<%tabindex%><%javascript%>>\n<%extraoption%>\n"; } $data = array( 'name' => isset($vars['name']) ? ' name="' . $vars['name'] . '"' : '', 'tabindex' => isset($vars['tabindex']) ? ' tabindex="' . $vars['tabindex'] . '"' : '', 'javascript' => isset($vars['javascript']) ? ' ' . $vars['javascript'] : '', ); $data ['extraoption'] = isset($vars['extra']) ? '" : ''; break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_SELECT_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_SELECT_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_SELECT_BODY']; } else { $template = '' . "\n"; } $data = array( 'value' => Entity::hsc($current->value), 'selected' => ($vars['selected'] == $current->value) ? ' selected="selected"' : '', ); if ( isset($vars['shorten']) && $vars['shorten'] > 0 ) { $data['title'] = ' title="' . Entity::hsc($current->text) . '"'; $current->text = Entity::hsc(Entity::shorten($current->text, $vars['shorten'], $vars['shortenel'])); } else { $data['title'] = ''; } $data['option'] = Entity::hsc($current->text); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_SELECT_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_SELECT_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_SELECT_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } if ( !class_exists('Actions') ) { global $DIR_LIBS; include $DIR_LIBS . 'ACTIONS.php'; } $template = Template::fill($template, $data); $handler = new Actions('template', $template, $data); $parser = new PARSER(Actions::getDefinedActions(), $handler); $parser->parse($template); return; } function listplug_table($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_HEAD']; } else { $template = "\n<%typehead%>\n\n"; } $data = array( 'typehead' => call_user_func("listplug_table_" . $vars['content'] , $vars, 'HEAD', $templateName) ); break; case 'BODY': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%typebody%>\n\n"; } // tabletype specific thingies $data = array( 'typebody' => call_user_func("listplug_table_" . $vars['content'] , $vars, 'BODY', $templateName) ); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_FOOT']; } else { $template = "<%typefoot%>\n
\n"; } // tabletype specific thingies $data = array( 'typefoot' => call_user_func("listplug_table_" . $vars['content'] , $vars, 'FOOT', $templateName) ); break; } $template = Template::fill($template, $data); if ( !class_exists('Actions') ) { global $DIR_LIBS; include $DIR_LIBS . 'ACTIONS.php'; } $handler = new Actions('template', $template, $data); $parser = new PARSER(Actions::getDefinedActions(), $handler); $parser->parse($template); return; } function listplug_table_memberlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_MEMBLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_MEMBLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_MEMBLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colmembername%>\n" . "<%colmemberrname%>\n" . "<%colmemberurl%>\n" . "<%colmemberadmin%><%helplink(superadmin)%>\n" . "<%colmemberlogin%><%helplink(canlogin)%>\n" . "<%colactions%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colmembername' => _LIST_MEMBER_NAME, 'colmemberrname' => _LIST_MEMBER_RNAME, 'colmemberurl' => _LIST_MEMBER_URL, 'colmemberadmin' => _LIST_MEMBER_ADMIN, 'colmemberlogin' => _LIST_MEMBER_LOGIN, 'colactions' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_MEMBLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_MEMBLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_MEMBLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "\n" . "\" name=\"batch[<%id%>]\" value=\"<%memberid%>\" />\n" . "\n\n" . "<%realname%>\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%url%>\n" . "<%admin%>\n" . "<%login%>\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%editbtn%>\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%deletebtn%>\n"; } $data = array( 'id' => listplug_nextBatchId(), 'memberid' => $current->mnumber, 'mailaddress' => Entity::hsc($current->memail), 'tabindex' => $vars['tabindex'], 'name' => Entity::hsc($current->mname), 'realname' => Entity::hsc($current->mrealname), 'url' => Entity::hsc($current->murl), 'admin' => ($current->madmin ? _YES : _NO), 'login' => ($current->mcanlogin ? _YES : _NO), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'deletebtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_MEMBLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_MEMBLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_MEMBLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = ""; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_teamlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { global $manager; $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TEAMLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TEAMLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TEAMLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colmembername%>\n" . "<%colmemberrname%>\n" . "<%colteamadmin%><%helplink(teamadmin)%>\n" . "<%colactions%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colmembername' => _LIST_MEMBER_NAME, 'colmemberrname' => _LIST_MEMBER_RNAME, 'colteamadmin' => _LIST_TEAM_ADMIN, 