sqliteCreateFunction('SUBSTRING', 'substr', 3); self::$dbh->sqliteCreateFunction('UNIX_TIMESTAMP', 'strtotime', 1); } break; case 'mysql': $port = is_numeric($portnum) ? ';port=' . intval($portnum) : ''; $db = $database ? ';dbname=' . $database : ''; self::$dbh = new PDO( 'mysql' . ':host=' . $host . $port . $db, $user, $password, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'utf8\'')); break; default: // mysql if ( !class_exists('MysqlPDO') ) { include_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/MYSQLPDO.php'; } $port = is_numeric($portnum) ? ';port=' . intval($portnum) : ''; $db = $database ? ';dbname=' . $database : ''; self::$dbh = new MysqlPDO( 'mysql' . ':host=' . $host . $port . $db, $user, $password, array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES \'utf8\'')); break; } } catch (PDOException $e) { self::disConnect(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * DB::disConnect() * Disconnect the connection to the database. */ public static function disConnect() { self::$dbh = null; } /** * DB::getExecCount() * To get the number of times you run the statement. * @return int Number of executions */ public static function getExecCount() { return self::$execCount; } /** * DB::formatDateTime() * The value converted to a format that can be passed to the database datetime. * @param int $timestamp UNIX timestamp * @param int $offset timestamp offset * @return string formatted datetime (quart treated) */ public static function formatDateTime($timestamp = null, $offset=0) { if ( $timestamp == null ) { $timestamp = time(); } $timestamp += $offset; return preg_replace_callback('/(%[a-z%])/i', create_function('$matches', 'return strftime($matches[1], ' . intval($timestamp) . ');'), self::$dateFormat ); } /** * DB::getValue() * Gets the value of the first column of the first row of the results obtained in the statement. * @param string $statement SQL Statement * @return mixed Result value. If the call fails, it will return FALSE. */ public static function getValue($statement) { if ( self::$dbh == null ) return FALSE; self::$execCount++; $result = self::callQuery($statement); if ( $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM) ) { return $row[0]; } return FALSE; } /** * DB::getRow() * Gets the first row of the results obtained in the statement. * @param string $statement SQL Statement * @return array Result row. If the call fails, it will return FALSE. */ public static function getRow($statement) { if ( self::$dbh == null ) return FALSE; self::$execCount++; $result = self::callQuery($statement); return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_BOTH); } /** * DB::getResult() * Gets the set of results obtained in the statement. * @param string $statement SQL Statement * @return PDOStatement Result set object. If the call fails, it will return FALSE. */ public static function getResult($statement) { if ( self::$dbh == null ) return FALSE; self::$execCount++; return self::callQuery($statement); } /** * DB::execute() * Execute an SQL statement and return the number of affected rows. * @param string $statement SQL Statement * @return int number of rows that were modified or deleted by the SQL statement you issued. If the call fails, it will return FALSE. */ public static function execute($statement) { if ( self::$dbh == null ) return FALSE; self::$execCount++; return self::callExec($statement); } /** * DB::callQuery() * Run the query to retrieve the result set. * @param string $statement query to be executed * @return PDOStatement Result set object. If the call fails, it will return FALSE. */ private static function callQuery($statement) { $result = self::$dbh->query($statement); if ( $result === FALSE ) { self::showErrorDisplay($statement); } return $result; } /** * DB::callExec() * Run the query and returns the number of rows affected. * @param string $statement query to be executed * @return int number of rows that were modified or deleted by the SQL statement you issued. If the call fails, it will return FALSE. */ private static function callExec($statement) { $result = self::$dbh->exec($statement); if ( $result === FALSE ) { self::showErrorDisplay($statement); } return $result; } /** * DB::showErrorDisplay() * The error message is output to the screen of the query. * @param string $statement query output to the screen */ private static function showErrorDisplay($statement) { global $CONF; if ( array_key_exists('debug', $CONF) && $CONF['debug'] ) { $err = self::getError(); print("mySQL error with query '{$statement}' : " . $err[2]); } return; } /** * DB::getError() * Gets the error information associated with the last operation. * @return array Error info */ public static function getError() { if ( self::$dbh == null ) return FALSE; return self::$dbh->errorInfo(); } /** * DB::quoteValue() * Quotes a string for use in a query. * @param string $value Value to quote * @return string Quoted value */ public static function quoteValue($value) { if ( self::$dbh == null ) return FALSE; return self::$dbh->quote($value); } /** * DB::getInsertId() * Get the value of the ID of the rows that are inserted at the end. * @return string ID of the row */ public static function getInsertId() { if ( self::$dbh == null ) return FALSE; return self::$dbh->lastInsertId(); } /** * DB::getAttribute() * Gets the attribute of the database. * @return string Attribute */ public static function getAttribute($attribute) { if ( self::$dbh == null ) return FALSE; return self::$dbh->getAttribute($attribute); } }