0 ) { $nucleus['version'] .= '/' . getNucleusPatchLevel(); } /* Avoid notices */ if ( !array_key_exists('installscript', $CONF) || empty($CONF['installscript']) ) { $CONF['installscript'] = 0; } if ( !array_key_exists('UsingAdminArea', $CONF) ) { $CONF['UsingAdminArea'] = 0; } if ( !headers_sent() ) { header('Generator: Nucleus CMS ' . $nucleus['version']); } /* TODO: This is for compatibility since 4.0, should be obsoleted at future release. */ if ( !isset($DIR_LOCALES) ) { $DIR_LOCALES = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'locales/'; } global $DIR_LANG; if ( !isset($DIR_LANG) ) { $DIR_LANG = $DIR_LOCALES; } /* load and initialize i18n class */ if (!class_exists('i18n', FALSE)) { include($DIR_LIBS . 'i18n.php'); } if ( !i18n::init('UTF-8', $DIR_LOCALES) ) { exit('Fail to initialize i18n class.'); } /* TODO: This is just for compatibility since 4.0, should be obsoleted at future release. */ define('_CHARSET', i18n::get_current_charset()); /* * NOTE: Since 4.0 release, Entity class becomes to be important class * with some wrapper functions for htmlspechalchars/htmlentity PHP's built-in function */ include($DIR_LIBS . 'ENTITY.php'); /* we will use postVar, getVar, ... methods instead of $_GET, $_POST ... */ if ( $CONF['installscript'] != 1 ) { /* vars were already included in install.php */ include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'vars4.1.0.php'); /* added for 4.0 DB::* wrapper and compatibility sql_* */ include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'sql/sql.php'); } /* include core classes that are needed for login & plugin handling */ include($DIR_LIBS . 'MEMBER.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'ACTIONLOG.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'MANAGER.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'PLUGIN.php'); $manager =& MANAGER::instance(); /* only needed when updating logs */ if ( $CONF['UsingAdminArea'] ) { /* XML-RPC client classes */ include($DIR_LIBS . 'xmlrpc.inc.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'ADMIN.php'); } /* connect to database */ if ( !isset($MYSQL_HANDLER) ) { $MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql',''); } if ( $MYSQL_HANDLER[0] == '' ) { $MYSQL_HANDLER[0] = 'mysql'; } DB::setConnectionInfo($MYSQL_HANDLER[1], $MYSQL_HOST, $MYSQL_USER, $MYSQL_PASSWORD, $MYSQL_DATABASE); /* force locale or charset */ $locale = ''; $charset = i18n::get_current_charset(); $data = array( 'locale' => &$locale, 'charset' => &$charset ); $manager->notify('ForceLocale', $data); if ( $data['locale'] !== '' ) { i18n::set_forced_locale($data['locale']); } if ( $data['charset'] !== '' ) { i18n::set_forced_charset($data['charset']); } unset($locale); unset($charset); /* convert forced charset to current charset */ if ( i18n::get_forced_charset() != i18n::get_current_charset() ) { $_POST = i18n::convert_array($_POST, i18n::get_forced_charset()); $_GET = i18n::convert_array($_GET, i18n::get_forced_charset()); $_REQUEST = i18n::convert_array($_REQUEST, i18n::get_forced_charset()); $_COOKIE = i18n::convert_array($_COOKIE, i18n::get_forced_charset()); $_FILES = i18n::convert_array($_FILES, i18n::get_forced_charset()); if ( session_id() !== '' ) { $_SESSION = i18n::convert_array($_SESSION, i18n::get_forced_charset()); } } /* sanitize option */ $bLoggingSanitizedResult = 0; $bSanitizeAndContinue = 0; $orgRequestURI = serverVar('REQUEST_URI'); sanitizeParams(); /* logs sanitized result if need */ if ( $orgRequestURI !== serverVar('REQUEST_URI') ) { $msg = "Sanitized [" . serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR') . "] "; $msg .= $orgRequestURI . " -> " . serverVar('REQUEST_URI'); if ( $bLoggingSanitizedResult ) { addToLog(WARNING, $msg); } if ( !$bSanitizeAndContinue ) { die(""); } } /* get all variables that can come from the request and put them in the global scope */ $blogid = requestVar('blogid'); $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid'); $catid = intRequestVar('catid'); $skinid = requestVar('skinid'); $memberid = requestVar('memberid'); $archivelist = requestVar('archivelist'); $imagepopup = requestVar('imagepopup'); $archive = requestVar('archive'); $query = requestVar('query'); $highlight = requestVar('highlight'); $amount = requestVar('amount'); $action = requestVar('action'); $nextaction = requestVar('nextaction'); $maxresults = requestVar('maxresults'); $startpos = intRequestVar('startpos'); $errormessage = ''; $error = ''; $special = requestVar('special'); /* read config */ getConfig(); /* Properly set $CONF['Self'] and others if it's not set... * usually when we are access from admin menu */ if ( !array_key_exists('Self', $CONF) ) { $CONF['Self'] = $CONF['IndexURL']; /* strip trailing */ if ( $CONF['Self'][i18n::strlen($CONF['Self']) -1] == "/" ) { $CONF['Self'] = i18n::substr($CONF['Self'], 0, i18n::strlen($CONF['Self']) -1); } } $CONF['ItemURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['ArchiveURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['ArchiveListURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['MemberURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['SearchURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['BlogURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['CategoryURL'] = $CONF['Self']; /* automatically use simpler toolbar for mozilla */ if ( ($CONF['DisableJsTools'] == 0) && i18n::strpos(serverVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'Mozilla/5.0') !== FALSE && i18n::strpos(serverVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'Gecko') !== FALSE ) { $CONF['DisableJsTools'] = 2; } /* login processing */ $member = new Member(); if ( $action == 'login' ) { $login = postVar('login'); $password = postVar('password'); $shared = intPostVar('shared'); $member->login($login, $password, $shared); } elseif ( ($action == 'logout') ) { $member->logout(); } else { $member->cookielogin(); } /* TODO: This is for backward compatibility, should be obsoleted near future. */ if ( !preg_match('#^(.+)_(.+)_(.+)$#', $CONF['Locale']) && ($CONF['Locale'] = i18n::convert_old_language_file_name_to_locale($CONF['Locale'])) === FALSE ) { $CONF['Locale'] = 'en_Latn_US'; } if ( !array_key_exists('Language', $CONF) ) { $CONF['Language'] = i18n::convert_locale_to_old_language_file_name($CONF['Locale']); } $locale = $CONF['Locale']; /* NOTE: include translation file and set locale */ if ( $member->isLoggedIn() ) { if ( $member->getLocale() ) { $locale = $member->getLocale(); } } else { if ( i18n::get_forced_locale() !== '' ) { $locale = i18n::get_forced_locale(); } } include_translation($locale); i18n::set_current_locale($locale); /* login completed */ $manager->notify('PostAuthentication', array('loggedIn' => $member->isLoggedIn() ) ); /* next action */ if ( $member->isLoggedIn() && $nextaction ) { $action = $nextaction; } /* first, let's see if the site is disabled or not. always allow admin area access. */ if ( $CONF['DisableSite'] && !