'colactions' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TEAMLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TEAMLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TEAMLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "\n" . "\" name=\"batch[<%id%>]\" value=\"<%memberid%>\" />\n" . "\n\n" . "<%realname%>\n" . "<%admin%>\n" . "&blogid=<%blogid%>\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%deletebtn%>\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%chadminbtn%>\n"; } $url = 'index.php?action=teamchangeadmin&memberid=' . intval($current->tmember) . '&blogid=' . intval($current->tblog); $url = $manager->addTicketToUrl($url); $data = array( 'id' => listplug_nextBatchId(), 'memberid' => $current->tmember, 'mailaddress' => Entity::hsc($current->memail), 'tabindex' => $vars['tabindex'], 'name' => Entity::hsc($current->mname), 'realname' => Entity::hsc($current->mrealname), 'admin' => ($current->tadmin ? _YES : _NO), 'blogid' => $current->tblog, 'deletebtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, 'chadminurl' => Entity::hsc($url), ); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TEAMLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TEAMLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TEAMLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = ""; } break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_pluginlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { global $manager; $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colinfo%>\n" . "<%coldesc%>\n" . "<%colactions%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colinfo' => _LISTS_INFO, 'coldesc' => _LISTS_DESC, 'colactions' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; $plug =& $manager->getPlugin($current->pfile); if ( $plug ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "\n" . "<%plugname%>
\n" . "<%autherlabel%> <%plugauther%>
\n" . "<%versionlabel%> <%plugversion%>
\n" . "<%pluggeturl%>
\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "<%desclabel%>
<%plugdesc%>\n" . "<%eventlist%>\n" . "<%needupdate%>\n" . "<%dependlist%>\n" . "<%depreqlist%>\n" . "\n"; } $data = array( 'plugname' => Entity::hsc($plug->getName()), 'autherlabel' => _LIST_PLUGS_AUTHOR, 'plugauther' => Entity::hsc($plug->getAuthor()), 'versionlabel' => _LIST_PLUGS_VER, 'plugversion' => Entity::hsc($plug->getVersion()), 'tabindex' => $vars['tabindex'], 'desclabel' => _LIST_PLUGS_DESC, 'plugdesc' => Entity::hen($plug->getDescription()), ); if ( $plug->getURL() ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_GURL']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_GURL']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_GURL']; } else { $subTpl = "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%plugsite%>"; } $subData = array( 'plugurl' => Entity::hsc($plug->getURL()), 'tabindex' => $vars['tabindex'], 'plugsite' => _LIST_PLUGS_SITE, ); $data['pluggeturl'] = Template::fill($subTpl, $subData); } else { $data['pluggeturl'] = ''; } if ( count($plug->getEventList()) > 0 ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGEVENTLIST']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGEVENTLIST']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGEVENTLIST']; } else { $subTpl = "

<%eventlist%>"; } $subData = array( 'evntlstlbl' => _LIST_PLUGS_SUBS, 'eventlist' => Entity::hsc(implode(', ', $plug->getEventList())), ); $data['eventlist'] = Template::fill($subTpl, $subData); } else { $data['eventlist'] = ''; } if ( !$plug->subscribtionListIsUptodate() ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGNEDUPDATE']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGNEDUPDATE']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGNEDUPDATE']; } else { $subTpl = "

<%updatealert%>"; } $subData = array( 'updatealert' => _LIST_PLUG_SUBS_NEEDUPDATE, ); $data['needupdate'] = Template::fill($subTpl, $subData); } else { $data['needupdate'] = ''; } if ( count($plug->getPluginDep() ) > 0) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGIN_DEPEND']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGIN_DEPEND']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGIN_DEPEND']; } else { $subTpl = "

<%dependlist%>"; } $subData = array( 'deplistlbl' => _LIST_PLUGS_DEP, 'dependlist' => Entity::hsc(implode(', ', $plug->getPluginDep())), ); $data['dependlist'] = Template::fill($subTpl, $subData); } else { $data['dependlist'] = ''; } /* check dependency */ $req = array(); $res = sql_query('SELECT pfile FROM ' . sql_table('plugin')); while( $o = sql_fetch_object($res) ) { $preq =& $manager->getPlugin($o->pfile); if ( $preq ) { $depList = $preq->getPluginDep(); foreach ( $depList as $depName ) { if ( $current->pfile == $depName ) { $req[] = $o->pfile; } } } } if ( count($req) > 0 ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGIN_DEPREQ']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGIN_DEPREQ']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGIN_DEPREQ']; } else { $subTpl = "

<%depreqlist%>"; } $subData = array( 'deprlstlbl' => _LIST_PLUGS_DEPREQ, 'depreqlist' => Entity::hsc(implode(', ', $req)), ); $data['depreqlist'] = Template::fill($subTpl, $subData); } else { $data['depreqlist'] = ''; } } else { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLISTFALSE']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLISTFALSE']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLISTFALSE']; } else { $template = "<%noplugalert%>\n"; } $data = array( 'noplugalert' => sprintf(_PLUGINFILE_COULDNT_BELOADED, Entity::hsc($current->pfile)), ); } if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_ACTN']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_ACTN']) ) { $template .= $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_ACTN']; } else { $template .= "\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%actionuptxt%>
