#! /bin/bash # Prepare the headder part of the source code for SH2. cat > $2 <<_EOD_ .CPU SH2 .SECTION DSP,CODE ;========================================================================== .EXPORT BlackfinBytes .ALIGN 4 BlackfinBytes: .DATA.L BlackfinEnd-BlackfinStart BlackfinStart: .DATA.B H'00,H'00,H'80,H'ff,H'04,H'00,H'00,H'00,H'32,H'00,H'DE,H'AD,H'BE,H'EF _EOD_ # convert the Blackfin LDR file as first parameter to the SH2 Assembler data format. od -v -t x1 $1 | sed "s/ /\,/g" |sed "s/^[0-9]*\,/.DATA.B ,/" | sed "s/,/,H\'/g" | sed "/^[0-9]*$/d" | sed "s/[0-9a-f]H//" | sed "s/,//" | sed "s/^/\t/" >> $2 # Add the tail part to the source code for SH2. cat >>$2 <<_EOD_ BlackfinEnd: .END _EOD_