package swap import ( "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "strings" "" "" ) var ( errFailedGetSignData = errors.New("Failed to get sign data") errFailedGetAddress = errors.New("Failed to get address by account ID") errHTLCParametersInvalid = errors.New("HTLC parameters invalid") ) type HTLCContractArgs struct { SenderPublicKey string RecipientPublicKey string BlockHeight uint64 Hash string } type compileLockHTLCContractResp struct { Program string `json:"program"` } var compileLockHTLCContractReq = `{ "contract":"contract HTLC(sender: PublicKey, recipient: PublicKey, blockHeight: Integer, hash: Hash) locks valueAmount of valueAsset { clause complete(preimage: String, sig: Signature) {verify sha256(preimage) == hash verify checkTxSig(recipient, sig) unlock valueAmount of valueAsset} clause cancel(sig: Signature) {verify above(blockHeight) verify checkTxSig(sender, sig) unlock valueAmount of valueAsset}}", "args":[ { "string":"%s" }, { "string":"%s" }, { "integer":%d }, { "string":"%s" } ] }` func compileLockHTLCContract(s *Server, contractArgs HTLCContractArgs) (string, error) { payload := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(compileLockHTLCContractReq, contractArgs.SenderPublicKey, contractArgs.RecipientPublicKey, contractArgs.BlockHeight, contractArgs.Hash, )) res := new(compileLockHTLCContractResp) if err := s.request(compileURL, payload, res); err != nil { return "", err } return res.Program, nil } var buildLockHTLCContractTxReq = `{ "actions": [ { "account_id": "%s", "amount": %d, "asset_id": "%s", "use_unconfirmed":true, "type": "spend_account" }, { "amount": %d, "asset_id": "%s", "control_program": "%s", "type": "control_program" }, { "account_id": "%s", "amount": %d, "asset_id": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "use_unconfirmed":true, "type": "spend_account" } ], "ttl": 0, "base_transaction": null }` func buildLockHTLCContractTransaction(s *Server, account AccountInfo, contractValue AssetAmount, contractControlProgram string) (interface{}, error) { payload := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(buildLockHTLCContractTxReq, account.AccountID, contractValue.Amount, contractValue.Asset, contractValue.Amount, contractValue.Asset, contractControlProgram, account.AccountID, account.TxFee, )) res := new(interface{}) if err := s.request(buildTransactionURL, payload, res); err != nil { return "", err } return res, nil } type buildUnlockHTLCContractTxResp struct { RawTransaction string `json:"raw_transaction"` SigningInstructions []interface{} `json:"signing_instructions"` TxFee uint64 `json:"fee"` AllowAdditionalActions bool `json:"allow_additional_actions"` } var buildUnlockHTLCContractTxReq = `{ "actions": [ { "type": "spend_account_unspent_output", "use_unconfirmed":true, "arguments": [ { "type": "data", "raw_data": { "value": "%s" } }, { "type": "raw_tx_signature", "raw_data": %s }, { "type": "integer", "raw_data": { "value": 0 } } ], "output_id": "%s" }, { "account_id": "%s", "amount": %d, "asset_id": "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", "use_unconfirmed":true, "type": "spend_account" }, { "amount": %d, "asset_id": "%s", "control_program": "%s", "type": "control_program" } ], "ttl": 0, "base_transaction": null }` func buildUnlockHTLCContractTransaction(s *Server, account AccountInfo, contractUTXOID, preimage string, xpubKeyInfo *XPubKeyInfo, contractValue AssetAmount) (interface{}, error) { xpubKeyInfoStr, err := json.Marshal(xpubKeyInfo) if err != nil { return nil, err } payload := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(buildUnlockHTLCContractTxReq, preimage, xpubKeyInfoStr, contractUTXOID, account.AccountID, account.TxFee, contractValue.Amount, contractValue.Asset, account.Receiver, )) res := new(interface{}) if err := s.request(buildTransactionURL, payload, res); err != nil { return nil, err } return res, nil } type