$member->isAdmin() && !$CONF['UsingAdminArea'] ) { redirect($CONF['DisableSiteURL']); exit; } /* load other classes */ include($DIR_LIBS . 'PARSER.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'SKIN.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'TEMPLATE.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'BLOG.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'BODYACTIONS.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'COMMENTS.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'COMMENT.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'NOTIFICATION.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'BAN.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'SEARCH.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'LINK.php'); /* set lastVisit cookie (if allowed) */ if ( !headers_sent() ) { if ( $CONF['LastVisit'] ) { setcookie($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'lastVisit', time(), time() + 2592000, $CONF['CookiePath'], $CONF['CookieDomain'], $CONF['CookieSecure']); } else { setcookie($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'lastVisit', '', (time() - 2592000), $CONF['CookiePath'], $CONF['CookieDomain'], $CONF['CookieSecure']); } } if ( !defined('_ARCHIVETYPE_MONTH') ) { define('_ARCHIVETYPE_DAY', 'day'); define('_ARCHIVETYPE_MONTH', 'month'); define('_ARCHIVETYPE_YEAR', 'year'); } /* for path resolving */ $virtualpath = getVar('virtualpath'); if ( getVar('virtualpath') == '' ) { $virtualpath = serverVar('PATH_INFO'); } /* * switch URLMode back to normal when $CONF['Self'] ends in .php * this avoids urls like index.php/item/13/index.php/item/15 */ if ( !array_key_exists('URLMode', $CONF) || ($CONF['URLMode'] != 'pathinfo') ) { $CONF['URLMode'] = 'normal'; } else { if ( i18n::substr($CONF['Self'], i18n::strlen($CONF['Self']) - 4) != '.php' ) { decodePathInfo($virtualpath); } } /* * PostParseURL is a place to cleanup any of the path-related global variables before the selector function is run. * It has 2 values in the data in case the original virtualpath is needed, but most the use will be in tweaking * global variables to clean up (scrub out catid or add catid) or to set someother global variable based on * the values of something like catid or itemid * New in 3.60 */ $data = array( 'type' => basename(serverVar('SCRIPT_NAME')), 'info' => $virtualpath ); $manager->notify('PostParseURL', $data); /* * NOTE: Here is the end of initialization */ /** * include_libs() * This function includes or requires the specified library file * * @param string $file * @param boolean $once use the _once() version * @param boolean $require use require() instead of include() * @return void */ function include_libs($file, $once = TRUE, $require = TRUE) { global $DIR_LIBS; // $DIR_LIBS isn't a directory if ( !is_dir($DIR_LIBS) ) { exit; } $lib_path = $DIR_LIBS . $file; if ( $once && $require ) { require_once($lib_path); } else if ( $once && !$require ) { include_once($lib_path); } else if ( $require ) { require($lib_path); } else { include($lib_path); } return; } /** * include_plugins() * This function includes or requires the specified plugin file * * @param string $file * @param boolean $once use the _once() version * @param boolean $require use require() instead of include() * @return */ function include_plugins($file, $once = TRUE, $require = TRUE) { global $DIR_PLUGINS; // begin if: $DIR_LIBS isn't a directory if ( !is_dir($DIR_PLUGINS) ) { exit; } $plugin_path = $DIR_PLUGINS . $file; // begin if: if ( $once && $require ) { require_once($plugin_path); } else if ( $once && !$require ) { include_once($plugin_path); } elseif ( $require ) { require($plugin_path); } else { include($plugin_path); } return; } /** * include_translation() * This function decide which locale is used and include translation * * @param string &$locale locale name referring to 'language tags' defined in RFC 5646 * @return void */ function include_translation(&$locale) { global $DIR_LOCALES; $translation_file = $DIR_LOCALES . $locale . '.' . i18n::get_current_charset() . '.php'; if ( !file_exists($translation_file) ) { $locale = 'en_Latn_US'; $translation_file = $DIR_LOCALES . 'en_Latn_US.ISO-8859-1.php'; } include($translation_file); return; } /** * intPostVar() * This function returns the integer value of $_POST for the variable $name * * @param string $name field to get the integer value of * @return integer */ function intPostVar($name) { return (integer) postVar($name); } /** * intGetVar() * This function returns the integer value of $_GET for the variable $name * * @param string $name field to get the integer value of * @return integer */ function intGetVar($name) { return (integer) getVar($name); } /** * intRequestVar() * This function returns the integer value of $_REQUEST for the variable $name. Also checks $_GET and $_POST if not found in $_REQUEST * * @param string $name field to get the integer value of * @return int */ function intRequestVar($name) { return (integer) requestVar($name); } /** * intCookieVar() * This function returns the integer value of $_COOKIE for the variable $name * * @param string $name field to get the integer value of * @return integer */ function intCookieVar($name) { return (integer) cookieVar($name); } /** * getNucleusVersion() * This function returns the current Nucleus version (100 = 1.00, 101 = 1.01, etc...) * * @param void * @return integer */ function getNucleusVersion() { return 400; } /** * getNucleusPatchLevel() * TODO: Better description of this function. * * Power users can install patches in between nucleus releases. These patches * usually add new functionality in the plugin API and allow those to * be tested without having to install CVS. * *@param void * @return integer */ function getNucleusPatchLevel() { return 0; } /** * getLatestVersion() * This function returns the latest Nucleus version available for download from nucleuscms.org or FALSE if unable to attain data * Format will be major.minor/patachlevel e.g. 3.41 or 3.41/02 * * @param void * @return mixed */ function getLatestVersion() { // begin if: cURL is not available in this PHP installation if ( !function_exists('curl_init') ) { return FALSE; } $curl = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://nucleuscms.org/version_check.php'); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $return = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $return; } /** * sql_table() * This function returns a Nucleus table name with the appropriate prefix * @param string $name * @return string */ function sql_table($name) { global $MYSQL_PREFIX; // begin if: no MySQL prefix if ( empty($MYSQL_PREFIX) ) { return 'nucleus_' . $name; } // else: use MySQL prefix else { return $MYSQL_PREFIX . 