#undef HWC2_USE_CPP11
+#include "Hwc2TestLayer.h"
void hwc2TestHotplugCallback(hwc2_callback_data_t callbackData,
hwc2_display_t display, int32_t connected);
void hwc2TestVsyncCallback(hwc2_callback_data_t callbackData,
+ void setLayerCompositionType(hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_layer_t layer,
+ hwc2_composition_t composition, hwc2_error_t* outErr = nullptr)
+ {
+ auto pfn = reinterpret_cast<HWC2_PFN_SET_LAYER_COMPOSITION_TYPE>(
+ ASSERT_TRUE(pfn) << "failed to get function";
+ auto err = static_cast<hwc2_error_t>(pfn(mHwc2Device, display, layer,
+ composition));
+ if (outErr) {
+ *outErr = err;
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_EQ(err, HWC2_ERROR_NONE) << "failed to set layer composition"
+ " type " << getCompositionName(composition);
+ }
+ }
hwc2_function_pointer_t getFunction(hwc2_function_descriptor_t descriptor)
*outTimestamp = mVsyncTimestamp;
+ /* Calls a set property function from Hwc2Test to set a property value from
+ * Hwc2TestLayer to hwc2_layer_t on hwc2_display_t */
+ using TestLayerPropertyFunction = void (*)(Hwc2Test* test,
+ hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_layer_t layer,
+ const Hwc2TestLayer& testLayer, hwc2_error_t* outErr);
+ /* Calls a set property function from Hwc2Test to set a bad property value
+ * on hwc2_layer_t on hwc2_display_t */
+ using TestLayerPropertyBadLayerFunction = void (*)(Hwc2Test* test,
+ hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_layer_t layer,
+ const Hwc2TestLayer& testLayer, hwc2_error_t* outErr);
+ /* Calls a set property function from Hwc2Test to set a bad property value
+ * on hwc2_layer_t on hwc2_display_t */
+ using TestLayerPropertyBadParameterFunction = void (*)(Hwc2Test* test,
+ hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_layer_t layer, hwc2_error_t* outErr);
+ /* Advances a property of Hwc2TestLayer */
+ using AdvanceProperty = bool (*)(Hwc2TestLayer* testLayer);
+ /* For each active display it cycles through each display config and tests
+ * each property value. It creates a layer, sets the property and then
+ * destroys the layer */
+ void setLayerProperty(Hwc2TestCoverage coverage,
+ TestLayerPropertyFunction function, AdvanceProperty advance)
+ {
+ for (auto display : mDisplays) {
+ std::vector<hwc2_config_t> configs;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(getDisplayConfigs(display, &configs));
+ for (auto config : configs) {
+ hwc2_layer_t layer;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(setActiveConfig(display, config));
+ Hwc2TestLayer testLayer(coverage);
+ do {
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(createLayer(display, &layer));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(function(this, display, layer,
+ testLayer, nullptr));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(destroyLayer(display, layer));
+ } while (advance(&testLayer));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* For each active display it cycles through each display config and tests
+ * each property value. It creates a layer, cycles through each property
+ * value and updates the layer property value and then destroys the layer */
+ void setLayerPropertyUpdate(Hwc2TestCoverage coverage,
+ TestLayerPropertyFunction function, AdvanceProperty advance)
+ {
+ for (auto display : mDisplays) {
+ std::vector<hwc2_config_t> configs;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(getDisplayConfigs(display, &configs));
+ for (auto config : configs) {
+ hwc2_layer_t layer;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(setActiveConfig(display, config));
+ Hwc2TestLayer testLayer(coverage);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(createLayer(display, &layer));
+ do {
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(function(this, display, layer,
+ testLayer, nullptr));
+ } while (advance(&testLayer));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(destroyLayer(display, layer));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* For each active display it cycles through each display config.
+ * 1) It attempts to set a valid property value to bad layer handle.
+ * 2) It creates a layer x and attempts to set a valid property value to
+ * layer x + 1
+ * 3) It destroys the layer x and attempts to set a valid property value to
+ * the destroyed layer x.
