return (string) $this->description; } /** * Skin::getContentType() * Get SKIN content type * e.g. text/xml, text/html, application/atom+xml * * @param void * @return string name of this skin instance */ public function getContentType() { return (string) $this->contentType; } /** * Skin::getIncludeMode() * Get include mode of the SKIN * * Returns either 'normal' or 'skindir': * 'normal': if a all data of the skin can be found in the databse * 'skindir': if the skin has data in the it's skin driectory * * @param void * @return string normal/skindir */ public function getIncludeMode() { return (string) $this->includeMode; } /** * Skin::getIncludePrefix() * Get include prefix of the SKIN * * Get name of the subdirectory (with trailing slash) where * the files of the current skin can be found (e.g. 'default/') * * @param void * @return string include prefix of this skin instance */ public function getIncludePrefix() { return (string) $this->includePrefix; } /** * Skin::exists() * Checks if a skin with a given shortname exists * * @static * @param string $name Skin short name * @return integer number of skins with the given ID */ static public function exists($name) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS result FROM %s WHERE sdname=%s;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc'), DB::quoteValue($name)); return (DB::getValue($query) > 0); } /** * Skin::existsID() * Checks if a skin with a given ID exists * * @static * @param string $id Skin ID * @return integer number of skins with the given ID */ static public function existsID($id) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS result FROM %s WHERE sdnumber=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc'), (integer) $id); return (DB::getValue($query) > 0); } /** * Skin::createFromName() * Returns a skin given its shortname * * @static * @param string $name Skin shortname * @return object instance of Skin class */ static public function createFromName($name) { return new SKIN(SKIN::getIdFromName($name)); } /** * Skin::getIdFromName() * Returns a skin ID given its shortname * * @static * @param string $name Skin shortname * @return integer Skin ID */ static public function getIdFromName($name) { $query = "SELECT sdnumber FROM %s WHERE sdname=%s;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc'), DB::quoteValue($name)); return DB::getValue($query); } /** * Skin::getNameFromId() * Returns a skin shortname given its ID * * @static * @param string $name * @return string Skin short name */ static public function getNameFromId($id) { $query = "SELECT sdname AS result FROM %s WHERE sdnumber=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc'), (integer) $id); return DB::getValue($query); } /** * SKIN::createNew() * Creates a new skin, with the given characteristics. * * @static * @param String $name value for nucleus_skin.sdname * @param String $desc value for nucleus_skin.sddesc * @param String $type value for nucleus_skin.sdtype * @param String $includeMode value for nucleus_skin.sdinclude * @param String $includePrefix value for nucleus_skin.sdincpref * @return Integer ID for just inserted record */ public function createNew($name, $desc, $type = 'text/html', $includeMode = 'normal', $includePrefix = '') { global $manager; $data = array( 'name' => &$name, 'description' => &$desc, 'type' => &$type, 'includeMode' => &$includeMode, 'includePrefix' => &$includePrefix ); $manager->notify('PreAddSkin', $data); $query = "INSERT INTO %s (sdname, sddesc, sdtype, sdincmode, sdincpref) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);"; $sdname = DB::quoteValue($name); $sddesc = DB::quoteValue($desc); $sdtype = DB::quoteValue($type); $sdincmode = DB::quoteValue($includeMode); $sdincpref = DB::quoteValue($includePrefix); $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc'), $sdname, $sddesc, $sdtype, $sdincmode, $sdincpref); DB::execute($query); $newid = DB::getInsertId(); $data = array( 'skinid' => $newid, 'name' => $name, 'description' => $desc, 'type' => $type, 'includeMode' => $includeMode, 'includePrefix' => $includePrefix ); $manager->notify('PostAddSkin', $data); return $newid; } /** * Skin::parse() * Parse a SKIN * * @param string $type * @param string $path path to file if using fileparser * @return void */ public function parse($type, $path='') { global $currentSkinName, $manager, $CONF, $DIR_NUCLEUS; $data = array( 'skin' => &$this, 'type' => $type ); $manager->notify("Init{$this->event_identifier}Parse", $data); // include skin locale file for <%text%> tag if useable $this->includeTranslation(); // set output type sendContentType($this->getContentType(), 'skin'); /* FIX: should be obsoleted */ $currentSkinName = $this->getName(); // retrieve contents $contents = FALSE; if ( $type == 'pluginadmin' ) { $contents = $path; } else { if ( $type != 'fileparse' && $type != 'importAdmin') { $contents = $this->getContentFromDB($type); } else if ( $path !== '' && i18n::strpos(realpath($path), realpath("$DIR_NUCLEUS/../")) == 0 ) { $contents = $this->getContentFromFile($path); } } // use base skin if this skin does not have contents if ( $contents === FALSE ) { $defskin = new SKIN($CONF['BaseSkin']); $contents = $defskin->getContentFromDB($type); if ( !