nucleus/libs/ADMIN.php, TEMPLATE.php And a few was added... */ // class PULUG_ADMIN // class PLUG_TEMPLATE_MANAGER class PLUG_ADMIN { function action($action) { $methodName = 'action_' . $action; if (method_exists($this, $methodName)) { call_user_func(array(&$this, $methodName)); } else { $this->error(_BADACTION . " ($action)"); } } function disallow() { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; ACTIONLOG::add(WARNING, _ACTIONLOG_DISALLOWED . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI']); $this->error(_ERROR_DISALLOWED); } function error($msg) { global $oPluginAdmin; $oPluginAdmin->start(); $dir=$oPluginAdmin->plugin->getAdminURL(); ?>


"; echo ""._BACK.""; $oPluginAdmin->end(); exit; } function requestEx($name) { if(phpversion()<"4.1.0") { global $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS; $data = $HTTP_POST_VARS[$name] ? $HTTP_POST_VARS[$name] : $HTTP_GET_VARS[$name]; } else { $data = $_REQUEST[$name]; } if (is_array($data) && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return array_map("stripslashes",$data); } else { return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($data) : $data; } } function help($name) { echo $this->helpHtml($name); } function helpHtml($name) { return $this->helplink($name) . ''._HELP_TT.''; } function helplink($name) { global $oPluginAdmin; $dir=$oPluginAdmin->plugin->getAdminURL(); return ''; } function showRadioButton($name, $radio_array, $checked, $tabindex=0) { /* $name : The name of the radiobutton element. $radio_array :An associative array of option element data. [Format] $radio_array = array('radiobutton value' => 'radiobutton title') $checked : The value of the checked element. */ foreach ($radio_array as $k => $v) { echo ''; echo ''; } } function showBlogCheckbox($name, $checked_array=array(), $tabindex=0) { /* $name : The name of the input(checkbox) element. !!! Checked blogID data is returned as array. !!! $checked_array : Array containing blogID which should be checked beforehand. */ $query = 'SELECT bnumber, bname FROM '.sql_table('blog').' ORDER BY bnumber'; $res = sql_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $data['bname'] = htmlspecialchars(shorten($data['bname'],16,'..')); echo ''; echo ''; } } function showCategoryCheckbox($name, $blogid, $checked_array=array(), $tabindex=0) { /* $name : The name of the input(checkbox) element. !!! Checked catID data is returned as array. !!! $blogid : blogID to which a category belongs $checked_array : Array containing catID which should be checked beforehand. */ $query = 'SELECT catid, cname FROM '.sql_table('category').'WHERE cblog='.$blogid.' ORDER BY catid'; $res = sql_query($query); while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $data['cname'] = htmlspecialchars(shorten($data['cname'],16,'..')); echo ''; echo ''; } } function showSelectMenu($name, $option_array, $selected, $tabindex=0) { /* $name : The name of the select element. $option_array :An associative array of option element data. [Format] $option_array = array('option value' => 'option title') $selected : The value of the selected option element. */ echo ''; } function showRankSelectMenu($name, $selected=20, $maxvalue=50, $tabindex=0) { echo ''; } function showAllCategorySelectMenu($name, $selected = '', $tabindex = 0) { echo ''; } function templateEditRow(&$template, $description, $name, $help = '', $tabindex = 0, $big = 0) { /* $template : An associative array of current template. [Format] $template = array( 'template part name' => 'template part value') $description : Description of current template part. $name : The name of the current template part. */ ?> help($help); ?> table = $table; $this->idkey = $primarykey; $this->namekey = $namecolumn; // !!! $this->idkey must be set as "auto_increment." !!! } function getIdFromName($name) { return quickQuery('SELECT '.$this->idkey.' as result FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '.$this->namekey.'="'.addslashes($name).'"'); } function getNameFromID($id) { return quickQuery('SELECT '.$this->namekey.' as result FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '.$this->idkey.'='.intval($id)); } function getDataFromID($dataname,$id) { return quickQuery('SELECT '.$dataname.' as result FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '.$this->idkey.'='.intval($id)); } function exists($name) { $res = sql_query('SELECT * FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '.$this->namekey.'="'.addslashes($name).'"'); return (mysql_num_rows($res) != 0); } function existsID($id) { $res = sql_query('select * FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '.$this->idkey.'='.intval($id)); return (mysql_num_rows($res) != 0); } function getNameList($w='') { $where = ''; if ($w != '') $where = ' WHERE '.$w; $res = sql_query('SELECT '.$this->idkey.' as id, '.$this->namekey.' as name FROM '.$this->table. $where .' ORDER BY '.$this->namekey); while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($res)) { $templates[intval($obj->id)] = $obj->name; } return $templates; } function read($name) { $query = 'SELECT * FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '.$this->namekey.'="'.addslashes($name).'"'; $res = sql_query($query); return mysql_fetch_assoc($res); } function createTemplate($name) { sql_query('INSERT INTO '.$this->table.' SET '.$this->namekey.'="'. addslashes($name) .'"'); $newid = mysql_insert_id(); return $newid; } function updateTemplate($id, $template) { $query = 'UPDATE '.$this->table.' SET '; foreach ($template as $k => $v) { $query .= $k.'="'.addslashes($v).'",'; } $query = substr($query,0,-1); $query .= ' WHERE '.$this->idkey.'='.$id; sql_query($query); } function deleteTemplate($id) { sql_query('DELETE FROM '.$this->table.' WHERE '.$this->idkey.'=' . $id); } } ?>