0 ) { $nucleus['version'] .= '/' . getNucleusPatchLevel(); } /* Avoid notices */ if ( !isset($CONF['installscript']) ) { $CONF['installscript'] = 0; } /* we will use postVar, getVar, ... methods instead of $_GET, $_POST ...*/ if ($CONF['installscript'] != 1) { /* vars were already included in install.php */ include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'vars4.1.0.php'); } /* sanitize option */ $bLoggingSanitizedResult=0; $bSanitizeAndContinue=0; $orgRequestURI = serverVar('REQUEST_URI'); sanitizeParams(); /* get all variables that can come from the request and put them in the global scope */ $blogid = requestVar('blogid'); $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid'); $catid = intRequestVar('catid'); $skinid = requestVar('skinid'); $memberid = requestVar('memberid'); $archivelist = requestVar('archivelist'); $imagepopup = requestVar('imagepopup'); $archive = requestVar('archive'); $query = requestVar('query'); $highlight = requestVar('highlight'); $amount = requestVar('amount'); $action = requestVar('action'); $nextaction = requestVar('nextaction'); $maxresults = requestVar('maxresults'); $startpos = intRequestVar('startpos'); $errormessage = ''; $error = ''; $special = requestVar('special'); $virtualpath = ((getVar('virtualpath') != null) ? getVar('virtualpath') : serverVar('PATH_INFO')); if ( !headers_sent() ) { header('Generator: Nucleus CMS ' . $nucleus['version']); } /* include core classes that are needed for login & plugin handling */ include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'mysql.php'); /* added for 3.5 sql_* wrapper */ global $MYSQL_HANDLER; if ( !isset($MYSQL_HANDLER) ) { $MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql',''); } if ( $MYSQL_HANDLER[0] == '' ) { $MYSQL_HANDLER[0] = 'mysql'; } include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'sql/'.$MYSQL_HANDLER[0].'.php'); /* end new for 3.5 sql_* wrapper */ include($DIR_LIBS . 'MEMBER.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'ACTIONLOG.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'MANAGER.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'PLUGIN.php'); $manager =& MANAGER::instance(); /* * make sure there's no unnecessary escaping: * set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); */ if ( version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<') ) { ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', '0'); } /* Avoid notices */ if ( !isset($CONF['UsingAdminArea']) ) { $CONF['UsingAdminArea'] = 0; } /* only needed when updating logs */ if ( $CONF['UsingAdminArea'] ) { /* XML-RPC client classes */ include($DIR_LIBS . 'xmlrpc.inc.php'); include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'ADMIN.php'); } /* connect to database */ sql_connect(); $SQLCount = 0; /* logs sanitized result if need */ if ( $orgRequestURI!==serverVar('REQUEST_URI') ) { $msg = "Sanitized [" . serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR') . "] "; $msg .= $orgRequestURI . " -> " . serverVar('REQUEST_URI'); if ( $bLoggingSanitizedResult ) { addToLog(WARNING, $msg); } if ( !$bSanitizeAndContinue ) { die(""); } } /* makes sure database connection gets closed on script termination */ register_shutdown_function('sql_disconnect'); /* read config */ getConfig(); /* * Nucleus CMS 4.0 uses 'locale' instead of 'language' to decide which translation file used * Here simply convert old name to new name without checking translation file existance * FIXME: This is for compatibility, should be obsoleted near future. */ if ( !preg_match('#^(.+)_(.+)_(.+)$#', $CONF['Language']) && ($CONF['Language'] = i18n::convert_old_language_file_name_to_locale($CONF['Language'])) === FALSE ) { $CONF['Language'] = ''; } $locale = $CONF['Language']; /* Properly set $CONF['Self'] and others if it's not set... * usually when we are access from admin menu */ if ( !isset($CONF['Self']) ) { $CONF['Self'] = $CONF['IndexURL']; /* strip trailing */ if ( $CONF['Self'][i18n::strlen($CONF['Self']) -1] == "/" ) { $CONF['Self'] = i18n::substr($CONF['Self'], 0, i18n::strlen($CONF['Self']) -1); } } $CONF['ItemURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['ArchiveURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['ArchiveListURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['MemberURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['SearchURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['BlogURL'] = $CONF['Self']; $CONF['CategoryURL'] = $CONF['Self']; /* *switch URLMode back to normal when $CONF['Self'] ends in .php * this avoids urls like index.php/item/13/index.php/item/15 */ if ( !isset($CONF['URLMode']) || (($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo') && (i18n::substr($CONF['Self'], i18n::strlen($CONF['Self']) - 4) == '.php')) ) { $CONF['URLMode'] = 'normal'; } /* automatically use simpler toolbar for mozilla */ if ( ($CONF['DisableJsTools'] == 0) && strstr(serverVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'Mozilla/5.0') && strstr(serverVar('HTTP_USER_AGENT'), 'Gecko') ) { $CONF['DisableJsTools'] = 2; } /* login if cookies set*/ $member = new MEMBER(); /* secure cookie key settings (either 'none', 0, 8, 16, 24, or 32) */ if ( !isset($CONF['secureCookieKey']) ) { $CONF['secureCookieKey'] = 24; } switch( $CONF['secureCookieKey'] ) { case 8: $CONF['secureCookieKeyIP'] = preg_replace('/\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/','',serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR')); break; case 16: $CONF['secureCookieKeyIP'] = preg_replace('/\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$/','',serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR')); break; case 24: $CONF['secureCookieKeyIP'] = preg_replace('/\.[0-9]+$/','',serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR')); break; case 32: $CONF['secureCookieKeyIP'] = serverVar('REMOTE_ADDR'); break; default: $CONF['secureCookieKeyIP'] = ''; } /* * login/logout when required or renew cookies * and decide locale on this session before plugin event generates */ if ( $action == 'login' ) { /* Form Authentication */ $login = postVar('login'); $pw = postVar('password'); /* shared computer or not */ $shared = intPostVar('shared'); /* avoid md5 collision by using a long key */ $pw=i18n::substr($pw,0,40); if ( $member->login($login, $pw) ) { $member->newCookieKey(); $member->setCookies($shared); if ( $CONF['secureCookieKey']!