; RUN: llc -march=r600 -mcpu=redwood < %s | FileCheck --check-prefix=EG -check-prefix=FUNC %s ; RUN: llc -march=amdgcn -mcpu=verde -mattr=-promote-alloca -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=SI-ALLOCA -check-prefix=SI -check-prefix=FUNC %s ; RUN: llc -march=amdgcn -mcpu=verde -mattr=+promote-alloca -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=SI-PROMOTE -check-prefix=SI -check-prefix=FUNC %s ; RUN: llc -march=amdgcn -mcpu=tonga -mattr=-promote-alloca -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=SI-ALLOCA -check-prefix=SI -check-prefix=FUNC %s ; RUN: llc -march=amdgcn -mcpu=tonga -mattr=+promote-alloca -verify-machineinstrs < %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=SI-PROMOTE -check-prefix=SI -check-prefix=FUNC %s ; FUNC-LABEL: {{^}}vector_read: ; EG: MOV ; EG: MOV ; EG: MOV ; EG: MOV ; EG: MOVA_INT define void @vector_read(i32 addrspace(1)* %out, i32 %index) { entry: %0 = alloca [4 x i32] %x = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 0 %y = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 1 %z = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 2 %w = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 3 store i32 0, i32* %x store i32 1, i32* %y store i32 2, i32* %z store i32 3, i32* %w %1 = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 %index %2 = load i32* %1 store i32 %2, i32 addrspace(1)* %out ret void } ; FUNC-LABEL: {{^}}vector_write: ; EG: MOV ; EG: MOV ; EG: MOV ; EG: MOV ; EG: MOVA_INT ; EG: MOVA_INT define void @vector_write(i32 addrspace(1)* %out, i32 %w_index, i32 %r_index) { entry: %0 = alloca [4 x i32] %x = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 0 %y = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 1 %z = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 2 %w = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 3 store i32 0, i32* %x store i32 0, i32* %y store i32 0, i32* %z store i32 0, i32* %w %1 = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 %w_index store i32 1, i32* %1 %2 = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 %r_index %3 = load i32* %2 store i32 %3, i32 addrspace(1)* %out ret void } ; This test should be optimize to: ; store i32 0, i32 addrspace(1)* %out ; FUNC-LABEL: {{^}}bitcast_gep: ; EG: STORE_RAW define void @bitcast_gep(i32 addrspace(1)* %out, i32 %w_index, i32 %r_index) { entry: %0 = alloca [4 x i32] %x = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 0 %y = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 1 %z = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 2 %w = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 3 store i32 0, i32* %x store i32 0, i32* %y store i32 0, i32* %z store i32 0, i32* %w %1 = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %0, i32 0, i32 1 %2 = bitcast i32* %1 to [4 x i32]* %3 = getelementptr [4 x i32]* %2, i32 0, i32 0 %4 = load i32* %3 store i32 %4, i32 addrspace(1)* %out ret void }