** Qt porting and FM-7/77/AV/AV40/EX for Common Source Code Project ** March 26 , 2018 K.Ohta (whatisthis.sowhat _at_ gmail.com) 1.About This package is Qt5 porting of Common Source Code Project (CSP) and built with Qt5, for Windows, built with MinGW(32bit). Source Code: https://github.com/Artanejp/common_source_project-fm7/releases/tag/SNAPSHOT_20180326 Additional INFO: Binaries will be available, distibute from osdn.net. See, https://osdn.net/projects/csp-qt/ and https://osdn.net/projects/csp-qt/releases/ . Released at: 2.Background Common Source Code Project (CSP) is good emulator writing. It also distributed with GPLv2, this is good for me. But codes are specified to M$ Visual C. I'm using GNU/Linux, and I starting to apply FM-7(or later). So, I start to port to GNU/Linux and using Qt4/Qt5. What you need at least: a. Qt5 (neither Qt3 and Qt4) toolkit: Qt5.3 or later. b. Some OpenGL implementation, maybe at leaset OpenGL v2.x . c. gcc / g++ (5.0 or later? ) or llvm clang / clang++ (3.5 or later?) toolchain. d. SDL2 (not SDL1.x). e. CMake 2.8 or later. * TIPS: If emufoo.exe don't show screen drawing, set environment variable QT_OPENGL to software (i.e. Using Windows as VirtualBox's gueat OS). 3.How to build: After extracting (or git pulled) sourcecodes: $ cd {srctop}/source/build-cmake/{Machine name}/ $ mkdir build $ cd build To configure: $ cmake .. or $ ccmake .. To build: $ make To install: $ sudo make install 4.Qt specified notice: ・Config file (scancode.cfg and foo.ini) has placed (moved) to "~/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emufoo/" (for Windows, ".\CommonSourceCodeProject\emudfoo\" ). ・BIOS, WAVS, BINS and SAVED STATES have placed (moved) to "~/CommonSourceCodeProject/emufoo/" (for Windows, ".\CommonSourceCodeProject\emudfoo\" ). ・All of recorded products (PNG Screenshots, MOVIES, SOUNDS) have *temporally* written to "~/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emufoo/" (for Windows, ".\CommonSourceCodeProject\emudfoo\" ). ・Added ToolTips and Japanese translations.(2017-01-24) ・Place R@Ms under $HOME/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/ , this directory has made after first using. ・Config file, {foo}.ini is written on $HOME/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/ . ・Saved state file, {foo}.sta is written on $HOME/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/ . ・Key code conversion file is written on $HOME/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/scancode.cfg . This file contains comma separated fields, written at hex-decimal (not decimal), first is M$ Virtual Key Code, second is Qt's scan code. ・Common UI components (at src/qt/gui ) are moved to shared lib. libCSPgui.so . ・Installer (bash) script is available now; src/tool/installer_unix.sh . ・When you place specified WAV files(differ per VM) same directory as ROMs, you can sound sounds: i.e. FDD seek, CMT relay and buttons. 5.Status a. I tested to build only under Debian GNU/Linux "sid",Ubuntu Linux 16.04LTS "Xenial" for AMD64 (x86_64) and MinGW with GCC6 (Windows 32bit). But, perhaps, will succed to build another GNU/Linux OSs or BSD OS variants. * On windows, using MinGW is already okay, but not tested drawing. * Cross building with GNU/Linux's MinGW32 and Qt5.5.1 (for MinGW) is available. Modify and use build-cmake/config_build_cross_win32.sh and related *.cmake files. * And, you can also build with M$ Visual Studio 2013 or 2015. b. Now, I using Qt5 as toolkit, because authors of Qt announced "Qt4 is obsolete, will be updated no longer". c. All of virtual machines are already ported to Qt (On Oct 29, 2015). d. Now using GCC-6.1 with Link Time Optimize to build for distrubuted binaries. e. Implemented socket, networking