package wallet import ( "encoding/binary" "encoding/json" "fmt" "sort" log "" "" "" "" "" dbm "" chainjson "" "" "" "" ) const ( //TxPrefix is wallet database transactions prefix TxPrefix = "TXS:" //TxIndexPrefix is wallet database tx index prefix TxIndexPrefix = "TID:" //TxIndexPrefix is wallet database global tx index prefix GlobalTxIndexPrefix = "GTID:" ) var errAccntTxIDNotFound = errors.New("account TXID not found") func formatKey(blockHeight uint64, position uint32) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%016x%08x", blockHeight, position) } func calcAnnotatedKey(formatKey string) []byte { return []byte(TxPrefix + formatKey) } func calcDeleteKey(blockHeight uint64) []byte { return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s%016x", TxPrefix, blockHeight)) } func calcTxIndexKey(txID string) []byte { return []byte(TxIndexPrefix + txID) } func calcGlobalTxIndexKey(txID string) []byte { return []byte(GlobalTxIndexPrefix + txID) } func calcGlobalTxIndex(blockHash *bc.Hash, position uint64) []byte { txIdx := make([]byte, 40) copy(txIdx[:32], blockHash.Bytes()) binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(txIdx[32:], position) return txIdx } func parseGlobalTxIdx(globalTxIdx []byte) (*bc.Hash, uint64) { var hashBytes [32]byte copy(hashBytes[:], globalTxIdx[:32]) hash := bc.NewHash(hashBytes) position := binary.BigEndian.Uint64(globalTxIdx[32:]) return &hash, position } // deleteTransaction delete transactions when orphan block rollback func (w *Wallet) deleteTransactions(batch dbm.Batch, height uint64) { tmpTx := query.AnnotatedTx{} txIter := w.DB.IteratorPrefix(calcDeleteKey(height)) defer txIter.Release() for txIter.Next() { if err := json.Unmarshal(txIter.Value(), &tmpTx); err == nil { batch.Delete(calcTxIndexKey(tmpTx.ID.String())) } batch.Delete(txIter.Key()) } } // saveExternalAssetDefinition save external and local assets definition, // when query ,query local first and if have no then query external // details see getAliasDefinition func saveExternalAssetDefinition(b *types.Block, walletDB dbm.DB) { storeBatch := walletDB.NewBatch() defer storeBatch.Write() for _, tx := range b.Transactions { for _, orig := range tx.Inputs { if cci, ok := orig.TypedInput.(*types.CrossChainInput); ok { assetID := cci.AssetId if assetExist := walletDB.Get(asset.ExtAssetKey(assetID)); assetExist == nil { storeBatch.Set(asset.ExtAssetKey(assetID), cci.AssetDefinition) } } } } } // Summary is the struct of transaction's input and output summary type Summary struct { Type string `json:"type"` AssetID bc.AssetID `json:"asset_id,omitempty"` AssetAlias string `json:"asset_alias,omitempty"` Amount uint64 `json:"amount,omitempty"` AccountID string `json:"account_id,omitempty"` AccountAlias string `json:"account_alias,omitempty"` Arbitrary chainjson.HexBytes `json:"arbitrary,omitempty"` } // TxSummary is the struct of transaction summary type TxSummary struct { ID bc.Hash `json:"tx_id"` Timestamp uint64 `json:"block_time"` Inputs []Summary `json:"inputs"` Outputs []Summary `json:"outputs"` } // indexTransactions saves all annotated transactions to the database. func (w *Wallet) indexTransactions(batch dbm.Batch, b *types.Block, txStatus *bc.TransactionStatus) error { annotatedTxs := w.filterAccountTxs(b, txStatus) saveExternalAssetDefinition(b, w.DB) annotateTxsAccount(annotatedTxs, w.DB) for _, tx := range annotatedTxs { rawTx, err := json.Marshal(tx) if err != nil { log.WithFields(log.Fields{"module": logModule, "err": err}).Error("inserting annotated_txs to db") return err } batch.Set(calcAnnotatedKey(formatKey(b.Height, uint32(tx.Position))), rawTx) batch.Set(calcTxIndexKey(tx.ID.String()), []byte(formatKey(b.Height, uint32(tx.Position)))) // delete unconfirmed transaction batch.Delete(calcUnconfirmedTxKey(tx.ID.String())) } if !w.TxIndexFlag { return nil } for position, globalTx := range b.Transactions { blockHash := b.BlockHeader.Hash() batch.Set(calcGlobalTxIndexKey(globalTx.ID.String()), calcGlobalTxIndex(&blockHash, uint64(position))) } return nil } // filterAccountTxs related and build the fully annotated