'nucleus_' . $name; } return; } /** * sendContentType() * This function sends the Content-Type header if headers have not already been sent * It also determines if the browser can accept application/xhtml+xml and sends it only to those that can. * * if content type is application/xhtml+xml, only send it to browsers * that can handle it (IE6 cannot). Otherwise, send text/html * * v2.5: * For admin area pages, keep sending text/html (unless it's a debug version) * application/xhtml+xml still causes too much problems with the javascript implementations * * v3.3: * ($CONF['UsingAdminArea'] && !$CONF['debug']) gets removed, * application/xhtml+xml seems to be working, so we're going to use it if we can. * * @param string $content_type MIME media type registered to IANA, http://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/index.html * @param string $page_type * @param string $charset Deprecated. This has no meaning. * @return void * */ function sendContentType($content_type, $page_type = '', $charset = '') { global $manager, $CONF; if ( headers_sent() ) { return; } /* NOTE: MIME Media Type */ if ( ($content_type == 'application/xhtml+xml') && (!stristr(serverVar('HTTP_ACCEPT'), 'application/xhtml+xml') ) ) { $content_type = 'text/html'; } /* NOTE: generate event */ $data = array( 'pageType' => $page_type, 'contentType' => &$content_type ); $manager->notify('PreSendContentType', $data); /* NOTE: confirm MIME Media Type */ $content_type = preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9-+./]#', '', $content_type); /* NOTE: confirm character set */ $charset = i18n::get_current_charset(); if ( i18n::get_forced_charset() !== '' ) { $charset = i18n::get_forced_charset(); } /* NOTE: send HTTP 1.1 header */ header("Content-Type: {$content_type}; charset={$charset}"); /* NOTE: set handler for translating character set */ if ( $charset != i18n::get_current_charset() ) { ob_start(array('i18n', 'convert_handler')); } return; } /** * parseHighlight() * This function parses a query into an array of expressions that can be passed on to the highlight method * @param string $query * @return void */ function parseHighlight($query) { // TODO: add more intelligent splitting logic // get rid of quotes $query = preg_replace('/\'|"/', '', $query); if ( !$query ) { return array(); } $aHighlight = preg_split('# #', $query); for ( $i = 0; $i < count($aHighlight); $i++ ) { $aHighlight[$i] = trim($aHighlight[$i]); if ( i18n::strlen($aHighlight[$i]) < 3 ) { unset($aHighlight[$i]); } } if ( count($aHighlight) == 1 ) { return $aHighlight[0]; } else { return $aHighlight; } return; } /** * getConfig() * * @param void * @return void */ function getConfig() { global $CONF; $query = sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s', sql_table('config')); $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $CONF[$row['name']] = $row['value']; } return; } /** * This function gets the blog ID from the blog name * @param string $name * @return */ function getBlogIDFromName($name) { $query = sprintf('SELECT bnumber AS result FROM %s WHERE bshortname=%s', sql_table('blog'), DB::quoteValue($name)); return DB::getValue($query); } /** * This function gets the blog name from the blog ID * @param int $id * @return object */ function getBlogNameFromID($id) { $query = sprintf('SELECT bname AS result FROM %s WHERE bnumber=%d', sql_table('blog'), intval($id)); return DB::getValue($query); } /** * This function gets the blog ID from the item ID * @param int $item_id * @return object */ function getBlogIDFromItemID($item_id) { $query = sprintf('SELECT iblog AS result FROM %s WHERE inumber=%d', sql_table('item'), intval($item_id)); return DB::getValue($query); } /** * This function gets the blog ID from the comment ID * @param int $comment_id * @return object */ function getBlogIDFromCommentID($comment_id) { $query = sprintf('SELECT cblog AS result FROM %s WHERE cnumber=%d', sql_table('comment'), intval($comment_id)); return DB::getValue($query); } /** * This function gets the blog ID from the category ID * @param int $category_id * @return object */ function getBlogIDFromCatID($category_id) { $query = sprintf('SELECT cblog AS result FROM %s WHERE catid=%d', sql_table('category'), intval($category_id)); return DB::getValue($query); } /** * This function gets the category ID from the category name * @param int $name * @return object */ function getCatIDFromName($name) { $query = sprintf('SELECT catid AS result FROM %s WHERE cname=%s', sql_table('category'), DB::quoteValue($name)); return DB::getValue($query); } /** * functions to be used in index.php to select something */ function selectBlog($shortname) { global $blogid, $archivelist; $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($shortname); // also force archivelist variable, if it is set if ( $archivelist ) { $archivelist = $blogid; } return; } function selectSkin($skinname) { global $skinid; $skinid = SKIN::getIdFromName($skinname); return; } function selectCategory($cat) { global $catid; if ( is_numeric($cat) ) { $catid = (integer) $cat; } else { $catid = getCatIDFromName($cat); } return; } function selectItem($id) { global $itemid; $itemid = (integer) $id; return; } function selectSpecialSkinType($id) { global $special; $special = strtolower($id); return; } function selector() { global $archive, $archivelist, $archivenext, $archivenextexists, $archiveprev, $archiveprevexists, $archivetype; global $blog, $blogid; global $catid; global $itemid, $itemidnext, $itemidprev, $itemtitlenext, $itemtitleprev; global $CONF, $DIR_LIBS, $amount, $errormessage, $imagepopup; global $manager, $maxresults, $query; global $member, $memberid, $memberinfo; global $skinid, $skinpart, $special; $actionNames = array('addcomment', 'sendmessage', 'createaccount', 'forgotpassword', 'votepositive', 'votenegative', 'plugin'); $action = requestVar('action'); if ( in_array($action, $actionNames) ) { include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'ACTION.php'); $a = new Action(); $errorInfo = $a->doAction($action); if ( $errorInfo ) { $errormessage = $errorInfo['message']; } } // show error when headers already sent out if ( headers_sent() && $CONF['alertOnHeadersSent'] ) { // try to get line number/filename (extra headers_sent params only exists in PHP 4.3+) if ( function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare('4.3.0', phpversion(), '<=') ) { headers_sent($hsFile, $hsLine); $extraInfo = ' in ' . $hsFile . ' line ' . $hsLine . ''; } else { $extraInfo = ''; } startUpError( "

The page headers have already been sent out{$extraInfo}. This could cause Nucleus not to work in the expected way.

