return err;
- // For investigating b/27674961
- if (mEglSlots[slot].mEglImage == nullptr) {
- ALOGE("If you see this message in a log please post the log to "
- "b/27674961");
- ALOGE("slot = %d, mCurrentTexture = %d, mCurrentTextureImage = %p",
- slot, mCurrentTexture, mCurrentTextureImage.get());
- for (int i = 0; i < BufferQueue::NUM_BUFFER_SLOTS; i++) {
- ALOGE("mEglSlots[%d].mEglImage = %p", i,
- mEglSlots[i].mEglImage.get());
- }
- String8 dump;
- dumpLocked(dump, "");
- ALOGE("%s", dump.string());
- }
// Ensure we have a valid EglImageKHR for the slot, creating an EglImage
// if nessessary, for the gralloc buffer currently in the slot in
// ConsumerBase.