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libdevice User's Guide (PDF) - CUDA Toolkit v5.5 (older) - Last updated September 5, 2013 - Send Feedback

3.104. __nv_fast_log10f


float @__nv_fast_log10f(float %x) 


Calculate the fast approximate base 10 logarithm of the input argument x.


Returns an approximation to log 10 ( x ) .


For accuracy information for this function see the CUDA C Programming Guide, Appendix C, Table C-4.

Most input and output values around denormal range are flushed to sign preserving 0.0.

Library Availability:

Compute 2.0: Yes

Compute 3.0: Yes

Compute 3.5: Yes

libdevice User's Guide (PDF) - CUDA Toolkit v5.5 (older) - Last updated September 5, 2013 - Send Feedback