=='none' ) { /* secure cookie key */ $member->setCookieKey(md5($member->getCookieKey().$CONF['secureCookieKeyIP'])); $member->write(); } /* allows direct access to parts of the admin area after logging in */ if ( $nextaction ) { $action = $nextaction; } /* NOTE: include translation file and set locale */ $locale = include_translation($locale, $member); i18n::set_current_locale($locale); $manager->notify('LoginSuccess', array('member' => &$member, 'username' => $login) ); $errormessage = ''; ACTIONLOG::add(INFO, "Login successful for $login (sharedpc=$shared)"); } else { /* errormessage for [%errordiv%] */ $trimlogin = trim($login); if ( empty($trimlogin) ) { $errormessage = "Please enter a username."; } else { $errormessage = 'Login failed for ' . $login; } /* NOTE: include translation file and set locale */ $locale = include_translation($locale); i18n::set_current_locale($locale); $manager->notify('LoginFailed', array('username' => $login) ); ACTIONLOG::add(INFO, $errormessage); } } /* * TODO: this should be removed when releasing 4.0 Backed out for now: See http://forum.nucleuscms.org/viewtopic.php?t=3684 for details elseif ( serverVar('PHP_AUTH_USER') && serverVar('PHP_AUTH_PW') ) { // HTTP Authentication $login = serverVar('PHP_AUTH_USER'); $pw = serverVar('PHP_AUTH_PW'); if ( $member->login($login, $pw) ) { $manager->notify('LoginSuccess',array('member' => &$member)); ACTIONLOG::add(INFO, "HTTP authentication successful for $login"); } else { $manager->notify('LoginFailed',array('username' => $login)); ACTIONLOG::add(INFO, 'HTTP authentication failed for ' . $login); //Since bad credentials, generate an apropriate error page header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"Nucleus CMS {$nucleus['version']}\""); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo 'Invalid username or password'; exit; } } */ elseif ( ($action == 'logout') && (!headers_sent()) && cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'user') ) { /* remove cookies on logout */ setcookie($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'user', '', (time() - 2592000), $CONF['CookiePath'], $CONF['CookieDomain'], $CONF['CookieSecure']); setcookie($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'loginkey', '', (time() - 2592000), $CONF['CookiePath'], $CONF['CookieDomain'], $CONF['CookieSecure']); /* NOTE: include translation file and set locale */ $locale = include_translation($locale); i18n::set_current_locale($locale); $manager->notify('Logout', array('username' => cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'user') ) ); } elseif ( cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'user') ) { /* Cookie Authentication */ $ck=cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'loginkey'); /* * secure cookie key * avoid md5 collision by using a long key */ $ck = i18n::substr($ck,0,32); if ( $CONF['secureCookieKey']!=='none' ) { $ck = md5($ck.$CONF['secureCookieKeyIP']); } $res = $member->cookielogin(cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'user'), $ck ); unset($ck); /* renew cookies when not on a shared computer */ if ( $res && (cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'sharedpc') != 1) && (!headers_sent() ) ) { $member->setCookieKey(cookieVar($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'loginkey')); $member->setCookies(); } /* NOTE: include translation file and set locale */ $locale = include_translation($locale, $member); i18n::set_current_locale($locale); } else { /* NOTE: include translation file and set locale */ $locale = include_translation($locale); i18n::set_current_locale($locale); } /* login completed */ $manager->notify('PostAuthentication', array('loggedIn' => $member->isLoggedIn() ) ); /* * Release ticket for plugin */ ticketForPlugin(); /* first, let's see if the site is disabled or not. always allow admin area access. */ if ( $CONF['DisableSite'] && !$member->isAdmin() && !$CONF['UsingAdminArea'] ) { redirect($CONF['DisableSiteURL']); exit; } /* load other classes */ include($DIR_LIBS . 'PARSER.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'SKIN.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'TEMPLATE.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'BLOG.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'BODYACTIONS.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'COMMENTS.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'COMMENT.php'); /* include($DIR_LIBS . 'ITEM.php'); */ include($DIR_LIBS . 'NOTIFICATION.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'BAN.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'PAGEFACTORY.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'SEARCH.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'ENTITY.php'); include($DIR_LIBS . 'Link.php'); /* set lastVisit cookie (if allowed) */ if ( !headers_sent() ) { if ( $CONF['LastVisit'] ) { setcookie($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'lastVisit', time(), time() + 2592000, $CONF['CookiePath'], $CONF['CookieDomain'], $CONF['CookieSecure']); } else { setcookie($CONF['CookiePrefix'] . 'lastVisit', '', (time() - 2592000), $CONF['CookiePath'], $CONF['CookieDomain'], $CONF['CookieSecure']); } } /* Backed out for now: See http://forum.nucleuscms.org/viewtopic.php?t=3684 for details // To remove after v2.5 is released and language files have been updated. // Including this makes sure that language files for v2.5beta can still be used for v2.5final // without having weird _SETTINGS_EXTAUTH string showing up in the admin area. if (!defined('_MEMBERS_BYPASS')) { define('_SETTINGS_EXTAUTH', 'Enable External Authentication'); define('_WARNING_EXTAUTH', 'Warning: Enable only if needed.'); define('_MEMBERS_BYPASS', 'Use External Authentication'); } */ /* make sure the archivetype skinvar keeps working when _ARCHIVETYPE_XXX not defined */ if ( !defined('_ARCHIVETYPE_MONTH') ) { define('_ARCHIVETYPE_DAY', 'day'); define('_ARCHIVETYPE_MONTH', 'month'); define('_ARCHIVETYPE_YEAR', 'year'); } /* decode path_info */ if ( $CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo' ) { /* initialize keywords if this hasn't been done before */ if ( !isset($CONF['ItemKey']) || $CONF['ItemKey'] == '' ) { $CONF['ItemKey'] = 'item'; } if ( !isset($CONF['ArchiveKey']) || $CONF['ArchiveKey'] == '' ) { $CONF['ArchiveKey'] = 'archive'; } if ( !isset($CONF['ArchivesKey']) || $CONF['ArchivesKey'] == '' ) { $CONF['ArchivesKey'] = 'archives'; } if ( !isset($CONF['MemberKey']) || $CONF['MemberKey'] == '' ) { $CONF['MemberKey'] = 'member'; } if ( !isset($CONF['BlogKey']) || $CONF['BlogKey'] == '' ) { $CONF['BlogKey'] = 'blog'; } if ( !isset($CONF['CategoryKey']) || $CONF['CategoryKey'] == '' ) { $CONF['CategoryKey'] = 'category'; } if ( !isset($CONF['SpecialskinKey']) || $CONF['SpecialskinKey'] == '' ) { $CONF['SpecialskinKey'] = 'special'; } $parsed = false; $manager->notify( 'ParseURL', array( /* e.g. item, blog, ... */ 'type' => basename(serverVar('SCRIPT_NAME') ), 'info' => $virtualpath, 'complete' => &$parsed ) ); if ( !