#!/usr/local/bin/php | /path/sendreportmail.php // The following warning message is reported when a MAC address registered in // watchlist table is detected by opengatemd. // "Sep 29 12:34:56 opengate01 opengatemd[1234]: WARN: find mac=11:22:33:44:55:66 ip=" /**********************************************************/ /*** parameters ***/ $mysqlServer="localhost"; $mysqlUser="root"; $mysqlPassword=""; $mailSender="opengate@cc.saga-u.ac.jp"; $reportInterval="6 HOUR"; // open syslog openlog('sendreportmail', LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL1); // get mac address and others from syslog message list($timestamp, $gatewayName, $macAddress, $ipAddress)=getDataFromSyslog(); if($timestamp=="?") return; // prepare database if(!($link=prepareMysql($mysqlServer, $mysqlUser, $mysqlPassword))) return; if(!$link)return; // get mail address and others from mysql db if(!(list($device, $mailAddress)=getDataFromMysql($macAddress))){ mysqli_close($link); return; } // if recent report exists, skip to send report if(skipReporting($link, $macAddress, $gatewayName, $reportInterval)){ mysqli_close($link); return; } // close database mysqli_close($link); // send mail to the user sendMailToUser($mailSender, $mailAddress, $device, $gatewayName, $ipAddress, $timestamp); return; /*** get MAC address and others from syslog ***/ function getDataFromSyslog(){ $timestamp="?"; $gatewayName="?"; $macAddress="?"; $ipAddress="?"; // syslog message is acqiured from STDIN if(($message=fgets(STDIN))==FALSE){ syslog(LOG_INFO, 'ERR: Fail to read from stdin'); return FALSE; } // extract timestamp, gateway and macaddress by regular expression if(preg_match('/^(.*) (.*) .* WARN: find mac=(.*) ip=(.*)/', $message, $matches)==1){ $timestamp = $matches[1]; $gatewayName = $matches[2]; $macAddress = $matches[3]; $ipAddress = $matches[4]; }else{ syslog(LOG_INFO, 'ERR: Fail to analyze syslog message'); } return array($timestamp, $gatewayName, $macAddress, $ipAddress); } /*** prepare mysql connection ***/ function prepareMysql($mysqlServer, $mysqlUser, $mysqlPassword){ // connect and access to MySql DB $link = mysqli_connect($mysqlServer, $mysqlUser, $mysqlPassword); if (!$link){ syslog(LOG_INFO, 'ERR: Cannot connect DB '.mysqli_error()); return FALSE; } // use opengatem database $db_selected = mysqli_select_db($link, 'opengatem'); if (!$db_selected){ syslog(LOG_INFO, 'ERR: Cannot select DB '.mysqli_error()); return FALSE; } mysqli_set_charset($link, 'utf8'); return $link; } /*** get mail address and others corresponding to the MAC address from mysql ***/ function getDataFromMysql($macAddress){ $device="?"; $mailAddress="?"; // query $result = mysqli_query($link, 'SELECT device, mailAddress FROM macaddrs WHERE macAddress="'.$macAddress.'" AND status!="D"'); if (!$result){ syslog(LOG_INFO, 'ERR: Fail DB query '.mysqli_error()); return FALSE; } // get result if($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)){ $device = $row[0]; $mailAddress = $row[1]; }else{ syslog(LOG_INFO, 'ERR: Fail to get mail address from DB'); return FALSE; } return array($device, $mailAddress); } /*** to avoid to send too many mails, skip if there are recent logs having same macaddress, and same gateway PLEASE MODIFY to control the report frequency. ***/ function skipReporting($link, $macAddress, $gatewayName, $reportInterval){ // query $result = mysqli_query($link, 'SELECT count(*) FROM sessionmd ' .'WHERE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sessionmd ' .'WHERE macAddress="'.$macAddress.'" ' .'AND gatewayName LIKE "'.$gatewayName.'.%" ' .'AND openTime > NOW() - INTERVAL '.$reportInterval.' ' .'AND openTime < NOW() - INTERVAL 1 MINUTE ' .')' ); if (!$result){ syslog(LOG_INFO, 'ERR: Fail query '.mysqli_error()); return TRUE; } // get data if($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) $count = $row[0]; else $count = 0; // if recent logs exist, skip is true if($count>0)return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /*** send mail to the mail address ***/ function sendMailToUser($mailSender, $mailAddress, $device, $gatewayName, $ipAddress, $timestamp){ $to=$mailAddress; $subject="Your device is detected"; $message="Your device ".$device ." is detected as ip=".$ipAddress ." on the subnet under ".$gatewayName ." at ".$timestamp .". " ." If it is not your use, please contact to the administrator."; $headers="From: ".$mailSender."\n"; $parameters="-f ".$mailSender; if(mb_send_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, $parameters)){ syslog(LOG_INFO, 'INFO: Success to send mail'); return TRUE; }else{ syslog(LOG_INFO, 'ERR: Fail to send mail'); return FALSE; } } ?>