Installation Instructions ========================= $Id$ The information which follows describes the procedure for installing and configuring mingw-get, and for keeping the installation current. The online version of this document is an abridged form, focussing on the installation of binary releases; users who prefer to build and install from source are advised to consult the unabridged form of this document, which may be found in the file "INSTALL", within the source code distribution tarball. Please report bugs as directed at First Time Installation of a Binary Release ------------------------------------------- To install mingw-get, visit the MinGW files repository at: and, from the "Automated MinGW Installer/mingw-get" folder, download your choice of either: {PACKAGE_DISTNAME} or (preferred, if you know how to unpack it): {PACKAGE_DISTNAME}-bin.tar.gz Whichever of these you choose to download, you should unpack it into the directory in which you intend to host your MinGW installation; (we *strongly* recommend that you adopt our standard of C:\MinGW [*], unless you have an exceptional reason to make an alternative choice), then use your preferred method for assignment of environment variables to add the appropriate directory (default C:\MinGW\bin) to your PATH; (this should be added as a permanent PATH assignment). Having completed this phase of installation, you may then wish to review the following section on configuration; if nothing else, you may wish to copy the supplied defaults.xml file to profile.xml, even if you choose not to introduce any customisations. Finally, to initialise the installation recording database, you should run the command [**]: C:\> mingw-get install mingw-get [*] If you insist on adopting a different directory from the recommended default, you are *strongly* advised to avoid any directory which has white space in its absolute path name; in particular, those who choose to ignore this advice, and install MinGW into some subdirectory of (for example) C:\Program Files", usually discover to their cost that certain tools may not work correctly. This document will refer to files as though installed in the recommended default location, with a path prefix of C:\MinGW. If, having read the above warning, you do decide to adopt an alternative installation path, then please substitute your alternative prefix, as appropriate, where this document refers to C:\MinGW. [**] If you have chosen {PACKAGE_DISTNAME}-bin.tar.gz as your installation source, rather than {PACKAGE_DISTNAME}, you may like to create the directory: C:\MinGW\var\cache\mingw-get\packages (together with any requisite parents, and adjusting the C:\MinGW prefix to suit your installation choice, if necessary). You may then move the {PACKAGE_DISTNAME}-bin.tar.gz file to it, *before* you run the above command; this will relieve mingw-get of the overhead which would be incurred by downloading the file a second time. Specifying the Configuration ---------------------------- When you invoke mingw-get, it will attempt to read configuration data from the file: C:\MinGW\var\lib\mingw-get\data\profile.xml (with any necessary adjustment of the C:\MinGW installation prefix, as noted previously); if, and only if, this file cannot be read, then a fallback attempt will be made, to read the configuration from: C:\MinGW\var\lib\mingw-get\data\defaults.xml instead. Of this pair of files, profile.xml is *not* included within the mingw-get distribution, but defaults.xml *is*. It is a liberally commented XML file, which you are advised to copy to create profile.xml; you may then modify this, as you see fit, to suit your own installation requirements. [*] At the present time, the only entries you should consider changing are the path names specified by the "path" attribute associated with each of the "sysroot" elements within the first (only) "system-map" element; (these specify the prefix directory path names for your installation). You probably want to make the path for the "mingw32" subsystem match your choice for your mingw-get installation; (the "%R" notation, used in defaults.xml, sets it up thus, regardless of whether you choose to install in C:\MinGW, or an alternative location). [*] The recommendation to copy defaults.xml to profile.xml may seem to be an unnecessary inconvenience; it is implemented this way in order to safeguard any configuration changes you wish to make; during an upgrade, defaults.xml will be overwritten, but profile.xml will not, so your configuration will be preserved. Upgrading an Existing Installation to a Newer Binary Release ------------------------------------------------------------ Once you have completed a first-time installation of mingw-get, whether from a binary release or by building and installing from source, you may wish to upgrade it, as the project team publishes new releases. Unless you insist on *always* installing from source, (in which case each upgrade effectively becomes a fresh first-time installation from the new source code), and provided: - you have previously installed mingw-get-0.1-mingw32-alpha-3 or newer, and - you have completed the first-time installation process, by running C:\> mingw-get install mingw-get then you may upgrade to a newer binary release by running ! C:\> mingw-get update ! C:\> mingw-get upgrade mingw-get Otherwise, if you have a previously unfinalised installation, i.e. you did not previously run C:\> mingw-get install mingw-get and that previous installation is of mingw-get-0.1-mingw32-alpha-3 or newer, then you may upgrade and finalise