\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%actiondowntxt%>
\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%actuninsttxt%>
" . "<%plugadminurl%>\n" . "<%plughelpurl%>\n" . "<%plugoptsetting%>\n" . "\n"; } $baseUrl = 'index.php?plugid=' . $current->pid . '&action='; $upUrl = $manager->addTicketToUrl($baseUrl . 'pluginup'); $downUrl = $manager->addTicketToUrl($baseUrl . 'plugindown'); $data['actionuptxt'] = _LIST_PLUGS_UP; $data['actionupurl'] = Entity::hsc($upUrl); $data['actiondowntxt'] = _LIST_PLUGS_DOWN; $data['actiondownurl'] = Entity::hsc($downUrl); $data['actuninsttxt'] = _LIST_PLUGS_UNINSTALL; $data['actuninsturl'] = 'index.php?action=plugindelete&plugid=' . $current->pid; if ( $plug && ($plug->hasAdminArea() > 0) ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_ADMN']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_ADMN']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_ADMN']; } else { $subTpl = "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%actadmintxt%>
\n"; } $subData = array( 'actadminurl' => Entity::hsc($plug->getAdminURL()), 'tabindex' => $vars['tabindex'], 'actadmintxt' => _LIST_PLUGS_ADMIN, ); $data['plugadminurl'] = Template::fill($subTpl, $subData); } else { $data['plugadminurl'] = ''; } if ( $plug && ($plug->supportsFeature('HelpPage') > 0) ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_HELP']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_HELP']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_HELP']; } else { $subTpl = "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%acthelptxt%>
\n"; } $subData = array( 'acthelpurl' => 'index.php?action=pluginhelp&plugid=' . $current->pid, 'tabindex' => $vars['tabindex'], 'acthelptxt' => _LIST_PLUGS_HELP, ); $data['plughelpurl'] = Template::fill($subTpl, $subData); } else { $data['plughelpurl'] = ''; } $optQuery = 'SELECT ' . ' COUNT(*) AS result ' . 'FROM ' . sql_table('plugin_option_desc') . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . ' ocontext = "global" ' . 'AND opid = %d'; $pOptions = quickQuery(sprintf($optQuery, $current->pid)); if ( $pOptions > 0 ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGOPTSETURL']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGOPTSETURL']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGOPTSETURL']; } else { $subTpl = "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%actoptiontxt%>\n"; } $subData = array( 'actoptionurl' => 'index.php?action=pluginoptions&plugid=' . $current->pid, 'tabindex' => $vars['tabindex'], 'actoptiontxt' => _LIST_PLUGS_OPTIONS, ); $data['plugoptsetting'] = Template::fill($subTpl, $subData); } else { $data['plugoptsetting'] = ''; } break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_FOOT']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGLIST_FOOT']; } else { $subTpl = ""; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_plugoptionlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { global $manager; $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_POPTLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_POPTLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_POPTLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colinfo%><%colvalue%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colinfo' => _LISTS_INFO, 'colvalue' => _LISTS_VALUE, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; $template = listplug_plugOptionRow($current, $templateName); $data = array(); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_POPTLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_POPTLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_POPTLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n" . "<%savetext%>" . "<%savetext%>" . "\" />" . "\n"; } $data = array( 'savetext' => _PLUGS_SAVE, ); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_plugOptionRow($current, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } $varname = "plugoption[{$current['oid']}][{$current['contextid']}]"; // retreive the optionmeta $meta = NucleusPlugin::getOptionMeta($current['typeinfo']); // only if it is not a hidden option write the controls to the page if ( in_array('access', $meta) && $meta['access'] == 'hidden' ) { return false; } else { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_POPTLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_POPTLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_POPTLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%description%>\n\n"; } $data = array(); switch($current['type']) { case 'yesno': $template .= AdminActions::input_yesno($varname, $current['value'], 0, 'yes', 'no', _YES, _NO, 0, $templateName, 1); break; case 'password': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OPWORD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OPWORD']) ) { $template .= $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OPWORD']; } else { $template .= "\" value=\"<%value%>\" />\n"; } $data = array( 'varname' => Entity::hsc($varname), 'value' => Entity::hsc($current['value']), ); break; case 'select': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OSELEP']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OSELEP']) ) { $template .