$_title_search, 'body' => plugin_search2_search_form($q, '', $bases)); } else { $msg = str_replace('$1', htmlsc($q), $_title_result); return array('msg' => $msg, 'body' => plugin_search2_search_form($q, '', $bases)); } } else if ($action === 'query') { $text = isset($vars['q']) ? $vars['q'] : ''; header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8'); plugin_search2_do_search($text, $base); exit; } } function plugin_search2_do_search($query_text, $base) { global $whatsnew, $non_list, $search_non_list; global $_msg_andresult, $_msg_orresult, $_msg_notfoundresult; global $search_auth; $retval = array(); $b_type_and = true; // AND:TRUE OR:FALSE $key_candidates = preg_split('/\s+/', $query_text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); for ($i = count($key_candidates) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($key_candidates[$i] === 'OR') { $b_type_and = false; unset($key_candidates[$i]); } } $key_candidates = array_merge($key_candidates); $keys = get_search_words($key_candidates); foreach ($keys as $key=>$value) $keys[$key] = '/' . $value . '/S'; $pages = get_existpages(); // Avoid if ($base != '') { $pages = preg_grep('/^' . preg_quote($base, '/') . '/S', $pages); } if (! $search_non_list) { $pages = array_diff($pages, preg_grep('/' . $non_list . '/S', $pages)); } natsort($pages); $pages = array_flip($pages); unset($pages[$whatsnew]); $page_names = array_keys($pages); $found_pages = array(); $readable_page_index = -1; $scan_page_index = -1; $last_read_page_name = null; foreach ($page_names as $page) { $b_match = FALSE; $pagename_only = false; $scan_page_index++; if (! is_page_readable($page)) { if ($search_auth) { // $search_auth - 1: User can know page names that contain search text if the page is readable continue; } // $search_auth - 0: All users can know page names that conntain search text $pagename_only = true; } $readable_page_index++; // Search for page name and contents $body = get_source($page, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); $target = $page . "\n" . remove_author_header($body); foreach ($keys as $key) { $b_match = preg_match($key, $target); if ($b_type_and xor $b_match) break; // OR } if ($b_match) { // Found! $filemtime = null; $author_info = get_author_info($body); if ($author_info === false || $pagename_only) { $updated_at = get_date_atom(filemtime(get_filename($page))); } if ($pagename_only) { // The user cannot read this page body $found_pages[] = array('name' => (string)$page, 'url' => get_page_uri($page), 'updated_at' => $updated_at, 'body' => '', 'pagename_only' => 1); } else { $found_pages[] = array('name' => (string)$page, 'url' => get_page_uri($page), 'updated_at' => $updated_at, 'body' => (string)$body); } } $last_read_page_name = $page; } $message = str_replace('$1', htmlsc($query_text), str_replace('$2', count($found_pages), str_replace('$3', count($page_names), $b_type_and ? $_msg_andresult : $_msg_orresult))); $search_done = (boolean)($scan_page_index + 1 === count($page_names)); $result_obj = array( 'message' => $message, 'q' => $query_text, 'read_page_count' => $readable_page_index + 1, 'scan_page_count' => $scan_page_index + 1, 'page_count' => count($page_names), 'last_read_page_name' => $last_read_page_name, 'search_done' => $search_done, 'results' => $found_pages); $obj = $result_obj; if (!defined('PKWK_UTF8_ENABLE')) { if (SOURCE_ENCODING === 'EUC-JP') { mb_convert_variables('UTF-8', 'CP51932', $obj); } else { mb_convert_variables('UTF-8', SOURCE_ENCODING, $obj); } } print(json_encode($obj, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES)); } function plugin_search2_search_form($s_word = '', $type = '', $bases = array()) { global $_btn_search; global $_search_pages, $_search_all; global $_msg_andresult, $_msg_orresult, $_msg_notfoundresult; global $_search_detail, $_search_searching; global $_msg_unsupported_webbrowser, $_msg_use_alternative_link; $script = get_base_uri(); $h_search_text = htmlsc($s_word); $base_option = ''; if (!empty($bases)) { $base_msg = ''; $_num = 0; $check = ' checked'; foreach($bases as $base) { ++$_num; if (PLUGIN_SEARCH2_MAX_BASE < $_num) break; $s_base = htmlsc($base); $base_str = '' . $s_base . ''; $base_label = str_replace('$1', $base_str, $_search_pages); $base_msg .=<< EOD; $check = ''; } $base_msg .=<< $_search_all EOD; $base_option = '
' . $base_msg . '
'; } $_search2_result_notfound = htmlsc($_msg_notfoundresult); $_search2_result_found = htmlsc($_msg_andresult); $_search2_search_wait_milliseconds = PLUGIN_SEARCH2_SEARCH_WAIT_MILLISECONDS; $result_page_panel =<<
EOD; if ($h_search_text == '') { $result_page_panel = ''; } $plain_search_link = '' . htmlsc($_btn_search) . ''; $alt_msg = str_replace('$1', $plain_search_link, $_msg_use_alternative_link); return <<

$_msg_unsupported_webbrowser $alt_msg

EOD; }