$parsed ) { /* default implementation */ $data = i18n::explode("/", $virtualpath ); for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($data); $i++ ) { switch ( $data[$i] ) { /* item/1 (blogid) */ case $CONF['ItemKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $itemid = intval($data[$i]); } break; /* archives/1 (blogid) */ case $CONF['ArchivesKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $archivelist = intval($data[$i]); } break; /* two possibilities: archive/yyyy-mm or archive/1/yyyy-mm (with blogid) */ case $CONF['ArchiveKey']: if ( (($i + 1) < sizeof($data) ) && (!strstr($data[$i + 1], '-') ) ) { $blogid = intval($data[++$i]); } $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $archive = $data[$i]; } break; /* blogid/1 */ case 'blogid': /* blog/1 */ case $CONF['BlogKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $blogid = intval($data[$i]); } break; /* category/1 (catid) */ case $CONF['CategoryKey']: case 'catid': $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $catid = intval($data[$i]); } break; case $CONF['MemberKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $memberid = intval($data[$i]); } break; case $CONF['SpecialskinKey']: $i++; if ( $i < sizeof($data) ) { $special = $data[$i]; $_REQUEST['special'] = $special; } break; default: // skip... } } } } /* * PostParseURL is a place to cleanup any of the path-related global variables before the selector function is run. * It has 2 values in the data in case the original virtualpath is needed, but most the use will be in tweaking * global variables to clean up (scrub out catid or add catid) or to set someother global variable based on * the values of something like catid or itemid * New in 3.60 */ $manager->notify( 'PostParseURL', array( /* e.g. item, blog, ... */ 'type' => basename(serverVar('SCRIPT_NAME') ), 'info' => $virtualpath ) ); /* * NOTE: Here is the end of initialization */ /** * This function includes or requires the specified library file * @param string $file * @param bool $once use the _once() version * @param bool $require use require() instead of include() */ function include_libs($file, $once = TRUE, $require = TRUE) { global $DIR_LIBS; // begin if: $DIR_LIBS isn't a directory if ( !is_dir($DIR_LIBS) ) { exit; } // end if $lib_path = $DIR_LIBS . $file; // begin if: if ( $once && $require ) { require_once($lib_path); } else if ( $once && !$require ) { include_once($lib_path); } else if ( $require ) { require($lib_path); } else { include($lib_path); } // end if } /** * This function includes or requires the specified plugin file * @param string $file * @param bool $once use the _once() version * @param bool $require use require() instead of include() */ function include_plugins($file, $once = TRUE, $require = TRUE) { global $DIR_PLUGINS; // begin if: $DIR_LIBS isn't a directory if ( !is_dir($DIR_PLUGINS) ) { exit; } // end if $plugin_path = $DIR_PLUGINS . $file; // begin if: if ( $once && $require ) { require_once($plugin_path); } else if ( $once && !$require ) { include_once($plugin_path); } elseif ( $require ) { require($plugin_path); } else { include($plugin_path); } } /** * This function decide which locale is used and include translation * @param string $locale locale name referring to 'language tags' defined in RFC 5646 * @param mixed $member member object */ function include_translation($locale, $member = FALSE) { global $DIR_LANG; /* * 1. user's locale is used if set * 2. system default is used if it is not empty * 3. else 'en_Latn_US.ISO-8859-1.php' is included * because this translation file is expected to include only 7bit ASCII characters * which common in whole character coding scheme */ if ( $member && $member->getLocale() ) { $locale = $member->getLocale(); } $translation_file = $DIR_LANG . $locale . '.' . i18n::get_current_charset() . '.php'; if ( !file_exists($translation_file) ) { $locale = 'en_Latn_US'; $translation_file = $DIR_LANG . 'en_Latn_US.ISO-8859-1.php'; } include($translation_file); return $locale; } /** * This function returns the integer value of $_POST for the variable $name * @param string $name field to get the integer value of * @return int */ function intPostVar($name) { return intval(postVar($name)); } /** * This function returns the integer value of $_GET for the variable $name * @param string $name field to get the integer value of * @return int */ function intGetVar($name) { return intval(getVar($name)); } /** * This function returns the integer value of $_REQUEST for the variable $name. Also checks $_GET and $_POST if not found in $_REQUEST * @param string $name field to get the integer value of * @return int */ function intRequestVar($name) { return intval(requestVar($name)); } /** * This function returns the integer value of $_COOKIE for the variable $name * @param string $name field to get the integer value of * @return int */ function intCookieVar($name) { return intval(cookieVar($name)); } /** * This function returns the current Nucleus version (100 = 1.00, 101 = 1.01, etc...) * @return int */ function getNucleusVersion() { return 400; } /** * TODO: Better description of this function. * * Power users can install patches in between nucleus releases. These patches * usually add new functionality in the plugin API and allow those to * be tested without having to install CVS. * * @return int */ function getNucleusPatchLevel() { return 0; } /** * This function returns the latest Nucleus version available for download from nucleuscms.org or FALSE if unable to attain data * Format will be major.minor/patachlevel e.g. 3.41 or 3.41/02 * @return string|bool */ function getLatestVersion() { // begin if: cURL is not available in this PHP installation if ( !function_exists('curl_init') ) { return FALSE; } // end if $curl = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'http://nucleuscms.org/version_check.php'); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $return = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $return; } /** * This function returns a Nucleus table name with the appropriate prefix * @param string $name * @return string */ function sql_table($name) { global $MYSQL_PREFIX; // begin if: no MySQL prefix if ( empty($MYSQL_PREFIX) ) { return 'nucleus_' . $name; } // else: use MySQL prefix else { return $MYSQL_PREFIX . 