** FM-7 series emulator for common source code project. ** Mar 29, 2015 K.Ohta 1.Background Major FM-7 series emulator, XM7 is closed source code. But, I was porting to SDL/Agar toolkit.[1] This has many of bugs inheritated from Agar Toolkit. And, I wish to distribute FM-7 emulator with FOSS license. So, I decided to build FM-7 emulator to Common Source Code Project. [1] https://github.com/Artanejp/XM7-for-SDL 2.Status a. FM-7 is working now. Excepts : OS-9 Level1 is too heavy to use. b. FM-77 is *not* working now, partly implemented. Especially 400 line card is still not implement. c. FM-8 is *not* implement, I have no document, now. d. FM-77AV (or later) is *partly* implement, but not test to work. 3.How to Work You Need these R@M images to work FM-7. If you don't have these images, you can get substitution R@Ms from : http://retropc.net/apollo/download/xm7/romset/index.htm . At least for FM-7 or later: BOOT_BAS.ROM : 512 bytes, To boot as BASIC mode. BOOT_DOS.ROM : 512 bytes, To boot as DOS(NOT MS-DOS) mode. FBASIC30.ROM : 31744 bytes, F-BASIC 3.0 code, Dummy (only BIOS) rom if you use substitution ROMS. SUBSYS_C.ROM : 10240 bytes, Monitor of SUBCPU. Optionally ROMS: KANJI.ROM KANJI1.ROM : 131072 bytes, Kanji JIS class 1 patterns. BOOT_MMR.ROM : 512 bytes, hidden boot ROM for FM-77 (only). You need belows if you try to work FM-77AV: INITIATE.ROM : 8192 bytes, initiator ROM. SUBSYSCG.ROM : 8192 bytes, character data for subsystem. SUBSYS_A.ROM : 8192 bytes, monitor type A for sub system. SUBSYS_B.ROM : 8192 bytes, monitor type B for sub system. Optionally ROMS: KANJI2.ROM : 131072 bytes, Kanji JIS class 2 patterns. DICROM.ROM : 262144 bytes, Dictionary data for Kana-Kanji conversion. EXTSUB.ROM : 49152 bytes, extra monitor for subsystem (77AV20 or later?) Making if you use DICROM : USERDIC.DAT : 8192 bytes, learning data of Kana-Kanji conversion. FM-8 is not designed yet. 4. Upstream repositry: https://github.com/Artanejp/common_source_project-fm7 Enjoy! -- K.Ohta.