open Base open AbcType type namespace = [ `Namespace of string | `PackageNamespace of string | `PackageInternalNamespace of string | `ProtectedNamespace of string | `ExplicitNamespace of string | `StaticProtectedNamespace of string | `PrivateNamespace of string ] type namespace_set = namespace list type multiname = [ `QName of namespace * string | `Multiname of string * namespace_set ] type entry = [ | `Int of int | `UInt of int | `Double of float | `String of string | namespace | multiname ] type t = { int: int RevList.t; uint: int RevList.t; double: float RevList.t; string: string RevList.t; namespace: namespace RevList.t; namespace_set: namespace_set RevList.t; multiname: multiname RevList.t; } let empty = {int = RevList.empty; uint = RevList.empty; double = RevList.empty; string = RevList.empty; namespace = RevList.empty; namespace_set = RevList.empty; multiname = RevList.empty} let ns_name = function `Namespace name | `PackageNamespace name | `PackageInternalNamespace name | `ProtectedNamespace name | `ExplicitNamespace name | `StaticProtectedNamespace name | `PrivateNamespace name -> name let add x xs= if RevList.mem x xs then xs else RevList.add x xs let add_list xs ys = RevList.add_list (List.filter (fun x -> not (RevList.mem x ys)) xs) ys let add_namespace ns cpool = {cpool with string = cpool.string +> add (ns_name ns); namespace = add ns cpool.namespace } let add_multiname name cpool = match name with `QName (ns,str) -> let cpool = {cpool with string = cpool.string +> add str; multiname = add name cpool.multiname } in add_namespace ns cpool | `Multiname (str,ns_set) -> {cpool with string = cpool.string +> add_list ( ns_name ns_set) +> add str; namespace = add_list ns_set cpool.namespace; namespace_set = add ns_set cpool.namespace_set; multiname = add name cpool.multiname } let add cpool entry = match entry with `Int n -> { cpool with int= add n } | `UInt n -> { cpool with uint= add n cpool.uint } | `String s -> { cpool with string = add s cpool.string } | `Double d -> { cpool with double = add d cpool.double } | #namespace as ns -> add_namespace ns cpool | #multiname as m -> add_multiname m cpool (* conversion *) (* assumption: - list has only unique element *) let rindex x set = 1 + RevList.index x set let index cpool entry = match entry with `Int n -> rindex n | `UInt n -> rindex n cpool.uint | `Double d -> rindex d cpool.double | `String s -> rindex s cpool.string | #namespace as ns -> rindex ns cpool.namespace | #multiname as m -> rindex m cpool.multiname let of_namespace {string=string} (ns : namespace) = let i = rindex (ns_name ns) string in match ns with `Namespace _ -> Namespace i | `PackageNamespace _ -> PackageNamespace i | `PackageInternalNamespace _ -> PackageInternalNamespace i | `ProtectedNamespace _ -> ProtectedNamespace i | `ExplicitNamespace _ -> ExplicitNamespace i | `StaticProtectedNamespace _ -> StaticProtectedNamespace i | `PrivateNamespace _ -> PrivateNamespace i let of_namespace_set {namespace=namespace} nss = (fun ns -> rindex ns namespace) nss let of_multiname {namespace=namespace; namespace_set=namespace_set; string=string} = function `QName (ns,s) -> QName (rindex ns namespace, rindex s string) | `Multiname (s,nss) -> Multiname (rindex s string,rindex nss namespace_set) let to_abc cpool = { = RevList.to_list; uint = RevList.to_list cpool.uint; double = RevList.to_list cpool.double; string = RevList.to_list cpool.string; namespace = cpool.namespace +> RevList.to_list +> (of_namespace cpool); namespace_set = cpool.namespace_set +> RevList.to_list +> (of_namespace_set cpool); multiname = cpool.multiname +> RevList.to_list +> (of_multiname cpool) } let add_list cpool xs = List.fold_left add cpool xs