exquery // 0.4: change css // allblogmode ready // 0.5: use createGlobalArchiveLink // sql_table support :-P // 0.6: support gif format // print archive month for the first // 0.7: linkmode: [0]archive day link, [1]item link for the image // plugin needs to work on Nucleus versions <=2.0 as well if (!function_exists('sql_table')){ function sql_table($name) { return 'nucleus_' . $name; } } class NP_ImageCalendar extends NucleusPlugin { function getName () {return 'ImageCalendar'; } function getAuthor () {return 'nakahara21'; } function getURL () {return 'http://nakahara21.com/';} function getVersion () {return '0.7';} function supportsFeature($what) { switch($what){ case 'SqlTablePrefix': return 1; default: return 0; } } function getDescription () { return 'Embed the image of day into Calendar.'; } function install () { /* $this->createOption('default_catname','Default Category Name.','text',''); */ } function init() { $this->fileex = array('.gif','.jpg','.png'); $this->linkmode = 0; // create link for image [0]archive day link, [1]item link for the image // $this->random = 1; } function doSkinVar($skinType, $cnt=1, $wsize=50, $hsize=35, $point=0, $exmode=0) { global $CONF, $blog; ($blog)? $b =& $blog : $b =& $manager->getBlog($CONF['DefaultBlog']); if($cnt=='') $cnt = 1; if($hsize=='') $hsize = 80; if($wsize=='') $wsize = 80; if($exmode != 'all') $exmode = 0; if($point != 'lefttop') $point = 0; $this->exquery = ''; switch($skinType){ case 'archive': global $archive; sscanf($archive,'%4c-%2c-%2c',$year,$month,$day); if ($day == 0) { $timestamp_start = mktime(0,0,0,$month,1,$year); $timestamp_end = mktime(0,0,0,$month+1,1,$year); // also works when $month==12 } else { $timestamp_start = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year); $timestamp_end = mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+1,$year); } $this->exquery .= ' and itime>=' . mysqldate($timestamp_start) . ' and itime<' . mysqldate($timestamp_end); $monthForPrint = getDate(mktime (0,0,0,$month,1, $year)); // break; default: if(!$exmode){ $this->exquery .= ' and iblog =' . $b->getID(); global $catid; if($catid) $this->exquery .= ' and icat =' . $catid; } } $filelist = array(); $this->imglists = array(); $this->imgfilename = array(); if(!($filelist = $this->listup())){ echo 'No images here.'; return; } // print_r($filelist); /* echo '
'; foreach($filelist as $key => $value){ // $itemlink = createItemLink($value[1], ''); $archivedaylink = createArchiveLink($b->getID(),$key,''); $exq = ''; if($point) $exq = '&pnt=lefttop'; echo ''; echo ''; echo "\n"; } echo "
\n"; */ //==Calendar start============== $waku = '#9fdf9f'; $waku = '#e8e9da'; $wakurgb = $this->func_SetRgbValueFromHex($waku); $wakugr = $this->func_GetRgbFamilyFromRgb($waku,3,23,5); // print_r($wakugr); ?> getCorrectTime()); for($a=0;$a<$cnt;$a++){ $p_month = date("Y-m",mktime(0,0,0,$monthForPrint['mon']-$a,1,$monthForPrint['year'])); sscanf($p_month,'%4c-%2c',$year,$month); $date = getDate(mktime (0,0,0,$month,1, $year)); $d = 1; $out = ''; while (checkdate($date['mon'], $d, $date['year'])){ $p = date("w",mktime(0,0,0,$date['mon'],$d,$date['year'])); $di = date("Y-m-d",mktime(0,0,0,$date['mon'],$d,$date['year'])); if($d == 1) for($s=0;$s<$p;$s++){ $out .= '';} // filling if(!$p) $out .= ""; $out .= ''; if($d == date("t",mktime(0,0,0,$date['mon'],$d,$date['year']))) for($s=$p+1;$s<=6;$s++){ $out .= '';} // filling $d++; } $out .= '
