; Test to check the callgraph for calls to casts. ; RUN: opt -module-summary %s -o %t.o ; RUN: llvm-bcanalyzer -dump %t.o | FileCheck %s ; PR34966 ; CHECK: ; "another_caller" has only references but no calls. ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; CHECK-NEXT: ; ModuleID = 'thinlto-function-summary-callgraph-cast.ll' target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128" target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" define void @caller() { call void bitcast (void (...)* @callee to void ()*)() call void bitcast (void (...)* @analias to void ()*)() ret void } define void @another_caller() { ; Test calls that aren't handled either as direct or indirect. call void select (i1 icmp eq (i32* @global, i32* null), void ()* @f, void ()* @g)() ret void } declare void @callee(...) @analias = alias void (...), bitcast (void ()* @aliasee to void (...)*) define void @aliasee() { entry: ret void } declare void @f() declare void @g() @global = extern_weak global i32