" . "

Usually, this is caused by spaces or newlines at the end of the config.php file, " . "at the end of the translation file or at the end of a plugin file.

" . "

Please check this and try again.

" . "

If you don't want to see this error message again, without solving the problem, " . "set {$CONF['alertOnHeadersSent']} in globalfunctions.php to 0

" . "Page headers already sent" ); exit; } // make is so ?archivelist without blogname or blogid shows the archivelist // for the default weblog if ( serverVar('QUERY_STRING') == 'archivelist' ) { $archivelist = $CONF['DefaultBlog']; } // now decide which type of skin we need if ( $itemid ) { // itemid given -> only show that item $type = 'item'; if ( !$manager->existsItem($itemid,intval($CONF['allowFuture']),intval($CONF['allowDrafts'])) ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHITEM); return; } // 1. get timestamp, blogid and catid for item $query = 'SELECT itime, iblog, icat FROM %s WHERE inumber=%d'; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), intval($itemid)); $row = DB::getRow($query); // if a different blog id has been set through the request or selectBlog(), // deny access if ( $blogid && (intval($blogid) != $row['iblog']) ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHITEM); return; } // if a category has been selected which doesn't match the item, ignore the // category. #85 if ( ($catid != 0) && ($catid != $row['icat']) ) { $catid = 0; } $blogid = $row['iblog']; $timestamp = strtotime($row['itime']); $b =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); if ( !$b->isValidCategory($catid) ) { $query = "SELECT inumber, ititle FROM %s WHERE itime<%s AND idraft=0 AND iblog=%d ORDER BY itime DESC LIMIT 1"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), DB::formatDateTime($timestamp), intval($blogid)); } else { $query = "SELECT inumber, ititle FROM %s WHERE itime<%s AND idraft=0 AND iblog=%d AND icat=%d ORDER BY itime DESC LIMIT 1"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), DB::formatDateTime($timestamp), intval($blogid), intval($catid)); } $row = DB::getRow($query); if ( $row ) { $itemidprev = $row['inumber']; $itemtitleprev = $row['ititle']; } // get next itemid and title if ( !$b->isValidCategory($catid) ) { $query = "SELECT inumber, ititle FROM %s WHERE itime>%s AND itime<=%s AND idraft=0 AND iblog=%d ORDER BY itime ASC LIMIT 1"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), DB::formatDateTime($timestamp), DB::formatDateTime($b->getCorrectTime()), intval($blogid)); } else { $query = "SELECT inumber, ititle FROM %s WHERE itime>%s AND itime<=%s AND idraft=0 AND iblog=%d AND icat=%d ORDER BY itime ASC LIMIT 1"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('item'), DB::formatDateTime($timestamp), DB::formatDateTime($b->getCorrectTime()), intval($blogid), intval($catid)); } $row = DB::getRow($query); if ( $row ) { $itemidnext = $row['inumber']; $itemtitlenext = $row['ititle']; } } elseif ( $archive ) { // show archive $type = 'archive'; // sql queries for the timestamp of the first and the last published item $query = sprintf('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime) as result FROM %s WHERE idraft=0 ORDER BY itime ASC', sql_table('item')); $first_timestamp = DB::getValue($query); $query = sprintf('SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime) as result FROM %s WHERE idraft=0 ORDER BY itime DESC', sql_table('item')); $last_timestamp = DB::getValue($query); sscanf($archive, '%d-%d-%d', $y, $m, $d); if ( $d != 0 ) { $archivetype = _ARCHIVETYPE_DAY; $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); // one day has 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 seconds $archiveprev = i18n::formatted_datetime('%Y-%m-%d', $t - 86400 ); // check for published items if ( $t > $first_timestamp ) { $archiveprevexists = true; } else { $archiveprevexists = false; } // one day later $t += 86400; $archivenext = i18n::formatted_datetime('%Y-%m-%d', $t); if ( $t < $last_timestamp ) { $archivenextexists = true; } else { $archivenextexists = false; } } elseif ( $m == 0 ) { $archivetype = _ARCHIVETYPE_YEAR; $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $y - 1); // one day before is in the previous year $archiveprev = i18n::formatted_datetime('%Y', $t); if ( $t > $first_timestamp ) { $archiveprevexists = true; } else { $archiveprevexists = false; } // timestamp for the next year $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $y + 1); $archivenext = i18n::formatted_datetime('%Y', $t); if ( $t < $last_timestamp ) { $archivenextexists = true; } else { $archivenextexists = false; } } else { $archivetype = _ARCHIVETYPE_MONTH; $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y); // one day before is in the previous month $archiveprev = i18n::formatted_datetime('%Y-%m', $t - 86400); if ( $t > $first_timestamp ) { $archiveprevexists = true; } else { $archiveprevexists = false; } // timestamp for the next month $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m+1, 1, $y); $archivenext = i18n::formatted_datetime('%Y-%m', $t); if ( $t < $last_timestamp ) { $archivenextexists = true; } else { $archivenextexists = false; } } } elseif ( $archivelist ) { $type = 'archivelist'; if ( is_numeric($archivelist) ) { $blogid = intVal($archivelist); } else { $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($archivelist); } if ( !$blogid ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHBLOG); return; } } elseif ( $query ) { global $startpos; $type = 'search'; $query = stripslashes($query); if ( is_numeric($blogid) ) { $blogid = intVal($blogid); } else { $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($blogid); } if ( !$blogid ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHBLOG); return; } } elseif ( $memberid ) { $type = 'member'; if ( !Member::existsID($memberid) ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHMEMBER); return; } $memberinfo = $manager->getMember($memberid); } elseif ( $imagepopup ) { // media object (images etc.) $type = 'imagepopup'; // TODO: check if media-object exists // TODO: set some vars? } else { // show regular index page global $startpos; $type = 'index'; } // any type of skin with catid if ( $catid && !