http_code);exit(); } $t = getTwitter(); $userid = $_GET['id']; $since_id = isset($_GET['since_id']) ? $_GET['since_id'] : false; $max_id = isset($_GET['max_id']) ? $_GET['max_id'] : false; if (isset($_GET['fav'])) { $statuses = $t->getFavorites($userid, $since_id, $max_id); } else { $statuses = $t->userTimeline($userid, $since_id, $max_id); } if ($statuses === false) { header('location: error.php?code='.$t->http_code);exit; } if ($t->http_code == 429) { $apiout = true; } else { $aptout = false; } $user = $t->showUser($userid); if (strcasecmp($userid,$t->username) == 0) {header('location: profile.php');exit();} $isProtected = $statuses->error == 'Not authorized.'; $r = getRelationship($user->screen_name); $isFriend = ($r & 1) != 0; $isFollower = ($r & 2) != 0; $isBlocked = ($r & 4) != 0; $isMuted = ($r & 8) != 0; if (!$isProtected) { $userinfo = array(); $userinfo['name'] = $user->name; $userinfo['screen_name'] = $user->screen_name; $userinfo['friends_count'] = $user->friends_count; $userinfo['statuses_count'] = $user->statuses_count; $userinfo['followers_count'] = $user->followers_count; $userinfo['url'] = $user->entities->url->urls[0]->expanded_url ? $user->entities->url->urls[0]->expanded_url : $user->url; $userinfo['description'] = formatText($user->description); $userinfo['location'] = $user->location; $userinfo['date_joined'] = date('Y-m-d', format_time($user->created_at)); //from dabr $userinfo['protected'] = $user->url; $userinfo['id'] = $user->id; $userinfo['image_url'] = getAvatar($user->profile_image_url); ?>
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"; } else if ($apiout) { echo "
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"; } else { $output = '
    '; $firstid = false; $lastid = false; foreach ($statuses as $status) { if (isset($status->retweeted_status)) { $output .= format_retweet($status); } else { $output .= format_timeline($status,$t->username); } if(!$firstid) $firstid = $status->id_str; $lastid = $status->id_str; } $lastid = bcsub($lastid, "1"); $output .= "
"; if ($_GET['fav'] == true) { $output .= "Back"; $output .= "Next"; } else { $output .= "Back"; $output .= "Next"; } $output .= "
"; echo $output; } }//end of if(!$isProtected) else { ?>
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