package p2p import ( "net" log "" "" cmn "" dbm "" cfg "" "" "" "" ) //PanicOnAddPeerErr add peer error var PanicOnAddPeerErr = false func CreateRandomPeer(outbound bool) *Peer { _, netAddr := CreateRoutableAddr() p := &Peer{ peerConn: &peerConn{ outbound: outbound, }, NodeInfo: &NodeInfo{ ListenAddr: netAddr.DialString(), }, mconn: &connection.MConnection{}, } return p } func CreateRoutableAddr() (addr string, netAddr *NetAddress) { for { var err error addr = cmn.Fmt("%X@%v.%v.%v.%v:46656", cmn.RandBytes(20), cmn.RandInt()%256, cmn.RandInt()%256, cmn.RandInt()%256, cmn.RandInt()%256) netAddr, err = NewNetAddressString(addr) if err != nil { panic(err) } if netAddr.Routable() { break } } return } // MakeConnectedSwitches switches connected via arbitrary net.Conn; useful for testing // Returns n switches, connected according to the connect func. // If connect==Connect2Switches, the switches will be fully connected. // initSwitch defines how the ith switch should be initialized (ie. with what reactors). // NOTE: panics if any switch fails to start. func MakeConnectedSwitches(cfg []*cfg.Config, n int, testDB dbm.DB, initSwitch func(*Switch) *Switch, connect func([]*Switch, int, int)) []*Switch { if len(cfg) != n { panic(errors.New("cfg number error")) } switches := make([]*Switch, n) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { switches[i] = MakeSwitch(cfg[i], testDB, initSwitch) } if err := startSwitches(switches); err != nil { panic(err) } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { for j := i; j < n; j++ { connect(switches, i, j) } } return switches } // Connect2Switches will connect switches i and j via net.Pipe() // Blocks until a conection is established. // NOTE: caller ensures i and j are within bounds func Connect2Switches(switches []*Switch, i, j int) { switchI := switches[i] switchJ := switches[j] c1, c2 := net.Pipe() doneCh := make(chan struct{}) go func() { err := switchI.addPeerWithConnection(c1) if PanicOnAddPeerErr && err != nil { panic(err) } doneCh <- struct{}{} }() go func() { err := switchJ.addPeerWithConnection(c2) if PanicOnAddPeerErr && err != nil { panic(err) } doneCh <- struct{}{} }() <-doneCh <-doneCh } func startSwitches(switches []*Switch) error { for _, s := range switches { _, err := s.Start() // start switch and reactors if err != nil { return err } } return nil } type mockDiscv struct { } func (m *mockDiscv) ReadRandomNodes(buf []*discover.Node) (n int) { return 0 } func MakeSwitch(cfg *cfg.Config, testdb dbm.DB, initSwitch func(*Switch) *Switch) *Switch { // new switch, add reactors // TODO: let the config be passed in? privKey := crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519() l, listenAddr := GetListener(cfg.P2P) sw, err := newSwitch(cfg, new(mockDiscv), testdb, l, privKey, listenAddr) if err != nil { log.Errorf("create switch error: %s", err) return nil } s := initSwitch(sw) return s }