+ */
+ void setLayerPropertyBadLayer(Hwc2TestCoverage coverage,
+ TestLayerPropertyBadLayerFunction function)
+ {
+ for (auto display : mDisplays) {
+ std::vector<hwc2_config_t> configs;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(getDisplayConfigs(display, &configs));
+ for (auto config : configs) {
+ hwc2_layer_t layer = 0;
+ hwc2_error_t err = HWC2_ERROR_NONE;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(setActiveConfig(display, config));
+ Hwc2TestLayer testLayer(coverage);
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(function(this, display, layer,
+ testLayer, &err));
+ EXPECT_EQ(err, HWC2_ERROR_BAD_LAYER) << "returned wrong error code";
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(createLayer(display, &layer));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(function(this, display, layer + 1,
+ testLayer, &err));
+ EXPECT_EQ(err, HWC2_ERROR_BAD_LAYER) << "returned wrong error code";
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(destroyLayer(display, layer));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(function(this, display, layer,
+ testLayer, &err));
+ EXPECT_EQ(err, HWC2_ERROR_BAD_LAYER) << "returned wrong error code";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* For each active display it cycles through each display config and tests
+ * each property value. It creates a layer, sets a bad property value and
+ * then destroys the layer */
+ void setLayerPropertyBadParameter(TestLayerPropertyBadParameterFunction function)
+ {
+ for (auto display : mDisplays) {
+ std::vector<hwc2_config_t> configs;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(getDisplayConfigs(display, &configs));
+ for (auto config : configs) {
+ hwc2_layer_t layer;
+ hwc2_error_t err = HWC2_ERROR_NONE;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(setActiveConfig(display, config));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(createLayer(display, &layer));
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(function(this, display, layer, &err));
+ EXPECT_EQ(err, HWC2_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETER) << "returned wrong"
+ " error code";
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(destroyLayer(display, layer));
+ }
+ }
+ }
hwc2_device_t* mHwc2Device = nullptr;
enum class Hwc2TestHotplugStatus {
+void setComposition(Hwc2Test* test, hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_layer_t layer,
+ const Hwc2TestLayer& testLayer, hwc2_error_t* outErr)
+ hwc2_composition_t composition = testLayer.getComposition();
+ hwc2_error_t err = HWC2_ERROR_NONE;
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(test->setLayerCompositionType(display, layer,
+ composition, &err));
+ if (outErr) {
+ *outErr = err;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (composition != HWC2_COMPOSITION_SIDEBAND) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(err, HWC2_ERROR_NONE) << "returned wrong error code";
+ } else {
+ << "returned wrong error code";
+ }
+bool advanceComposition(Hwc2TestLayer* testLayer)
+ return testLayer->advanceComposition();
static const std::array<hwc2_function_descriptor_t, 42> requiredFunctions = {{
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(getDisplayName(display, &name, &err));
EXPECT_EQ(err, HWC2_ERROR_BAD_DISPLAY) << "returned wrong error code";
+/* TESTCASE: Tests that the HWC2 can set basic composition types. */
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(setLayerProperty(Hwc2TestCoverage::Complete,
+ setComposition, advanceComposition));
+/* TESTCASE: Tests that the HWC2 can update a basic composition type on a
+ * layer. */
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(setLayerPropertyUpdate(Hwc2TestCoverage::Complete,
+ setComposition, advanceComposition));
+/* TESTCASE: Tests that the HWC2 cannot set a composition type for a bad layer */
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(setLayerPropertyBadLayer(Hwc2TestCoverage::Default,
+ setComposition));
+/* TESTCASE: Tests that the HWC2 cannot set a bad composition type */
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(setLayerPropertyBadParameter(
+ [] (Hwc2Test* test, hwc2_display_t display, hwc2_layer_t layer,
+ hwc2_error_t* outErr) {
+ ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(test->setLayerCompositionType(display,
+ layer, HWC2_COMPOSITION_INVALID, outErr));
+ }
+ ));