for MZ-2500, but, not tested yet (;´Д`) Repositry: https://github.com/Artanejp/common_source_project-fm7 https://osdn.net/projects/csp-qt/scm/git/common_source_project-fm7 Project Page: https://osdn.jp/projects/csp-qt/ Upstream (Takeda Toshiya San's original code): http://takeda-toshiya.my.coocan.jp/ Special thanks to: Ryu Takegami-san, to assist debugging FM-7/77/AV/40/EX . Haserin-san, to assist debugging FM-7/77/AV/40/EX . Changes: * To see older changes, read ChangeLog and 000_gitlog.txt. * SNAPSHOT Mar 26, 2018 * [General/Qt] Add some command line options. * [COMMON/FM7] Add __DECL_VECTORIZE_LOOP decl. to indicate expect to use vectorize (a.k.a. SIMD instructions). * [VM/MB8877] Fix verify timing on SEEK command.Fix not booting Sylpheed for FM77AV. * [VM/MC6809] Fix clock using. * [VM/EVENT] Specify CPU per VM. * [VM/FM7] Use template and static_cast to expect to be faster. * [VM/FM7] Add Green display for FM-7/8/77 . * [VM/FM77L4] Add FM77L4.Maybe 400lines board still not working. * [Qt/SCREEN] Add turning on/off virtual media Icons on screen (OSD). * [MOVIE_LOADER] Fix scaling factor.Displaying video as correct width and height. * [MOVIE_LOADER] Fix hang up at end of video. * Built with f8f16ac6f19fe2dcab250ad50d96cf0b30c8903e or later. -- Mar 26, 2018 01:34:20 +0900 K.Ohta Upstream changes: * To see older upstream's changes, read history.txt. 3/1/2018 [PC98RL] support NEC PC-98RL [PC9801/DISPLAY] update for hireso mode [PC9801/DISPLAY] fix for the case gdc scroll parameters are invalid [PC9801/MEMBUS] update for hireso mode [PC9801/MEMBUS] support outport 053Dh [PC9801/MEMBUS] move memory map routine from VM class to MEMBUS class 2/28/2018 [VM/I286] fix not to clear cycles in reset() [VM/I386] fix not to clear cycles in reset() [VM/I386] improve mov_r16_rm16 instruction to check limit [VM/I386] fix debugger [PC9801RA] support NEC PC-9801RA 2/27/2018 [VM/I8237] fix bank register and inc mask register [PC9801/DISPLAY] fix array length of analog palette [PC9801/MEMBUS] improve memory bus for i386 or later (partial) 2/25/2018 [VM/DISK] improve for case 2D/2DD disk is inserted to 2DD/2D drive [FMR30/FLOPPY] support to change drive type 2DD/2HD [FMR30/FLOPPY] support to get media type 2D/2DD/2HD [FMR50/BIOS] suppoert int 93h, ah=00h/01h to set/get drive type [FMR50/BIOS] improve int 93h, ah=02h to get sector size and media type [FMR50/FLOPPY] support to change drive type 2DD/2HD [MZ80A] support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD [MZ80B] support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD [MZ80B] support to select cpu clock 4MHz/6MHz [MZ800] support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD [MZ1500] support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD [MZ2200] support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD [MZ2200] support to select cpu clock 4MHz/6MHz [MZ2800/FLOPPY] support to change drive type 2DD/2HD [PC100] support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD [PC100/IOCTRL] improve dipswitch value for floppy drive type 2D/2DD [X1TURBO] support to select floppy drive type 2D/2DD/2HD [X1TURBO/FLOPPY] support to change drive type 2D/2DD/2HD 2/23/2018 [VM/DISK] support two side [VM/I8237] support address mask [VM/I8237] fix interface to connect tc signal for ch.2-4 [VM/IO] support to create multiple instances with different address range [VM/MC6840] fix issue for the case address range is not 0-7 [VM/MEMORY] support to create multiple instances with different address ranges [VM/UPD765A] fix st3 in sence devstat command [FM16BETA] support FUJITSU FM16beta (not work) [FMR50/MEMORY] fix memset issue [PC9801] fix to connect terminal count signal from dmac to fdc ----- Have fun! -- Ohta.