.\" Hey Emacs! This file is -*- nroff -*- source. .\" .\" Copyright 1993 Rickard E. Faith (faith@cs.unc.edu) .\" .\" Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this .\" manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are .\" preserved on all copies. .\" .\" Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this .\" manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the .\" entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a .\" permission notice identical to this one. .\" .\" Since the Linux kernel and libraries are constantly changing, this .\" manual page may be incorrect or out-of-date. The author(s) assume no .\" responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from .\" the use of the information contained herein. The author(s) may not .\" have taken the same level of care in the production of this manual, .\" which is licensed free of charge, as they might when working .\" professionally. .\" .\" Formatted or processed versions of this manual, if unaccompanied by .\" the source, must acknowledge the copyright and authors of this work. .\" .\" Japanese Version Copyright (c) 1997 SUTO, Mitsuaki .\" all rights reserved. .\" Translated Thu Jun 26 20:27:59 JST 1997 .\" by SUTO, Mitsuaki .\" .TH GETGID 2 1993-07-23 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual" .SH 名前 getgid, getegid \- グループ ID を得る .SH 書式 .B #include .br .B #include .sp .B gid_t getgid(void); .br .B gid_t getegid(void); .SH 説明 .BR getgid () は呼び出し元のプロセスの実グループ ID を返す。 .BR getegid () は呼び出し元のプロセスの実効グループ ID を返す。 .SH エラー これらの関数は常に成功する。 .SH 準拠 POSIX.1-2001, 4.3BSD. .SH 関連項目 .BR getresgid (2), .BR setgid (2), .BR setregid (2), .BR credentials (7)