** Qt porting for Common Source Code Project ** March 26, 2018 K.Ohta 0. About This package is Qt5 porting of Common Source Code Project (CSP). Building with GNU/Linux(64bit) and MinGW(32bit Windows). 1. Background Common Source Code Project (CSP) is good emulator writing. But codes are specified to M$ Visual C. I'm using GNU/Linux, and I starting to apply FM-7(or later). So, I start to port to GNU/Linux and using Qt4. * Note: You can build with MinGW32 and Qt 5.7(for MinGW). * TIPS: If emufoo.exe don't show screen drawing, set environment variable QT_OPENGL to software (i.e. Using Windows as VirtualBox's gueat OS). 2. What you need at least: a. Qt5 (neither Qt3 and Qt4) toolkit. Recommend to use Qt5.5 or later. b. Some OpenGL implementation, maybe at leaset OpenGL v2.1. c. gcc / g++ (4.7 or later? ) or llvm clang / clang++ (3.5 or later?) toolchain. d. SDL2 (not SDL1.x). e. CMake 2.8 or later. f. libav and libsw from ffmpeg (optional) http://ffmpeg.org/ . 3. How to build: After extracting (or git pulled) sourcecodes: $ cd {srctop}/source/build-cmake/{Machine name}/ $ mkdir build $ cd build To configure: $ cmake .. or $ ccmake .. To build: $ make To install: $ sudo make install 4.Qt specified notice (for non-Windows): ・Config file (scancode.cfg and foo.ini) has placed (moved) to "~/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emufoo/" (for Windows, ".\CommonSourceCodeProject\emudfoo\" ). ・BIOS, WAVS, BINS and SAVED STATES have placed (moved) to "~/CommonSourceCodeProject/emufoo/" (for Windows, ".\CommonSourceCodeProject\emudfoo\" ). ・All of recorded products (PNG Screenshots, MOVIES, SOUNDS) have *temporally* written to "~/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emufoo/" (for Windows, ".\CommonSourceCodeProject\emudfoo\" ). ・Added ToolTips and Japanese translations.(2017-01-24) ・Place R@Ms under $HOME/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/ , this directory has made after first using. ・Config file, {foo}.ini is written on $HOME/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/ . ・Saved state file, {foo}.sta is written on $HOME/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/ . ・Key code conversion file is written on $HOME/.config/CommonSourceCodeProject/emu{Machine Name}/scancode.cfg . This file contains comma separated fields, written at hex-decimal (not decimal), first is M$ Virtual Key Code, second is Qt's scan code. ・Common UI components (at src/qt/gui ) are moved to shared lib. libCSPgui.so . ・Installer (bash) script is available now; src/tool/installer_unix.sh . ・When you place specified WAV files(differ per VM) same directory as ROMs, you can sound sounds: i.e. FDD seek, CMT relay and buttons. 5.Status a. I tested to build only under Debian GNU/Linux "sid" and Ubuntu Linux 16.04LTS (Xenial). But, perhaps, will succed to build another GNU/Linux OSs or BSD OS variants. * On windows, using MinGW is already okay. * Cross building with GNU/Linux's MinGW32 (GCC6) and Qt5.7 (for MinGW) is available. Modify and use build-cmake/config_build_cross_win32.sh and related *.cmake files. * And, you can also build with M$ Visual Studio 2013 or 2015. b. Now, I using Qt5 as toolkit, because authors of Qt announced "Qt4 is obsolete, will be updated no longer". c. All of virtual machines of upstream (@Apr 13, 2016) are ported to Qt. d. Implement socket feature using by MZ-2500, but not enough to test (;´Д`) e. Now using GCC-6 with Link Time Optimize to build for distrubuted binaries. 6. Upstream repositry: https://osdn.jp/projects/csp-qt/ https://github.com/Artanejp/common_source_project-fm7 *Note: Repositry of pikacode has dead X-). 7. Upstream (Takeda Toshiya San's original code) http://takeda-toshiya.my.coocan.jp/ Have fun! -- Ohta.