open Base open SwfType open SwfBaseIn module type TagType = sig type t val read : int -> int Stream.t -> t end module Make(Tag:TagType) = struct let char n s = let n' = Char.code n in match Stream.peek s with Some m when n' = m -> Stream.junk s; () | None | Some _ -> raise Stream.Failure let rec many parse stream = match stream with parser [< e = parse; s>] -> e::many parse s | [<>] -> [] let rec repeat n f stream = if n <= 0 then [] else match stream with parser [] -> c::repeat (n-1) f stream | [<>] -> raise (Stream.Error "invalid format") let tag_and_size s = let tag_and_size = ui16 s in let tag = tag_and_size lsr 6 in let size = tag_and_size land 0x3f in if size < 0x3F then begin (tag,size) end else (tag, Int32.to_int @@ si32 s) let to_tag = parser [< (tag,size) = tag_and_size; body = repeat size ui8 >] -> tag @@ Stream.of_list body let swf version = parser [< (left,right,top,bottom) = rect; frame_rate = fixed8; frame_count = ui16; tags = many to_tag >] -> { version; frame_size = { top; bottom; left; right }; frame_rate; frame_count; tags } let string_of_stream stream = let buf = Buffer.create 0 in Stream.iter (Buffer.add_char buf $ char_of_int) stream; Buffer.contents buf let stream_of_string s = let n = String.length s in Stream.from begin fun i -> if i < n then Some (int_of_char s.[i]) else None end (* patch *) let _ = Callback.register_exception "mlgz_exn" (Gz.Error "") let uncompress s = Gz.uncompress s ~pos:0 ~len:(String.length s) let read stream = match stream with parser [< _ = char 'F'; _ = char 'W'; _ = char 'S'; version = ui8; _ = ui32 >] -> swf version stream | [< _ = char 'C'; _ = char 'W'; _ = char 'S'; version = ui8; _ = ui32 >] -> string_of_stream stream +> uncompress +> stream_of_string +> swf version end