MinGW Package Download and Installation Tool ============================================ $Id$ Description ----------- mingw-get is a tool to assist users in the management of MinGW and MSYS software installations. Configured via an online XML database, which is managed by the project maintainers, it offers a command line driven user interface facilitating selective download and installation of packages provided by the project. The XML database provides maintainers with a mechanism for the specification of inter-package dependencies; this permits configuration of any package, such that the end user may elect to install just that specific package, leaving mingw-get to ensure that all dependencies will be automatically satisfied at installation time. A graphical user interface is planned as a future enhancement. Licensing Terms --------------- mingw-get is free software. Permission is granted to copy, modify and redistribute this software, under the provisions of the GNU General Public License, Version 3, (or, at your option, any later version), as published by the Free Software Foundation; see the file COPYING, which is distributed with the mingw-get-lic package, and with the source code, for licensing details. Note, in particular, that mingw-get is provided "as is", in the hope that it may prove useful, but WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND; not even an implied WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, nor of FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Under no circumstances will the author, or the MinGW Project, accept liability for any damages, however caused, arising from the use of this software. ;--------8<-------------------- cut-line -------------------->8-------- ; ; Any text added below the cut-line will be included in the README ; file, which is to be included in the source distribution, but it ; will be excluded from the readme.txt file, which is to be used to ; add descriptive content on the SourceForge download page. ; ; Any lines, such as these, which begin with a semicolon in their ; first column (not indented), will be excluded from both files. ; Further Information ------------------- For development history, and details of features included in successive releases of mingw-get, please refer to the NEWS file. For installation and configuration instructions, see the file INSTALL. Reporting Bugs -------------- Please file bug reports as directed at http://mingw.org/Reporting_Bugs $RCSfile$: end of file