The information in this file is old and no longer valid. It seems that the GNU C library has caught up with Motorola's libmoto, and now performance is just as good (or better) without libmoto. I'll include the old notice out of historical reasons only. Currently libmoto is available at, but this is subject to change and not under my control. February 18, 2003 Uwe F. Mayer --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a Motorola CPU or equivalent: When linked with the 'libmoto' (floating point library from Motorola) the results you obtain are much better. (FPU index of 0.896 versus 1.910 in one example.) The Motorola math library is currently available at: If you have a Motorola CPU and you submit a result then please let me know whether you used libmoto or not. Please read the file README.submit. I do not have a Motorola CPU, and I can't help you with installing the library either. December 3, 1997 Uwe F. Mayer