= $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OSELEP']; } else { $template .= "\n"; } $data['varname'] = Entity::hsc($varname); break; case 'textarea': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OTAREA']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OTAREA']) ) { $template .= $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OTAREA']; } else { $template .= ""; } $data = array( 'varname' => Entity::hsc($varname), 'value' => Entity::hsc($current['value']) ); if ( array_key_exists('access', $current) && $current['access'] == 'readonly') { $data['readonly'] = ' readonly="readonly"'; } else { $data['readonly'] = ''; } break; case 'text': default: if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OITEXT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OITEXT']) ) { $template .= $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLGOPT_OITEXT']; } else { $template .= "\" value=\"<%value%>\"<%datatype%><%readonly%> />\n"; } $data = array( 'varname' => Entity::hsc($varname), 'value' => Entity::hsc($current['value']) ); if ( array_key_exists('datatype', $current) && $current['datatype'] == 'numerical') { $data['datatype'] = ' onkeyup="checkNumeric(this)" onblur="checkNumeric(this)"'; } else { $data['datatype'] = ''; } if ( array_key_exists('access', $current) && $current['access'] == 'readonly') { $data['readonly'] = ' readonly="readonly"'; } else { $data['readonly'] = ''; } } if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGOPTN_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGOPTN_FOOT']) ) { $template .= $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_PLUGOPTN_FOOT']; } else { $template .= "<%extra%>\n"; } $data['extra'] = isset($current['extra']) ? $current['extra'] : ''; $data['description'] = $current['description'] ? Entity::hsc($current['description']) : Entity::hsc($current['name']); } return Template::fill($template, $data, 1); } function listplug_table_itemlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $cssclass = ''; $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ITEMLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ITEMLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ITEMLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colinfo%><%colcontent%><%colaction%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colinfo' => _LIST_ITEM_INFO, 'colcontent' => _LIST_ITEM_CONTENT, 'colaction' => _LISTS_ACTIONS ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; // string -> unix timestamp $current->itime = strtotime($current->itime); if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ITEMLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ITEMLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ITEMLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = ">\n" . "<%bshortlabel%> <%bshortnameval%>
\n" . "<%categorylabel%> <%categorynameval%>
\n" . "<%authorlabel%> <%authornameval%>
\n" . "<%itemdatelabel%> <%itemdateval%>
\n" . "<%itemtimelabel%> <%itemtimeval%>\n" . "\n" . "\" name=\"batch<%batchid%>\" value=\"<%itemid%>\" />\n" . "
\n" . "<%itembody%>\n" . "" . "\"><%editbtn%>
\n" . "<%camount%>\n" . "\"><%movebtn%>
\n" . "\"><%delbtn%>
\n" . "\n"; } $cssclass = ''; if ( $current->idraft == 1 ) { $cssclass = ' class="draft"'; } // (can't use offset time since offsets might vary between blogs) if ( $current->itime > $vars['now'] ) { $cssclass = ' class="future"'; } $body = strip_tags($current->ibody); $data = array( 'cssclass' => $cssclass, 'bshortlabel' => _LIST_ITEM_BLOG, 'bshortnameval' => Entity::hsc($current->bshortname), 'categorylabel' => _LIST_ITEM_CAT, 'categorynameval' => Entity::hsc($current->cname), 'authorlabel' => _LIST_ITEM_AUTHOR, 'authornameval' => Entity::hsc($current->mname), 'itemdatelabel' => _LIST_ITEM_DATE, 'itemdateval' => date("Y-m-d",$current->itime), 'itemdatelabel' => _LIST_ITEM_TIME, 'itemdateval' => date("H:i",$current->itime), 'batchid' => listplug_nextBatchId(), 'itemid' => $current->inumber, 'itemtitle' => Entity::hsc(strip_tags($current->ititle)), 'itembody' => Entity::hsc(Entity::shorten($body, 300, '...')), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'movebtn' => _LISTS_MOVE, 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); // evaluate amount of comments for the item $comment = new Comments($current->inumber); $camount = $comment->amountComments(); if ( $camount > 0 ) { $data['camount'] = "inumber}\">(" . sprintf(_LIST_ITEM_COMMENTS, $comment->amountComments()) . ")
\n"; } else { $data['camount'] = "
  • \n"; } break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ITEMLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ITEMLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ITEMLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } // for batch operations: generates the index numbers for checkboxes function listplug_nextBatchId() { static $id = 0; return $id++; } function listplug_table_commentlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colinfo%>\n<%colcontent%>\n<%colaction%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colinfo' => _LISTS_INFO, 'colcontent' => _LIST_COMMENT, 'colaction' => _LISTS_ACTIONS ); break; case 'BODY': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%commentdate%>
