# Yamada Hayao # Twitter: @Hayao0819 # Email : hayao@fascode.net # # (c) 2019-2021 Fascode Network. # LABEL safegraphic TEXT HELP Disable KMS. Try it if you are having problems with graphics. Specifically, add nomodeset to the kernel parameters. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot %OS_NAME% (%ARCH%) with safe graphics LINUX /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/%ARCH%/%KERNEL_FILENAME% INITRD /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/intel-ucode.img,/%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/amd-ucode.img,/%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/%ARCH%/archiso.img APPEND arch=%ARCH% archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% nomodeset LABEL rescue TEXT HELP Start with minimal of prompts. do not use systemd. Please use it in the environment where GUI cannot be started. ENDTEXT MENU LABEL Boot %OS_NAME% (%ARCH%) without GUI LINUX /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/%ARCH%/%KERNEL_FILENAME% INITRD /%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/intel-ucode.img,/%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/amd-ucode.img,/%INSTALL_DIR%/boot/%ARCH%/archiso.img APPEND arch=%ARCH% archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% systemd.unit=multi-user.target nomodeset