$blogid ) { $blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($catid); } // decide which blog should be displayed if ( !$blogid ) { $blogid = $CONF['DefaultBlog']; } $b =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); $blog = $b; // references can't be placed in global variables? if ( !$blog->isValid ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHBLOG); return; } // set catid if necessary if ( $catid ) { // check if the category is valid if ( !$blog->isValidCategory($catid) ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHCATEGORY); return; } else { $blog->setSelectedCategory($catid); } } if ( !$skinid ) { $skinid = $blog->getDefaultSkin(); } if ( !empty($special) && isValidShortName($special) ) { $type = strtolower($special); } $skin =& $manager->getSkin($skinid); if ( !$skin->isValid() ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHSKIN); return; } // set global skinpart variable so can determine quickly what is being parsed from any plugin or phpinclude $skinpart = $type; // parse the skin $skin->parse($type); // check to see we should throw JustPosted event $blog->checkJustPosted(); return; } /** * doError() * Show error skin with given message. An optional skin-object to use can be given * * @param string $msg * @param string $skin * @return void */ function doError($msg, $skin = '') { global $errormessage, $CONF, $skinid, $blogid, $manager; if ( $skin == '' ) { if ( Skin::existsID($skinid) ) { $id = $skinid; } elseif ( $manager->existsBlogID($blogid) ) { $blog =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); $id = $blog->getDefaultSkin(); } elseif ($CONF['DefaultBlog'] ) { $blog =& $manager->getBlog($CONF['DefaultBlog']); $id = $blog->getDefaultSkin(); } else { // this statement should actually never be executed $id = $CONF['BaseSkin']; } $skin =& $manager->getSkin($id); } $errormessage = $msg; $skin->parse('error'); return; } /** * Errors before the database connection has been made * * @param string $msg message to notify * @param string $title page title * @return void */ function startUpError($msg, $title) { header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=' . i18n::get_current_charset()); echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "{$title}\n"; echo "\n"; echo "


\n"; echo $msg; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; exit; } function isValidShortName($name) { return preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+$#i', $name); } function isValidDisplayName($name) { return preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9 ]*[a-z0-9]+$#i', $name); } function isValidCategoryName($name) { return 1; } function isValidTemplateName($name) { return preg_match('#^[a-z0-9/_\-]+$#i', $name); } function isValidSkinName($name) { return preg_match('#^[a-z0-9/_\-]+$#i', $name); } // add and remove linebreaks function addBreaks($var) { return nl2br($var); } function removeBreaks($var) { return preg_replace("/
([\r\n])/", "$1", $var); } /** * parseFile() * * @param string $filename * @param string $includeMode * @param string $includePrefix * @return void */ function parseFile($filename, $includeMode = 'normal', $includePrefix = '') { global $manager, $skinid; if ( !$skinid || !existsID($skinid) ) { $skin =& $manager->getSkin($CONF['BaseSkin']); } else { $skin =& $manager->getSkin($skinid); } $oldIncludeMode = Parser::getProperty('IncludeMode'); $oldIncludePrefix = Parser::getProperty('IncludePrefix'); $skin->parse('fileparse', $filename); Parser::setProperty('IncludeMode', $oldIncludeMode); Parser::setProperty('IncludePrefix', $oldIncludePrefix); return; } /** * debug() * Outputs a debug message * * @param string $msg * @return void */ function debug($msg) { echo '

' . $msg . "

\n"; return; } // shows a link to help file function help($id) { echo helpHtml($id); return; } function helpHtml($id) { global $CONF; return helplink($id) . '' . _HELP_TT . ''; } function helplink($id) { global $CONF; return ''; } /** * includephp() * Includes a PHP file. This method can be called while parsing templates and skins * * @param string $filename name of file to parse * @return void */ function includephp($filename) { // make predefined variables global, so most simple scripts can be used here // apache (names taken from PHP doc) global $GATEWAY_INTERFACE, $SERVER_NAME, $SERVER_SOFTWARE, $SERVER_PROTOCOL; global $REQUEST_METHOD, $QUERY_STRING, $DOCUMENT_ROOT, $HTTP_ACCEPT; global $HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET, $HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING, $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE; global $HTTP_CONNECTION, $HTTP_HOST, $HTTP_REFERER, $HTTP_USER_AGENT; global $REMOTE_ADDR, $REMOTE_PORT, $SCRIPT_FILENAME, $SERVER_ADMIN; global $SERVER_PORT, $SERVER_SIGNATURE, $PATH_TRANSLATED, $SCRIPT_NAME; global $REQUEST_URI; // php (taken from PHP doc) global $argv, $argc, $PHP_SELF, $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; global $HTTP_POST_FILES, $HTTP_ENV_VARS, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS; // other global $PATH_INFO, $HTTPS, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR; if ( @file_exists($filename) ) { include($filename); } return; } /** * Checks if a certain plugin exists * @param string $plug name of plugin * @return boolean exists or not */ function checkPlugin($name) { global $DIR_PLUGINS; return file_exists($DIR_PLUGINS . preg_replace('#[\\\\|/]#', '', $name) . '.php'); } /** * alterQueryStr() * * @param string $querystr querystring to alter (e.g. foo=1&bar=2&x=y) * @param string $param name of parameter to change (e.g. 'foo') * @param string $value New value for that parameter (e.g. 3) * @return string altered query string (for the examples above: foo=3&bar=2&x=y) */ function alterQueryStr($querystr, $param, $value) { $vars = preg_split('#&#', $querystr); $set = FALSE; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($vars); $i++ ) { $v = preg_split('#=#', $vars[$i]); if ( $v[0] == $param ) { $v[1] = $value; $vars[$i] = implode('=', $v); $set = true; break; } } if ( !