    \n" . "\" name=\"batch[<%batchid%>]\" value=\"<%commentid%>\" />" . "\n" . "" . "\"><%editbtn%>\n" . "" . "\"><%delbtn%>\n" . "<%addbanlist%>"; } $current = $vars['current']; $body = strip_tags($current->cbody); $data = array( 'commentdate' => date("Y-m-d@H:i", strtotime($current->ctime)), 'batchid' => listplug_nextBatchId(), 'commentid' => $current->cnumber, 'commentbody' => Entity::hsc(Entity::shorten($current->cbody, 300, '...')), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); if ( isset($current->mname) ) { $data['commentator'] = Entity::hsc($current->mname) . ' ' . _LIST_COMMENTS_MEMBER; } else { $data['commentator'] = Entity::hsc($current->cuser); } if ( isset($current->cmail) && $current->cmail ) { $data['commentsite'] = Entity::hsc($current->cmail); } else { $data['commentsite'] = ''; } if ( isset($current->cemail) && $current->cemail ) { $data['commentmail'] = Entity::hsc($current->cemail); } else { $data['commentmail'] = ''; } if ( $vars['canAddBan'] ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_ABAN']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_ABAN']) ) { $subTpl = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_ABAN']; } else { $subTpl = "&ip=<%banip%>\" title=\"<%banhost%>\"><%banbtn%>\n"; } $subData = array( 'itemid' => $current->citem, 'banip' => Entity::hsc($current->cip), 'banbtn' => _LIST_COMMENT_BANIP, ); $data['addbanlist'] = Template::fill($subTpl, $subData); } break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CMNTLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = ""; } $subData = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_bloglist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%blognames%>\n<%actionshead%>\n"; } $data = array( 'blognames' => _NAME, 'actionshead' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = " shortname:<%shortname%>\">\n" . "\">\"<%iconalt%\" /><%blogname%>\n" . "\" title=\"<%ttaddtext%>\"><%addtext%>\n" . "\" title=\"<%ttedittext%>\"><%edittext%>\n" . "\" title=\"<%ttcommenttext%>\"><%commenttext%>\n" . "\" title=\"<%ttbmlettext%>\"><%bmlettext%>\n"; } $data = array( 'blogid' => $current->bnumber, 'shortname' => Entity::hsc($current->bshortname), 'blogurl' => $current->burl, 'blogname' => Entity::hsc($current->bname), 'ttaddtext' => _BLOGLIST_TT_ADD, 'addtext' => _BLOGLIST_ADD, 'ttedittext' => _BLOGLIST_TT_EDIT, 'edittext' => _BLOGLIST_EDIT, 'ttcommenttext' => _BLOGLIST_TT_COMMENTS, 'commenttext' => _BLOGLIST_COMMENTS, 'ttbmlettext' => _BLOGLIST_TT_BMLET, 'bmlettext' => _BLOGLIST_BMLET, ); if ( $current->tadmin == 1 ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLIST_BD_TADM']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLIST_BD_TADM']) ) { $template .= $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLIST_BD_TADM']; } else { $template .= "\" title=\"<%ttsettingtext%>\"><%settingtext%>\n" . "\" title=\"<%ttbanstext%>\"><%banstext%>\n"; } $data['ttsettingtext'] = _BLOGLIST_TT_SETTINGS; $data['settingtext'] = _BLOGLIST_SETTINGS; $data['ttbanstext'] = _BLOGLIST_TT_BANS; $data['banstext'] = _BLOGLIST_BANS; } if ( $vars['superadmin'] ) { if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLIST_BD_TADM']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLIST_BD_TADM']) ) { $template .= $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLIST_BD_TADM']; } else { $template .= "\" title=\"<%ttdeletetext%>\"><%deletetext%>\n"; } $data['ttdeletetext'] = _BLOGLIST_TT_DELETE; $data['deletetext'] = _BLOGLIST_DELETE; } break; case 'FOOT': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_shortblognames($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGSNAM_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGSNAM_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGSNAM_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colshortname%>\n<%colblogname%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colshortname' => _EBLOG_SHORTNAME, 'colblogname' => _EBLOG_NAME, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGSNAM_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGSNAM_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGSNAM_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%bshortname%>\n<%blogname%>\n"; } $data = array( 'bshortname' => Entity::hsc($current->bshortname), 'blogname' => Entity::hsc($current->bname), ); break; case 'FOOT': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGSNAM_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGSNAM_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_BLOGSNAM_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_shortnames($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SHORTNAM_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SHORTNAM_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SHORTNAM_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colname%><%coldesc%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colname' => _NAME, 'coldesc' => _LISTS_DESC, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SHORTNAM_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SHORTNAM_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SHORTNAM_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%name%><%desc%>\n"; } $data = array( 'name' => Entity::hsc($current->name), 'desc' => Entity::hsc($current->description), ); break; case 