** Qt porting and FM-7/77/AV/AV40/EX for Common Source Code Project ** August 16, 2019 K.Ohta (whatisthis.sowhat _at_ gmail.com) 1.About This package is Qt5 porting of Common Source Code Project (CSP) and built with Qt5, for Windows, built with MinGW(32bit). Source Code: https://github.com/Artanejp/common_source_project-fm7/releases/tag/SNAPSHOT_20190816 Additional INFO: Binaries will be available, distibute from osdn.net. See, https://osdn.net/projects/csp-qt/ and https://osdn.net/projects/csp-qt/releases/ . Released at: 2.Background Common Source Code Project (CSP) is good emulator writing. It also distributed with GPLv2, this is good for me. But codes are specified to M$ Visual C. I'm using GNU/Linux, and I starting to apply FM-7(or later). So, I start to port to GNU/Linux and using Qt4/Qt5. What you need at least: a. Qt5 (neither Qt3 and Qt4) toolkit: Qt5.3 or later. b. Some OpenGL implementation, maybe at leaset OpenGL v2.x . c. gcc / g++ (5.0 or later? ) or llvm clang / clang++ (3.5 or later?) toolchain. d. SDL2 (not SDL1.x). e. CMake 2.8 or later. f. Needs ffmpeg.See https://ffmpeg.org/ . g. FFMpeg has bundled only for Win32.Please install for other OSs if not working. h. Built with Qt5.5 (for Ubuntu 16.04LTS) or Qt 5.10 (for Win32 and Debian/Sid). i. Now, changed default drawing infrastructure to OpenGL ES2.You can change --opengl option via comman line (or GUI). * TIPS: If emufoo.exe don't show screen drawing, set environment variable QT_OPENGL to software (i.e. Using Windows as VirtualBox's gueat OS). 3.How to build: After extracting (or git pulled) sourcecodes: $ cd {srctop}/source/build-cmake/{Machine name}/ $ mkdir build $ cd build To configure: $ cmake .. or $ ccmake .. To build: $ make To install: $ sudo make install 4.Qt specified notice: ・Config file (scancode.cfg and foo.ini) has placed (moved) to "~/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emufoo/" (for Windows, ".\CommonSourceCodeProject\emudfoo\" ). ・BIOS, WAVS, BINS and SAVED STATES have placed (moved) to "~/CommonSourceCodeProject/emufoo/" (for Windows, ".\CommonSourceCodeProject\emudfoo\" ). ・All of recorded products (PNG Screenshots, MOVIES, SOUNDS) have *temporally* written to "~/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emufoo/" (for Windows, ".\CommonSourceCodeProject\emudfoo\" ). ・Added ToolTips and Japanese translations.(2017-01-24) ・Place R@Ms under $HOME/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/ , this directory has made after first using. ・Config file, {foo}.ini is written on $HOME/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/ . ・Saved state file, {foo}.sta is written on $HOME/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/ . ・Key code conversion file is written on $HOME/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/scancode.cfg . This file contains comma separated fields, written at hex-decimal (not decimal), first is M$ Virtual Key Code, second is Qt's scan code. ・Common UI components (at src/qt/gui ) are moved to shared lib. libCSPgui.so . ・Installer (bash) script is available now; src/tool/installer_unix.sh . ・When you place specified WAV files(differ per VM) same directory as ROMs, you can sound sounds: i.e. FDD seek, CMT relay and buttons. 5.Status a. I tested to build only under Debian GNU/Linux "sid",Ubuntu Linux 16.04LTS "Xenial" for AMD64 (x86_64) and MinGW with GCC6 (Windows 32bit). But, perhaps, will succed to build another GNU/Linux OSs or BSD OS variants. * On windows, using MinGW is already okay, but not tested drawing. * Cross building with GNU/Linux's MinGW32 and Qt5.5.1 (for MinGW) is available. Modify and use build-cmake/config_build_cross_win32.sh and related *.cmake files. * And, you can also build with M$ Visual Studio 2013 or 2015. b. Now, I using Qt5 as toolkit, because authors of Qt announced "Qt4 is obsolete, will be updated no longer". c. All of virtual machines are already ported to Qt (On Oct 29, 2015). d. Now using GCC-6.1 with Link Time Optimize to build for distrubuted binaries. e. Implemented socket, networking for MZ-2500, but, not tested yet (;´Д`) Repositry: https://github.com/Artanejp/common_source_project-fm7 https://osdn.net/projects/csp-qt/scm/git/common_source_project-fm7 Project Page: