dbcon = @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'connect', $host, $username, $password); if ( $this->dbcon == FALSE ) { throw new PDOException('Failed to connect to the server.', '01000'); } // select database if ( preg_match('/dbname=([^;]+)/', $dsn, $matches) ) { $dbname = $matches[1]; if ( $dbname ) { if ( MysqlPDO::$handler == 'mysql_' ) { call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'select_db', $dbname, $this->dbcon); } else { call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'select_db', $this->dbcon, $dbname); } // set use character $charset = 'utf8'; if ( is_array($driver_options) && array_key_exists(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, $driver_options) ) { if ( preg_match('/SET\s+CHARACTER\s+SET\s+\'?([a-z0-9_-]+)\'?/', $driver_options[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND], $matches) ) { $charset = $matches[1]; } } $server_info = call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'get_server_info', $this->dbcon); $mysql_version = preg_replace('/^([0-9]{1,2})\.([0-9]{1,2})\.([0-9]{1,2})(.*)$/', '$1.$2.$3', $server_info); if ( version_compare($mysql_version, '5.0.7', '>=') && function_exists(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'set_charset') ) { call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'set_charset', $charset); } else if ( version_compare($mysql_version, '5.0.7', '<') ) { $this->exec("SET CHARACTER SET '{$charset}';"); } else { $this->exec("SET NAMES '{$charset}';"); } } } } /** * Close the connection to the MySQL server. */ public function __destruct() { if ( $this->dbcon ) { @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'close', $this->dbcon); } } /** * Not supported */ public function beginTransaction() { return FALSE; } /** * Not supported */ public function commit() { return FALSE; } /** * Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation. * However, if successful '00000' Otherwise, the return to '01000'. * @return string Error code */ public function errorCode() { $errno = call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'errno', $this->dbcon); return $errno === 0 ? '00000' : '01000'; } /** * To get extended error information associated with the last operation. * Element 0: if successful '00000' Otherwise, the return to '01000' * Element 1: The return value of mysql_errno() * Element 2: The return value of mysql_error() * @return array Array of error information */ public function errorInfo() { $errno = call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'errno', $this->dbcon); $error = call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'error', $this->dbcon); return array($errno === 0 ? '00000' : '01000', $errno, $error); } public function exec($statement) { $result = @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'query', $statement, $this->dbcon); if ( $result === TRUE ) { return @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'affected_rows', $this->dbcon); } else if ( is_resource($result) ) { return; } return FALSE; } public function getAttribute($attribute) { switch ( $attribute ) { case PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION: return call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'get_server_info', $this->dbcon); break; case PDO::ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION: return call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'get_client_info'); break; default: return FALSE; } } public static function getAvailableDrivers() { return array('mysql'); } /** * Not supported */ public function inTransaction() { return FALSE; } public function lastInsertId($name = null) { return call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'insert_id', $this->dbcon); } /** * Not supported */ public function prepare($statement, $driver_options = array()) { return FALSE; } public function query($statement) { $result = @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'query', $statement, $this->dbcon); return ($result == FALSE) ? FALSE : new MysqlPDOStatement($statement, $result, $this->dbcon); } public function quote($string, $parameter_type = PDO::PARAM_STR) { switch ( $parameter_type ) { case PDO::PARAM_NULL: return 'null'; case PDO::PARAM_BOOL: return $string ? '1' : '0'; default: if ( $parameter_type == PDO::PARAM_INT && is_numeric($string) ) { return $string; } else { return '\'' . call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'real_escape_string', $string) . '\''; } } } /** * Not supported */ public function rollBack() { return FALSE; } /** * Not supported */ public function setAttribute($attribute, $value) { return FALSE; } } /** * MysqlPDOStatement class PDOStatement class like. */ class MysqlPDOStatement implements Iterator { private $result; private $dbcon; private $_queryString = ''; private $def_fetch_mode = PDO::FETCH_BOTH; private $def_col_num = 0; private $def_class_name = 'stdClass'; private $def_ctorargs = null; private $bind_object = null; public function __get($name) { if ( $name == 'queryString' ) { return $this->_queryString; } } public function __construct($query, $result, $dbconnect = null) { $this->dbcon = $dbconnect; $this->_queryString = $query; $this->result = $result; } public function __destruct() { $this->result = null; } /** * Not supported */ public function