'FOOT': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SHORTNAM_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SHORTNAM_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SHORTNAM_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_categorylist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CATELIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CATELIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CATELIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colname%><%coldesc%><%colact%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colname' => _LISTS_NAME, 'coldesc' => _LISTS_DESC, 'colact' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CATELIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CATELIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CATELIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "\n" . "\" name=\"batch[<%batchid%>]\" value=\"<%catid%>\" />\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "<%catdesc%>\n" . "&catid=<%catid%>\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%editbtn%>\n" . "&catid=<%catid%>\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%delbtn%>\n"; } $data = array( 'batchid' => listplug_nextBatchId(), 'catid' => intval($current->catid), 'catname' => Entity::hsc($current->cname), 'catdesc' => Entity::hsc($current->cdesc), 'blogid' => intval($current->catcblogid), 'tabindex' => intval($vars['tabindex']), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CATELIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CATELIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_CATELIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_templatelist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } global $manager; switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colname%><%coldesc%><%colact%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colname' => _LISTS_NAME, 'coldesc' => _LISTS_DESC, 'colact' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%templatename%>\n" . "<%templatedesc%>\n" . "" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%editbtn%>\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%clonebtn%>\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%delbtn%>\n" . "\n"; } $url = "index.php?action=templateclone&templateid={$current->tdnumber}"; $data = array( 'templatename' => Entity::hsc($current->tdname), 'templatedesc' => Entity::hsc($current->tddesc), 'templateid' => (integer) $current->tdnumber, 'tabindex' => (integer) $vars['tabindex'], 'cloneurl' => Entity::hsc($manager->addTicketToUrl($url)), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'clonebtn' => _LISTS_CLONE, 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_skinlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } global $CONF, $DIR_SKINS, $manager; switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colname%><%coldesc%><%colact%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colname' => _LISTS_NAME, 'coldesc' => _LISTS_DESC, 'colact' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%skinname%>

    \n" . "<%skintypelabel%> <%skintype%>
    \n" . "<%incmodelabel%> <%incmode%>
    \n" . "<%incpreflabel%> <%incpref%>
    \n" . "<%skinthumb%>" . "<%readme%>\n" . "<%skindesc%><%skinparts%>\n" . "" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%editbtn%>" . "\n" . "" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%clonebtn%>" . "\n" . "" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%delbtn%>" . "\n"; } $url = $manager->addTicketToUrl('index.php?action=skinclone&skinid=' . intval($current->sdnumber)); $data = array( 'skintypelabel' => _LISTS_TYPE, 'skintype' => Entity::hsc($current->sdtype), 'incmodelabel' => _LIST_SKINS_INCMODE, 'incmode' => ($current->sdincmode == 'skindir') ? _PARSER_INCMODE_SKINDIR : _PARSER_INCMODE_NORMAL, 'incpreflabel' => ($current->sdincpref) ? _LIST_SKINS_INCMODE : '', 'incpref' => ($current->sdincpref) ? Entity::hsc($current->sdincpref) : '', 'skindesc' => Entity::hsc($current->sddesc), 'skinid' => (integer) $current->sdnumber, 'tabindex' => $vars['tabindex'], 'cloneurl' => Entity::hsc($url), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'clonebtn' => _LISTS_CLONE, 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); // use a special style for the default skin if ( $current->sdnumber == $CONF['BaseSkin'] ) { $data['skinname'] = '' . Entity::hsc($current->sdname) . ''; } else { $data['skinname'] = Entity::hsc($current->sdname); } // add preview image when present if ( $current->sdincpref && @file_exists("{$DIR_SKINS}{$current->sdincpref}preview.png") ) { $data['skinthumb'] = "

    \n"; $alternatve_text = sprintf(_LIST_SKIN_PREVIEW, $current->sdname); $has_enlargement = @file_exists($DIR_SKINS . $current->sdincpref . 'preview-large.png'); if ( $has_enlargement ) { $data['skinthumb'] .= '\n"; } $data['skinthumb'] .= '' . $alternatve_text . \n"; if ( $has_enlargement ) { $data['skinthumb'] .= "
    \n"; } if ( @file_exists("{$DIR_SKINS}{$current->sdincpref}readme.html") ) { $url = $CONF['SkinsURL'] . Entity::hsc($current->sdincpref) . 'readme.html'; $title = sprintf(_LIST_SKIN_README, $current->sdname); $data['readme'] = "" . _LIST_SKIN_README_TXT . "\n"; } else { $data['readme'] =""; } $data['skinthumb'] .= "

