## ## This is the l7directord configuration file. ## See `l7directord --help' for detailed information. ## # = GLOBAL DIRECTIVES # - Monitor Settings checktimeout = 5 negotiatetimeout = 5 checkinterval = 10 retryinterval = 5 checkcount = 3 # - Logging logfile = /var/log/l7vs/l7directord.log #logfile = local0 #supervised # - Real Server Operation quiescent = yes #fallback = # - Monitor Configuration File configinterval = 10 autoreload = no #callback = /opt/config_change.sh # = VIRTUAL DIRECTIVES # - A sample virtual section with a sorry server. # - checkcount and quiescent settings are override the global settings. virtual = # checktimeout = 5 negotiatetimeout = 1 # checkinterval = 10 # retryinterval = 5 # checkcount = 3 # real = masq 1 # real = masq 1 # module = sessionless # scheduler = rr #sorryserver = #maxconn = 1000 #qosup = 100M #qosdown = 100M # checktype = negotiate # service = http # request = "index.html" # receive = "html" # quiescent = no # checkcount = 2 #realdowncallback = /opt/down.sh #realrecovercallback = /opt/recover.sh #customcheck = ping -c1 -w1 _IP_ #sslconfigfile = /etc/l7vs/sslproxy/sslproxy.target.cf #socketoption = deferaccept,nodelay,quickackoff #accesslog = yes #accesslogfile = /var/log/l7vs/l7vsd_conn.log #accesslog_rotate_type = datesize #accesslog_rotate_max_backup_index = 2 #accesslog_rotate_max_filesize = 100M #accesslog_rotate_rotation_timing = month #accesslog_rotate_rotation_timing_value = "1 23:59"