'nucleus_' . $name; } // end if } /** * TODO: This function should be changed to send_content_type() per the Coding Guidelines. Ensure this change is compatible with rest of core. * * This function sends the Content-Type header if headers have not already been sent * It also determines if the browser can accept application/xhtml+xml and sends it only to those that can. * @param string $content_type * @param string $page_type * @param string $charset Deprecated. This has no meaning. */ function sendContentType($content_type, $page_type = '', $charset = _CHARSET) { global $manager, $CONF; if ( !headers_sent() ) { // if content type is application/xhtml+xml, only send it to browsers // that can handle it (IE6 cannot). Otherwise, send text/html // v2.5: For admin area pages, keep sending text/html (unless it's a debug version) // application/xhtml+xml still causes too much problems with the javascript implementations // v3.3: ($CONF['UsingAdminArea'] && !$CONF['debug']) gets removed, // application/xhtml+xml seems to be working, so we're going to use it if we can. if ( ($content_type == 'application/xhtml+xml') && (!stristr(serverVar('HTTP_ACCEPT'), 'application/xhtml+xml') ) ) { $content_type = 'text/html'; } // end if $manager->notify( 'PreSendContentType', array( 'contentType' => &$content_type, 'charset' => i18n::get_current_charset(), 'pageType' => $page_type ) ); // strip strange characters $content_type = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-+./]|i', '', $content_type); header('Content-Type: ' . $content_type . '; charset=' . i18n::get_current_charset()); } // end if } /** * This function parses a query into an array of expressions that can be passed on to the highlight method * @param string $query */ function parseHighlight($query) { // TODO: add more intelligent splitting logic // get rid of quotes $query = preg_replace('/\'|"/', '', $query); if ( !$query ) { return array(); } $aHighlight = i18n::explode(' ', $query); for ( $i = 0; $i < count($aHighlight); $i++ ) { $aHighlight[$i] = trim($aHighlight[$i]); if ( i18n::strlen($aHighlight[$i]) < 3 ) { unset($aHighlight[$i]); } } if ( count($aHighlight) == 1 ) { return $aHighlight[0]; } else { return $aHighlight; } } /** * This function gets the blog ID from the blog name * @param string $name * @return */ function getBlogIDFromName($name) { return quickQuery('SELECT `bnumber` AS `result` FROM `' . sql_table('blog') . '` WHERE `bshortname` = "' . sql_real_escape_string($name) . '"'); } /** * This function gets the blog name from the blog ID * @param int $id * @return object */ function getBlogNameFromID($id) { return quickQuery('SELECT `bname` AS `result` FROM `' . sql_table('blog') . '` WHERE `bnumber` = ' . intval($id)); } /** * This function gets the blog ID from the item ID * @param int $item_id * @return object */ function getBlogIDFromItemID($item_id) { return quickQuery('SELECT `iblog` AS `result` FROM `' . sql_table('item') . '` WHERE `inumber` = ' . intval($item_id)); } /** * This function gets the blog ID from the comment ID * @param int $comment_id * @return object */ function getBlogIDFromCommentID($comment_id) { return quickQuery('SELECT `cblog` AS `result` FROM `' . sql_table('comment') . '` WHERE `cnumber` = ' . intval($comment_id)); } /** * This function gets the blog ID from the category ID * @param int $category_id * @return object */ function getBlogIDFromCatID($category_id) { return quickQuery('SELECT `cblog` AS `result` FROM `' . sql_table('category') . '` WHERE `catid` = ' . intval($category_id)); } /** * This function gets the category ID from the category name * @param int $name * @return object */ function getCatIDFromName($name) { return quickQuery('SELECT `catid` AS `result` FROM `' . sql_table('category') . '` WHERE `cname` = "' . sql_real_escape_string($name) . '"'); } /** * This function performs a quick SQL query * @param string $query * @return object */ function quickQuery($query) { $res = sql_query($query); $obj = sql_fetch_object($res); return $obj->result; } function getPluginNameFromPid($pid) { $res = sql_query('SELECT pfile FROM ' . sql_table('plugin') . ' WHERE pid=' . intval($pid) ); $obj = sql_fetch_object($res); return $obj->pfile; // return isset($obj->pfile) ? $obj->pfile : false; } function selector() { global $itemid, $blogid, $memberid, $query, $amount, $archivelist, $maxresults; global $archive, $skinid, $blog, $memberinfo, $CONF, $member; global $imagepopup, $catid, $special; global $manager; $actionNames = array('addcomment', 'sendmessage', 'createaccount', 'forgotpassword', 'votepositive', 'votenegative', 'plugin'); $action = requestVar('action'); if ( in_array($action, $actionNames) ) { global $DIR_LIBS, $errormessage; include_once($DIR_LIBS . 'ACTION.php'); $a = new ACTION(); $errorInfo = $a->doAction($action); if ( $errorInfo ) { $errormessage = $errorInfo['message']; } } // show error when headers already sent out if ( headers_sent() && $CONF['alertOnHeadersSent'] ) { // try to get line number/filename (extra headers_sent params only exists in PHP 4.3+) if ( function_exists('version_compare') && version_compare('4.3.0', phpversion(), '<=') ) { headers_sent($hsFile, $hsLine); $extraInfo = ' in ' . $hsFile . ' line ' . $hsLine . ''; } else { $extraInfo = ''; } startUpError( '

The page headers have already been sent out' . $extraInfo . '. This could cause Nucleus not to work in the expected way.

Usually, this is caused by spaces or newlines at the end of the config.php file, at the end of the language file or at the end of a plugin file. Please check this and try again.