    \n"; } /* show list of defined parts */ $query = "SELECT stype FROM %s WHERE sdesc=%d ORDER BY stype"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), $current->sdnumber); $r = sql_query($query); $types = array(); while ( $o = sql_fetch_object($r) ) { array_push($types, $o->stype); } if ( sizeof($types) > 0 ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++ ) { $type = $types[$i]; if ( !array_key_exists($type, $template['friendly_names']) || $type == strtolower($template['friendly_names'][$type]) ) { $article = 'skinpartspecial'; } else { $article = "skinpart{$type}"; } $types[$i] = "
  • \n" . helpHtml($article) . "\n" . "sdnumber}&type={$type}\" tabindex=\"{$template['tabindex']}\">" . Entity::hsc($template['friendly_names'][$type]) . "\n" . "
  • \n"; } $data['skinparts'] = '

    ' . _LIST_SKINS_DEFINED . "\n"; } else { $data['skinparts'] = ''; } break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = ""; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_draftlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_DRFTLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_DRFTLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_DRFTLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colblog%><%coldesc%><%colact%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colblog' => _LISTS_BLOG, 'coldesc' => _LISTS_TITLE, 'colact' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_DRFTLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_DRFTLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_DRFTLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%bshortname%>\n" . "<%ititle%>\n" . "\"><%editbtn%>\n" . "\"><%delbtn%>\n"; } $data = array( 'bshortname' => Entity::hsc($current->bshortname), 'ititle' => Entity::hsc(strip_tags($current->ititle)), 'itemid' => intval($current->inumber), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_DRFTLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_DRFTLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_DRFTLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_otherdraftlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ODRFTLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ODRFTLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ODRFTLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colblog%><%coldesc%><%colautr%><%colact%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colblog' => _LISTS_BLOG, 'coldesc' => _LISTS_TITLE, 'colautr' => _LISTS_AUTHOR, 'colact' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ODRFTLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ODRFTLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ODRFTLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%bshortname%>\n" . "<%ititle%>\n" . "<%iauthor%>\n" . "\"><%editbtn%>\n" . "\"><%delbtn%>\n"; } $data = array( 'bshortname' => Entity::hsc($current->bshortname), 'ititle' => Entity::hsc(strip_tags($current->ititle)), 'iauthor' => Entity::hsc(strip_tags($current->mname)), 'itemid' => intval($current->inumber), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ODRFTLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ODRFTLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ODRFTLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_actionlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ACTNLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ACTNLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ACTNLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%coltime%><%colmesg%>\n"; } $data = array( 'coltime' => _LISTS_TIME, 'colmesg' => _LIST_ACTION_MSG, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ACTNLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ACTNLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ACTNLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%timestamp%><%message%>\n"; } $data = array( 'timestamp' => Entity::hsc($current->timestamp), 'message' => Entity::hsc($current->message), ); break; case 'FOOT': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ACTNLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ACTNLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_ACTNLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_banlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_IBANLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_IBANLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_IBANLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%iprange%><%reason%><%colact%>\n"; } $data = array( 'iprange' => _LIST_BAN_IPRANGE, 'reason' => _LIST_BAN_REASON, 'colact' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_IBANLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_IBANLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_IBANLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%iprange%>\n" . "<%reason%>\n" . "&iprange=<%iprange%>\"><%delbtn%>\n"; } $data = array( 'iprange' => Entity::hsc($current->iprange), 'reason' => Entity::hsc($current->reason), 'blogid' => intval($current->blogid), 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); break; case 'FOOT': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_IBANLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_IBANLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_IBANLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_adminskinlist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { global $CONF, $DIR_SKINS, $DIR_NUCLEUS, $manager; $adminSkinURL = $CONF['SkinURL'] . 'admin/'; $adminSkinDir = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'admin/'; $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colname%><%coldesc%><%colact%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colname' => _LISTS_NAME, 'coldesc' => _LISTS_DESC, 'colact' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%skinname%>