'; if($filelist[$di]){ if($this->linkmode){ $linkurl = createItemLink($filelist[$di][1],''); $itemtitle = quickQuery('SELECT ititle as result FROM '.sql_table('item').' WHERE inumber='.intval($filelist[$di][1])); $alt = shorten(strip_tags($itemtitle),25,'..'); }else{ $linkurl = $this->createGlobalArchiveLink($filelist[$di][2],$di,''); $alt = $di; } $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; $out .= ''; $out .= ''.$alt.''; $out .= ''; $out .= '
'; }else{ $out .= '
'; } $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; echo $out; } //==Calendar end============== } //==color manegagement start========== function func_SetRgbValueFromHex ($pHexColor) { // INPUT : // $pHexColor : ie #339933 // OUTPUT : // return rgb array // Source : Rini Setiadarma, http://www.oodie.com/ $l_returnarray = array (); $pHexColor = str_replace ("#", "", $pHexColor); for ($l_counter=0; $l_counter<3; $l_counter++){ $l_temp = substr($pHexColor, 2*$l_counter, 2); $l_returnarray[$l_counter] = 16 * hexdec(substr($l_temp, 0, 1)) + hexdec(substr($l_temp, 1, 1)); } return implode(",",$l_returnarray); } function func_GetRgbFamilyFromRgb ($pHexColor, $pPrimary, $pIncrement, $pNum){ $rgbarr = array(); $pHexColor = str_replace ("#", "", $pHexColor); for ($l=0; $l<3; $l++){ $l_temp = substr($pHexColor, 2*$l, 2); $rgbarr[$l] = 16 * hexdec(substr($l_temp, 0, 1)) + hexdec(substr($l_temp, 1, 1)); } $pRgbColor = implode(",",$rgbarr); // INPUT : // $pRgbColor : ie 255,255,255 ; $pPrimary = pos. int (0-3); $pIncrement = pos. int ; $pNum = pos. int // OUTPUT : // array family from input $l_returnarray = array(); $l_rgbarray = explode (",",$pRgbColor); if (($l_rgbarray != array ()) AND (count ($l_rgbarray) == 3)) { $l_start = $l_basevalue - ($pNum*$pIncrement); $l_end = $l_basevalue + ($pNum*$pIncrement); If ($pPrimary == 3) { $l_startin = 0; $l_endin = 2; } else { $l_startin = $pPrimary; $l_endin = $pPrimary; } for ($l_counter=$l_start;$l_counter<$l_end;$l_counter = $l_counter+$pIncrement) { $l_rgbarraytemp = $l_rgbarray; for ($l_counterint=$l_startin;$l_counterint<=$l_endin;$l_counterint++){ $l_value = $l_rgbarray[$l_counterint]+$l_counter; if ($l_value < 0) $l_value = 0; if ($l_value > 255) $l_value = 255; $l_rgbarraytemp[$l_counterint] = $l_value; } if ($l_rgbarraytemp != array ()) $l_returnarray[] = implode (",",$l_rgbarraytemp); } } return $l_returnarray; } //==color manegagement end========== function listup(){ global $blog; ($blog)? $b =& $blog : $b =& $manager->getBlog($CONF['DefaultBlog']); $query = 'SELECT inumber as itemid, ititle as title, ibody as body, iauthor, itime, imore as more, iblog, ' ; $query .= ' icat as catid, iclosed as closed' ; $query .= ' FROM '.sql_table('item'); $query .= ' WHERE idraft=0'; $query .= ' and itime <=' . mysqldate($b->getCorrectTime()); // don't show future items! $query .= $this->exquery; $query .