$set ) { $vars[] = "{$param}={$value}"; } return ltrim(implode('&', $vars), '&'); } /** * passVar() * passes one variable as hidden input field (multiple fields for arrays) * @see passRequestVars in varsx.x.x.php * * @param string $key * @param string $value * @return void */ function passVar($key, $value) { // array ? if ( is_array($value) ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($value); $i++ ) { passVar($key . '[' . $i . ']', $value[$i]); } return; } // other values: do stripslashes if needed echo '' . "\n"; return; } /** * checkVars() * * @param string $variables * @return void */ function checkVars($variables) { foreach ( $variables as $variable ) { if ( array_key_exists($variable, $_GET) || array_key_exists($variable, $_POST) || array_key_exists($variable, $_COOKIE) || array_key_exists($variable, $_ENV) || (session_id() !== '' && array_key_exists($variable, $_SESSION)) || array_key_exists($variable, $_FILES) ) { die('Sorry. An error occurred.'); } } return; } /** * sanitizeParams() * Sanitize parameters such as $_GET and $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] etc. * to avoid XSS. * * @param void * @return void */ function sanitizeParams() { $array = array(); $str = ''; $frontParam = ''; // REQUEST_URI of $_SERVER $str =& $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; serverStringToArray($str, $array, $frontParam); sanitizeArray($array); arrayToServerString($array, $frontParam, $str); // QUERY_STRING of $_SERVER $str =& $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; serverStringToArray($str, $array, $frontParam); sanitizeArray($array); arrayToServerString($array, $frontParam, $str); // $_GET convArrayForSanitizing($_GET, $array); sanitizeArray($array); revertArrayForSanitizing($array, $_GET); // $_REQUEST (only GET param) convArrayForSanitizing($_REQUEST, $array); sanitizeArray($array); revertArrayForSanitizing($array, $_REQUEST); return; } function _addInputTags(&$keys,$prefix='') { foreach ( $keys as $key=>$value ) { if ( $prefix ) { $key=$prefix.'['.$key.']'; } if ( is_array($value) ) { _addInputTags($value,$key); } else { if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) {$value=stripslashes($value); } if ( $key == 'ticket' ) { continue; } echo ''."\n"; } } return; } /** * serverStringToArray() * Convert the server string such as $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] * to arry like arry['blogid']=1 and array['page']=2 etc. * * @param string $uri string * @param string &$query_elements elements of query according to application/x-www-form-urlencoded * @param string &$hier_part hierarchical part includes path * * NOTE: * RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax * 3. Syntax Components * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt * * Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 * 8.2.1. The form-urlencoded Media Type * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1866#section-8.2.1 * * $_SERVER > Language Reference > Predefined Variables > PHP Manual * http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php */ function serverStringToArray($uri, &$query_elements, &$hier_part) { // init param $query_elements = array(); $hier_part = ""; // split hierarchical part, e.g. /index.php, query and fragment, e.g. blogid=1&page=2#section1 if ( i18n::strpos($uri, "?") > 0 ) { list($hier_part, $query_and_fragment) = preg_split("#\?#", $uri, 2); } else { $query_and_fragment = $uri; $hier_part = ''; } // If there is no query like blogid=1&page=2, return if ( i18n::strpos($uri, "=") == FALSE && !i18n::strlen($hier_part) ) { $hier_part = $uri; return; } $query_elements = preg_split("#&#", $query_and_fragment); return; } /** * arrayToServerString() * Convert array like array['blogid'] to server string * such as $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] * * @param array $query_elements elements of query according to application/x-www-form-urlencoded * @param string $hier_part hier-part defined in RFC3986 * @param string &$uri return value * @return void * * NOTE: * RFC 3986: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax * 3. Syntax Components * http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt * * Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 * 8.2.1. The form-urlencoded Media Type * http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1866#section-8.2.1 * * $_SERVER > Language Reference > Predefined Variables > PHP Manual * http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php */ function arrayToServerString($query_elements, $hier_part, &$uri) { if ( i18n::strpos($uri, "?") !== FALSE ) { $uri = $hier_part . "?"; } else { $uri = $hier_part; } if ( count($query_elements) > 0 ) { $uri .= implode("&", $query_elements); } return; } /** * sanitizeArray() * Sanitize array parameters. * This function checks both key and value. * - check key if it inclues " (double quote), remove from array * - check value if it includes \ (escape sequece), remove remaining string * * @param array &$array elements of query according to application/x-www-form-urlencoded * @return void */ function sanitizeArray(&$array) { $excludeListForSanitization = array('query'); foreach ( $array as $k => $v ) { // split to key and value list($key, $val) = preg_split("#=#", $v, 2); if ( !isset($val) ) { continue; } // when magic quotes is on, need to use stripslashes, // and then addslashes if ( get_magic_quotes_gpc() ) { $val = stripslashes($val); } // note that we must use addslashes here because this function is called before the db connection is made // and sql_real_escape_string needs a db connection $val = addslashes($val); // if $key is included in exclude list, skip this param if ( !in_array($key, $excludeListForSanitization) ) { // check value if ( i18n::strpos($val, '\\') > 0 ) { list($val, $tmp) = preg_split('#\\\\#', $val); } // remove