If you don\'t want to see this error message again, without solving the problem, set $CONF[\'alertOnHeadersSent\'] in globalfunctions.php to 0

', 'Page headers already sent' ); exit; } // make is so ?archivelist without blogname or blogid shows the archivelist // for the default weblog if ( serverVar('QUERY_STRING') == 'archivelist' ) { $archivelist = $CONF['DefaultBlog']; } // now decide which type of skin we need if ( $itemid ) { // itemid given -> only show that item $type = 'item'; if ( !$manager->existsItem($itemid,intval($CONF['allowFuture']),intval($CONF['allowDrafts'])) ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHITEM); } global $itemidprev, $itemidnext, $catid, $itemtitlenext, $itemtitleprev; // 1. get timestamp, blogid and catid for item $query = 'SELECT itime, iblog, icat FROM ' . sql_table('item') . ' WHERE inumber=' . intval($itemid); $res = sql_query($query); $obj = sql_fetch_object($res); // if a different blog id has been set through the request or selectBlog(), // deny access if ( $blogid && (intval($blogid) != $obj->iblog) ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHITEM); } // if a category has been selected which doesn't match the item, ignore the // category. #85 if ( ($catid != 0) && ($catid != $obj->icat) ) { $catid = 0; } $blogid = $obj->iblog; $timestamp = strtotime($obj->itime); $b =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); if ( $b->isValidCategory($catid) ) { $catextra = ' and icat=' . $catid; } else { $catextra = ''; } // get previous itemid and title $query = 'SELECT inumber, ititle FROM ' . sql_table('item') . ' WHERE itime<' . mysqldate($timestamp) . ' and idraft=0 and iblog=' . $blogid . $catextra . ' ORDER BY itime DESC LIMIT 1'; $res = sql_query($query); $obj = sql_fetch_object($res); if ( $obj ) { $itemidprev = $obj->inumber; $itemtitleprev = $obj->ititle; } // get next itemid and title $query = 'SELECT inumber, ititle FROM ' . sql_table('item') . ' WHERE itime>' . mysqldate($timestamp) . ' and itime <= ' . mysqldate($b->getCorrectTime()) . ' and idraft=0 and iblog=' . $blogid . $catextra . ' ORDER BY itime ASC LIMIT 1'; $res = sql_query($query); $obj = sql_fetch_object($res); if ( $obj ) { $itemidnext = $obj->inumber; $itemtitlenext = $obj->ititle; } } elseif ($archive) { // show archive $type = 'archive'; // get next and prev month links ... global $archivenext, $archiveprev, $archivetype, $archivenextexists, $archiveprevexists; // sql queries for the timestamp of the first and the last published item $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime) as result FROM ".sql_table('item')." WHERE idraft=0 ORDER BY itime ASC"; $first_timestamp=quickQuery ($query); $query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(itime) as result FROM ".sql_table('item')." WHERE idraft=0 ORDER BY itime DESC"; $last_timestamp=quickQuery ($query); sscanf($archive, '%d-%d-%d', $y, $m, $d); if ( $d != 0 ) { $archivetype = _ARCHIVETYPE_DAY; $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); // one day has 24 * 60 * 60 = 86400 seconds $archiveprev = i18n::strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $t - 86400 ); // check for published items if ( $t > $first_timestamp ) { $archiveprevexists = true; } else { $archiveprevexists = false; } // one day later $t += 86400; $archivenext = i18n::strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $t); if ( $t < $last_timestamp ) { $archivenextexists = true; } else { $archivenextexists = false; } } elseif ( $m == 0 ) { $archivetype = _ARCHIVETYPE_YEAR; $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 31, $y - 1); // one day before is in the previous year $archiveprev = i18n::strftime('%Y', $t); if ( $t > $first_timestamp ) { $archiveprevexists = true; } else { $archiveprevexists = false; } // timestamp for the next year $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $y + 1); $archivenext = i18n::strftime('%Y', $t); if ( $t < $last_timestamp ) { $archivenextexists = true; } else { $archivenextexists = false; } } else { $archivetype = _ARCHIVETYPE_MONTH; $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y); // one day before is in the previous month $archiveprev = i18n::strftime('%Y-%m', $t - 86400); if ( $t > $first_timestamp ) { $archiveprevexists = true; } else { $archiveprevexists = false; } // timestamp for the next month $t = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m+1, 1, $y); $archivenext = i18n::strftime('%Y-%m', $t); if ( $t < $last_timestamp ) { $archivenextexists = true; } else { $archivenextexists = false; } } } elseif ($archivelist) { $type = 'archivelist'; if ( is_numeric($archivelist) ) { $blogid = intVal($archivelist); } else { $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($archivelist); } if ( !$blogid ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHBLOG); } } elseif ( $query ) { global $startpos; $type = 'search'; $query = stripslashes($query); if ( is_numeric($blogid) ) { $blogid = intVal($blogid); } else { $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($blogid); } if ( !$blogid ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHBLOG); } } elseif ( $memberid ) { $type = 'member'; if ( !MEMBER::existsID($memberid) ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHMEMBER); } $memberinfo = $manager->getMember($memberid); } elseif ( $imagepopup ) { // media object (images etc.) $type = 'imagepopup'; // TODO: check if media-object exists // TODO: set some vars? } else { // show regular index page global $startpos; $type = 'index'; } // any type of skin with catid if ( $catid && !$blogid ) { $blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($catid); } // decide which blog should be displayed if ( !$blogid ) { $blogid = $CONF['DefaultBlog']; } $b =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); $blog = $b; // references can't be placed in global variables? if ( !$blog->isValid ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHBLOG); } // set catid if necessary if ( $catid ) { // check if the category is valid if ( !$blog->isValidCategory($catid) ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHCATEGORY); } else { $blog->setSelectedCategory($catid); } } // decide which skin should be used if ( $skinid != '' && ($skinid == 0) ) { selectSkin($skinid); } if ( !$skinid ) { $skinid = $blog->getDefaultSkin(); } //$special = requestVar('special'); //get at top of file as global if ( !empty($special) && isValidShortName($special) ) { $type = strtolower($special); } $skin = new SKIN($skinid); if ( !