= ' ORDER BY itime DESC'; $res = sql_query($query); if(!mysql_num_rows($res)) return FALSE; while ($it = mysql_fetch_object($res)){ $txt = $it->body.$it->more; $item_ymd = date("Y-m-d",strtotime($it->itime)); preg_match_all("/\<\%image\((.*)\)\%\>/Us",$txt,$imgpnt,PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); @array_walk($imgpnt[1], array(&$this, "exarray"), array($it->itemid,$it->iauthor,$item_ymd,$it->iblog)); } return $this->imglists; } function exarray($imginfo,$key,$iaid){ $imginfo = explode("|",$imginfo); if(!in_array(strtolower(strrchr($imginfo[0], "." )),$this->fileex)) return; // if(in_array($imginfo[0],$this->imgfilename)) return; // $this->imgfilename[] = $imginfo[0]; list($iid,$auid,$item_ymd,$iblog) = $iaid; if (!strstr($imginfo[0],'/')) { $imginfo[0] = $auid . '/' . $imginfo[0]; } // $this->imglists[] = array($imginfo,$iaid[0]); // $this->imglists[] = array($imginfo[0],$iaid[0],$iaid[2]); $this->imglists[$item_ymd] = array($imginfo[0],$iid,$iblog); } function baseimageCreate($p,$imgtype){ switch($imgtype){ case 1: return ImageCreateFromGif($p); case 2: return ImageCreateFromJpeg($p); case 3: return ImageCreateFromPng($p); default: return; } } function doAction($type) { global $CONF; global $DIR_MEDIA; $return = serverVar('HTTP_REFERER'); switch($type) { case draw: if(!requestVar('p')) return; $p = $DIR_MEDIA.requestVar('p'); //path list($imgwidth, $imgheight, $imgtype) = GetImageSize($p); $tsize['w'] = requestVar('wsize'); $tsize['h'] = requestVar('hsize'); $point = requestVar('pnt'); if($imgwidth / $imgheight < $tsize['w'] / $tsize['h']){ // height longer $trimX = 0; $trimW = $imgwidth; $trimH = intval($tsize['h']/$tsize['w']*$imgwidth); $trimY = intval(($imgheight - $trimH) / 2); }else{ // width longer $trimY = 0; $trimH = $imgheight; $trimW = intval($tsize['w']/$tsize['h']*$imgheight); $trimX = intval(($imgwidth - $trimW) / 2); } if($point == 'lefttop'){ $trimX = $trimY = 0; } $im_r = $this->baseimageCreate($p,$imgtype); $im = ImageCreateTrueColor($tsize['w'],$tsize['h']); ImageCopyResampled( $im, $im_r, 0, 0, $trimX, $trimY, $tsize['w'], $tsize['h'], $trimW, $trimH); switch($imgtype){ case 1: header ("Content-type: image/gif"); ImageGif($im); imagedestroy($im); break; case 2: header ("Content-type: image/jpeg"); ImageJpeg($im); imagedestroy($im); break; case 3: header ("Content-type: image/png"); ImagePng($im); imagedestroy($im); break; default: return; } break; default: Header('Location: ' . $return); break; //_======= } } function canEdit() { global $member, $manager; if (!$member->isLoggedIn()) return 0; return $member->isAdmin(); } function createGlobalArchiveLink($blogid, $archive, $extra = '') { global $CONF, $manager; if ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo'){ $link = $CONF['ArchiveURL'] . '/archive/'.$blogid.'/' . $archive; }else{ $script_name = $CONF['Self']; if(!$script_name) $script_name = 'index.php'; $b_tmp =& $manager->getBlog($blogid); $blogurl = $b_tmp->getURL() ; if(!$blogurl){ $blogurl = $CONF['IndexURL']; } if(substr($blogurl, -4) != '.php'){ if(substr($blogurl, -1) != '/') $blogurl .= '/'; $blogurl .= 'index.php'; } $link = $blogurl . '?blogid='.$blogid.'&archive=' . $archive; } return addLinkParams($link, $extra); } } ?>