by running ! C:\> mingw-get update ! C:\> mingw-get install mingw-get Alternatively, any previous installation of mingw-get may be upgraded by simply performing a new first-time installation, overwriting the previously installed version; (this is the only option available, if the original installation predates mingw-get-0.1-mingw32-alpha-3). ;--------8<-------------------- cut-line -------------------->8-------- ; ; Any text added below the cut-line will be included in the INSTALL ; file, which is to be included in the source distribution, but it ; will be excluded from the readme.txt file, which is to be used to ; add descriptive content on the SourceForge download page. ; ; Any lines, such as these, which begin with a semicolon in their ; first column (not indented), will be excluded from both files. ; Building and Installing from Source ----------------------------------- In order to build mingw-get from source, you will require: - A build platform which is capable of running Bourne shell scripts, which provides at least the set of core tools required by the GNU Coding Standards, together with a C/C++ compiler suite generating code for execution on a native MS-Windows host. Suitable platforms include MSYS, in it's normal MinGW personality, with the MinGW compiler suite, or either of Cygwin or GNU/Linux, with a suitable cross-compiler suite for a MinGW host. - A statically linkable libz.a (or equal) for the native MS-Windows host, together with its associated header files. - A statically linkable libbz2.a (or equal) for the native MS-Windows host, together with its associated header files. - A statically linkable liblzma.a (or equal) for the native MS-Windows host, together with its associated header files; (this should be built from libxz sources no older than version 4.999.9beta, with a snapshot release date of 2009-12-09 or later). Having provisioned a suitable build platform, with these pre-requisite libraries installed, you should obtain and unpack the source tarball, {PACKAGE_DISTNAME}-src.tar.gz, in any working directory of your choice, to create your {PACKAGE_DIRNAME} source directory. At this point, you may elect to build in-source, in which case you would follow the conventional GNU build procedure: ! $ cd {PACKAGE_DIRNAME} ! $ ./configure --prefix=/mingw [options ...] ! $ make However, it is strongly recommended that you elect instead, to create and use a separate build directory. This may be a subdirectory of your {PACKAGE_DIRNAME} source directory, e.g. build-dir, in which case you would proceed as follows: ! $ mkdir {PACKAGE_DIRNAME}/build-dir ! $ cd {PACKAGE_DIRNAME}/build-dir ! $ ../configure --prefix=/mingw [options ...] ! $ make Finally, if you are building on the host on which you intend to deploy, and provided the build has completed without error, you may install mingw-get by executing: ! $ make install or: ! $ make install-strip Alternatively, if you wish to create an installation kit for deployment on any remote host, you may: ! $ mkdir staged ! $ make prefix=`pwd`/staged install or: ! $ mkdir staged ! $ make prefix=`pwd`/staged install-strip and then: ! $ cd staged ! $ tar cf ../{PACKAGE_DISTNAME}-inst.tar . to create an installation tarball, which may be deployed simply by unpacking it in the /mingw root directory, on any host you choose. Building and Installing from Source in CVS ------------------------------------------ If, rather than building mingw-get from the source code provided in the form of a release tarball, you prefer to keep on the cutting edge of development within the public CVS repository, there are a few additional pre-requisites which you must satisfy on your build platform: - You must have a CVS client, which you can use to fetch the source code from the repository, and subsequently keep it current. - You must have the GNU autoconf package, with a version number of 2.59 or later, (and preferrably 2.67 or later). - You must have a working lex, (or flex), scanner generating tool. - If you also wish to be able to generate the documentation files, as included in the top level directory of a source distribution tarball, you will need a working nroff implementation. Provided you can satisfy (at least the first three of) these additional pre-requisites, you may check out the latest source code thus [*]: ! $ export CVSROOT ! $ ! $ cvs login ! $ cvs -z3 co -P mingw-get This will create a working copy of the mingw-get source tree, in the mingw-get subdirectory of your current working directory. [*] If you are an accredited MinGW Developer, you may prefer to use the :ext: access protocol of CVS, in conjunction with your registered SSH keys, to access the CVS repository; in this case, you should know the appropriate procedure to use, in place of the above. Having thus obtained your working copy of the source code from the CVS repository, you should then: ! $ cd mingw-get ! $ autoconf to generate the configure script, and then: ! $ mkdir obj ! $ cd obj ! $ ../configure --prefix=/mingw [options ...] ! $ make to progress the build [**], as in the previous case of building from the source code extracted from a distribution tarball. [**] Notice that here we choose to build in a subdirectory called obj; when building from source in CVS, building in-source becomes even less desirable than it is when building from distributed source. The choice of obj for the build directory name is dictated by the configuration of mingw-get's CVS module itself; cvs "knows" that this directory does not contain any source files of interest to it. $RCSfile$: end of file