https://osdn.jp/projects/csp-qt/ Upstream (Takeda Toshiya San's original code): http://takeda-toshiya.my.coocan.jp/ Special thanks to: Ryu Takegami-san, to assist debugging FM-7/77/AV/40/EX . Haserin-san, to assist debugging FM-7/77/AV/40/EX . Developers of Ootake, give hints of emuPCEngine (from source code). Changes: * To see older changes, read ChangeLog and 000_gitlog.txt. * SNAPSHOT Aug 16, 2019 * Upstream 2019-04-30. * This is point release, still exists some issues (i.e.EMM386(NEC/PC98) and FreeBSD(98) don't work) for PC-9801 and PC-Engine and some VMs, will fix them. * [UI/Qt] DEBUGGER: Add history for debugger command line. * [UI/Qt] DEBUGGER: Add auto-completion for command-line. * [VM/DEVICE] Use __FASTCALL with interfaces, read_*() ,write_*(), fetch_op() and some functions.Make this faster emulation (i.e.PC-9801RA and EMM386 under FreeDOS). * [VM/PC9801] Separate EGC functions. * [VM/PC9801] Add V30@8.0MHz with some I286/I386 machines. * [VM/PC9801] Check differnt of system work area (0000:0400-0000:05FF) both mame(pc9801rs) and emupc9801ra . * [VM/PC9801] Add "UPPER_I386" flag for detect using later than HAS_I386. * [VM/PC9801] CPUREG: (Maybe) improve changing cpu sequence around I/O 00F0h. * [VM/PC9801] CPUREG: Redirect interrupt signal via CPUREG:: .VMs with V30 sub CPU (i.e.PC9801RA) work with V30. * [VM/PC9801] Fix wrong initialize SYS_PORT_B. * [VM/PC9801] Fix wrong initialize memory switch. * [VM/PC9801] Add DIPSWITCH object. * [VM/PC9801] Fix different value at [0000:0501]. * [VM/PC9801] MEMBUS: Split update_bios() to functions. * [VM/FP1100] Fix lacking some key symbols.Thanks to https://matsuri.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/i4004/1526806551/540 . * [VM/AY_3_891X] Fix not supported defines, replace flags. * [VM/AY_3_891X] Add feature ; dump/set register via debugger. * [VM/YM2151] Add feature ; dump/set register via debugger. * [VM/YM2203] Add feature ; dump/set register via debugger. * [VM/SN74689AN] Add feature ; dump/set register via debugger. * [VM/BEEP] Add feature ; dump register via debugger. * [VM/PCM1BIT] Add feature ; dump register via debugger. * [VM/I80x86/V30] Start debugger even halting. * [VM/I80x86/8088/V30] Make i86/186/88/286 and V30 to common_vm. * [VM/I386] Fix WRONG flag mask at LMSW. * [VM/I386] MOV CR0 EyX : Fix wrong flags handling. * [VM/I386] Exitable when falling into infinite TRAP-Loop. * [VM/I386] mov CRx,R32/mov r32,CRx : Adjusting. * [VM/i8259] Add PIC HACKing flag for PC9801. * [VM/uPD7810/uPD7907] PC2001: Include uPD7810 variants and uPD7907 to libCSP_common_VM. * [VM/MB8877] Fix buffer overflow with logging. * [VM/Z80DMA] TODO/WIP: Workaround for https://tablacus.github.io/LSX-Dodgers/ .This still be not resolved issue. * [VM/EVENT] Add remove_context_cpu().This may not effect to MAIN_CPU(id==0). * [DOC/FM7] Fix typo (*ノω・*)てへぺろ * [Qt/LOGGER] Improve locking. * [UI/Qt] OOPs: Fix LACK of DATARECORDER BUTTONS(abolish of USE_TAPE_BUTTON): Lack of merging UPSTREAM 2018/10/07. * [UI/Qt] MENU: Split some methods (of Ui_MainMenuBase::) to menu_emulator.cpp and menu_machine.cpp . * [UI/Qt] MENU: Simplify menu creation. * [CONFIG/Qt] Fix bit order of logging configure. * [BUILD/CMAKE] Add CPU affinity mask when compiling.This may work only with GNU/Linux host. * [BUILD/CMAKE] Improve build message with finished. * [BUILD/MINGW] Update optimize parameter. * [BUILD] Separate definitions of archtecture flags. * [BUILD] Add ARM32/64 definitions (initial).Still not testing. * Built with bbbb75cdc4051269c60a5f7ba18881eda56e8fd3 (or later). -- Aug 16, 2019 20:23:45 +0900 K.Ohta Upstream changes: * To see older upstream's changes, read history.txt. 4/30/2019 [VM/DEVICE] add is_primary_cpu() and update_extra_event() [VM/EVENT] support to udpate event while cpu is running one opecode [VM/I8259] fix reading isr register (thanks Mr.rednow) [VM/SCSI_HOST] fix to raise irq at command/message phase [VM/Z80] improve to update event in every read/write cycle [CEFUCOM21] support Hino Electronics CEFUCOM-21 (not work) [MZ2500/CRTC] apply crtc patch (thanks Mr.Koucha-Youkan) [PC8801MA] improve to enable/disable cmdsing and pcg [PC8801MA] improve to enable/disable changing palette for each scan line ----- Have fun! -- Ohta.