$contents ) { echo _ERROR_SKIN; return; } } $data = array( 'skin' => &$this, 'type' => $type, 'contents' => &$contents ); $manager->notify("Pre{$this->event_identifier}Parse", $data); // set IncludeMode properties of parser Parser::setProperty('IncludeMode', $this->getIncludeMode()); Parser::setProperty('IncludePrefix', $this->getIncludePrefix()); // call action handler $action_class = $this->action_class; $handler = new $action_class($type); // register action handler to parser $parser = new Parser($handler); $parser->setSkin($this); $parser->parse($contents); $data = array( 'skin' => &$this, 'type' => $type ); $manager->notify("Post{$this->event_identifier}Parse", $data); return; } /** * Skin::getContentFromDB() * * @param string $skintype skin type * @return string content for the skin type */ public function getContentFromDB($skintype) { $query = "SELECT scontent FROM %s WHERE sdesc=%d and stype=%s;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), (integer) $this->id, DB::quoteValue($skintype)); $res = DB::getValue($query); return $res ? $res : ''; } /** * Skin::getContentFromFile() * * @param string $fullpath fullpath to the file to parse * @return mixed file contents or FALSE */ public function getContentFromFile($fullpath) { $fsize = filesize($fullpath); if ( $fsize <= 0 ) { return; } $fd = fopen ($fullpath, 'r'); if ( $fd === FALSE ) { return FALSE; } $contents = fread ($fd, $fsize); if ( $contents === FALSE ) { return FALSE; } fclose ($fd); return $contents; } /** * SKIN::update() * Updates the contents for one part of the skin in the database * * @param string $type type of the skin part (e.g. index, item, search ...) * @param string $content new content for this skin part * @return void * */ public function update($type, $content) { global $manager; $query = "SELECT sdesc FROM %s WHERE stype=%s and sdesc=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), DB::quoteValue($type), (integer) $this->id); $res = DB::getValue($query); $skintypeexists = !empty($res); $skintypevalue = ($content == true); if( $skintypevalue && $skintypeexists ) { $data = array( 'skinid' => $this->id, 'type' => $type, 'content' => &$content ); // PreUpdateSkinPart event $manager->notify("PreUpdate{{$this->event_identifier}}Part", $data); } else if( $skintypevalue && !$skintypeexists ) { $data = array( 'skinid' => $this->id, 'type' => $type, 'content' => &$content ); $manager->notify("PreAdd{$this->event_identifier}Part", $data); } else if( !$skintypevalue && $skintypeexists ) { $data = array( 'skinid' => $this->id, 'type' => $type ); $manager->notify("PreDelete{$this->event_identifier}Part", $data); } // delete old thingie $query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE stype=%s and sdesc=%d"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), DB::quoteValue($type), (integer) $this->id); DB::execute($query); // write new thingie if ( $content ) { $query = "INSERT INTO %s (scontent, stype, sdesc) VALUE (%s, %s, %d)"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), DB::quoteValue($content), DB::quoteValue($type), (integer) $this->id); DB::execute($query); } if( $skintypevalue && $skintypeexists ) { $data = array( 'skinid' => $this->id, 'type' => $type, 'content' => &$content ); // PostUpdateSkinPart event $manager->notify("PostUpdate{$this->event_identifier}Part", $data); } else if( $skintypevalue && (!$skintypeexists) ) { $data = array( 'skinid' => $this->id, 'type' => $type, 'content' => &$content ); // PostAddSkinPart event $manager->notify("PostAdd{$this->event_identifier}Part", $data); } else if( (!$skintypevalue) && $skintypeexists ) { $data = array( 'skinid' => $this->id, 'type' => $type ); $manager->notify("PostDelete{$this->event_identifier}Part", $data); } return; } /** * Skin::deleteAllParts() * Deletes all skin parts from the database * * @param void * @return void */ public function deleteAllParts() { $query = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE sdesc=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), (integer) $this->id); DB::execute($query); } /** * Skin::updateGeneralInfo() * Updates the general information about the skin * * @param string $name name of the skin * @param string $desc description of the skin * @param string $type type of the skin * @param string $includeMode include mode of the skin * @param string $includePrefix include prefix of the skin * @return void */ public function updateGeneralInfo($name, $desc, $type = 'text/html', $includeMode = 'normal', $includePrefix = '') { $name = DB::quoteValue($name); $desc = DB::quoteValue($desc); $type = DB::quoteValue($type); $includeMode = DB::quoteValue($includeMode); $includePrefix = DB::quoteValue($includePrefix); $query ="UPDATE %s SET sdname=%s, sddesc=%s, sdtype=%s, sdincmode=%s, sdincpref=%s WHERE sdnumber=%d"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin_desc'), $name, $desc, $type, $includeMode, $includePrefix, (integer) $this->id); DB::execute($query); return; } /** * Skin::includeTranslation() * * @param void * @return void */ private function includeTranslation() { global $DIR_SKINS; $locale = i18n::get_current_locale() . '.' . i18n::get_current_charset(); if( $this->includeMode == "normal" ) { $filename = "./locales/{$locale}.php"; } else if( $this->includeMode == "skindir" ) { if ( $this->includePrefix == '' ) { $filename = "{$DIR_SKINS}locales/{$locale}.php"; } else { $filename = "{$DIR_SKINS}{$this->includePrefix}locales/{$locale}.php"; } } else { return; } if ( !file_exists($filename) ) { return; } include_once($filename); return; } /** * Skin::getDefaultTypes() * * @param string void * @return array default skin types */ public function getDefaultTypes() { return call_user_func(array($this->action_class, 'getAvailableSkinTypes')); } /** * Skin::getAvailableTypes() * * @param string void * @return array registered skin types */ public function getAvailableTypes() { $default_skintypes = $this->getDefaultTypes(); $query = "SELECT stype FROM %s WHERE sdesc=%d;"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), (integer) $this->id); /* NOTE: force to put default types in the beginning */ $in_default = array(); $no_default = array(); $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( !array_key_exists($row['stype'], $default_skintypes) ) { $no_default[$row['stype']] = FALSE; } else { $in_default[$row['stype']] = $default_skintypes[$row['stype']]; } } return array_merge($in_default, $no_default); } /** * Skin::getAllowedActionsForType() * Get the allowed actions for a skin type * returns an array with the allowed actions * @return array allowed action types * @param string $skintype type of the skin * @return array allowed action types */ public function getAllowedActionsForType($skintype) { $handler = new $this->action_class($skintype); return $handler->getAvailableActions(); } }