parts = array(); $this->level = 0; } function getParts($plugname, $partname='') { if ($partname) return $this->parts[$plugname][$partname]; else return $this->parts[$plugname]; } function setParts($plugname, $partname='', $data) { if ($partname) $this->parts[$plugname][$partname] = $data; else if ($this->parts[$plugname]) $this->parts[$plugname] = array_merge($this->parts[$plugname], $data); else $this->parts[$plugname] = $data; } function unsetParts($plugname, $partname='') { if ($partname) unset( $this->parts[$plugname][$partname] ); else unset( $this->parts[$plugname] ); } function doSkinVar($skinType, $mode='', $param='') { global $manager; switch (strtolower($mode)) { case 'totemplate': //merge the codes of NP_ContainerToTemplate (NKJG if (!is_array($manager->templates)) { $manager->templates = array(); } $manager->templates[$param] =& $this->getParts($param); break; } } function event_PreSkinParse($data) { global $skinid, $manager; // get and keep handler object to parse container parts $this->skin = new SKIN($skinid); if (!$this->skin->isValid) return; $this->handler = new ACTIONS($data['type']); $this->handler->setSkin($skin); $this->parser = new PARSER($this->skin->getAllowedActionsForType($data['type']), $this->handler); $this->parser->setProperty('IncludeMode',$this->skin->getIncludeMode()); $this->parser->setProperty('IncludePrefix',$this->skin->getIncludePrefix()); $this->handler->setParser($this->parser); /* pre-include */ $inctype = 'parsedinclude'; if ($manager->pluginInstalled('NP_includespecial')) $inctype .= '|includespecial'; $search = '/<%('. $inctype .')\(([^)]+?)\)%>/s'; $data['contents'] = preg_replace_callback($search, array(&$this, '_cb_preinclude'), $data['contents']); //nest1 $data['contents'] = preg_replace_callback($search, array(&$this, '_cb_preinclude'), $data['contents']); //nest2 /* retrieve container data */ $search = '/<%Container\(begin,([^)]+?)\)%>(.+?)<%Container\(end\)%>/s'; $data['contents'] = preg_replace_callback($search, array(&$this, '_cb_preskinparse'), $data['contents']); } function _cb_preinclude($m) { $inctype = $m[1]; $incname = $m[2]; if ($this->level > 3) return; if ($inctype == 'includespecial') list($skinpart, $incname) = explode('|', $incname, 2); if ( $inctype == 'includespecial' and ($buff = $this->skin->getContent($skinpart)) ) { //do nothing ... include only, not parsed } else if ($incname) { ob_start(); $this->handler->parse_include($incname); //include only, not parsed. $buff = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } return $buff; } function _cb_preskinparse($m) { $plugname = $m[1]; $this->setParts($plugname, '', $this->_get_parts($m[2]) ); return ''; // clear strings } /* get template parts */ function _get_parts($buff) { $parts = array(); $data = preg_split("{|}", $buff, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); // $data = preg_split("{|}", $buff, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); while ($data) { $type = array_shift($data); $type = trim($type); if ( empty($type) ) continue; $parts[$type] = array_shift($data); } return $parts; } } ?>