$skin->isValid ) { doError(_ERROR_NOSUCHSKIN); } // set global skinpart variable so can determine quickly what is being parsed from any plugin or phpinclude global $skinpart; $skinpart = $type; // parse the skin $skin->parse($type); // check to see we should throw JustPosted event $blog->checkJustPosted(); return; } /** * Show error skin with given message. An optional skin-object to use can be given */ function doError($msg, $skin = '') { global $errormessage, $CONF, $skinid, $blogid, $manager; if ($skin == '') { if (SKIN::existsID($skinid) ) { $skin = new SKIN($skinid); } elseif ($manager->existsBlogID($blogid) ) { $blog =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); $skin = new SKIN($blog->getDefaultSkin() ); } elseif ($CONF['DefaultBlog']) { $blog =& $manager->getBlog($CONF['DefaultBlog']); $skin = new SKIN($blog->getDefaultSkin() ); } else { // this statement should actually never be executed $skin = new SKIN($CONF['BaseSkin']); } } $skinid = $skin->id; $errormessage = $msg; $skin->parse('error'); exit; } function getConfig() { global $CONF; $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . sql_table('config'); $res = sql_query($query); while ($obj = sql_fetch_object($res) ) { $CONF[$obj->name] = $obj->value; } } // some checks for names of blogs, categories, templates, members, ... function isValidShortName($name) { # replaced eregi() below with preg_match(). ereg* functions are deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 # original eregi: eregi('^[a-z0-9]+$', $name) return preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+$#i', $name); } function isValidDisplayName($name) { # replaced eregi() below with preg_match(). ereg* functions are deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 # original eregi: eregi('^[a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9 ]*[a-z0-9]+$', $name) return preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9 ]*[a-z0-9]+$#i', $name); } function isValidCategoryName($name) { return 1; } function isValidTemplateName($name) { # replaced eregi() below with preg_match(). ereg* functions are deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 # original eregi: eregi('^[a-z0-9/]+$', $name) // added - and _ to valid characters as of 4.00 return preg_match('#^[a-z0-9/_\-]+$#i', $name); } function isValidSkinName($name) { # replaced eregi() below with preg_match(). ereg* functions are deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 # original eregi: eregi('^[a-z0-9/]+$', $name); // added - and _ to valid characters as of 4.00 return preg_match('#^[a-z0-9/_\-]+$#i', $name); } // add and remove linebreaks function addBreaks($var) { return nl2br($var); } function removeBreaks($var) { return preg_replace("/
([\r\n])/", "$1", $var); } /** * Converts a unix timestamp to a mysql DATETIME format, and places * quotes around it. */ function mysqldate($timestamp) { return '"' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp) . '"'; } /** * functions for use in index.php */ function selectBlog($shortname) { global $blogid, $archivelist; $blogid = getBlogIDFromName($shortname); // also force archivelist variable, if it is set if ($archivelist) { $archivelist = $blogid; } } function selectSkin($skinname) { global $skinid; $skinid = SKIN::getIdFromName($skinname); } /** * Can take either a category ID or a category name (be aware that * multiple categories can have the same name) */ function selectCategory($cat) { global $catid; if (is_numeric($cat) ) { $catid = intval($cat); } else { $catid = getCatIDFromName($cat); } } function selectItem($id) { global $itemid; $itemid = intval($id); } // force the use of a language file (warning: can cause warnings) function selectLanguage($language) { global $DIR_LANG; # replaced ereg_replace() below with preg_replace(). ereg* functions are deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 # original ereg_replace: preg_replace( '@\\|/@', '', $language) . '.php') # important note that '\' must be matched with '\\\\' in preg* expressions include($DIR_LANG . preg_replace('#[\\\\|/]#', '', $language) . '.php'); } function parseFile($filename, $includeMode = 'normal', $includePrefix = '') { $handler = new ACTIONS('fileparser'); $parser = new PARSER(SKIN::getAllowedActionsForType('fileparser'), $handler); $handler->parser =& $parser; // set IncludeMode properties of parser PARSER::setProperty('IncludeMode', $includeMode); PARSER::setProperty('IncludePrefix', $includePrefix); if (!file_exists($filename) ) { doError('A file is missing'); } $fsize = filesize($filename); if ($fsize <= 0) { return; } // read file $fd = fopen ($filename, 'r'); $contents = fread ($fd, $fsize); fclose ($fd); // parse file contents $parser->parse($contents); } /** * Outputs a debug message */ function debug($msg) { echo '

' . $msg . "

\n"; } // shortcut function addToLog($level, $msg) { ACTIONLOG::add($level, $msg); } // shows a link to help file function help($id) { echo helpHtml($id); } function helpHtml($id) { global $CONF; return helplink($id) . '' . _HELP_TT . ''; } function helplink($id) { global $CONF; return ''; } /** * Includes a PHP file. This method can be called while parsing templates and skins */ function includephp($filename) { // make predefined variables global, so most simple scripts can be used here // apache (names taken from PHP doc) global $GATEWAY_INTERFACE, $SERVER_NAME, $SERVER_SOFTWARE, $SERVER_PROTOCOL; global $REQUEST_METHOD, $QUERY_STRING, $DOCUMENT_ROOT, $HTTP_ACCEPT; global $HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET, $HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING, $HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE; global $HTTP_CONNECTION, $HTTP_HOST, $HTTP_REFERER, $HTTP_USER_AGENT; global $REMOTE_ADDR, $REMOTE_PORT, $SCRIPT_FILENAME, $SERVER_ADMIN; global $SERVER_PORT, $SERVER_SIGNATURE, $PATH_TRANSLATED, $SCRIPT_NAME; global $REQUEST_URI; // php (taken from PHP doc) global $argv, $argc, $PHP_SELF, $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; global $HTTP_POST_FILES, $HTTP_ENV_VARS, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS, $HTTP_SESSION_VARS; // other global $PATH_INFO, $HTTPS, $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA, $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR; if (@file_exists($filename) ) { include($filename); } } /** * Checks if a certain plugin exists * @param string $plug * @return bool **/ function checkPlugin($plug) { global $DIR_PLUGINS; # replaced ereg_replace() below with preg_replace(). ereg* functions are deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 # original ereg_replace: ereg_replace( '[\\|/]', '', $plug) . '.php') # important note that '\' must be matched with '\\\\' in preg* expressions return file_exists($DIR_PLUGINS . preg_replace('#[\\\\|/]#', '', $plug) . '.php'); } /** * @param $querystr * querystring to alter (e.g. foo=1&bar=2&x=y) * @param $param * name of parameter to change (e.g. 