$Id: README.cfg,v 1.1 2002/09/26 12:16:17 andrei Rel $ [ under construction :) ] Sources: - set your tab stop to 4 (in vi: set ts=4). Compile & Install: - read INSTALL - compile & sip_router -h Configuration files: Example configuration files in ./tests/*.cfg Global parameters: - debug - listen - alias - port - fork - children_no - log_stderror - fifo - loadmodule "path/modulename" ... Logical expressions [missing] Operators: == =~ and/& or/| not/! Lvalues: - uri - method - src_ip - dst_ip - myself Rvalues: - string - integer - ipv4 or ipv6 address - netv4 or netv6 address - myself (matches any uri or ip address the server listens on or registered as an alias for the server) Commands: - forward - send - error [not implemented yet ] - log - exec - route/goto - drop/break - if {} else{} Modules: - loadmodule "..." - commands registered by modules