bindColumn($column, &$param, $type, $maxlen, $driverdata) { return FALSE; } /** * Not supported */ public function bindParam($parameter, &$variable, $data_type = PDO::PARAM_STR, $length, $driver_options) { return FALSE; } /** * Not supported */ public function bindValue($parameter, $value, $data_type = PDO::PARAM_STR) { return FALSE; } public function closeCursor() { return call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'free_result', $this->result); } public function columnCount() { return call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'num_fields', $this->result); } /** * Not supported */ public function debugDumpParams() { return; } public function errorCode() { $errno = call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'errno', $this->dbcon); return $errno === 0 ? '00000' : '01000'; } public function errorInfo() { $errno = call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'errno', $this->dbcon); $error = call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'error', $this->dbcon); return array($errno === 0 ? '00000' : '01000', $errno, $error); } /** * Not supported */ public function execute($input_parameters) { return FALSE; } public function fetch($fetch_style = PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, $cursor_orientation = PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT, $cursor_offset = 0) { if ( !is_resource($this->result) || $cursor_orientation != PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT ) { return FALSE; } if ( $fetch_style == PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE ) { $fetch_style = $this->def_fetch_mode; } switch ( $fetch_style ) { case PDO::FETCH_ASSOC: return @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'fetch_array', $this->result, MYSQL_ASSOC); case PDO::FETCH_BOTH: return @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'fetch_array', $this->result, MYSQL_BOTH); case PDO::FETCH_NUM: return @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'fetch_array', $this->result, MYSQL_NUM); case PDO::FETCH_OBJ: return $this->fetchObject(); case PDO::FETCH_CLASS: return $this->fetchObject($this->def_class_name, $this->def_ctorargs); case PDO::FETCH_COLUMN: return $this->fetchColumn($this->def_col_num); case PDO::FETCH_BOUND: return FALSE; // Not supported case PDO::FETCH_INTO: return FALSE; // Not supported case PDO::FETCH_LAZY: return FALSE; // Not supported default: return FALSE; } } public function fetchAll($fetch_style = PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, $fetch_argument = null, $ctor_args = array()) { if ( $fetch_style == PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE ) { $fetch_style = PDO::FETCH_BOTH; } $ret = array(); if ( ($fetch_style & PDO::FETCH_COLUMN) != 0 ) { if ( $fetch_style == PDO::FETCH_COLUMN ) { $column = $fetch_argument == null ? 0 : intval($fetch_argument); while ( $row = $this->fetchColumn($column) ) { $ret[] = $row; } } elseif ( ($fetch_style & PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE) != 0 ) { return FALSE; } elseif ( ($fetch_style & PDO::FETCH_GROUP) != 0 ) { return FALSE; } } elseif ( $fetch_style == PDO::FETCH_CLASS ) { while ( $row = $this->fetchObject($fetch_argument, $ctor_args) ) { $ret[] = $row; } } elseif ( $fetch_style == PDO::FETCH_FUNC ) { while ( $row = $this->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) ) { $ret[] = call_user_func_array($fetch_argument, array_values($row)); } } else { while ( $row = $this->fetch($fetch_style) ) { $ret[] = $row; } } return $ret; } public function fetchColumn($column_number = 0) { if ( $ret = $this->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM) ) { return $ret[$column_number]; } return FALSE; } public function fetchObject($class_name = 'stdClass', $ctor_args = null) { if ( is_array($ctor_args) && !empty($ctor_args) ) { return @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'fetch_object', $this->result, $class_name, $ctor_args); } else { return @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'fetch_object', $this->result, $class_name); } } public function getAttribute($attribute) { switch ( $attribute ) { default: return FALSE; } } /** * Not supported */ public function getColumnMeta($column) { $result = array(); if ( MysqlPDO::$handler == 'mysql_' ) { $result['name'] = @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'field_name', $this->result, $column); } return $result; } /** * Not supported */ public function nextRowset() { return FALSE; } public function rowCount() { return @call_user_func(MysqlPDO::$handler . 'affected_rows', $this->dbcon); } /** * Not supported */ public function setAttribute($attribute, $value) { return FALSE; } public function setFetchMode($mode, &$mode_argument, $ctorargs) { switch ( $mode ) { case PDO::FETCH_COLUMN: $this->def_col_num = $mode_argument; break; case PDO::FETCH_CLASS: $this->def_class_name = $mode_argument; $this->def_ctorargs = $ctorargs; break; case PDO::FETCH_INTO: $this->bind_object = &$mode_argument; return FALSE; // Not supported default: $this->def_fetch_mode = $mode; break; } return 1; } // Iterator private $iterator_value; function rewind() {} function next() {} function valid() { return ($this->iterator_value = $this->fetch()); } function current() { return $this->iterator_value; } function key() { return null; } }