package protocol import ( "fmt" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) /*func TestBadMaxIssuanceWindow(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() c, b1 := newTestChain(t, time.Now()) c.MaxIssuanceWindow = time.Second issueTx, _, _ := issue(t, nil, nil, 1) got, _, err := c.GenerateBlock(ctx, b1, state.Empty(), time.Now(), []*legacy.Tx{issueTx}) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(got.Transactions) != 0 { t.Error("expected issuance past max issuance window to be rejected") } }*/ type testDest struct { privKey ed25519.PrivateKey } func newDest(t testing.TB) *testDest { _, priv, err := ed25519.GenerateKey(nil) if err != nil { testutil.FatalErr(t, err) } return &testDest{ privKey: priv, } } func (d *testDest) sign(t testing.TB, tx *legacy.Tx, index uint32) { txsighash := tx.SigHash(index) prog, _ := vm.Assemble(fmt.Sprintf("0x%x TXSIGHASH EQUAL", txsighash.Bytes())) h := sha3.Sum256(prog) sig := ed25519.Sign(d.privKey, h[:]) tx.Inputs[index].SetArguments([][]byte{vm.Int64Bytes(0), sig, prog}) } func (d testDest) controlProgram() ([]byte, error) { pub := d.privKey.Public().(ed25519.PublicKey) return vmutil.P2SPMultiSigProgram([]ed25519.PublicKey{pub}, 1) } type testAsset struct { bc.AssetID testDest } func newAsset(t testing.TB) *testAsset { dest := newDest(t) cp, _ := dest.controlProgram() var initialBlockID bc.Hash assetID := bc.ComputeAssetID(cp, &initialBlockID, 1, &bc.EmptyStringHash) return &testAsset{ AssetID: assetID, testDest: *dest, } } func issue(t testing.TB, asset *testAsset, dest *testDest, amount uint64) (*legacy.Tx, *testAsset, *testDest) { if asset == nil { asset = newAsset(t) } if dest == nil { dest = newDest(t) } assetCP, _ := asset.controlProgram() destCP, _ := dest.controlProgram() tx := legacy.NewTx(legacy.TxData{ Version: 1, Inputs: []*legacy.TxInput{ legacy.NewIssuanceInput([]byte{1}, amount, nil, bc.Hash{}, assetCP, nil, nil), }, Outputs: []*legacy.TxOutput{ legacy.NewTxOutput(asset.AssetID, amount, destCP, nil), }, }) asset.sign(t, tx, 0) return tx, asset, dest }