'foo') * @param $value * New value for that parameter (e.g. 3) * @result * altered query string (for the examples above: foo=3&bar=2&x=y) */ function alterQueryStr($querystr, $param, $value) { $vars = i18n::explode('&', $querystr); $set = false; for ($i = 0; $i < count($vars); $i++) { $v = i18n::explode('=', $vars[$i]); if ($v[0] == $param) { $v[1] = $value; $vars[$i] = implode('=', $v); $set = true; break; } } if (!$set) { $vars[] = $param . '=' . $value; } return ltrim(implode('&', $vars), '&'); } // passes one variable as hidden input field (multiple fields for arrays) // @see passRequestVars in varsx.x.x.php function passVar($key, $value) { // array ? if (is_array($value) ) { for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($value); $i++) { passVar($key . '[' . $i . ']', $value[$i]); } return; } // other values: do stripslashes if needed ?>= '4.1.0') { if ( isset($_GET[$varName]) || isset($_POST[$varName]) || isset($_COOKIE[$varName]) || isset($_ENV[$varName]) || isset($_SESSION[$varName]) || isset($_FILES[$varName]) ) { die('Sorry. An error occurred.'); } } else { if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS[$varName]) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[$varName]) || isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$varName]) || isset($HTTP_ENV_VARS[$varName]) || isset($HTTP_SESSION_VARS[$varName]) || isset($HTTP_POST_FILES[$varName]) ) { die('Sorry. An error occurred.'); } } } } /** * Sanitize parameters such as $_GET and $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] etc. * to avoid XSS */ function sanitizeParams() { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $array = array(); $str = ''; $frontParam = ''; // REQUEST_URI of $HTTP_SERVER_VARS $str =& $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_URI"]; serverStringToArray($str, $array, $frontParam); sanitizeArray($array); arrayToServerString($array, $frontParam, $str); // QUERY_STRING of $HTTP_SERVER_VARS $str =& $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["QUERY_STRING"]; serverStringToArray($str, $array, $frontParam); sanitizeArray($array); arrayToServerString($array, $frontParam, $str); if (phpversion() >= '4.1.0') { // REQUEST_URI of $_SERVER $str =& $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; serverStringToArray($str, $array, $frontParam); sanitizeArray($array); arrayToServerString($array, $frontParam, $str); // QUERY_STRING of $_SERVER $str =& $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; serverStringToArray($str, $array, $frontParam); sanitizeArray($array); arrayToServerString($array, $frontParam, $str); } // $_GET convArrayForSanitizing($_GET, $array); sanitizeArray($array); revertArrayForSanitizing($array, $_GET); // $_REQUEST (only GET param) convArrayForSanitizing($_REQUEST, $array); sanitizeArray($array); revertArrayForSanitizing($array, $_REQUEST); } /** * Check ticket when not checked in plugin's admin page * to avoid CSRF. * Also avoid the access to plugin/index.php by guest user. */ function ticketForPlugin() { global $CONF, $DIR_PLUGINS, $member, $ticketforplugin; /* initialize */ $ticketforplugin = array(); $ticketforplugin['ticket'] = FALSE; /* $_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED'] * http://www.php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.server.php * Note: As of PHP 4.3.2, PATH_TRANSLATED is no longer set implicitly * under the Apache 2 SAPI in contrast to the situation in Apache 1, * where it's set to the same value as the SCRIPT_FILENAME server variable * when it's not populated by Apache. * This change was made to comply with the CGI specification * that PATH_TRANSLATED should only exist if PATH_INFO is defined. * Apache 2 users may use AcceptPathInfo = On inside httpd.conf to define PATH_INFO. */ /* Check if using plugin's php file. */ $p_translated = serverVar('SCRIPT_FILENAME'); if (!file_exists($p_translated) ) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit(''); } $p_translated = str_replace('\\', '/', $p_translated); $d_plugins = str_replace('\\', '/', $DIR_PLUGINS); // This isn't plugin php file. if ( i18n::strpos($p_translated, $d_plugins) !== 0 ) { return; } // Solve the plugin php file or admin directory $phppath = i18n::substr($p_translated, i18n::strlen($d_plugins) ); // Remove the first "/" if exists. $phppath = preg_replace('#^/#', '', $phppath); // Remove the first "NP_" and the last ".php" if exists. $path = preg_replace('#^NP_(.*)\.php$#', '$1', $phppath); // Remove the "/" and beyond. $path = preg_replace('#^([^/]*)/(.*)$#', '$1', $path); // Solve the plugin name. $plugins = array(); $query = 'SELECT `pfile` FROM '.sql_table('plugin'); $res = sql_query($query); while($row = sql_fetch_row($res) ) { $name = i18n::substr($row[0], 3); $plugins[strtolower($name)] = $name; } sql_free_result($res); if (array_key_exists($path, $plugins)) { $plugin_name = $plugins[$path]; } else if (in_array($path, $plugins)) { $plugin_name = $path; } else { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); exit(''); } /* Return if not index.php */ if ( ($phppath != strtolower($plugin_name) . '/') && ($phppath != strtolower($plugin_name) . '/index.php') ) { return; } /* Exit if not logged in. */ if ( !$member->isLoggedIn() ) { exit('You aren\'t logged in.'); } global $manager, $DIR_LIBS, $DIR_LANG, $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; /* Check if this feature is needed (ie, if "$manager->checkTicket()" is not included in the script). */ if (!($p_translated = serverVar('PATH_TRANSLATED') ) ) { $p_translated = serverVar('SCRIPT_FILENAME'); } if ($file = @file($p_translated) ) { $prevline = ''; foreach($file as $line) { if (preg_match('/[\$]manager([\s]*)[\-]>([\s]*)checkTicket([\s]*)[\(]/i', $prevline . $line) ) { return; } $prevline = $line; } } /* Show a form if not valid ticket */ if ( ( strstr(serverVar('REQUEST_URI'), '?') || serverVar('QUERY_STRING') || strtoupper(serverVar('REQUEST_METHOD') ) == 'POST') && (!$manager->checkTicket() ) ) { $oPluginAdmin = new PluginAdmin($plugin_name); $oPluginAdmin->start(); echo '


\n"; /* Show the form to confirm action */ // PHP 4.0.x support $get = (isset($_GET) ) ? $_GET : $HTTP_GET_VARS; $post = (isset($_POST) ) ? $_POST : $HTTP_POST_VARS; // Resolve URI and QUERY_STRING if ($uri = serverVar('REQUEST_URI') ) { list($uri, $qstring) = i18n::explode('?', $uri); } else { if ( !($uri = serverVar('PHP_SELF') ) ) { $uri = serverVar('SCRIPT_NAME'); } $qstring = serverVar('QUERY_STRING'); } if ($qstring) { $qstring = '?' . $qstring; } echo '

' . _SETTINGS_UPDATE . ' : ' . _QMENU_PLUGINS . ' ' . ENTITY::hsc($plugin_name) . " ?