TransactionInput struct { AssetID string `json:"asset_id"` ControlProgram string `json:"control_program"` SignData string `json:"sign_data"` } type decodeRawTxResp struct { TransactionInputs []TransactionInput `json:"inputs"` } type decodeRawTxReq struct { RawTx string `json:"raw_transaction"` } func decodeRawTransaction(s *Server, rawTransaction string, contractValue AssetAmount) (string, string, error) { payload, err := json.Marshal(decodeRawTxReq{RawTx: rawTransaction}) if err != nil { return "", "", err } res := new(decodeRawTxResp) if err := s.request(decodeRawTransactionURL, payload, res); err != nil { return "", "", err } for _, v := range res.TransactionInputs { if v.AssetID == contractValue.Asset { return v.ControlProgram, v.SignData, nil } } return "", "", errFailedGetSignData } func getRecipientPublicKey(s *Server, contractControlProgram string) (string, error) { payload, err := json.Marshal(decodeProgramReq{Program: contractControlProgram}) if err != nil { return "", err } res := new(decodeProgramResp) if err := s.request(decodeProgramURL, payload, res); err != nil { return "", err } publicKey := strings.Fields(res.Instructions)[5] return publicKey, nil } type AddressInfo struct { AccountAlias string `json:"account_alias"` AccountID string `json:"account_id"` Address string `json:"address"` ControlProgram string `json:"control_program"` } type listAddressesReq struct { AccountID string `json:"account_id"` } func listAddresses(s *Server, accountID string) ([]AddressInfo, error) { payload, err := json.Marshal(listAddressesReq{AccountID: accountID}) if err != nil { return nil, err } res := new([]AddressInfo) if err := s.request(listAddressesURL, payload, res); err != nil { return nil, err } return *res, nil } func getAddress(s *Server, accountID, contractControlProgram string) (string, error) { publicKey, err := getRecipientPublicKey(s, contractControlProgram) if err != nil { return "", err } publicKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(publicKey) if err != nil { return "", err } publicKeyHash := crypto.Ripemd160(publicKeyBytes) controlProgram, err := vmutil.P2WPKHProgram(publicKeyHash) if err != nil { return "", err } addressInfos, err := listAddresses(s, accountID) if err != nil { return "", err } for _, addressInfo := range addressInfos { if addressInfo.ControlProgram == hex.EncodeToString(controlProgram) { return addressInfo.Address, nil } } return "", errFailedGetAddress } type signMessageReq struct { Address string `json:"address"` Message string `json:"message"` Password string `json:"password"` } type signMessageResp struct { Signature string `json:"signature"` DerivedXPub string `json:"derived_xpub"` } func signMessage(s *Server, address, message, password string) (string, error) { payload, err := json.Marshal(signMessageReq{ Address: address, Message: message, Password: password, }) if err != nil { return "", err } res := new(signMessageResp) if err := s.request(signMessageURl, payload, res); err != nil { return "", nil } return res.Signature, nil } var signUnlockHTLCContractTxReq = `{ "password": "%s", "transaction": { "raw_transaction": "%s", "signing_instructions": [ { "position": 0, "witness_components": [ { "type": "data", "value": "%s" }, { "type": "data", "value": "%s" }, { "type": "data", "value": "" } ] }, %s ], "fee": %d, "allow_additional_actions": false } }` func signUnlockHTLCContractTransaction(s *Server, account AccountInfo, preimage, recipientSig, rawTransaction, signingInst string) (string, error) { payload := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(signUnlockHTLCContractTxReq, account.Password, rawTransaction, preimage, recipientSig, signingInst, account.TxFee, )) res := new(signTxResp) if err := s.request(signTransactionURL, payload, res); err != nil { return "", err } if !res.SignComplete { return "", errFailedSignTx } return res.Tx.RawTransaction, nil } func decodeHTLCProgram(s *Server, program string) (*HTLCContractArgs, error) { payload, err := json.Marshal(decodeProgramReq{Program: program}) if err != nil { return nil, err } res := new(decodeProgramResp) if err := s.request(decodeProgramURL, payload, res); err != nil { return nil, err } instructions := strings.Fields(res.Instructions) contractArgs := new(HTLCContractArgs) contractArgs.Hash = instructions[1] contractArgs.RecipientPublicKey = instructions[5] contractArgs.SenderPublicKey = instructions[7] if len(contractArgs.Hash) != 64 || len(contractArgs.RecipientPublicKey) != 64 || len(contractArgs.SenderPublicKey) != 64 { return nil, errHTLCParametersInvalid } blockHeight, err := parseUint64(instructions[3]) if err != nil { return nil, err } contractArgs.BlockHeight = blockHeight return contractArgs, nil } // DeployHTLCContract deploy HTLC contract. func DeployHTLCContract(s *Server, account AccountInfo, contractValue AssetAmount, contractArgs HTLCContractArgs) (string, error) { // compile locked HTLC cotnract HTLCContractControlProgram, err := compileLockHTLCContract(s, contractArgs) if err != nil { return "", err } // build locked HTLC contract txLocked, err := buildLockHTLCContractTransaction(s, account, contractValue, HTLCContractControlProgram) if err != nil { return "", err } // sign locked HTLC contract transaction signedTransaction, err := signTransaction(s, account.Password, txLocked) if err != nil { return "", err } // submit signed HTLC contract transaction txID, err := submitTransaction(s, signedTransaction) if err != nil { return "", err } // get HTLC contract output ID contractUTXOID, err := getContractUTXOID(s, txID, HTLCContractControlProgram) if err != nil { return "", err } return contractUTXOID, nil } // CallHTLCContract call HTLC contract. func CallHTLCContract(s *Server, account AccountInfo, contractUTXOID, preimage string) (string, error) { contractControlProgram, contractValue, err := ListUnspentOutputs(s, contractUTXOID) if err != nil { return "", err } // get public key by contract control program contractArgs, err := decodeHTLCProgram(s, contractControlProgram) if err != nil { return "", err } // get public key path and root xpub by contract args xpubInfo, err := getXPubKeyInfo(s, account.AccountID, contractArgs.RecipientPublicKey) if err != nil { return "", err } // build unlocked contract transaction builltTx, err := buildUnlockHTLCContractTransaction(s, account, contractUTXOID, preimage, xpubInfo, *contractValue) if err != nil { return "", err } // sign raw transaction signedTransaction, err := signTransaction(s, account.Password, builltTx) if err != nil { return "", err } // submit signed HTLC contract transaction txID, err := submitTransaction(s, signedTransaction) if err != nil { return "", err } return txID, nil } // CancelHTLCContract cancel HTLC contract. func CancelHTLCContract(s *Server, accountInfo AccountInfo, contractUTXOID string) (string, error) { // get contract control program by contract UTXOID contractControlProgram, contractValue, err := ListUnspentOutputs(s, contractUTXOID) if err != nil { return "", err } // get public key by contract control program contractArgs, err := decodeHTLCProgram(s, contractControlProgram) if err != nil { return "", err } // get public key path and root xpub by contract args xpubInfo, err := getXPubKeyInfo(s, accountInfo.AccountID, contractArgs.SenderPublicKey) if err != nil { return "", err } // build cancel contract transaction builtTx, err := buildCancelContractTransaction(s, accountInfo, contractUTXOID, xpubInfo, contractValue) if err != nil { return "", err } // sign cancel contract transaction signedTx, err := signTransaction(s, accountInfo.Password, builtTx) if err != nil { return "", err } // submit signed unlocked contract transaction txID, err := submitTransaction(s, signedTx) if err != nil { return "", err } return txID, nil }