tlan start-up and control program ================================= We create tlans by creating a loopback alias. We create a GRE tunnel between the loopback alias and the remote machine. The GRE tunnel is bridged to a vlan. So a tlan consists of a bridge, a vlan, a gre tunnel and a loopback alias. each tlan has both a name and a number associated with it. If you create large numbers of tlan's, then the name is auto-generated. It can however be changed on a per tunnel basis. The number associated with a tlan, is the same as the bridge number (i.e. br23 would be associated with tlan 23. If you do a search for a tlan, you will get the name for the tlan, if it has a name, or the index for a tlan - if that is all it has. the tlan control program has the ability to create and delete large numbers of tlans as well as destroy large numbers of tlans. tlans can be enabled and disabled as well as searched for or have individual parameters modified. The command is run like this: tlan [options] [parameters] is one of: multiadd add disable create search delete edit Parameters are provided in the form parameter=value. Help on each of the parameters for a value can be created creating tlans ==============