control code etc. $val = strtr($val, "\0\r\n<>'\"", " "); // check key if ( preg_match('#\"#', $key) > 0 ) { unset($array[$k]); continue; } // set sanitized info $array[$k] = sprintf("%s=%s", $key, $val); } } return; } /** * convArrayForSanitizing() * Convert array for sanitizeArray function * * @param string $src array to be sanitized * @param array &$array array to be temporarily stored * @return void */ function convArrayForSanitizing($src, &$array) { $array = array(); foreach ( $src as $key => $val ) { if ( !key_exists($key, $_GET) ) { continue; } $array[] = sprintf("%s=%s", $key, $val); continue; } return; } /** * revertArrayForSanitizing() * Revert array after sanitizeArray function * * @param array $array element of query according to application/x-www-form-urlencoded * @param array &$dst combination of key and value * @return void */ function revertArrayForSanitizing($array, &$dst) { foreach ( $array as $v ) { list($key, $val) = preg_split("#=#", $v, 2); $dst[$key] = $val; continue; } return; } /** * decodePathInfo() * * @param string $virtualpath * @return void */ function decodePathInfo($virtualpath) { global $CONF, $manager, $archive, $blog, $catid, $memberid, $special; /* initialize keywords if this hasn't been done before */ if ( !isset($CONF['ItemKey']) || empty($CONF['ItemKey']) ) { $CONF['ItemKey'] = 'item'; } if ( !isset($CONF['ArchiveKey']) || empty($CONF['ArchiveKey']) ) { $CONF['ArchiveKey'] = 'archive'; } if ( !isset($CONF['ArchivesKey']) || empty($CONF['ArchivesKey']) ) { $CONF['ArchivesKey'] = 'archives'; } if ( !isset($CONF['MemberKey']) || empty($CONF['MemberKey']) ) { $CONF['MemberKey'] = 'member'; } if ( !isset($CONF['BlogKey']) || empty($CONF['BlogKey']) ) { $CONF['BlogKey'] = 'blog'; } if ( !isset($CONF['CategoryKey']) || empty($CONF['CategoryKey']) ) { $CONF['CategoryKey'] = 'category'; } if ( !isset($CONF['SpecialskinKey']) || empty($CONF['SpecialskinKey']) ) { $CONF['SpecialskinKey'] = 'special'; } $parsed = FALSE; $data = array( 'type' => basename(serverVar('SCRIPT_NAME') ), 'info' => $virtualpath, 'complete' => &$parsed ); $manager->notify('ParseURL', $data); /* already parsed by the other subsystem */ if ( $parsed ) { return; } /* default implementation */ $data = preg_split("#/#", $virtualpath); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($data); $i++ ) { switch ( $data[$i] ) { /* item/1 (blogid) */ case $CONF['ItemKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $itemid = (integer) $data[$i]; } break; /* archives/1 (blogid) */ case $CONF['ArchivesKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $archivelist = (integer) $data[$i]; } break; /* two possibilities: archive/yyyy-mm or archive/1/yyyy-mm (with blogid) */ case $CONF['ArchiveKey']: if ( (($i + 1) < sizeof($data) ) && (i18n::strpos($data[$i + 1], '-') === FALSE ) ) { $blogid = (integer) $data[++$i]; } $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $archive = $data[$i]; } break; /* blogid/1 */ case 'blogid': /* blog/1 */ case $CONF['BlogKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $blogid = intval($data[$i]); } break; /* category/1 (catid) */ case $CONF['CategoryKey']: case 'catid': $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $catid = intval($data[$i]); } break; case $CONF['MemberKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $memberid = intval($data[$i]); } break; case $CONF['SpecialskinKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $special = $data[$i]; } break; default: /* do nothing */ break; } } return; } /** * redirect() * Stops processing the request and redirects to the given URL. * - no actual contents should have been sent to the output yet * - the URL will be stripped of illegal or dangerous characters * * @param string $uri * @return void */ function redirect($url) { $url = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9-~+_.?\#=&;,/:@%*]#i', '', $url); header('Location: ' . $url); exit; } /** * getBookmarklet() * Returns the Javascript code for a bookmarklet that works on most modern browsers * * @param integer $blogid ID for weblog * @return script to call Bookmarklet */ function getBookmarklet($blogid, $width=600, $height=500) { global $CONF; $script = "Q='';" . "x=document;" . "y=window;" . "if ( x.selection )" . "{" . " Q=x.selection.createRange().text;" . "}" . "else if ( y.getSelection )" . "{" . " Q=y.getSelection();" . "}" . "else if ( x.getSelection )" . "{" . " Q=x.getSelection();" . "}" . "wingm = window.open('{$CONF['AdminURL']}bookmarklet.php?blogid={$blogid}" . " &logtext=' + encodeURIComponent(Q) +" . " '&loglink=' + encodeURIComponent(x.location.href) +" . " '&loglinktitle=' + encodeURIComponent(x.title)," . " 'nucleusbm'," . " 'scrollbars=yes,width={$width},height={$height},left=10,top=10,status=yes,resizable=yes');" . "wingm.focus();"; return $script; } /** * cleanFileName() * cleans filename of uploaded file for writing to file system * * @param string $str * @return string $cleaned filename ready for use */ function cleanFileName($str) { $str = strtolower($str); $ext_point = i18n::strrpos($str,"."); if ( $ext_point === FALSE ) { return FALSE; } $ext = i18n::substr($str,$ext_point,i18n::strlen($str)); $str = i18n::substr($str,0,$ext_point); return preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9-]#", "_", $str) . $ext; } /** * use Notification class instead of this * Deprecated since 4.0: */ function getMailFooter() { NOTIFICATION::get_mail_footer(); } function isValidMailAddress($address) { return NOTIFICATION::address_validation($address); } /** * use Entity class instead of this * Deprecated since 4.0: */ function highlight($text, $expression, $highlight) { return Entity::highlight($text, $expression, $highlight); } function shorten($string, $maxlength, $suffix) { return Entity::shorten($string, $maxlength, $suffix); } function stringStripTags ($string) { return Entity::strip_tags($string); } function toAscii($string) { return Entity::anchor_footnoting($string); } function stringToAttribute ($string) { return Entity::hsc($string); } function stringToXML ($string) { return Entity::hen($string); } function encode_desc($data) { return Entity::hen($data); } /** * Centralisation of the functions that deals with locales * This functions is based on the old way to deal with languages * Deprecated since 4.0: */ function getLanguageName() { if( ($language = i18n::convert_locale_to_old_language_file_name(i18n::get_current_locale())) === FALSE ) { $language ='english'; } return $language; } function selectLanguage($language) { global $DIR_LANG; include($DIR_LANG . preg_replace('#[\\\\|/]#', '', $language) . '.php'); return; } /** * use i18n class instead of these * Deprecated since 4.0 */ function checkLanguage($lang) { return ( preg_match('#^(.