V4L-H264 ======== The goal of the sample code is to demonstrate the H264 encoding and decoding capabilities of Intel GPU, Sandy Bridge and successor, using libva API under X11. Encoder part is based on http://cgit.freedesktop.org/libva/tree/test/encode/avcenc.c V4L-Capture part is based on http://linuxtv.org/downloads/v4l-dvb-apis/capture-example.html Running it locally: It's mandatory to start the `decode' first. ./decode -> will wait for a connection ./encode -> will try to open /dev/video0, configure it and stream it out Specifying the port, ip and video input parameters Window A (first): ./decode -p 9999 Window B (second): ./encode -p 9999 -I -d /dev/video0 -W 1280 -H 960 For more info: ./encode -? ./decode -?