package protocol import ( "errors" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" "" log "" "" "" "" "" ) // msg type const ( MsgNewTx = iota MsgRemoveTx ) var ( maxCachedErrTxs = 1000 maxMsgChSize = 1000 maxNewTxNum = 10000 maxOrphanNum = 2000 orphanTTL = 10 * time.Minute orphanExpireScanInterval = 3 * time.Minute // ErrTransactionNotExist is the pre-defined error message ErrTransactionNotExist = errors.New("transaction are not existed in the mempool") // ErrPoolIsFull indicates the pool is full ErrPoolIsFull = errors.New("transaction pool reach the max number") ) // TxDesc store tx and related info for mining strategy type TxDesc struct { Tx *types.Tx Added time.Time StatusFail bool Height uint64 Weight uint64 Fee uint64 } // TxPoolMsg is use for notify pool changes type TxPoolMsg struct { *TxDesc MsgType int } type orphanTx struct { *TxDesc expiration time.Time } // TxPool is use for store the unconfirmed transaction type TxPool struct { lastUpdated int64 mtx sync.RWMutex store Store pool map[bc.Hash]*TxDesc utxo map[bc.Hash]*types.Tx orphans map[bc.Hash]*orphanTx orphansByPrev map[bc.Hash]map[bc.Hash]*orphanTx errCache *lru.Cache msgCh chan *TxPoolMsg } // NewTxPool init a new TxPool func NewTxPool(store Store) *TxPool { tp := &TxPool{ lastUpdated: time.Now().Unix(), store: store, pool: make(map[bc.Hash]*TxDesc), utxo: make(map[bc.Hash]*types.Tx), orphans: make(map[bc.Hash]*orphanTx), orphansByPrev: make(map[bc.Hash]map[bc.Hash]*orphanTx), errCache: lru.New(maxCachedErrTxs), msgCh: make(chan *TxPoolMsg, maxMsgChSize), } go tp.orphanExpireWorker() return tp } // AddErrCache add a failed transaction record to lru cache func (tp *TxPool) AddErrCache(txHash *bc.Hash, err error) { tp.mtx.Lock() defer tp.mtx.Unlock() tp.errCache.Add(txHash, err) } // ExpireOrphan expire all the orphans that before the input time range func (tp *TxPool) ExpireOrphan(now time.Time) { tp.mtx.RLock() defer tp.mtx.RUnlock() for hash, orphan := range tp.orphans { if orphan.expiration.Before(now) { tp.removeOrphan(&hash) } } } // GetErrCache return the error of the transaction func (tp *TxPool) GetErrCache(txHash *bc.Hash) error { tp.mtx.Lock() defer tp.mtx.Unlock() v, ok := tp.errCache.Get(txHash) if !ok { return nil } return v.(error) } // GetMsgCh return a unconfirmed transaction feed channel func (tp *TxPool) GetMsgCh() <-chan *TxPoolMsg { return tp.msgCh } // RemoveTransaction remove a transaction from the pool func (tp *TxPool) RemoveTransaction(txHash *bc.Hash) { tp.mtx.Lock() defer tp.mtx.Unlock() txD, ok := tp.pool[*txHash] if !ok { return } for _, output := range txD.Tx.ResultIds { delete(tp.utxo, *output) } delete(tp.pool, *txHash) atomic.StoreInt64(&tp.lastUpdated, time.Now().Unix()) tp.msgCh <- &TxPoolMsg{TxDesc: txD, MsgType: MsgRemoveTx} log.WithField("tx_id", txHash).Debug("remove tx from mempool") } // GetTransaction return the TxDesc by hash func (tp *TxPool) GetTransaction(txHash *bc.Hash) (*TxDesc, error) { tp.mtx.RLock() defer tp.mtx.RUnlock() if txD, ok := tp.pool[*txHash]; ok { return txD, nil } return nil, ErrTransactionNotExist } // GetTransactions return all the transactions in the pool func (tp *TxPool) GetTransactions() []*TxDesc { tp.mtx.RLock() defer tp.mtx.RUnlock() txDs := make([]*TxDesc, len(tp.pool)) i := 0 for _, desc := range tp.pool { txDs[i] = desc i++ } return txDs } // IsTransactionInPool check wheather a transaction in pool or not func (tp *TxPool) IsTransactionInPool(txHash *bc.Hash) bool { tp.mtx.RLock() defer tp.mtx.RUnlock() _, ok := tp.pool[*txHash] return ok } // IsTransactionInErrCache check