EGLContext mProducerEglContext;
+TEST_F(SurfaceTextureGLToGLTest, TransformHintGetsRespected) {
+ const uint32_t texWidth = 32;
+ const uint32_t texHeight = 64;
+ mST->setDefaultBufferSize(texWidth, texHeight);
+ mST->setTransformHint(NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_ROT_90);
+ // This test requires 3 buffers to avoid deadlock because we're
+ // both producer and consumer, and only using one thread.
+ mST->setDefaultMaxBufferCount(3);
+ // Do the producer side of things
+ EXPECT_TRUE(eglMakeCurrent(mEglDisplay, mProducerEglSurface,
+ mProducerEglSurface, mProducerEglContext));
+ ASSERT_EQ(EGL_SUCCESS, eglGetError());
+ // Start a buffer with our chosen size and transform hint moving
+ // through the system.
+ glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // give the driver something to do
+ eglSwapBuffers(mEglDisplay, mProducerEglSurface);
+ mST->updateTexImage(); // consume it
+ // Swap again.
+ eglSwapBuffers(mEglDisplay, mProducerEglSurface);
+ mST->updateTexImage();
+ // The current buffer should either show the effects of the transform
+ // hint (in the form of an inverse transform), or show that the
+ // transform hint has been ignored.
+ sp<GraphicBuffer> buf = mST->getCurrentBuffer();
+ if (mST->getCurrentTransform() == NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_ROT_270) {
+ ASSERT_EQ(texWidth, buf->getHeight());
+ ASSERT_EQ(texHeight, buf->getWidth());
+ } else {
+ ASSERT_EQ(texWidth, buf->getWidth());
+ ASSERT_EQ(texHeight, buf->getHeight());
+ }
+ // Reset the transform hint and confirm that it takes.
+ mST->setTransformHint(0);
+ eglSwapBuffers(mEglDisplay, mProducerEglSurface);
+ mST->updateTexImage();
+ eglSwapBuffers(mEglDisplay, mProducerEglSurface);
+ mST->updateTexImage();
+ buf = mST->getCurrentBuffer();
+ ASSERT_EQ((uint32_t) 0, mST->getCurrentTransform());
+ ASSERT_EQ(texWidth, buf->getWidth());
+ ASSERT_EQ(texHeight, buf->getHeight());
TEST_F(SurfaceTextureGLToGLTest, TexturingFromGLFilledRGBABufferPow2) {
const int texWidth = 64;
const int texHeight = 64;