OSDN Git Service
openvswitch: Add recirc and hash action.
Recirc action allows a packet to reenter openvswitch processing.
currently openvswitch lookup flow for packet received and execute
set of actions on that packet, with help of recirc action we can
process/modify the packet and recirculate it back in openvswitch
for another pass.
OVS hash action calculates 5-tupple hash and set hash in flow-key
hash. This can be used along with recirculation for distributing
packets among different ports for bond devices.
For example:
OVS bonding can use following actions:
Match on: bond flow; Action: hash, recirc(id)
Match on: recirc-id == id and hash lower bits == a;
Action: output port_bond_a
Signed-off-by: Andy Zhou <azhou@nicira.com>
Acked-by: Jesse Gross <jesse@nicira.com>
Signed-off-by: Pravin B Shelar <pshelar@nicira.com>