+)_(.+)_(.+)$#', $lang) || i18n::convert_old_language_file_name_to_locale($lang) ); } function formatDate($format, $timestamp, $default_format, &$blog) { $offset = date('Z', $timestamp); if ( $blog ) { $offset += $blog->getTimeOffset() * 3600; } return i18n::formatted_datetime($format, $timestamp, $offset, $default_format); } /** * use DB class instead of these * Deprecated since 4.0 */ function quickQuery($query) { $row = DB::getRow($query); return $row['result']; } function mysqldate($timestamp) { return DB::formatDateTime($timestamp); } /** * Centralisation of the functions that generate links * Deprecated since 4.0: * Please use Link::FunctionName(...) instead */ function createItemLink($itemid, $extra = '') { return Link::create_item_link($itemid, $extra); } function createMemberLink($memberid, $extra = '') { return Link::create_member_link($memberid, $extra); } function createCategoryLink($catid, $extra = '') { return Link::create_category_link($catid, $extra); } function createArchiveListLink($blogid = '', $extra = '') { return Link::create_archivelist_link($blogid, $extra); } function createArchiveLink($blogid, $archive, $extra = '') { return Link::create_archive_link($blogid, $archive, $extra); } function createBlogidLink($blogid, $params = '') { return Link::create_blogid_link($blogid, $params = ''); } function createLink($type, $params) { return Link::create_link($type, $params); } function createBlogLink($url, $params) { return Link::create_blog_link($url, $params); } /** * use ActionLog class instead of this * Deprecated since 4.0 */ function addToLog($level, $msg) { ActionLog::add($level, $msg); } /** * use PHP's implement * Deprecated since 4.0 */ function ifset(&$var) { if ( isset($var) ) { return $var; } return NULL; } /** * use Manager::getPluginNameFromPid() instead of this * Deprecated since 4.0 */ function getPluginNameFromPid($pid) { global $manager; return $manager->getPluginNameFromPid($pid); } /** * use Manager::numberOfEventSubscribers() instead of this * Deprecated since 4.0 */ function numberOfEventSubscribers($event) { global $manager; return $manager->getNumberOfSubscribers($event); } /** * PluginAdmin has already the alternative implement * Deprecated since 4.0 */ function ticketForPlugin() { global $CONF, $DIR_LIBS, $DIR_LOCALES, $DIR_PLUGINS, $manager, $member, $ticketforplugin; /* initialize */ $ticketforplugin = array(); $ticketforplugin['ticket'] = FALSE; /* Check if using plugin's php file. */ $p_translated = serverVar('SCRIPT_FILENAME'); if (!file_exists($p_translated) ) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit(''); } // check whether this is plugin or not $p_translated = str_replace('\\', '/', $p_translated); $d_plugins = str_replace('\\', '/', $DIR_PLUGINS); if ( i18n::strpos($p_translated, $d_plugins) !== 0 ) { return; } // Solve the plugin php file or admin directory $phppath = i18n::substr($p_translated, i18n::strlen($d_plugins) ); // Remove the first "/" if exists. $phppath = preg_replace('#^/#', '', $phppath); // Remove the first "NP_" and the last ".php" if exists. $path = preg_replace('#^NP_(.*)\.php$#', '$1', $phppath); // Remove the "/" and beyond. $path = preg_replace('#^([^/]*)/(.*)$#', '$1', $path); // Solve the plugin name. $plugins = array(); $query = sprintf('SELECT pfile FROM %s;', sql_table('plugin')); $res = DB::getResult($query); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $name = i18n::substr($row['pfile'], 3); $plugins[strtolower($name)] = $name; } $res->closeCursor(); if ( !array_key_exists($path, $plugins) ) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit(''); } else { $plugin_name = $plugins[$path]; } /* Return if not index.php */ if ( ($phppath != strtolower($plugin_name) . '/') && ($phppath != strtolower($plugin_name) . '/index.php') ) { return; } /* Exit if not logged in. */ if ( !$member->isLoggedIn() ) { exit('You aren\'t logged in.'); } /* Check if this feature is needed (ie, if "$manager->checkTicket()" is not included in the script). */ if ( $file = @file($p_translated) ) { $prevline = ''; foreach($file as $line) { if (preg_match('#[\$]manager([\s]*)[\-]>([\s]*)checkTicket([\s]*)[\(]#i', $prevline . $line) ) { return; } $prevline = $line; } } /* Show a form if not valid ticket */ if ( (i18n::strpos(serverVar('REQUEST_URI'), '?') !== FALSE || serverVar('QUERY_STRING') || strtoupper(serverVar('REQUEST_METHOD') ) == 'POST') && !$manager->checkTicket() ) { $oPluginAdmin = new PluginAdmin($plugin_name); $oPluginAdmin->start(); echo '


\n"; // Resolve URI and QUERY_STRING if ($uri = serverVar('REQUEST_URI') ) { list($uri, $qstring) = preg_split('#\?#', $uri); } else { if ( !($uri = serverVar('PHP_SELF') ) ) { $uri = serverVar('SCRIPT_NAME'); } $qstring = serverVar('QUERY_STRING'); } if ($qstring) { $qstring = '?' . $qstring; } echo '

' . _SETTINGS_UPDATE . ' : ' . _QMENU_PLUGINS . ' ' . Entity::hsc($plugin_name) . " ?

\n"; switch(strtoupper(serverVar('REQUEST_METHOD') ) ) { case 'POST': echo '
'; $manager->addTicketHidden(); _addInputTags($_POST); break; case 'GET': echo ''; $manager->addTicketHidden(); _addInputTags($_GET); default: break; } echo '    '; echo ''; echo "
\n"; $oPluginAdmin->end(); exit; } /* Create new ticket */ $ticket=$manager->addTicketToUrl(''); $ticketforplugin['ticket'] = preg_split($ticket, i18n::strpos($ticket, 'ticket=') + 7); return; }