\n"; switch(strtoupper(serverVar('REQUEST_METHOD') ) ) { case 'POST': echo '
'; $manager->addTicketHidden(); _addInputTags($post); break; case 'GET': echo ''; $manager->addTicketHidden(); _addInputTags($get); default: break; } echo '    '; echo ''; echo "
\n"; $oPluginAdmin->end(); exit; } /* Create new ticket */ $ticket=$manager->addTicketToUrl(''); $ticketforplugin['ticket']=i18n::substr($ticket,i18n::strpos($ticket,'ticket=')+7); } function _addInputTags(&$keys,$prefix=''){ foreach($keys as $key=>$value){ if ($prefix) $key=$prefix.'['.$key.']'; if (is_array($value)) _addInputTags($value,$key); else { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $value=stripslashes($value); if ($key=='ticket') continue; echo ''."\n"; } } } /** * Convert the server string such as $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] * to arry like arry['blogid']=1 and array['page']=2 etc. */ function serverStringToArray($str, &$array, &$frontParam) { // init param $array = array(); $frontParam = ""; // split front param, e.g. /index.php, and others, e.g. blogid=1&page=2 if (strstr($str, "?")){ list($frontParam, $args) = preg_split("/\?/", $str, 2); } else { $args = $str; $frontParam = ""; } // If there is no args like blogid=1&page=2, return if (!strstr($str, "=") && !i18n::strlen($frontParam)) { $frontParam = $str; return; } $array = i18n::explode("&", $args); } /** * Convert array like array['blogid'] to server string * such as $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] */ function arrayToServerString($array, $frontParam, &$str) { if (strstr($str, "?")) { $str = $frontParam . "?"; } else { $str = $frontParam; } if (count($array)) { $str .= implode("&", $array); } } /** * Sanitize array parameters. * This function checks both key and value. * - check key if it inclues " (double quote), remove from array * - check value if it includes \ (escape sequece), remove remaining string */ function sanitizeArray(&$array) { $excludeListForSanitization = array('query'); // $excludeListForSanitization = array(); foreach ($array as $k => $v) { // split to key and value list($key, $val) = preg_split("/=/", $v, 2); if (!isset($val)) { continue; } // when magic quotes is on, need to use stripslashes, // and then addslashes if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $val = stripslashes($val); } // note that we must use addslashes here because this function is called before the db connection is made // and sql_real_escape_string needs a db connection $val = addslashes($val); // if $key is included in exclude list, skip this param if (!in_array($key, $excludeListForSanitization)) { // check value if (i18n::strpos($val, '\\')) { list($val, $tmp) = i18n::explode('\\', $val); } // remove control code etc. $val = strtr($val, "\0\r\n<>'\"", " "); // check key if (preg_match('/\"/i', $key)) { unset($array[$k]); continue; } // set sanitized info $array[$k] = sprintf("%s=%s", $key, $val); } } } /** * Convert array for sanitizeArray function */ function convArrayForSanitizing($src, &$array) { $array = array(); foreach ($src as $key => $val) { if (key_exists($key, $_GET)) { array_push($array, sprintf("%s=%s", $key, $val)); } } } /** * Revert array after sanitizeArray function */ function revertArrayForSanitizing($array, &$dst) { foreach ($array as $v) { list($key, $val) = preg_split("/=/", $v, 2); $dst[$key] = $val; } } /** * Stops processing the request and redirects to the given URL. * - no actual contents should have been sent to the output yet * - the URL will be stripped of illegal or dangerous characters */ function redirect($url) { $url = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9-~+_.?#=&;,/:@%*]|i', '', $url); header('Location: ' . $url); exit; } /** * * replace html entities for plugin description, but available for the other strings * NOTE: we can use ENTITY::hen() or ENTITY::hsc() alternatively and this is deprecated. * @param string $data target string * @return string */ function encode_desc($data) { return ENTITY::hen($data); } /* * Returns the Javascript code for a bookmarklet that works on most modern browsers * @param blogid */ function getBookmarklet($blogid) { global $CONF; // normal $document = 'document'; $bookmarkletline = "javascript:Q='';x=".$document.";y=window;if(x.selection){Q=x.selection.createRange().text;}else if(y.getSelection){Q=y.getSelection();}else if(x.getSelection){Q=x.getSelection();}wingm=window.open('"; $bookmarkletline .= $CONF['AdminURL'] . "bookmarklet.php?blogid=$blogid"; $bookmarkletline .="&logtext='+escape(Q)+'&loglink='+escape(x.location.href)+'&loglinktitle='+escape(x.title),'nucleusbm','scrollbars=yes,width=600,height=550,left=10,top=10,status=yes,resizable=yes');wingm.focus();"; return $bookmarkletline; } // END: functions from the end of file ADMIN.php /** * Returns a variable or null if not set * * @param mixed Variable * @return mixed Variable */ function ifset(&$var) { if (isset($var)) { return $var; } return null; } /** * Returns number of subscriber to an event * * @param event * @return number of subscriber(s) */ function numberOfEventSubscriber($event) { $query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM ' . sql_table('plugin_event') . ' WHERE event=\'' . $event . '\''; $res = sql_query($query); $obj = sql_fetch_object($res); return $obj->count; } /** * sets $special global variable for use in index.php before selector() * * @param String id * @return nothing */ function selectSpecialSkinType($id) { global $special; $special = strtolower($id); } /** * cleans filename of uploaded file for writing to file system * * @param String str * @return String cleaned filename ready for use */ function cleanFileName($str) { $str = strtolower($str); $ext_point = i18n::strrpos($str,"."); if ($ext_point===false) return false; $ext = i18n::substr($str,$ext_point,i18n::strlen($str)); $str = i18n::substr($str,0,$ext_point); return preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9-]/","_",$str).$ext; } /** * Centralisation of the functions to send mail * Deprecated since 4.0: * Please use functions in NOTIFICATION class instead */ function getMailFooter() { NOTIFICATION::get_mail_footer(); } function isValidMailAddress($address) { return NOTIFICATION::address_validation($address); } /** * Centralisation of the functions that deals XML entities * Deprecated since 4.0: * Please use ENTITY::FunctionName(...) instead */ function highlight($text, $expression, $highlight) { return ENTITY::highlight($text, $expression, $highlight); } function shorten($string, $maxlength, $suffix) { return ENTITY::shorten($string, $maxlength, $suffix); } function stringStripTags ($string) { return ENTITY::strip_tags($string); } function toAscii($string) { return ENTITY::anchor_footnoting($string); } function stringToAttribute ($string) { return ENTITY::hsc($string); } function stringToXML ($string) { return ENTITY::hen($string); } /** * Centralisation of the functions that deals with locales * This functions is based on the old way to deal with languages * Deprecated since 4.0: */ /* NOTE: use i18n::get_current_locale() directly instead of this */ function getLanguageName() { if( ($language = i18n::convert_locale_to_old_language_file_name(i18n::get_current_locale())) === FALSE ) { $language ='english'; } return $language; } /* NOTE: use i18n::get_available_locales() directly instead of this */ function checkLanguage($lang) { return ( preg_match('#^(.+)_(.+)_(.+)$#', $lang) || i18n::convert_old_language_file_name_to_locale($lang) ); } /* NOTE: use i18n::formatted_datetime() directly instead of this */ function formatDate($format, $timestamp, $default_format, &$blog) { if ( !$blog ) { $offset = date('Z', $timestamp); } else { $offset = date('Z', $timestamp) + $blog->getTimeOffset() * 3600; } return i18n::formatted_datetime($format, $timestamp, $default_format, $offset); } /** * Centralisation of the functions that generate links * Deprecated since 4.0: * Please use Link::FunctionName(...) instead */ function createItemLink($itemid, $extra = '') { return Link::create_item_link($itemid, $extra); } function createMemberLink($memberid, $extra = '') { return Link::create_member_link($memberid, $extra); } function createCategoryLink($catid, $extra = '') { return Link::create_category_link($catid, $extra); } function createArchiveListLink($blogid = '', $extra = '') { return Link::create_archivelist_link($blogid, $extra); } function createArchiveLink($blogid, $archive, $extra = '') { return Link::create_archive_link($blogid, $archive, $extra); } function createBlogidLink($blogid, $params = '') { return Link::create_blogid_link($blogid, $params = ''); } function createLink($type, $params) { return Link::create_link($type, $params); } function createBlogLink($url, $params) { return Link::create_blog_link($url, $params); }