devlink_trap_action_set $trap_name "drop"
devlink_trap_stats_idle_test $trap_name
check_err $? "Stats of trap $trap_name not idle when action is drop"
+ echo "y"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/fail_trap_drop_counter_get
+ devlink -s trap show $DEVLINK_DEV trap $trap_name &> /dev/null
+ check_fail $? "Managed to read trap (hard dropped) statistics when should not"
+ echo "n"> $DEBUGFS_DIR/fail_trap_drop_counter_get
+ devlink -s trap show $DEVLINK_DEV trap $trap_name &> /dev/null
+ check_err $? "Did not manage to read trap (hard dropped) statistics when should"
+ devlink_trap_drop_stats_idle_test $trap_name
+ check_fail $? "Drop stats of trap $trap_name idle when should not"
devlink_trap_stats_idle_test $trap_name
check_fail $? "Stats of non-drop trap $trap_name idle when should not"