transactions. func (w *Wallet) filterAccountTxs(b *types.Block, txStatus *bc.TransactionStatus) []*query.AnnotatedTx { annotatedTxs := make([]*query.AnnotatedTx, 0, len(b.Transactions)) transactionLoop: for pos, tx := range b.Transactions { statusFail, _ := txStatus.GetStatus(pos) for _, v := range tx.Outputs { var hash [32]byte sha3pool.Sum256(hash[:], v.ControlProgram()) if bytes := w.DB.Get(account.ContractKey(hash)); bytes != nil { annotatedTxs = append(annotatedTxs, w.buildAnnotatedTransaction(tx, b, statusFail, pos)) continue transactionLoop } } for _, v := range tx.Inputs { outid, err := v.SpentOutputID() if err != nil { continue } if bytes := w.DB.Get(account.StandardUTXOKey(outid)); bytes != nil { annotatedTxs = append(annotatedTxs, w.buildAnnotatedTransaction(tx, b, statusFail, pos)) continue transactionLoop } } } return annotatedTxs } // GetTransactionByTxID get transaction by txID func (w *Wallet) GetTransactionByTxID(txID string) (*query.AnnotatedTx, error) { if annotatedTx, err := w.getAccountTxByTxID(txID); err == nil { return annotatedTx, nil } else if !w.TxIndexFlag { return nil, err } return w.getGlobalTxByTxID(txID) } func (w *Wallet) getAccountTxByTxID(txID string) (*query.AnnotatedTx, error) { annotatedTx := &query.AnnotatedTx{} formatKey := w.DB.Get(calcTxIndexKey(txID)) if formatKey == nil { return nil, errAccntTxIDNotFound } txInfo := w.DB.Get(calcAnnotatedKey(string(formatKey))) if err := json.Unmarshal(txInfo, annotatedTx); err != nil { return nil, err } annotateTxsAsset(w, []*query.AnnotatedTx{annotatedTx}) return annotatedTx, nil } func (w *Wallet) getGlobalTxByTxID(txID string) (*query.AnnotatedTx, error) { globalTxIdx := w.DB.Get(calcGlobalTxIndexKey(txID)) if globalTxIdx == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("No transaction(tx_id=%s) ", txID) } blockHash, pos := parseGlobalTxIdx(globalTxIdx) block, err := w.chain.GetBlockByHash(blockHash) if err != nil { return nil, err } txStatus, err := w.chain.GetTransactionStatus(blockHash) if err != nil { return nil, err } statusFail, err := txStatus.GetStatus(int(pos)) if err != nil { return nil, err } tx := block.Transactions[int(pos)] return w.buildAnnotatedTransaction(tx, block, statusFail, int(pos)), nil } // GetTransactionsSummary get transactions summary func (w *Wallet) GetTransactionsSummary(transactions []*query.AnnotatedTx) []TxSummary { Txs := []TxSummary{} for _, annotatedTx := range transactions { tmpTxSummary := TxSummary{ Inputs: make([]Summary, len(annotatedTx.Inputs)), Outputs: make([]Summary, len(annotatedTx.Outputs)), ID: annotatedTx.ID, Timestamp: annotatedTx.Timestamp, } for i, input := range annotatedTx.Inputs { tmpTxSummary.Inputs[i].Type = input.Type tmpTxSummary.Inputs[i].AccountID = input.AccountID tmpTxSummary.Inputs[i].AccountAlias = input.AccountAlias tmpTxSummary.Inputs[i].AssetID = input.AssetID tmpTxSummary.Inputs[i].AssetAlias = input.AssetAlias tmpTxSummary.Inputs[i].Amount = input.Amount tmpTxSummary.Inputs[i].Arbitrary = input.Arbitrary } for j, output := range annotatedTx.Outputs { tmpTxSummary.Outputs[j].Type = output.Type tmpTxSummary.Outputs[j].AccountID = output.AccountID tmpTxSummary.Outputs[j].AccountAlias = output.AccountAlias tmpTxSummary.Outputs[j].AssetID = output.AssetID tmpTxSummary.Outputs[j].AssetAlias = output.AssetAlias tmpTxSummary.Outputs[j].Amount = output.Amount } Txs = append(Txs, tmpTxSummary) } return Txs } func findTransactionsByAccount(annotatedTx *query.AnnotatedTx, accountID string) bool { for _, input := range annotatedTx.Inputs { if input.AccountID == accountID { return true } } for _, output := range annotatedTx.Outputs { if output.AccountID == accountID { return true } } return false } // GetTransactions get all walletDB transactions, and filter transactions by accountID optional func (w *Wallet) GetTransactions(accountID string) ([]*query.AnnotatedTx, error) { annotatedTxs := []*query.AnnotatedTx{} txIter := w.DB.IteratorPrefix([]byte(TxPrefix)) defer txIter.Release() for txIter.Next() { annotatedTx := &query.AnnotatedTx{} if err := json.Unmarshal(txIter.Value(), &annotatedTx); err != nil { return nil, err } if accountID == "" || findTransactionsByAccount(annotatedTx, accountID) { annotateTxsAsset(w, []*query.AnnotatedTx{annotatedTx}) annotatedTxs = append([]*query.AnnotatedTx{annotatedTx}, annotatedTxs...) } } return annotatedTxs, nil } // GetAccountBalances return all account balances func (w *Wallet) GetAccountBalances(accountID string, id string) ([]AccountBalance, error) { return w.indexBalances(w.GetAccountUtxos(accountID, "", false, false, false)) } // AccountBalance account balance type AccountBalance struct { AccountID string `json:"account_id"` Alias string `json:"account_alias"` AssetAlias string `json:"asset_alias"` AssetID string `json:"asset_id"` Amount uint64 `json:"amount"` AssetDefinition map[string]interface{} `json:"asset_definition"` } func (w *Wallet) indexBalances(accountUTXOs []*account.UTXO) ([]AccountBalance, error) { accBalance := make(map[string]map[string]uint64) balances := []AccountBalance{} for _, accountUTXO := range accountUTXOs { assetID := accountUTXO.AssetID.String() if _, ok := accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID]; ok { if _, ok := accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID][assetID]; ok { accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID][assetID] += accountUTXO.Amount } else { accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID][assetID] = accountUTXO.Amount } } else { accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID] = map[string]uint64{assetID: accountUTXO.Amount} } } var sortedAccount []string for k := range accBalance { sortedAccount = append(sortedAccount, k) } sort.Strings(sortedAccount) for _, id := range sortedAccount { var sortedAsset []string for k := range accBalance[id] { sortedAsset = append(sortedAsset, k) } sort.Strings(sortedAsset) for _, assetID := range sortedAsset { alias := w.AccountMgr.GetAliasByID(id) targetAsset, err := w.AssetReg.GetAsset(assetID) if err != nil { return nil, err } assetAlias := *targetAsset.Alias balances = append(balances, AccountBalance{ Alias: alias, AccountID: id, AssetID: assetID, AssetAlias: assetAlias, Amount: accBalance[id][assetID], AssetDefinition: targetAsset.DefinitionMap, }) } } return balances, nil } // AccountVote account vote type AccountVote struct { AccountID string `json:"account_id"` Alias string `json:"account_alias"` AssetAlias string `json:"asset_alias"` AssetID string `json:"asset_id"` Amount uint64 `json:"amount"` AssetDefinition map[string]interface{} `json:"asset_definition"` } // GetAccountVotes return all account votes func (w *Wallet) GetAccountVotes(accountID string, id string) ([]AccountVote, error) { return w.indexVotes(w.GetAccountUtxos(accountID, "", false, false, true)) } func (w *Wallet) indexVotes(accountUTXOs []*account.UTXO) ([]AccountVote, error) { accBalance := make(map[string]map[string]uint64) votes := []AccountVote{} for _, accountUTXO := range accountUTXOs { assetID := accountUTXO.AssetID.String() if _, ok := accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID]; ok { if _, ok := accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID][assetID]; ok { accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID][assetID] += accountUTXO.Amount } else { accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID][assetID] = accountUTXO.Amount } } else { accBalance[accountUTXO.AccountID] = map[string]uint64{assetID: accountUTXO.Amount} } } var sortedAccount []string for k := range accBalance { sortedAccount = append(sortedAccount, k) } sort.Strings(sortedAccount) for _, id := range sortedAccount { var sortedAsset []string for k := range accBalance[id] { sortedAsset = append(sortedAsset, k) } sort.Strings(sortedAsset) for _, assetID := range sortedAsset { alias := w.AccountMgr.GetAliasByID(id) targetAsset, err := w.AssetReg.GetAsset(assetID) if err != nil { return nil, err } assetAlias := *targetAsset.Alias votes = append(votes, AccountVote{ Alias: alias, AccountID: id, AssetID: assetID, AssetAlias: assetAlias, Amount: accBalance[id][assetID], AssetDefinition: targetAsset.DefinitionMap, }) } } return votes, nil }