wheather a transaction in errCache or not func (tp *TxPool) IsTransactionInErrCache(txHash *bc.Hash) bool { tp.mtx.RLock() defer tp.mtx.RUnlock() _, ok := tp.errCache.Get(txHash) return ok } // HaveTransaction IsTransactionInErrCache check is transaction in errCache or pool func (tp *TxPool) HaveTransaction(txHash *bc.Hash) bool { return tp.IsTransactionInPool(txHash) || tp.IsTransactionInErrCache(txHash) } // ProcessTransaction is the main entry for txpool handle new tx func (tp *TxPool) ProcessTransaction(tx *types.Tx, statusFail bool, height, fee uint64) (bool, error) { tp.mtx.RLock() defer tp.mtx.RUnlock() txD := &TxDesc{ Tx: tx, StatusFail: statusFail, Weight: tx.SerializedSize, Height: height, Fee: fee, } requireParents, err := tp.checkOrphanUtxos(tx) if err != nil { return false, err } if len(requireParents) > 0 { return true, tp.addOrphan(txD, requireParents) } if err := tp.addTransaction(txD); err != nil { return false, err } tp.processOrphans(txD) return false, nil } func (tp *TxPool) addOrphan(txD *TxDesc, requireParents []*bc.Hash) error { if len(tp.orphans) >= maxOrphanNum { return ErrPoolIsFull } orphan := &orphanTx{txD, time.Now().Add(orphanTTL)} tp.orphans[txD.Tx.ID] = orphan for _, hash := range requireParents { if _, ok := tp.orphansByPrev[*hash]; !ok { tp.orphansByPrev[*hash] = make(map[bc.Hash]*orphanTx) } tp.orphansByPrev[*hash][txD.Tx.ID] = orphan } return nil } func (tp *TxPool) addTransaction(txD *TxDesc) error { if len(tp.pool) >= maxNewTxNum { return ErrPoolIsFull } tx := txD.Tx txD.Added = time.Now() tp.pool[tx.ID] = txD for _, id := range tx.ResultIds { output, err := tx.Output(*id) if err != nil { // error due to it's a retirement, utxo doesn't care this output type so skip it continue } if !txD.StatusFail || *output.Source.Value.AssetId == *consensus.BTMAssetID { tp.utxo[*id] = tx } } atomic.StoreInt64(&tp.lastUpdated, time.Now().Unix()) tp.msgCh <- &TxPoolMsg{TxDesc: txD, MsgType: MsgNewTx} log.WithField("tx_id", tx.ID.String()).Debug("Add tx to mempool") return nil } func (tp *TxPool) checkOrphanUtxos(tx *types.Tx) ([]*bc.Hash, error) { view := state.NewUtxoViewpoint() if err :=, []*bc.Tx{tx.Tx}); err != nil { return nil, err } hashes := []*bc.Hash{} for _, hash := range tx.SpentOutputIDs { if !view.CanSpend(&hash) && tp.utxo[hash] == nil { hashes = append(hashes, &hash) } } return hashes, nil } func (tp *TxPool) orphanExpireWorker() { ticker := time.NewTicker(orphanExpireScanInterval) for now := range ticker.C { tp.ExpireOrphan(now) } } func (tp *TxPool) processOrphans(txD *TxDesc) { processOrphans := []*orphanTx{} addRely := func(tx *types.Tx) { for _, outHash := range tx.ResultIds { orphans, ok := tp.orphansByPrev[*outHash] if !ok { continue } for _, orphan := range orphans { processOrphans = append(processOrphans, orphan) } delete(tp.orphansByPrev, *outHash) } } addRely(txD.Tx) for ; len(processOrphans) > 0; processOrphans = processOrphans[1:] { processOrphan := processOrphans[0] requireParents, err := tp.checkOrphanUtxos(processOrphan.Tx) if err != nil { log.WithField("err", err).Error("processOrphans got unexpect error") continue } if len(requireParents) == 0 { addRely(processOrphan.Tx) tp.removeOrphan(&processOrphan.Tx.ID) tp.addTransaction(processOrphan.TxDesc) } } } func (tp *TxPool) removeOrphan(hash *bc.Hash) { orphan, ok := tp.orphans[*hash] if !ok { return } for _, spend := range orphan.Tx.SpentOutputIDs { orphans, ok := tp.orphansByPrev[spend] if !ok { continue } if delete(orphans, *hash); len(orphans) == 0 { delete(tp.orphansByPrev, spend) } } delete(tp.orphans, *hash) }