// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package korean import ( "strings" "testing" "golang.org/x/text/encoding" "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal" "golang.org/x/text/encoding/internal/enctest" "golang.org/x/text/transform" ) func dec(e encoding.Encoding) (dir string, t transform.Transformer, err error) { return "Decode", e.NewDecoder(), nil } func enc(e encoding.Encoding) (dir string, t transform.Transformer, err error) { return "Encode", e.NewEncoder(), internal.ErrASCIIReplacement } func TestNonRepertoire(t *testing.T) { // Pick n large enough to cause an overflow in the destination buffer of // transform.String. const n = 10000 testCases := []struct { init func(e encoding.Encoding) (string, transform.Transformer, error) e encoding.Encoding src, want string }{ {dec, EUCKR, "\xfe\xfe", "\ufffd"}, // {dec, EUCKR, "א", "\ufffd"}, // TODO: why is this different? {enc, EUCKR, "א", ""}, {enc, EUCKR, "aא", "a"}, {enc, EUCKR, "\uac00א", "\xb0\xa1"}, // TODO: should we also handle Jamo? {dec, EUCKR, "\x80", "\ufffd"}, {dec, EUCKR, "\xff", "\ufffd"}, {dec, EUCKR, "\x81", "\ufffd"}, {dec, EUCKR, "\xb0\x40", "\ufffd@"}, {dec, EUCKR, "\xb0\xff", "\ufffd"}, {dec, EUCKR, "\xd0\x20", "\ufffd "}, {dec, EUCKR, "\xd0\xff", "\ufffd"}, {dec, EUCKR, strings.Repeat("\x81", n), strings.Repeat("걖", n/2)}, } for _, tc := range testCases { dir, tr, wantErr := tc.init(tc.e) dst, _, err := transform.String(tr, tc.src) if err != wantErr { t.Errorf("%s %v(%q): got %v; want %v", dir, tc.e, tc.src, err, wantErr) } if got := string(dst); got != tc.want { t.Errorf("%s %v(%q):\ngot %q\nwant %q", dir, tc.e, tc.src, got, tc.want) } } } func TestBasics(t *testing.T) { // The encoded forms can be verified by the iconv program: // $ echo 月日は百代 | iconv -f UTF-8 -t SHIFT-JIS | xxd testCases := []struct { e encoding.Encoding encoded string utf8 string }{{ // Korean tests. // // "A\uac02\uac35\uac56\ud401B\ud408\ud620\ud624C\u4f3d\u8a70D" is a // nonsense string that contains ASCII, Hangul and CJK ideographs. // // "세계야, 안녕" translates as "Hello, world". e: EUCKR, encoded: "A\x81\x41\x81\x61\x81\x81\xc6\xfeB\xc7\xa1\xc7\xfe\xc8\xa1C\xca\xa1\xfd\xfeD", utf8: "A\uac02\uac35\uac56\ud401B\ud408\ud620\ud624C\u4f3d\u8a70D", }, { e: EUCKR, encoded: "\xbc\xbc\xb0\xe8\xbe\xdf\x2c\x20\xbe\xc8\xb3\xe7", utf8: "세계야, 안녕", }} for _, tc := range testCases { enctest.TestEncoding(t, tc.e, tc.encoded, tc.utf8, "", "") } } func TestFiles(t *testing.T) { enctest.TestFile(t, EUCKR) } func BenchmarkEncoding(b *testing.B) { enctest.Benchmark(b, EUCKR) }