    \n" . "<%skintypelabel%> <%skintype%>
    \n" . "<%incmodelabel%> <%incmode%>
    \n" . "<%incpreflabel%> <%incpref%>
    \n" . "<%skinthumb%>" . "<%readme%>\n" . "<%skindesc%><%skinparts%>\n" . "" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%editbtn%>" . "\n" . "" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%clonebtn%>" . "\n" . "" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%delbtn%>" . "\n"; } $url = $manager->addTicketToUrl('index.php?action=adminskinclone&skinid=' . intval($current->sdnumber)); $data = array( 'skintypelabel' => _LISTS_TYPE, 'skintype' => Entity::hsc($current->sdtype), 'incmodelabel' => _LIST_SKINS_INCMODE, 'incmode' => ($current->sdincmode == 'skindir') ? _PARSER_INCMODE_SKINDIR : _PARSER_INCMODE_NORMAL, 'incpreflabel' => ($current->sdincpref) ? _LIST_SKINS_INCMODE : '', 'incpref' => ($current->sdincpref) ? Entity::hsc($current->sdincpref) : '', 'skindesc' => Entity::hsc($current->sddesc), 'skinid' => (integer) $current->sdnumber, 'tabindex' => $vars['tabindex'], 'cloneurl' => Entity::hsc($url), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'clonebtn' => _LISTS_CLONE, 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); // use a special style for the default skin if ( $current->sdnumber == $CONF['DefaultAdminSkin'] ) { $data['skinname'] = '' . Entity::hsc($current->sdname) . ''; } else { $data['skinname'] = Entity::hsc($current->sdname); } // add preview image when present if ( $current->sdincpref && @file_exists("{$adminSkinDir}{$current->sdincpref}preview.png") ) { $data['skinthumb'] = "

    \n"; $alternatve_text = sprintf(_LIST_SKIN_PREVIEW, $current->sdname); $has_enlargement = @file_exists($adminSkinDir . $current->sdincpref . 'preview-large.png'); if ( $has_enlargement ) { $data['skinthumb'] .= '\n"; } $data['skinthumb'] .= '' . $alternatve_text . \n"; if ( $has_enlargement ) { $data['skinthumb'] .= "
    \n"; } if ( @file_exists("{$DIR_SKINS}{$current->sdincpref}readme.html") ) { $url = $adminSkinURL . Entity::hsc($current->sdincpref) . 'readme.html'; $title = sprintf(_LIST_SKIN_README, $current->sdname); $data['readme'] = "" . _LIST_SKIN_README_TXT . "\n"; } else { $data['readme'] =""; } $data['skinthumb'] .= "

    \n"; } /* show list of defined parts */ $query = "SELECT stype FROM %s WHERE sdesc=%d ORDER BY stype"; $query = sprintf($query, sql_table('skin'), $current->sdnumber); $r = sql_query($query); $types = array(); while ( $o = sql_fetch_object($r) ) { array_push($types, $o->stype); } if ( sizeof($types) > 0 ) { for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($types); $i++ ) { $type = $types[$i]; if ( !array_key_exists($type, $template['friendly_names']) || $type == strtolower($template['friendly_names'][$type]) ) { $article = 'skinpartspecial'; } else { $article = "skinpart{$type}"; } $types[$i] = "
  • \n" . helpHtml($article) . "\n" . "sdnumber}&type={$type}\" tabindex=\"{$vars['tabindex']}\">" . Entity::hsc($template['friendly_names'][$type]) . "\n" . "
  • \n"; } $data['skinparts'] = '

    ' . _LIST_SKINS_DEFINED . "\n"; } else { $data['skinparts'] = ''; } break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_SKINLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = ""; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); } function listplug_table_admintemplatelist($vars, $type, $templateName = '') { $templates = array(); if ( !empty($templateName) ) { $templates = Template::read($templateName); } global $manager; switch( $type ) { case 'HEAD': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_HEAD']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_HEAD']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_HEAD']; } else { $template = "<%colname%><%coldesc%><%colact%>\n"; } $data = array( 'colname' => _LISTS_NAME, 'coldesc' => _LISTS_DESC, 'colact' => _LISTS_ACTIONS, ); break; case 'BODY': $current = $vars['current']; if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_BODY']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_BODY']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_BODY']; } else { $template = "<%templatename%>\n" . "<%templatedesc%>\n" . "" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%editbtn%>\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%clonebtn%>\n" . "\n" . "\n" . "\" tabindex=\"<%tabindex%>\"><%delbtn%>\n" . "\n"; } $url = "index.php?action=admintemplateclone&templateid={$current->tdnumber}"; $data = array( 'templatename' => Entity::hsc($current->tdname), 'templatedesc' => Entity::hsc($current->tddesc), 'templateid' => (integer) $current->tdnumber, 'tabindex' => (integer) $vars['tabindex'], 'cloneurl' => Entity::hsc($manager->addTicketToUrl($url)), 'editbtn' => _LISTS_EDIT, 'clonebtn' => _LISTS_CLONE, 'delbtn' => _LISTS_DELETE, ); break; case 'FOOT': if ( isset($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_FOOT']) || !empty($templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_FOOT']) ) { $template = $templates['SHOWLIST_LISTPLUG_TABLE_TPLTLIST_FOOT']; } else { $template = "\n"; } $data = array(); break; } return Template::fill($template, $data); }